Thursday, September 28, 2023

Are You Learning From History Or Repeating It?

If one ignores and manufactures history in order to fit the propagandizing narrative de jour, one is never going to learn to avoid repeating unpleasant events and outcomes. History is a great teacher if people are willing to listen to its lessons and to absorb them in a critical and logical way.

Few people today know or have learned in school, for example, that in November 1960, representatives of 81 Communist parties around the world met in Moscow and issued a Communist declaration of purpose wherein the United States was “singled out as the main enemy of communism.”  The world Communist movement’s goal was to achieve world domination. The meeting discussed the fact that “peaceful coexistence” was not possible nor desired. The strategy established 63 years ago was to attack the United States full force with constant propaganda. Those attacks finally paid off in 2023.  

Since then, communist agents sent to the U.S. and those within the Communist Party U.S.A. and other Marxist organizations have disseminated highly effective propaganda through mass media, magazines, newspapers, videos, movies, documentaries, books and pamphlets, leaflets, posters, stickers, post cards, murals, graffiti, violent protests, education, textbooks, libraries, entertainment, radio, cable news, and front organizations targeting minorities, youth, and women, the so called women’s liberation movement.

Communist propaganda turned out to be the most powerful and effective way to influence, condition, and manipulate people around the world.

Education is the medium to manipulate children from kindergarten to college. While parents think that their children are learning useful life-long skills in order to better function in society, the teachers are busy brainwashing students with communist ideology, immorality, perverse sexual acts, drag shows, transgender ideology, and other methods of destroying children’s impressionable minds without parental knowledge or approval.

The agents of Marxist organizations have entered decades ago U.S. education, the labor movement, civil rights movement, lobbies, veterans, culture, minority groups, foreign nationals with an ax to grind because they have not succeeded in reaching their American dream, youth movements, women’s groups, defense, press, radio, television, and Hollywood.

Sixty-three years later the fundamental transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic into a Marxist Oligarchy has finally been achieved.  The citizens are wondering how the globalist Marxists took over the country and the western world so fast. But it was not fast, they have been digging at the foundation of America for decades, like trickling water, until the foundation became so porous and brittle that it collapsed in a seemingly short time with very little opposition.

Communists are very patient, they work on long term plans; they even went underground in 1989 in Eastern Europe, only to regroup into the movement of today to obliterate the last opposition, the United States of America.

It took a lot of radical communist activist work at all levels of society, working in a very tolerant society like the U.S., aided and abetted by some who understood very well what they were doing and by some who were hapless useful idiots.

Infiltration into the American school system was enabled partly by the formation of the Department of Education in 1979 by the Jimmy Carter administration, and the formation of Departments of Education in every state after that.  

The dumbing down of American education did not start with the pretense of teacher certification, by selecting the worst among us to be teachers, but it was a contributing factor.  

The mainstream media spewed lies in unison, using identically imposed daily narratives, but most people only became aware of them when the Internet was developed and social media platforms sprung up.  

The Marxist academia changed the English language with many deceptive euphemisms and thus contributed immensely to public disinformation, the downfall of truth, and the transformation of reality into a Twilight Zone of fantasy.

What better way to indoctrinate into false narratives than by changing the word ‘communism’ into ‘woke’ and by using the ‘social justice,’ ‘equity,’ and the ‘white supremacy’ lies at all levels of government and the military?

We cannot all be equal, but government bureaucrats and politicians are forcing equal outcomes or ‘equity.’ It is just another fallacious narrative to please their blind followers who need ‘safe spaces,’ lack rational thoughts, and are ruled by angry emotions.

How can one live under a government turned against its own citizens and traditions? How can the legal system collapse so fast before our own eyes? How can justice be run properly if judicial positions are filled with corrupt Socialist and Marxist Democrats beholden to billionaire oligarchs who contributed financially to put them in office? By doing so, we are opening the door to repeating the worst moments in our human history.


Monday, September 25, 2023

15-Minute Cities Or Climate Lockdowns

U.N. Agenda 21/2030 is closer than ever to completion. One component, the 15-minute city/neighborhood, is being imposed in the U.S. without the informed consent and vote of the community, just as they had introduced the ICLEI membership into many parts of the U.S. decades ago.

ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) is now Local Governments for Sustainability. Environmental ‘Sustainability’ is the lynchpin of U.N. Agenda 21/2030 and ICLEI is the non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes it to local governments around the world.

ICLEI, an NGO headquartered initially in Germany (now has 20 offices around the world, including New York), sent activists to board meetings and presented regional plans and local plans with new designs for communities, without the input of the local communities affected.

People were busy, so they thought other community members voted for the mixed-use development plans to fight the imaginary global warming and therefore it had to be good. Who would not want green spaces, bike lanes, and endless parks?

NGOs vilified the developed way of life, fossil fuels, use of cars, and our mobility. But the goal turned out to be a lot more than just the greening of the planet, reducing pollution, and undependable green energy, it was about total control of every facet of human activity, the carbon footprint taxation, and the CO2 capture. The climate change industry was born when the global warming narrative proved to be just a scam.

U.N. and its affiliated green NGOs introduced five-minute walk or bike to work/school, commuting by train, mixed-use high raise tiny apartments without parking garages and businesses on the first floor to save the planet from global warming Armageddon.

Young and gentrified urban neighborhoods welcomed the plan, bike lanes were introduced everywhere with very few users. But the rest of America was not so sold on the idea because Americans live in a vast country, and they love the freedom of the road.

The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset pushed the idea of living in an expanded 15-minute neighborhood with amenities to satisfy most urbanites. They won’t call it a climate lockdown, or an expensive concentration of apartment dwellers who cannot leave their area and intrude on other areas without a penalty. Those are details that are not specifically addressed. If they did, few would love the idea.

The WEF is introducing it as the “biggest urban ideas to emerge from the pandemic, the 15-minute city or 15-minute neighborhood,” imagined by the Colombian-French urbanist Carlos Moreno, the son of a Colombian farmer, now a professor in France. Moreno was a member of the left-wing M-19 movement when he fled Colombia at the age of 20. He is an advisor to the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, a Spanish-French politician who is a member of the Socialist Party.

In 2020 Moreno published two articles “Urban life and proximity at the time of Covid-19” in Editions de l’Observatoire, and “Droit de Cite, de la ville-monde a la ville du quart d’heure” (Freedom of the city, from the world city to the city of the quarter of an hour), in Editions de l’Observatoire.

Moreno’s idea is that everything you need to live, i.e., shops, schools, work, doctor’s offices, parks, libraries, restaurants, and everything else that makes life worth living is located within “a short 15-minute walk or bike ride from home.” The neighborhood zone becomes an ‘isochrone.’

What is an isochrone (iso=same, chrone=time)? Isochrones are maps that show the areas you can reach within a travel time limit. The only difference between a forced camp and these zones is the fact that camps had tall walls and locked gates, but the 15-minute neighborhood zone has electronic gates and cameras that take your picture and fine you later.

Having lived under communism for twenty years, I understand the limitations of city travel, of village travel, and the limited travel radius within and without the city or village that we were allowed by the government and by our own facility to travel, given the limited modes of transportation at our disposal, walking, bike, train, or buses vis-à-vis our limited means to buy ticket prices or monthly subsidized passes. Permission had to be sought to move from place to place if a person stayed more than a week in a relative’s home. And nobody could move from any village to the nearest city without government permission.

One must parcel the 15-minute city into small spaces. Who needs so much space? Who needs a car and parking spaces? You can’t find what you need in the 15-minute neighborhood? Too bad, you can only leave your zone so many times a year without having to pay a fine. There will be e-gates that will monitor your cars if you leave and there will be facial recognition software taking your picture as you drive away to see your sister who happens to live in the next parceled zone, both controlled by e-gates.

Fifteen-minute cities or neighborhoods to save the planet from climate change Armageddon? It is a climate lockdown and the excuse is CO2, the gas of plant life. Ask Katie Hopkins.

The city of Oxford, she said, will be divided into six parts. “You will only have the freedom to operate in the part that you live in.” If you want to go out of your zone, you will have to go out on an approved route on the outside of the city to re-enter another section of the city.” You will not be allowed to cross other zones. If you do, electronic gates and facial recognition will know that you have crossed an unauthorized zone. You can apply for permission to visit another zone, but you will only be allowed to do this 100 times per year. The Oxford Council passed this monstrosity, and it will be implemented within two years. The fine for going over the allowed visits on your pass is £100, $122.43.

The half-baked idea of 15-minute cities was sold because cars pollute, you must hunt for a parking space, CO2 is bad for the planet even though it is the gas of plant life and without it, we can’t grow much food nor get oxygen from CO2-absorbing trees that produce oxygen.

Melbourne already jumped on the wagon with 800-meter radius communities.

Portland’s Climate Action Plan “calls for more vibrant neighborhood in which 90% of the resident can walk or bike to fulfill their daily needs.”

People already know what a mess Portland is in, yet they are proposing to spend $750 million on a climate action plan.

Paris, with its mayor Anne Hidalgo and her advisor Carlos Moreno, has been pushing the idea since 2020 – promote active mobility instead of cars. Car speed is 30 km/hr., cars are banned along the Seine one Sunday each month, and bike lanes will be installed on every street by 2024.

What a kumbaya these 15-minutes of freedom cities/neighborhoods will be! Mixed-used developments, no parking, no cars, residences (notice how they don’t call them apartments or homes), schools, shops, doctors, restaurants stand side by side in “diverse neighborhoods.” The new model for the larger city has “devolved into small, repeating parts.”

But America is a “suburban nation” and WEF recognizes that the concept is not a good fit. Perhaps Manhattan or Brooklyn, parts of Boston and Cambridge, but the rest of America can only have the 15-minute city by car. The 15-minute city meets human needs but leaves desires wanting | World Economic Forum (

What about the non-affluent neighborhoods where theft and crime are rampant, where businesses are closing shops and leaving? Where do they fit in the new grand scheme of reengineering humanity?

What about small towns spread out and villages? How are they going to parcel them out? And who is policing the comings and goings of residents and administering fines? And how is every ‘climate lockdown zone’ going to acquire doctors, hospitals, clinics, cinemas, museums, theaters, operas, universities, schools?




Wednesday, September 20, 2023

What Does Globalism Mean?

In a world now controlled by a few ultra rich people, what does globalism mean? Are we the people going to be better off economically, healthier, happier, and live longer? Will we be able to sit idly by each day while all our needs will be provided by someone else and it will be free? It is certainly what the new generations are expecting – everything free while they are busy on their Instagram influencing.

Globalism was initially explained to people as “integrating economies across national lines,” allowing all of us to prosper economically no matter where we lived.  Things were cheaper to produce overseas, people there needed jobs, labor was very cheap, there was no EPA regulation, and thus advantageous for our greedy corporations. Some of us did invest into corporate stocks and bonds and we shared in the spoils of having cheaper goods produced.  We were then free to make other goods which we traded with the world. But China and other countries did not play fair in their trading with us.

This globalism turned out to be very sour grapes for the average American. People in America were displaced and impoverished by the loss of jobs moved overseas and potential future investment which were made in China and Mexico instead of the U.S., while the rich plutocrats became richer.  The environment of poor countries became more polluted.

But globalism changed, it is no longer about the economy, it is an “ideology that overrules all institutions, national policies, and traditions.” Globalism now, as “practiced by the European Union and Washington, revises history to align with whatever narrative they are spinning, and to police the world that has surrendered its sovereignty and their rights to a small group of people. “Our Bill of Rights will be thrown out and redefined,” said Col. Douglas Macgregor at the Ron Paul Institute. “History, culture, and national identity are destroyed.”

We did shop for cheaper and cheaply made in China products at Walmart, while mom and pop stores were put out of business because they could not compete with Walmart prices. Was it worth it?

Then came Amazon and more small and medium-sized stores and malls closed because they could not compete with their prices and free delivery.

Government imposed lockdowns followed due to Covid and more companies and stores closed because they were not essential. The mRNA virus was so shrewd that it knew to avoid liquor stores, which were so essential to people’s mental survival in a stupor as they were forced to mask up even in parks, follow an arrowed path in stores, and socially distance themselves from life and reality.

We became grocery store cashiers without any training nor pay, properties began to be confiscated by private entities through eminent domain, homes were lost to banks since income became sporadic, and inflation skyrocketed due to purposeful fossil fuels executive orders and monetary policies of the Biden administration which was meant to throw more Americans into the poor house.

But now globalism has morphed into something more sinister. It is a top down control of every facet of our lives dictated by the U.N., the World Economic Forum, EU, and a few influential plutocrats like Bill Gates, George Soros, and other tech billionaires who want to control everything, health, education, life, death, food, private property, land, social behavior, transportation, agriculture, cattle, hog, and chicken farming, meat consumption, travel distances, means of conveyance, medical care, massive movement of people, immigration, and even climate.

These technocrats know what is best for 8 billion people; they determined that there are too many of us and we must be brought down to size, to one billion people or less. To achieve that goal, they are willing to use any methods necessary including forcible and untested vaccines, infanticide at nine months of gestation, and euthanasia for all ages.

Taking cash out of circulation and forcing digital currencies across the globe will facilitate easier control of people’s lives through denial of services, food, travel, medical care, energy, all recorded with social scores for undesired behavior that a state disapproves of. They are using the Chinese model.

It will be interesting to see how banks will create money and how the velocity of circulation of money will be affected as digital transactions are instantaneous. There won’t be any printing of fiat currency and grandma won’t be able to stash mad money in the mattress for rainy days or for her grandchildren. The underground economy that pays no taxes will disappear completely.

What will happen to people who have poor social scores with the technocracy, will they be denied food and services? People who live in the country will be able to grow their own food should they find seeds or should they be able to control pests without pesticides.

People will revert to feudal bartering to survive but how that will work out in a huge city with a few million inhabitants remains to be seen. They can’t grow much and there are few tangible and desired assets to be bartered when one is starving, needs meds, is cold, and in the dark. One cannot eat gold, jewelry, fancy clothes, shoes, purses, furniture, and other belongings. Many will die from lack of medicines and medical care.

The problem with bartering is something called the coincidence of wants. How fast can you find a person willing and able to barter with you and how far must you travel? Would you have a way to get there and back? How far can you or are you willing to walk?

Cars can’t run without gasoline and this regime is purposefully driving the price of gas through the roof in order to install its green energy, solar panels, and wind turbines. What happens when the wind stops blowing, large hail beats down on solar panels, and the sun does not shine? And what happens when the kill switches in conventional cars will be activated in 2025 to save the planet from the narrative of carbon footprint Armageddon?

Europe is facing right now the uncertainty of insufficient heating fuel and natural gas. Rich countries like Germany and Austria are chopping wood for heating while other countries are standing in line to get coal directly from the mines. Austria has shortages of antibiotics, food is through the roof and rent and energy prices are confiscatory.

The globalist policies are negatively affecting all western nations that have foolishly signed onto the Net Zero policy of 2030 and closed down all sources of cheap fossil fuel energy and replaced it with very expensive, inadequate, and insufficient green energy.

Perhaps you can be enterprising like the man in Holland who modified his bicycle to seat five small children, but how safe is it, and how long will you be able to hold on to such ridiculous mode of transportation?



Monday, September 18, 2023

Persecution Is Multi-Faceted

Persecution comes in many forms: persecution for religious beliefs, persecution by the police state, for those who do not follow the party line, persecution for ideology, persecution for personal beliefs in regard to one’s body, and persecution based on racial identification.

The mainstream propaganda machine organizes persecution into four broad categories, religious, ethnic, political, and social.

Examples of persecution include:

-          Persecution of Jews by the Nazi regime (the social democrats)

-          Covid-19 gave governments the excuse for religious persecution (relief discrimination, forced conversions, and justification for more surveillance

-          Christians are treated poorly by the Islamic State

-          Persecution of political dissidents

-          Persecuting racial groups and other minorities

-          Physical and mental violence

-          Persecution through denial of judicial redress, basic human rights, and humanitarian aid.

-          Armenians were persecuted and killed in Turkey, resulting in an Armenian genocide that is yet to be addressed properly by Turkey.

-          Communists and the Nazis persecuted gypsies and homosexuals across Europe, throwing them in concentration camps and prisons.

-          Stalin persecuted Ukrainian farmers which he called “kulaks” (wealthy peasants in Russia). He caused the Great Famine (Holodomor) of 1932-1933, entirely man-made, which resulted in the killing of almost four million Ukrainians who resisted his collectivization. There was no basis for famine in 1932-1933, there were plenty of crop yields to sustain life, but Stalin sent the Soviets to requisition huge quotas of crops which left the Ukrainian peasants starving.

-          Christians in Africa were persecuted by the Muslims and many were killed.

Persecution can be expressed as outright confiscation of property through eminent domain, confiscation by brute force in communist regimes, destruction of property such as burning, followed by confiscation, exclusion from society by marginalization and pariah status, arrests, incitement of hatred and violence against a specific group or person, prison, beatings, torture, murder, and execution.

Religious persecution is widespread. Not even the formerly constitutionally protected United States is free of religious persecution and examples are many. Most recently, churches in North America were not allowed to meet during the policed Covid lockdowns and priests and parishioners were jailed and fined for attending church.

As United States accelerates its advance to global communism, religious persecution will spread fast just as it did during the former socialist republics, Soviet satellites where the Communist Party ruled, pressing their heavily armed boots on the neck of the hapless and unarmed citizens.

Religion will suffer a similar fate as it did in former or current communist states.  Religious communities of the Christian faith will dwindle, seminaries will be restricted in the number of attendants, church building permits will be reduced, churches will be demolished, burned, or sold as mosques, and pastors may not be given the state license to preach. Churches will be controlled by the government and the lives of families of the Judeo-Christian faith and of their children will be made difficult and avenues for advancement will shrink or be closed for them.

One glaring example of persecution of the faithful happened in 1972 and 1981. Twenty thousand Bibles were promised to the Reformed Church (ethnic Hungarians located in Transylvania). Two shipments were sent in 1972 and 1981 as promised. According to former Ambassador to Romania, David B. Funderburk, … “fewer than two hundred out of the promised twenty thousand were actually delivered to the churches. Instead, pieces of the Bibles appeared in toilet paper made at a factory in Braila. The Rev. Dr. Alexander Havadtoy of Yale University has meticulously documented this blasphemy. Interspersed throughout strips of toilet paper which made their way to the West were letters and words from the Bibles of the type sent to Romania.” The toilet paper samples were presented at press conferences in the U.S. (Pinstripes and Reds, David B. Funderburk, Edwards & Broughton Company, 1987, p. 85)

Such human desecration did not diminish God and Bibles were eventually replaced after the “fall” of communism, following the December Revolution in Romania and the destruction of the infamous Berlin Wall built by East Germany, the socialist republic under the wing of the Soviets. Funny how nobody rushed to defect to the oppressive communist East but plenty have succeeded or have died trying to flee to the freedom of the capitalist West.

But has communism truly fell? Did it not go underground, regrouped, and re-emerged more powerful than ever around the world from Switzerland, of all places, the country that does not confer citizenship easily or generously to anybody, yet they are influencing the flood of illegal immigration and communism around the world.

Whatever Christian religion the communist police state allowed to exist in the socialist republics ruled by the iron fist of the Communist Party, that religion and those priests had to be active agents of the police state and to control the faithful with lies and platitudes such as, “if you listen to the father and the mother of this country [the dictator and his wife], then nothing bad would happen to you.” Translation, be quiet, endure the poverty, the misery, and you will live. You will receive your daily indenture to communism via long lines at the grocery stores, bread stores, pharmacies, and hospitals.

Dissident priests were often persecuted, disappeared, tortured, and killed. The West ignored the deaths or made cursory mention of such tragic events.

The Jews in Romania had a unique situation when compared to the other socialist countries ruled by the Communist Party. Ceausescu had made a deal with Israel to allow Jews to emigrate in exchange for payments per head. Israel even had an embassy in Bucharest. According to Funderburk, “Before WWII, there were nearly one million Jews in Greater Romania, but by the end of the war and due to territorial losses, the number was cut in half. By 1987, 25,000 Jews were left and were mostly elderly but much better off economically due to assistance from groups in Israel and the U.S.

As part of the U.S.-Romanian Trade Agreement of 1975, 2,500-3,000 Romanians a year were allowed to emigrate. The rest, who were denied visas, were persecuted by the communist police state.

Political persecutions around the world and across the centuries were too many to mention. The most recent in history is the constant six-year long persecution of President Donald J. Trump by his rivals in the Democrat Party, in the mainstream media, and in the Republican establishment.

Philosophers, artists, actors, revolutionaries, scientists, heads of states, military leaders, writers, priests, and activists have been persecuted by their opposition or by a police state, or a tyrant drunk on power. If we allow such persecutions to persist, unchecked, the state will force us to live in a world not unlike Orwell's 1984.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Propaganda Always Ends Badly

Language is a very powerful tool in the propaganda war machine that nefarious individuals unleashed upon the world with the promise that they were going to make their lives freer, richer, happier, and easier. Under the guise of cleverly worded and false narratives, masses across the centuries have been misled to march toward disastrous outcomes that took many lives and a long time to reverse if ever.

Take for instance the current weaponization of language around the globe where reality and biology are being attacked for political purposes and rational, logical people are required to accept the insanity of a few or they become societally marginalized, and potentially lose their jobs.

Linda Goudsmit wrote that …” language is weaponized, and perversion of pronouns in the English language has a particularly destructive political purpose.” That purpose is to destroy the individual, to force them to identify as the collective; “they, them, theirs,” is chosen instead of I, me, mine.

Choosing such grammatically incorrect pronouns is not about respecting and accepting those who are odd in their behavior or who suffer from dysphoria. It is a push for the collective.  The drive towards communism could not be clearer. The Latin word “communis” which communism is derived from, means “shared,” “in common, collective.” The uniqueness of each individual is destroyed because all are forced to share the same thoughts and goals of the community, and no more individuality is allowed, it is forbidden.

The goal of destroying all children’s sexual identity, letting them transgender without their parents’ knowledge, aside from taking away the parental rights and their children’s ability to reproduce, is to turn them into slaves to the one-world government.

Globalist “values” and perverted sexuality are to be accepted as the new normal. This reality of the new normal will be turned into social policy, after which these insane norms become the law of the land in each country. Should you break this law, you are to be punished. It is already suggested by millennials that those who “misgender” them should be jailed because it is “hate speech.” Just asking questions can become hate speech and thus punishable by law.

Not even Trotsky, Lenin, and Stalin could devise a more devious way to enslave the masses through language and propaganda. After the successful Soviet Revolution in 1917, they declared their intent to establish a world communist society. They used propaganda and historical deception to convince the rest of the world to adopt communism. To that end, the international communist movement in other countries became an adjunct to Soviet policy.

A drive was launched by the international communist movement against “social fascism” as an effort by Stalin to eliminate the “right-wing” rivals in the Soviet Union. He had already eliminated the “left-wing” rivals. The Comintern (Communist International) instructed all the communist parties around the world to begin an attack against “social fascism.”

What was “social fascism”? It was an invented theory that social democracy was a variant of fascism which stood in the way of the dictatorship of the proletariat and advocated for a “shared corporatist economic model.”

Stalin saw the social democrats and the fascist forces as being in the way of his communist proletariat’s revolution. He launched an intense language propaganda to achieve his goals. Germany bought Stalin’s propaganda without question and the communists, and the socialists fought each other while Hitler’s fascists became more powerful. Eventually Hitler destroyed both the communists and the socialists in Germany.  

Only when Stalin realized his terrible role in the development of fascism in the world, did he change his ill-advised policy.  In 1935 all communist parties around the world adopted a united front tactic to fight fascism.

The Communist Party USA infiltrated and organized groups in their prime target, the “intellectuals.” When the communists used the word “intellectuals,” they meant teachers, writers, artists, scientists, doctors, and entertainers. With their help communism grew exponentially in the U.S.

The Soviet Union exported and built their brand of communism into countries around the world using propaganda language, financial assistance, apparatchiks, technology bribes, and other means. Soviet communism became a form of communist imperialism built on human misery and suffering.

According to communist dogma, the communist expansion had to continue until world communism was achieved and “true peace prevailed throughout the world.” What they really meant to do was to crush all opposition and then rule with an iron fist on a heap of helpless people.

Today, it is not Russia ruling over the world with an iron fist as Stalin had envisioned, it is corporatist billionaires and their NGOs.  Their goal is one world governance by the ultra-rich, bankrupting everyone else into poverty, and reducing population to a “manageable size” determined by billionaires who know what is best for humans and for the planet.



Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Last Day of Summer Swimming

Today is the last day of summer for our neighborhood pool but you could not tell by the blazing sun and the hot temperatures in the upper nineties for the entire week. But the pool is closing tomorrow. My sky-blue liquid heaven will empty its content for the winter after the dog swim on Saturday.

The water was warmer today and families started showing up with their kids in tow, squealing with delight when the lifeguard turned on the huge blue mushroom, cascading water like a waterfall for the kids of all ages to play, including my husband.

Peter, the best lifeguard of all, hailing from Slovenia with his lovely girlfriend, was doing his daily job of vacuuming the pool, the pool that, thanks to his hard work, sparked all summer long. An hour later, a gust of wind blew new dead leaves from the nearby forest, floating like tiny brown and yellow fallen wings. They flew and danced in the air momentarily before landing in the crystal-clear shimmering water.

I am going to miss my watery paradise and so is my hubby who joined me on weekends. We did our water aerobics religiously every day, unless it rained, or we were out of town.  I swam in the deeper end while he floated and dog paddled, waiting for the 15-minute break whistle when everyone had to come out of the pool so that lifeguards could take a break. The pool is quite large and, whoever is on duty, must scan constantly a large surface for all the kids floating and playing in the deeper end.

The pool is just two streets from our home and, most mornings, I was the only one swimming at 11 a.m. It felt like it was my own pool but without the trouble of having to maintain it. It is the only time I can say that I got our money’s worth from paying the steep HOA fees.

Water aerobics and swimming are good forms of exercise for everyone. As we age, it is very important to maintain our muscle mass, especially in the legs. Sarcopenia is very dangerous and a real threat. Exercising in water is much easier and it uses muscles that otherwise would be impossible to target in a gym, without using highly specific exercise machines.

I shall miss my five-foot-deep pool, its privacy provided by the lush forest nearby, the blue mushroom with the waterfall, and the yellow flowers that attracted the tiny gold finches almost daily until the beautiful flowers turned to seeds. It was fun to save the frogs who jumped in the pool every morning for a swim and could not escape the slippery tiles without our human intervention. It was certainly fun chasing them around the pool with a fishing net.

Goodbye summer fun, hello beautiful fall foliage!

September 4, 2023

Note: The photo is not our actual pool.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Build Back Better in the Marxist Vision

Roman lead pipes
Photo: Ileana Johnson
Every Marxist Democrat has repeated the mantra, “build back better.” The phrase sounds innocuous but it actually means destroying everything that is good in this country and world-wide and build it back in the globalist image. Whether you like this image or  not, remains to be seen. Klaus Schwab, however, assured us that “we will own nothing and be happy.” WEF_Building_Back_Better_2020.pdf (

We don’t have to stray far to see their intent. There are hundreds of documents issued by various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) funded with taxpayer dollars and money from various billionaire foundations with an interest to control the world and assert their power over the planet’s citizens.

Add United Nations with its numerous organizations that pretend to care about the planet, but their only intent is to redistribute the economic wealth of the west and to impoverish everyone to the point that they are entirely dependent on a few and powerful for their existence and survival.

Biden’s Declaration of North America is just the latest document in a long line of documents that claim to save the world from real and imagined racism, bigotry, homophobia, the imaginary global warming caused by CO2, the gas of plant life, and from weather (sometimes amplified by unnatural weather modification means), and the natural climate change that has occurred for millennia due to solar flare activity or lack thereof, oceanic currents, and massive volcanic eruptions both in the air and under the sea. Declaration of North America (DNA) | The White House

What is the point of the Declaration of North America (DNA), issued on January 10, 2023, and signed by President Obrador of Mexico, President Biden, and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada in Mexico City at the North American Leaders’ Summit (NALS)? “The leaders are determined to fortify our region’s security, prosperity, sustainability and inclusiveness through commitments across six pillars:”

1)      diversity, equity, and inclusion – this begs the question, how is adding millions of illegals to our country’s population improves our already diverse population, who must now pay upwards of $2,200 per illegal each month from the already strained Social Security funds that these illegals have never contributed to, while American citizens, of diverse ethnic, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds, only receive an average of $1,400 per month in Social Security benefits after a life-long of work and contributions into the system?

2)      climate change and the environment – how is paying more taxes, higher gas prices, higher food and energy bills, living without heat and air conditioning, without gas stoves, and other amenities, is going to improve the environment and the climate and for whose benefit, if there are “zero carbon emissions”?

3)      competitiveness – how competitive are these new arrivals when they seem to only be interested in a better economic life improved by the generous welfare system and not through work?

4)      migration and development – how is migration going to spur on development when illegals are housed in abandoned buildings and neighborhoods that are already economically strapped?

5)      Health – how is in-taking illegals into the American society, giving them a cursory medical exam, and then flying them around the country into unsuspecting neighborhoods, carrying with them diseases endemic to the areas they came from such as tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, polio, cholera, diphtheria, smallpox, acute respiratory syndrome, improving our population’s health?  

Southern Texas Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera said: “What’s coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chicken pox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, and different viruses.”

6)      regional security

The Declaration of North America (DNA) explains:

In regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the DNA states that they will protect the civil rights and promote racial justice for marginalized communities, protecting LBGTQ individuals, focusing on tribal women and girls. They want to make sure that they deliver “equitable outcomes to all.” The implication is that all humans have the same ability and regardless of effort, they will be rewarded the same as someone smarter who applies himself and herself and studies and works harder. The DNA commits to “gender equality and empowerment of women and girls, in all their diversity by aiming to improve financial and political support for women’s and girl’s rights.”  This is not true as women and girls have to compete with men pretending to be women and these girls lose scholarships and other financial gains to men with muscles built by testosterone. Girls are not protected, as rapes occur in locker rooms, in transit to the U.S., and girls in the locker rooms forced to undress in front of males.

In regard to climate change and environment, the DNA claims that they will “keep a 1.5-degree temperature limit within reach,” as well as “achieving our respective 2030 nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement.”  Not exactly sure what this temperature is within reach and who determined “our respective 2030 nationally determined contributions.” Have the citizens of the U.S. voted on this, or did we all miss the voting? And how and who will estimate “the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions,” and which individuals or groups will “come together to align approaches on estimating the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions?”

Making more efforts to “mitigate climate,” the signatory countries will focus on “waste methane” from all sources. For clean energy, the signatories will develop standards for hydrogen as a “regional source of clean energy.” They will increase production and adoption of zero-emission vehicles in North America.

The DNA states that biodiversity must be protected at all costs, deforestation must end, and 30 percent of the world’s land and waters must be conserved by 2030.

In regard to competitiveness, the three countries focus on forging “stronger regional supply chains,” target investments in key industries such as semiconductors and electric vehicle batteries and mapping out supply chains.

To bring about the pie in the sky clean energy, critical mineral resources must be mapped out. Sadly, the need for mineral resources needed for this clean energy are located elsewhere around the globe. The DNA focus will be on “high-tech entrepreneurship, promote small and medium-sized enterprises, and strengthen technical education.” Not a word about agriculture and who is going to grow the food that we need, they will bioengineer it.

On the topic of migration and development, the signatories of the DNA rave about labor mobility and how the three countries have “collectively welcomed record numbers of migrants and refugees from the Western Hemisphere under new and expanded labor and humanitarian programs.” Unfortunately, the millions who have invaded the southern border are not exactly here to work, they are benefitting from the welfare system in our country and have been inserted into communities and lost. Human trafficking has exploded, the cartels from Mexico control the flood of illegals, and it is a sad humanitarian crisis.

The border patrols are no longer controlling the border, they are intake officers of the flood of illegals arriving non-stop from countries around the world. As a recent visitor to McAllen, Texas border stated, one large tent the size of a football field provides illegals with food, bath, a medical exam, and clean clothes. They are then given a plane ticket to wherever they want to fly; he added that on his flight from McAllen, half of the plane was full of illegals. And the one intake station operational cost is staggering, $29 million a month, he said.

These people will never show up seven years later for a court meeting with a judge, the children go to adults they don’t even know, and they never integrate into society nor learn English in the communities where the DNA claims that provides “migrant and refugee integration.” The “refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants” are not protected despite of what this document claims.

Sanctuary cities that welcome illegals with open arms such as Chicago and New York are now unable to deal with the large number of illegal immigrants dumped overnight into their communities, immigrants who are taking over their neighborhoods. The Democrat cities loathe “xenophobia and discrimination against illegals and refugees” but are upset about the crime wave and overall destruction of their communities. The worst affected are the women and unaccompanied children.  As cities struggle to house migrants, Biden administration resists proposals that officials say could help - CBS News

In regard to health, the DNA document promises that the trilateral health cooperation will “launch an updated North American Plan for Animal and Pandemic Influenza (NAPAP) to improve prevention, preparedness, agility, and to provide rapid response to health emergencies in North America.” One wonders who will be in charge of writing and launching such a plan and how many freedoms Americans will lose in the process.

Regional security focuses on cyber threats but view “human rights and the rule of law” as most important. DNA promises to disrupt money laundering, child sexual exploitation, firearms and human trafficking. They are taking a “consistent approach to the collection, use, processing, retention, and protection of Passenger Name Record (PNR)” and advocate for “the global adoption of standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization on PNR data.”

The North American Drug Dialogue will “continue in regard to the growing global synthetic drug threat.” It sounds like lip service as the southern border is wide open and controlled by the drug cartels, human trafficking continues unabated, and human rights and the rule of law have become an illusion.