Thursday, November 5, 2020

Election "Irregularities" or Fraud?

 Eric Knowles~

We all knew this would happen.
📷 Fairfax Virginia has switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”
📷 Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am
📷 Nevada has decided they won’t have all vote counts in until Thursday
📷 Michigan has gained 138.339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump
📷 6 states trump has sizable leads, all six states decided to stop counting ballots on election night (unheard of) and they all have blue strong holds
📷 Jack from Twitter deletes the current sitting presidents tweet on election night. Glaringly obvious election interference
📷 LeeJoe, who was running for district 16 senate seat in Idaho and stated so on his account profile, gets his account deleted from Facebook not once but twice. Another example of a glaringly obvious election interference.
📷 North Carolina has 100% of precincts counted with Trump in the clear lead and it’s not being called.
You don’t think we are watching a live coup happen? They aren’t very good at hiding it, it’s incredibly obvious to a logical person.

Note: This is how the Bolsheviks and Marxists took over Eastern Europe at the turn of the 20th century - by deceit, lies, voter fraud, burning, looting, theft, intimidation, and a lot of money from the U.K. and U.S. bankers.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Virginia Switch was proved to be false

  3. From my friend Dr. Klaus K.:
    "From what I read from various sources, this election was truly "stolen",
    with midnight deliveries of trucks with thousands of "mail-in ballots"
    -- all for one candidate.

    Here, in Canada, we have a highly sophisticated (federal) voting system.
    It involves:
    - receiving a voter card in the mail
    - taking such and photo-ID to the (close-by) polling station.
    - having those items checked against some master list
    - when OK, being directed to another desk, with three people,
    --- one checking name against printed voter list and crossing out name
    --- another explaining procedure and handing you the ballot
    --- voting ballot behind a box
    --- taking ballot in a paper sleeve to third person who pushes ballot
    from sleeve into ballot box in front of you.

    We have a few (one-day) advance polls with the same procedures, and no
    votes accepted past voting deadline on voting day.

    Keep safe and healthy!
