Tuesday, October 27, 2020

2020: A Painful Year in U.S. History

 “Are the testers sent home for 14 days every time they come in contact with someone who tests positive?”

2020 is the year when we were willingly held hostage and still are to the communist flu.  I am not talking about the Chinese Corona-19 virus developed in the Wuhan laboratory. I am talking about the long and unending months of unnecessary lockdowns, destruction of small business America, complete transformation of our school system, public and university, the destruction of our stellar health care, and the complete obliteration of our Constitution.

2020 is the year when leftist America, driven to panic, fear, and misinformation by the main stream media and our own government at all levels but especially local and state governments, fundamentally transformed life for the rest of America into a socialist cesspool of corruption, lies, and lawlessness.

2020 is the year which will remain in history as the year when humanity cowered in fear and panic over a flu virus with a high spread rate but low mortality, mortality enhanced in blue states by the use of ventilators and the governors’ refusal to allow doctors to prescribe existent medication that worked.

2020 is the year when doctors became virtual puppets of the socialist healthcare system, refusing to see patients in person for fear that the government will take away their licenses if they keep their Hippocratic oath to do no harm to their patients. Fear is a powerful motivator and can make good people become cowards.

2020 is the year when philanthropist Bill Gates became the nation’s medical advisor and advocate for his vaccine that might cure Covid-19. 

2020 is the year of the first rushed vaccine. Without its miracle cure, people must remain hunkered down in their own homes and not come out until they can prove with a chip implant in their arms that they had been vaccinated.

2020 is the year when Dr. Fauci, a decades-long Washingtonian bureaucrat became the nation’s health czar, who told us that, unless we wear masks indefinitely, our lives will never go back to normal.

2020 is the year when bureaucrats took away our Easter, vacations, cruises, travel, beauty salons, barber shops, Thanksgiving, and Christmas and we agreed like the obedient sheep that we are.

2020 is the year when nursing homes locked up their long-term residents indefinitely for their own good and families were declined access. Suicides in all walks of life went up significantly.

2020 is the year when the old normal died and the “new normal” was installed by the communist left in America and nobody objected at all. Expensive public service announcements with sleep-inducing music reminded us of the “new normal.”

2020 is the year when thousands of paid protesters rioted in the streets of many Democrat towns with no worries of Covid-19 spread, but families had to hold virtual funerals. At the same time, a criminal with a long rap sheet got a stately funeral with thousands of mourners crowded near each other.

2020 is the year when schools were closed indefinitely, and “teaching” became virtual. We are not sure yet what happens to learning, retention, the students’ eyes, and mental health.

2020 is the year when we lost our faces and our identity, covered by a permanent and obligatory face diaper without which we cannot shop in grocery stores, fly, or enter any public buildings.

2020 is the year when 900 plus ordinary Americans were placed on a no-fly list because they refused to wear a mask.

2020 is the year when we lost our faith and our churches. The Corona-19 virus is very discriminatory – it can differentiate between rioting crowds, protesting crowds, and crowds in a theater or church.

2020 is the year we lost movie theaters, theaters in general, performance venues in parks and stadiums, and museums.

2020 is the year dominated by everything socialist and communist, supported by billionaires with money to burn and a wickedly Marxist agenda.

2020 is the year we lost law and order when political corruption and lawlessness had reached its zenith. Police was defunded in leftist towns and the population wondered why crime had skyrocketed.

2020 is the year when the only president in history had become the subject of impeachment days before he was even sworn in.

2020 is the year when a staged coup by our own government to remove a duly elected president from office has been unmasked but the culprits were never punished and are still in office doing harm to our country.

2020 is the year the Democrat Party became the Socialist Democrat Party of America, composed of all anti-Americans who wish to harm our country for political and financial gain.

2020 is the year when all civility and respect for authority, elders, and an elected office have died.

2020 is the year when the hatred from the left dominated domestic and international news.

2020 is the year when an innocent President that the left hates with an inexplicable and irrational fervor had been questioned, vilified, demonized, trashed, made fun of, threatened, and dragged into courts continuously. Experts have called this illness the Trump Derangement Syndrome which apparently has no cure. On November 3, a drug called Bidenol will be tested countrywide.

2020 is the year when President Trump has achieved more to further peace in the world and the Middle East than any other prior president. He was acquitted of the phony impeachment.

2020 is the year when technocracy took away our freedom of speech and started controlling what we read, watch, and listen to. Their moderators put us into our places of obscurity and silence.

2020 is the year when many large and medium retailers went bankrupt while the favored oligarchs and big crony capitalists thrived.

2020 is the year when the justice system went to the dark side and judges became overt activists and advocates for socialism and communism instead of being impartial.

2020 is the year marking the beginning of the last throes of the Constitutional Republic, a sharp decline decades in coming, whittled away, and stripped of its liberties bit by bit, like water chiseling away at a rock.

2020 is the year when our Constitutional Republic exists in name only, comatose and placed into a gilded coffin, waiting for the last nails to be struck before it is completely buried in a vault in the Washington Swamp.

2020 is the year of global communist media, global communist sycophants, and of the radical greens.

2020 is the year when law and order was replaced by criminality, treason, abject government corruption, riots, violent protests, and communist activism disguised as “social justice” and “systemic racism.” Innocent people not wearing a mask were fined or jailed, while hard-core criminals were released for fear of Covid-19 outbreaks in prison.

2020 is the year when nobody died of any other disease except Covid-19 and many got rich making masks, ventilators, novel and expensive drugs, and experimental vaccines.

2020 was the year of the unemployed on government stimulus checks.

2020 was the year of teachers and administrators refusing to go back to work for fear of Covid-19, but the paychecks rolled in.

2020 is the year when civility, morality, family, faith, modesty, patriotism, nationality, borders, honor, courage, and marriage have succumbed to leftist evil.  Everything good is replaced by malevolence and love is replaced by vitriolic hate created by media’s manufactured reality.

In the art imitating life category, the infamous Matrix is holding Sully by his leg over a precipice, and asks him if he remembers when he told him that he promised he would kill him last; Sully is dropped over the cliff while Matrix says ominously, “I lied.”


We end 2020 on an even lower note of destruction on November 3, 2020, the presidential election date when communism finally took permanent root in America through deception, lies, decades-long media and school indoctrination, voting fraud, ignorant voters, and riots, the year when the best president in my lifetime lost to a communist candidate with dementia and his VP pick, a radical Marxist. So ends the storied history of the best country in the world, the United States of America.


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Freedom, Flags, Yard Signs, and Defector Harry Deterling

My Washington, D.C., suburban neighborhood is populated with mostly brainwashed Americans, in political parlance, they are the “blues” of our nation.  But they are not the blue Democrats of your grandfather’s political party, they are the highjacked radical socialist party that wants to transform America into the third world socialist hellhole so many immigrants, legal and illegal, have fled from.

My “blue” neighbors do not realize, or perhaps they do, that they are supporting the red flag adorned with the hammer and sickle of the communist party USA and their platform. They fly American flags next to yard signs of Biden/Harris, but they might as well fly the flag of the Chinese Communist Party. Ignorance of historical facts is no excuse but, in their cases, it is an issue of decades of manufactured history via public school indoctrination.

One elegant and well-appointed house went as far as making huge Biden/Harris banners covering the length of their front door on both sides, just in case there was any doubt as to the owners’ support for the communist Biden/Harris presidential ticket and their affiliation with BLM, Antifa, and other Marxist/fascist organizations that want to “fundamentally transform” America into their anarchist hell and communist oppression so many of us have experienced and escaped from to America.

So close to Halloween, one overly decorated and spooky home, has a real casket in the front yard; another has an evil-looking orange doll placed upside down.

Welcome to the Washington Swamp with its suburbs populated by federal employees, plenty of legal and illegal aliens, living in towns where everything odd and anti-American is found!

Some fly the flags of their country of origin, leaving no doubt as to where their loyalties are. They are here just to collect welfare from the evil capitalist system. They still yearn for the third world utopia they left behind, so much so that they vote legally and illegally for the Democrat Party in hopes that they can change this “evil” capitalist society into the “just” and socialist one they left behind.

If you have time, they will tell you how much better their countries are! They are so enthusiastic in their wacky narrative that they do not hear the obvious question I always ask, if it was so much better there, why are you here?

The “downtrodden” of “systemically racist” America, who live quite well by any standards on the dole of the “intolerant” American taxpayers, are not satisfied with the welfare they receive and the looting that accompanies their “peaceful riots and protests,” they want more.

They want everything the working and entrepreneurial Americans have earned and built over the years, but without the effort, sacrifice, and hard work required. The white men who allegedly oppress them must give them free stuff because they were imaginary slaves in another life, and someone must pay for the indignity of a practice still widely found in some countries today.

Are there any Republicans living in this suburbia so close to Washington, D.C., the marshy seat of government power and corruption? I am not sure because nobody dares to advertise their affiliation and support for the Trump/Pence presidential ticket unless they want their homes and garage doors spray-painted with foul language, their windows smashed with rocks, their cars key-scratched and vandalized, and their lawns destroyed with paint and other offensive cargo dumped in the middle.

But my neighbors are quite proud to advertise their affiliation to the Socialist Democrat Party in America. If anyone dares to ask why so many millions have fled oppressive socialism and communism, endangering their lives to escape to freedom, and why nobody seems anxious to defect to Cuba, China, Venezuela, or North Korea, they either walk away or explain that socialism was not done properly, it was done by dictators.

Four months after the Berlin Wall went up, the young train engineer Harry Deterling saw a way to escape to freedom in the west by stealing a steam train and driving it through the last station in East Berlin. He did not just bring his wife and four children; he defected with 25 passengers to West Germany.

The leftist Huffington Post, which wrote about the 10 most daring escapes from communist East Germany to capitalist West Germany across the Berlin Wall, listed Deterling’s feat at number one. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/berlin-wall-escape-stories_n_6090602

Would radical leftists ever ask themselves, why would millions of people risk life and limb to escape the “abundant” and “free” life of communist “social justice” if it was so much better than our capitalism?

Once America is gone, and it may well be gone after November 3, 2020, where would the oppressed and downtrodden of the world flee to? North Korea? Because they have a more perfect form of totalitarianism? Russia or China where oligarchs are permitted to exist if they support the communist party?

Friday, October 23, 2020

Children Adapt but What a Worrisome Adaptation

Not long ago liberals were telling us that children were spending too much time in front of television screens, computer screens, and Play station games, that they need more outdoor time, interaction time with other children to build their social skills, that they need to learn to be good environmentalists and stewards of the world around them. Those blue screens were affecting their health, destroying their eyes, their vision, and the ability to socialize properly.

Suddenly, with the lockdown controls in place, schools are refusing to teach children in a classroom, they are switching to virtual teaching and communication which is counter to everything they had said previously. The new and worrisome normal is to keep your child 6-8 hours a day in front of a computer’s blue screen.

I suppose children no longer need fresh air, no longer need playtime, no longer need physical activity, they just have to stay indoors, preferably with their masks on, and if they do venture outside, they better wear a mask, even shields on top of these masks, properly set over their noses and mouths at all times.

Children, like the rest of us, have lost their identity as humans, have lost the ability to take their social cues from facial expression and learn in social interactions what various non-verbal communication through face and eyes represent.

Their hearing is getting worse as well. Adults did not realize how much they read lips in noisy environments if they want to hear what people say. Children are no different. It is just as frustrating to them as it is to adults.

Now the all-knowing socialist educators, who have been manipulating education for decades from their academic ivory towers and from the public classrooms, are trying to excuse this repugnant new reality as “children adapt” easily because they are so malleable. The question is, what are they adapting to? What does this faceless cowardly new world reality controlled by lockdowns represent? And is it good for humanity’s health? Is it good for our children and their future?

What better way to crush the human spirit and development than starting with children of all ages? What better way to destroy their future mentally, socially, and health-wise, leading potentially to untimely disease, suicide from social isolation, loneliness and despair, and eventual death? What better way to create easily controlled drones?

Mike Adams wrote that governments are “rolling out new, Orwellian medical fascism laws and edicts that set the precedent for mass arrests and forced relocation into quarantine camps for those who resist.”

Global vaccinations for the human-engineered pathogen did not take any convincing – after media-driven non-stop panic and fear, most humans were eager to be injected with an unproven and rushed vaccine no matter what the vaccine compliance costs might be.

Epoch Times reported that “a volunteer in AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine trial died in Brazil, the country’s health authority confirmed Wednesday.  Anvissa, the authority, said that it wouldn’t stop the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccine trials for now and is investigating the death…”

Vaccine development and implementation for any disease is not without problems but the process usually takes years, and the final product is not rushed to the market.

Potential toxic substances, nanotechnology with “quantum dots,” and mRNA sequences which, according to Jon Rappaport, reprogram the body’s cells to produce protein sequences engineered into the mRNA vaccines, did not deter or give pause to billions clamoring for a Covid-vaccine now so they can return to their normal lives.

But globalists keep telling us through heavy and non-stop advertising that we now have a “new normal,” we cannot return to life as before, and we must listen to tech gurus and billionaires like Bill Gates as the ultimate authority in vaccines, everything human, and population survival at a vastly reduced rate and highly impoverished level because it is good for our collective planet. I am positive that logical and thinking Americans will not like the “new normal” so heavily touted on cable channels and by governments around the world.

The “new normal” will introduce reduced mobility and blackouts like the one experienced in Boston last night during the Trump/Biden third debate. Communists have ruled in many countries throughout the 20th century using fear, intimidation, forced compliance, lack of water, lack of mobility, lack of electricity, severe food shortages, and substandard or non-existent medical care.

Even today, decades after communism “fell” in Eastern Europe, many rural areas, just miles from glittering cities with modern amenities and developments, the population and their children live in poverty, no paved roads, no medical care, primitive lifestyles, and lack of medical care and facilities.

And that is how billionaire globalists would like to keep it. No one else should achieve the development, progress, and standard of living that America had experienced, a development that has lifted and improved the lives of billions.

Environmentalists have told us that there are just too many of us and the planet suffers. To make it whole again, a few billions must disappear. It is unclear how, but it is easy to surmise – infertility, attrition, bad vaccines, dirty water, mass disease, wars, poor medical care, and even famine.

Dave Forman, founder of Earth First, said that “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.” But Kenneth Boulding, originator of the “Spaceship Earth” concept, had an even more outrageous idea. “The right to have children should be a marketable commodity, bought and traded by individuals but absolutely limited by the state.” (Both authors quoted in The Environmentalists’ Little Green Book, 2000)

Note: For parents who home-school or are interested in home-schooling, and don't want their child sitting in front of a computer 6-8 hours a day, here is a good suggestion:

The Robinson Self-Teaching Home School Curriculum uses a computer only for printing out books.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

"Free" Socialist Stuff or Capitalist Goods

I am cooking breakfast this morning and as the smell of oven-baked bacon is wafting through the house, memories flood in from my childhood spent with my grandparents in the country.

As a child, I did not realize at the time how much hard work they were putting in every day to keep their family alive in the socialist economy disastrously run by the Communist Party.

The smell of bacon conjures up grandma’s numerous jars of lard, carefully stored on shelves in the damp and cool cellar, arranged next to jars filled with tomato sauce, cooked in the large iron pot over the fire in the yard as the tomato crop came in by the bushels and nothing was left to waste or rot.

The tomato jars and bottles were sealed with tar. Finding convenient Mason jars, wax, and other canning supplies easily found on the shelves in America, was unheard of in communist Romania. The villagers used whatever they could find or repurpose. These jars of lard were the source of flavorful cooking and frying many dishes through the winter and spring when food was scarce.

Sunflower oil was hard to find and, when available, was distributed in long lines to citizens fighting over that day’s delivery, with rationing cards in hand, distributed specifically for oil, sugar, flour, rice, and other basic cooking ingredients.

When sunflower oil was in short supply, the state decided to produce rapeseed oil, a dark yellow, thick, and peculiarly smelling oil that nobody cared much for but bought it when nothing else was available. You will be surprised what you can eat when food is hard to find. The centralized socialist government ruled by the communist party was not particularly adept at planning for the food supply properly. The economy was always in shambles and the proletariat’s standard of living was probably the worst in Europe, save for Albania.

We did not have bacon per say, it was just home-smoked pork fat which we used in cut cubes to eat with bread, mustard, and paprika for breakfast. When grandma rendered pork fat into bacon so that she could fry things with lard throughout the year, the house smelled like heavenly fried bacon. A few small pieces of fried meat were left behind, and grandma would let me eat one or two as a treat when she cooked. I enjoyed hanging onto her skirt or grandpas to learn everything.

I never realized how fortunate I was when compared to the proletariat (read even poorer people) in the city who were at the mercy of the inept socialist government for their food supply.

Grandma and grandpa always raised chickens and a pig to slaughter at Christmas and had a large garden of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, okra, onions, garlic, potatoes, and egg plants. The proletariat did not have the luxury to grow a garden, they relied only on their factory labor and on poorly run state stores.

My late uncle Tache, a wiry and thin man all his life, still had a large garden as late as 2016 when I last saw him. He was putting away the potato and green pepper harvest. He was in his late seventies, still strong as an ox and active, a man who worked tirelessly to feed his family even though now they had plenty of food in grocery stores decades after the demise of the communist state in 1989.

My children and American generations since the baby boomers, have never really had to survive each day with scraps of food, watery soup, no meat, no fruits, fresh vegetables, canned and frozen everything, and other basic fresh food they so take for granted that fill grocery shelves in America.

No entitled millennial who has the gall to call survivors of communism like me white-privileged, can fathom not finding their favorite food in so many varieties and brands, much less standing in line for hours each day in order to eat or buy milk, bread, and toilet paper.

The latest angry and violent generations of Americans, I call them Generation BC, Brainwashed Communists, will be so surprised when the socialist paradise they envision and demand, will not deliver them all the free stuff they were promised and believed they will receive.

The biggest surprise of the free paradise they are being promised by the Socialist Democrat Party is that their gluten-free bread and food will not be available at all. They will be lucky to have food to eat much less foo-foo coffee from Starbucks, spit and chewed by some bird high up in the Andes mountains.

By the time the reality of “free” and rationed socialist goods will set in, it will be hard if not extremely unlikely to switch back to the abundance of capitalist goods and services, to the best standard of living and healthcare anywhere in the world.


Friday, October 2, 2020

Life, Politics, and Circling the Swamp

Many Americans I know say that they are not interested in politics at all, they despise it, they just want to live their lives in peace and prosperity and care for their families. Like the proverbial ostrich hiding its head in the sand, they hope that they will be safe, while their bodies and necks are fully exposed to the elements. Hiding in the shifting sand, “protected” by bureaucrats and political hacks who only have their own interests in mind, is a dangerous proposition.

Except, as a wise man said long time ago, politics have a way of finding us and taking a keen interest in everything we do. Politics is life and life is littered with the rubbish of politics in every aspect. Long gone and long dead politicians still affect our lives daily in so many ways, whether we realize it or not.

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you wind up being governed by your inferiors,” said Plato. All you have to do to verify this statement is look at who occupies political office, school boards, mayors’ offices, governors’ seats, and Congress – it is quite a collection of certainly not the best specimens society has to offer, to put it politely, with a few exceptions but those don’t last too long because they are too smart and too honest to remain in office forever, say four decades or more like some infamous current politicians.

No matter how hard one tries, nobody can hide from the politics of the two main parties, of the Marxist politics of the Democrat Party turned self-describing socialists, with their full support of “peaceful protests” and riots of BLM and ANTIFA.

People cannot refuse to wear the much politicized and draconian Democrat governors’ mandated masks that allegedly “protect” others from the Covid-19 virus until the virus is “gone,” an impossible scenario. There are serious consequences for refusing compliance to the political face mask dictates. Gubernatorial orders and societal reprimand trump peoples’ rights who have a need to breathe for various medical reasons.

You cannot escape the leftist political mainstream media, their lies, the brainwashing of our children in public schools, academia, and Hollywood. The overt insults and threats by the left towards our President keep coming like Noah’s flood,  a deluge of hate towards a man who wants to improve the lot of every American, safeguarding our borders and everything that defines who we are as Americans.

Every day there is another mainstream media political setup, lies, and hit jobs on our President and his supporters. So-called journalists eat, sleep, breathe, and stew in their hatred, ugliness, disrespect, and insults for our President. He gave up a billionaire’s lifestyle in exchange for a $400,000 salary which he gives away, to be demonized and harassed non-stop by the left which the MSM represents.

The mainstream media is so corrupt and deceitful that they make the Soviet Pravda (Truth) and other communist papers like Scinteia (The Flame) look like high school newspapers cobbled by teenagers.

Never had a President been so maligned by the media, their sycophants, and half of leftist America; he has been called a clown, racist, homophobe, anti-immigrants, liar, loser, and even told to shut up by leftists from all walks of life, the media, and even by former VP Joe Biden during the first presidential debate which was, in itself, another leftist set up to diminish and insult our President.

Yet our President, despite the setbacks by states closing down economies, destruction of small and mid-size businesses to the benefit of large corporations, destruction of our stellar medical care, and the large unemployment rate due to forced closures, the largest transfer of wealth from small business America to big business America, the economy is still better than the economy that former President Obama and his VP Joe Biden presided over for eight years.

The state media hit show called presidential debate was formatted in such a way to highlight Joe Biden’s scripted rhetoric and blatant fabrications. The moderator became the third debater against the President. By some counts, he allegedly interrupted Biden about 15 times and President Trump about 76 times.

Questions were asked of Trump based on media’s round the clock dezinformatsiya campaign, gotcha-moments followed by swift attacks, smirks, laughter, and name-calling from Biden and the moderator.

It was the most indecorous and unprecedented presidential debate on record. The disrespect on display for our President by both the moderator and Joe Biden was embarrassing and painful to watch. It would not have happened anywhere else in the world except here, in the “intolerant” America.

B. Jarrell wrote, “President Trump knows a passive approach doesn’t work with Democrats. On stage was a President who has been lied about continuously for at least four years, a 47-year career political hypocrite, and a biased and deceptive Democrat moderator.”

As a very wise friend said, what happened to our lives in the last four years and last night during the debate was political “violent deconstruction of reality” theater. It has happened before in the former Soviet Union at the turn of the 20th century and in all its soviet satellites. It took almost a century to get rid of the disastrous effects of the Marxist politics, Marxist philosophy, and the brainwashed generations of followers who suffered and died unnecessarily under the boot of the centralized Communist Party.

In the U.S., there are so many dangerous alligators and other political creatures circling this administration in the proverbial D.C. swamp, that it is hard to fathom that the political deep marsh will ever be cleaned for good and truth, sanity, and normalcy re-established.