Tuesday, November 9, 2021

German Doctors under Hitler's Regime

"Between 1933 and 1945, the Nazis established a 'biocracy,' which ultimately murdered millions of innocent persons. Contrary to a prevalent myth, doctors were not forced to participate. Doctors and nurses had a peculiarly strong attraction to the Nazi philosophy. Nearly 50% of physicians had joined the Nazi party by 1945, much higher than any other profession, and were seven times more likely to join the SS than other employed German males. Why?

To the Nazis, the Reich (empire) was a living body, and those who did not contribute were a 'disease.' Euthanasia was 'humane' and a 'private matter' between patients and doctors. Moreover, it was 'good science,' and science was god. Legality trumped morality.

If medicine is to survive as a profession of healing, writes Ashley Fernandes (tinyurl.com/56r24t5j), physicians must affirm that the ultimate unit of value of human life is the individual person - not the collective."

- AAPS (American Association of Physicians and Surgeons) News, October 2021


  1. I wonder how this compares to contemporary doctors and nurses, especially in the US. The ones that are thinking clearly are being shunned by the majority and big Pharma.

  2. You coincidentally published this on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.

  3. As a Barefoot Doctor behind the Iron Curtain for a few years of my profession, I can attest how the medical science was modified, distorted and used to protect the communist doctrine and keep people in an oppressive state of mind. One of the tools used was the Polio epidemic, the annual Flue Epidemic and of course the compulsory vaccinations and social distancing ----- except for the rulers, who were free to come and go as they pleased! Puke on Comrade Bidet from Casa Blanca in DC who reminds me of Comrade Ceusescu with his mumbling and stumbling in public!
