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The Ceausescus' Cult of Personality - 1986 |
Can anyone really argue with facts and reality? Apparently, supporters of Democrat Socialists do argue with those who fled tyranny from their own countries and defected to the “land of the free, home of the brave.”
There is plenty of money hanging from the welfare tree to keep the allure for those coming from third world countries, the benefactors of U.N.’s globalist wealth and land redistribution scheme. Under their one world scheme borders and private property become irrelevant except for “good” billionaires with a hypocritical view of the world, and fake journalists who promote socialism, no borders, and the scam of global warming.
There is misfortune around the world, and stories of abuse and tyranny. It is perplexing that socialist Americans would take up the cause of economically self-displaced from other nations, inimical to us, to the detriment of their own brethren whom they now describe as racists and fascists, worse than Hitler. Suddenly conservatives have been labeled “subversives and deplorables” because they want to keep their “borders, language, and culture.”
Tides of misfortune and poverty affect people everywhere. Americans have been generous to nations around the world, but it is never enough for the recipients of American generosity. Now they want everything we have and the land because, according to the U.N., they are entitled to it as global citizens. In a borderless world designed by U.N., the globe and its riches belong to the downtrodden, not to those who created it, developed it, worked hard, and sacrificed a lot.
Case after case of people, who had escaped socialism, risked life and limb, left everything behind to come to America to find freedom, do not seem to alter the opinion of Socialist Democrats in this country who turn a blind eye to the history of 100 million victims of communism buried in shallow graves around the world.
According to Elizabeth Childs, in a wooded area called Sandarmokh Clearing, 100 miles east of the Finnish border in northern Russia, historian Yuri Dmitriev found 20 years ago 200 communal burial pits that held the bodies of an estimated 9,000 people – Russians, Karelians, Finns, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Tatars, Jewish people, gypsies, Germans, Poles – executed in the USSR during Stalin’s Great Purge of 1937-38. http://khpg.org/en/index.php?id=1565835225&fbclid=IwAR0JgdH75-PJ_6iTyi3Jvm_WClLFG4mCCcIQdE0U-fgw3CNQdBl2KSXs5c4
Communist dictators like Stalin, Mao, Ceausescu, Castro, and Pol Pot have engaged in abuse of power and murderous purges in the former socialist countries run by the communist party. People were ordered out of their homes and their land and buildings on the property were confiscated for the “collective.”
Ceausescu, more recently, in the 1980s, had made more than 40,000 people homeless in a three-year span in order to build his palace on a hill, a monstrous building resembling some of Hitler’s grandiose architectural plans, except Ceausescu finished it before his demise. He had built his socialist People’s Palace on a pool of blood of innocents. At the trial in December 1989, the illiterate wife and the cobbler with a fourth-grade education were convicted and sentenced to be executed for the deaths of 60,000 people and other “grave crimes” against the nation.
When the suffering Romanian people were finally freed from the oppression of socialism and the Communist Party rule, they were elated about their new-found freedom to travel and speak freely but mostly for having food in stores again, and enough water and electricity.
When Ceausescu’s daughter, Zoia-Elena, was arrested, the officers found freezers full of steaks for her dogs. Officers were shocked by her demand to keep the steaks because her dogs would only eat steak. This request was beyond repulsive when the population was put on a national forced diet by the Ceausescus who had passed a law to mandate the exact number of calories a person could consume. People could hardly find food and the national past time was standing in line for four hours or more to buy a few bones with traces of meat on them and 200 g of salami.
Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime attempted to turn Cambodia into a socialist agrarian republic in Maoist style and killed approximately 1.5 million people in a four-year period (1975-1979). Moving Cambodians to labor camps in rural areas, he forced them into hard work, physically abused them, starved them, neglected them when they got sick, and mass executed them for dissention.
The Holodomor genocide in Ukraine, the result of famine engineered for political gain by Stalin’s socialist regime in 1932-33, killed millions of Ukrainians. http://holodomorct.org/
According to historian Frank Dikötter , Mao’s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million Chinese. “At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years; the worldwide death toll of the Second World War was 55 million.”https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/maos-great-leap-forward-killed-45-million-in-four-years-2081630.html
David Satter wrote in 2017 about the 100 years of communism and the 100 million dead that resulted from it. The seizure of the Winter Palace in Petrograd, he said, “set in motion a chain of events that would kill millions and inflict a near-fatal wound on Western Civilization.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/100-years-of-communismand-100-million-dead-1510011810
One reader commented, ”Capitalism/Republicanism may not be a perfect form of economy/government, but socialism is by far the most corrupt, murderous, group-think, non-productive economic/political system that persecutes individuals who do not march in lock step with the leaders.
Socialism is the enemy of individual freedom. Look at the criminal Left and what they have done to college campuses with violence against individuals who do not agree with them.
Bubonic plague and smallpox have been less destructive. Individual freedom has enabled more people under a capitalistic system to prosper, and their prosperity has lifted others.
The role of government in a capitalistic society is not to run business, but to ensure those with immense wealth and power not to abuse those who are not as fortunate. The Socialist Democrat party of today with the aid of MSM are abusers of individual freedom. Oppression is what they do! The modern Socialist Democrat party has no resemblance to the Democrat party of JFK.”
Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote, “One of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried before and proved disastrous before, time and time again.” This includes socialism in Cuba, China, Soviet Union, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, and Iron Curtain countries in Europe.
Venezuela is a more recent painful case in point, destroyed in a short few years by the socialist government of Hugo Chavez and now Maduro. The country has severe shortages of food, fuel, water, and electricity – people are starving while Maduro’s socialist elites live well, busily adopting social behavior score cards developed by the Chinese.
If you don’t behave the socialist way, they are going to deny you medicine, food, travel, and everything else you enjoy. You will reside in a virtual prison of socialist abuse, want and despair. Your economic boat will sink like lead.