Thursday, November 5, 2020

Next Move for President Trump


"So what should Trump do? After all, he’s still president.

How about trying these on for size?

1. Fire Chris Wray as FBI director. Immediately. Put in Rudy Giuliani. He broke the Five Families in New York, he can take down the Biden and Clinton crime families.

2. Fire Gina Haspell as CIA director. Immediately. Replace her with Ric Grenell. Start releasing documents. Burn all the intel sources that started the Russia Collusion Hoax. Let the chips fall where they may.

3. Take away the security clearances of all the major Deep State players. You did it with John Brennan now go after James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and even Joe Biden. (As for Biden, see #4 below: he’s a security risk.)

4. Direct AG Barr to go after the Biden laptop scandal hard. Better yet, start releasing the info/photos on them daily. Let the people know that Biden is the Manchurian Candidate and the Chicoms have him by the short and curlies.

5. Hold rallies. Especially close to the capitals of those states which have Democrat governors. Lansing, MI would be ideal; so would Harrisburg, PA and Raleigh, NC. Just a couple a week. Play “Hail to the Chief” for each and every appearance.

6. Start the pardon process. Pardon Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. Amnesty Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. Find others to pardon. Better yet, blanket pardons for everyone who’s worked for you.

7. Get on TV and address the nation. Trump did that last night in a masterful way; now keep on hammering the point that the system is rigged. It is. Don’t try to convince the cucks on FOX that it is. They know it. Even our enemies believe it. So just keep on hammering away at the point.

8. Tell Cocaine Mitch to go all “Hercules Unleashed” on Big Tech. Tell him not to waste our time hauling Zuckerberg, Dorsey, et. al., before some Senate committee meeting. Break them up. Now. (Believe it or not, the Dems in the House will probably go along with it if you tell them that the Tech Titans will cough up major bucks in order to forestall that eventuality.)

9. Tell the Republicans in the Senate that they can also act without impunity when it comes to preserving liberty. I can assure you that if Lindsey Graham has been bitch-slapped by reality then they all have as well. Make sure there’s no daylight between you and them. Remind them that the Globalists spent hundreds of millions of dollars to try and take them out and they’re still standing. Tell them that electorally, they’re bullet-proof. Because they are.

10. Let the Establishment know that you’ve got their number. All of the above are examples of their moral bankruptcy, surely you’ve got other aces up your sleeve.

Don’t. Give. In. It’s ain’t over. Not by a long shot.:

P.S. Still don’t believe me? Take a gander at this graph (it’s what happened to the Chinese Yuan at 7:50pm last night):"

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