Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Driven by Fear

“Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity.” – Thomas Sowell

Fear is a powerful emotional reaction, rational and irrational. The dictionary defines fear as “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.”

Fear is ingrained in our human behavior and in animals’ survival instinct. Fear is considered by psychologists a “negative” emotion that can and will often cloud reasoning and common sense and will drive humans and animals alike to behave often in ways that are counterproductive to survival or to a positive outcome.

Animals can detect fear in other animals by smell, sight, and hearing. Scientists have shown that animals smell fear via certain chemicals. Some creatures are better sighted than others, but the hearing is always many times better than humans.

The common elements of fear in humans are the perception of danger (which triggers a response), the seriousness of the danger (the risk of survival or non-survival), and how imminent is the danger (right now or later).

To avoid the unpleasant potential outcomes of fear, we mitigate fear by developing coping mechanisms such as denial, avoidance, and submission. Everyone is unique in her or his response to fear and how they mitigate specific elements of it.

The primary reason millions of people lined up like sheep to get their inoculations, even fighting with those who were deemed by the government as first in line, was fear – fear of death, fear of losing their jobs, fear of being unable to travel to their favorite destinations, fear of being rejected and ostracized at work, fear of not being allowed to shop for food, to enter a doctor’s office, to enter a hospital to get treatment, to eat in a restaurant, go to school, and many others.

In 2020, the abject fear of one virus had become the dominant force driving humanity’s lives, social interaction, and the distance and numbers allowed in any one spot. For many humans, this abject fear still controls their lives to the exclusion of all else.

The government was glad to use fear to control the population, to control elections, to control the economy, to control human interaction, to control religion, flying, schooling, vacations, parks, woods, beaches, concerts, which direction people walked or lined up in order to gain access in public life, to control which businesses stayed closed and which remained open, which jobs were essential and which weren’t, etc.

Fear still drives many Americans to wear masks while in the ocean, while walking alone on the beach, in a forest, on a deserted street, in their own cars alone, and when eating in a restaurant with their spouse. One wonders if they wear the masks to bed.

Fear fuels negative transformations, but it can also fuel positive ones. Once a child accidentally touches a hot plate and suffers a burn, the fear of that pain teaches him/her to never touch something hot or boiling.

Children tend to be fearless; adults harbor a serious dose of fear based on experience, knowledge, or lack thereof, and senior citizens are superlatively fearful because their very existence can be threatened by the wrong physical move.

Fear is triggered by dark places, strange and sudden noises, heights, depths, flying, social interaction/rejection, public speaking, snakes, spiders, rats, mice, scorpions, bears, tigers, gators, abandonment, getting lost at sea, getting lost in the desert, death, dying, drowning, avalanches, choking, disease, contagions, cancer, and many others.

Fear can be exacerbated by unexplainable phobias and severe anxiety with no apparent cause.

Movies use scare tactics to induce fear in viewers – grotesque masks, makeup, frightening music in anticipation of attacks, and other methods. It was reported, for example, that some viewers of the silent film The Phantom of the Opera fainted in theaters when the character’s mask was removed.

Daily scare tactics of a powerful person on a White House platform, issuing dire warnings against not wearing a mask or not social distancing, worked very well as proven by the Covid-19 public fear.

Public service announcements (PSAs) with manufactured consensus science worked very well as a tool of fear mongering.

Fear may or may not increase the chance of survival. The most recent example of this perception was the face mask still required in some places and still worn voluntarily by people two years after the Covid-19 pandemic. This fear is irrational as masks were not effective in controlling the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Walter Canon described in the early twentieth century the “flight-or-fight” response to fear. Human reactions to fear are fight, freeze, faint, and flee.

Neuroscientist Joseph Ledoux wrote that humans are different from animals in perceiving fear because they perceive it as a feeling. The amygdala appears to be the “fear center of the brain.”

Research found that two types of neurons are responsible for fear response:

-      Flight is triggered by activation of cells which express corticotropin 

-      Freezing is triggered by activation of cells which express somatostatin

“The researchers suggest that we can switch rapidly between responses to ensure the highest chance of survival.” The Four Types of Fear - Foundation for Conscious Living

Media and government-driven fear of massive population die-off was used to control billions of people who were forced into untested, multiple “vaccinations” despite the mounting injuries and deaths. When that fear was not enough to inject everyone with highly experimental gene-therapy shots, government strict quarantine and massive job-firings for non-compliance were used. World-wide bureaucrats learned from this two-year experiment that abject fear can be effective in population control but destroys the world’s economies and irreparably alters their lives forever.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Making of a Tyrant

Ceausescu giving a propaganda speech
It does not take a tremendous education to become a socialist tyrant/dictator - just a resume full of social justice activism from an early age, protests in the streets, some peaceful, some violent, a few arrests, an adoring media, financial support from the right movers and shakers, and a pliant and adoring group of supporters who share the potential tyrant’s ideology. Once they give him unfettered power with the help of the media, corrupt politicians, and the military, the sky is the limit.

A socialist/communist tyrant has an excessive ego unparalleled by any other human. His single-mindedness is focused only on the aims of the Socialist/Communist Party, their power, and rule. To achieve these goals, getting rid of opponents/enemies, by any means necessary, is essential. A tyrant does not value human life the same way most humans do. He emboldens his followers and turns them into cults of destruction and even death.

The tyrant equates himself with the country he represents. In his myopic eyes, he is great because he is the “father of the country” and has made everybody’s lives better such as greater wealth, medical care, schooling, while society around him is usually wallowing in misery and despair. He is convinced that, if people are not grateful for his regime, it is because they do not understand the common good and must be forced into it.

The tyrant is eager to erase the past, to destroy historical records, statues, rare documents, monuments, constitutions, its culture and heritage, manufacturing a new history and,  in doing so, the tyrant constructs a new man, dumbed down, frightened into compliance, poorly educated, and a society dependent on the Democrat/Socialist/Communist Party which requires absolute adulation and total submission.

The tyrant sees himself as the “creator of thought,” the builder of a new country, the one who has the right “vision,” who will “build back better” once the old world is torn down. We are not exactly sure how, why, what, and when “things” will be built back better and compared to what. It is heresy to question the tyrant, and nobody is allowed to do so.

The tyrant is the admired “hero” whose praises are sung by a terrified into submission populace, afraid of their own shadows. The people who depend on a paycheck know that anything less than total obedience spells disaster and a short trip to the nearest gulag and/or ostracization from society, expulsion from school, and job loss.

Even the tyrant’s wife is paid undeserved homage. Ceausescu, for example, the tyrant/dictator people had to submit to for years, was married to a “brilliant scientist, a world-renowned person of learning, a Communist leader, and a Doctor of Science.”

She was so brilliant that she never finished elementary school – she was awarded fake diplomas left and right. Nobody dared to cross her. Academies around the world gave her honorary degrees, praising her work alongside the “greatest hero of peace, collaboration and understanding among people,” a “hero” who often ordered the assassination of his own people without any hesitation or remorse.

Tyrants view the patrimony of their country as their own pocketbook, to do as they please with it. There is a logical reason so many former communists became billionaires after Ceausescu’s execution on Christmas 1989 – they took as their own as much public property as they could before the people woke up to take inventory and to send to justice the offenders. By the time the people woke up, the damage had been done and billions of dollars in cash and public property were missing without a trace.

Tyrants do not care if they violate their people’s human rights. They do it with ease because, in their eyes and their communist ideology, humans have no rights at all. They must do as they are told and must worship the dear leader in every conceivable way – poems, guided applause, statues, posters, TV programs, daily mainstream media propaganda, concerts, parades, marches, monuments, self-dedicated buildings, and any form of mass media adoration and deception, including newspapers dishonestly and falsely called “The Truth.”

Media euphemisms invented to deceive the masses serve a tyrant’s ideology to the fullest because a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. Truth then dies on the altar of the socialist/communist ideology and reality mourns it abundantly.

Even in death tyrants were worshipped and masses were forced to parade by, grieve, and fake-cry his loss, a last tribute to venerating his dominance and control by terror. I still remember as a child having to pay “respects” to our first communist tyrant, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, a man who made our lives miserable each day, and having to walk alongside my parents in a vast line stretching for miles.

Abject fear is a tyrant’s strong educational bamboo stick. When people are disarmed, fear reigns.



Political Indoctrination at Our Local Grocery Store

I saw two black posters, framed and displayed at both entrances of our local Wegman’s grocery store – “Stop hate, end racism, spread love.” Nobody can argue with the message, but I find it offensive because it is political indoctrination in a place where I buy food.

I asked the cashiers’ manager, a young self-described black woman, why a grocery store would get involved in politics and political indoctrination of the day, coming from the left side of the political spectrum instead of selling groceries. Her answer was that she was from Buffalo and everyone in her town, which suffered violence at the hands of a deranged man, was happy that her employer stood behind its employees. But Wegman’s headquarters is not in Buffalo, it is in Rochester, NY. She just stared at me.

I told her that I failed to understand how a piece of paper with three sentences on it protected her from “white supremacists and racists” in this particular store.

She replied that she felt safe because those two posters were there. I asked her how a poster would protect her from another deranged individual walking in with a gun and committing violence against innocent bystanders and shoppers.

I further inquired if money would not be better spent on caring for the mentally ill and to institutionalize those with violent tendencies, until such time that it would be safe to have them walk among unsuspecting citizens. “No,” she answered, “hate and racism cannot be reversed.”

I asked her if she could give me one example of racism and hate that she experienced here in northern Virginia. Her answer was that she did not feel comfortable talking about it in the grocery store.

I replied that she made my point. I do not feel comfortable being lectured and politically indoctrinated in a grocery store either, by posters prominently displayed at both entrances, however seemingly innocent the three sentences may be. It is political pandering to the left and its divisive agenda. I prefer to find milk in a grocery store, not politics. On this day, the shelves where milk was found were empty. There was Fair Life milk in the back of the store.

I ended our conversation after I told her that I did not feel comfortable buying food in a place that is trying to indoctrinate me, a survivor of communism. We had such political indoctrination posters under communism all over the place, including grocery stores.

Friday, July 1, 2022

In Memoriam! Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko was an American Hero (1973-2022)

 Reprinted from the AAPS (American Association of Physicians and Surgeons) email:

Thank You Dr. Zev Zelenko (1973-2022), a Hero for All Patients and Physicians - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

AAPS mourns the passing away after a long illness of Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, who inspired physicians to save millions of lives by treating Covid-19 early with hydroxychloroquine.  Dr. Zelenko’s courageous stance in favor of patients and the ability of physicians to treat them will forever live on in his name.

As misguided public health authorities demanded that physicians not use hydroxychloroquine and other inexpensive medications for treating patients early for Covid-19, Dr. Zelenko did not waver in his dedication to patients.  He generously shared his “Zelenko Protocol” with all other physicians, thousands of whom used it to save the lives of millions of patients suffering from Covid-19.

Dr. Zelenko’s leadership is timeless in how to treat Covid-19 patients, while not being intimidated by authorities who improperly interfered with use of his brilliant treatment protocol.  Zev’s shining example is what all physicians should aspire to be, and he will continue to be a model for the medical profession for generations to come.

Our gratitude and prayers go out to his family.  Our work at AAPS with medical students will continue to urge that all reach for the immortal high standard set by Zev and seek to attain it as best we can.

Zev seemed like an angel sent to us, whom we could only obtain glimpses of how wonderful he really was and continues to be.  He departs this world with our endless gratitude, and leaves our medical profession with a priceless legacy.