Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Climate Change Industry Is About Population Reduction Not CO2

Big Tech, Mainstream Media, and the Green Lobby are working together to achieve the same goal; it is not real science, and it is serving the interests of a few power-mad individuals who want to reduce population to numbers they are “comfortable” with by any means necessary.

Predictive climate models used as scientific “consensus” don’t work. Real science is not based on “consensus,” it is based on facts that can be proven correct time and time again.

Climate models don’t work because climate is a very complex issues due to the fact that there are so many factors that influence climate – the sun, the oceans, volcanos, the clouds, the earth’s orbit, and pollution made by humans in various activities.

Climate models eliminate factors that might skew their predetermined results and create simplified computer equations that can be manipulated to yield the desired results in order to prove their predetermined narrative. The input data are carefully chosen to create the desired and chosen output of the Green Lobby.

Every climate prediction of the Green Lobby in the last 30 years has been wrong.

-         NASA scientist James Hansen advised the public to be ready for long, hot summers, and more and more regional droughts in the 1990s. Temperatures would be 6 to 7 degrees hotter by 2050, the strength of hurricanes would increase by 50 percent, and the oceans would rise by 1-6 feet, “putting the islands of the nation of the Maldives underwater by 2018.”

-         Pentagon told President Bush in 2004 that “climate change was going to destroy us,” as a greater threat than terrorism. “Climate change would plunge major European cities beneath rising seas by 2024, while Britain would find itself into a Siberian climate by 2020 . . . nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine, and widespread rioting would erupt across the world.”

If famine is to befall us this year, it would be because of the insane governmental policies in regard to farming, the interdiction of fertilization of crops, withholding water for irrigation, and the interdiction of fossil fuels which creates skyrocketing energy prices.

-         The same scientist Hansen told the Associated Press at a luncheon in 2008 that “The Arctic would be free of sea ice in the summer by 2013 or 2018.

-         Al Gore predicted that the polar ice cap would be gone.

-         Prince Charles reported back in 2009 that “we had just 96 months (eight years) to save the world.”

The reality is that CO2 is the gas of plant life. Crops grow when they are turbocharged by the “CO2 fertilization effect.” Green nurseries add CO2 in order to increase their plant yield.

All the “climate literacy” organizations that distribute literature to schools, universities, and the general public are actually “distributing false climate indoctrination” that is factually incorrect.

The radical environmental green agenda is targeting children and students under the guise of education, and it is funded by our own tax dollars.

The green fearmongering groups are telling students and the public that increasing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere via industry, fossil fuel car use, agriculture, recreation, building, travel will lead to catastrophic consequences that are not going to be reversible. The planet is warming, and we are all going to die.

In reality, people should be more afraid of cold, not warming.

Our Earth’s atmospheric temperatures have warmed by about 1 degree since 1850. This trend occurred long before the first Model T came off the assembly line and more than 200 years before significant amounts of carbon dioxide were added to the atmosphere in the 1950s.

Modest warming and rise in atmospheric CO2 were actually beneficial to humanity and the Earth’s ecosystems:

1.     Deserts are shrinking, and the Earth is greening. NASA satellite data shows 1982-2009 fifty percent increased vegetative growth on Earth’s surface with less than 4 percent had a decrease in vegetation.” Sahara is showing a desert retreat and growing of plants and grasses.

2.     “Extinctions are declining. IUCN Red List reported that extinctions since the late 1800s and early 1900s have been in decline.”

3.     “Natural disasters have been declining. According to the Center for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters’ EM-DAT database, natural disasters declined by 10 percent since 2000. Severe weather-related deaths have declined nearly 99 percent since the early 1900s.”

 The Green Lobby narrative across the world is not about saving the planet from imminent danger due to global warming and increased levels of carbon dioxide, the gas of plant life, it is about population control by a few elites who claim they know what is better for the planet; and that better is to reduce humanity from its current 8 billion to a “comfortable” half billion. Ultimately, they want to reduce the civilized world, all the progress humanity has achieved, to a state of feudal existence controlled by a few.

***Credit to the CO2 group in Virginia, dedicated to proper education of Americans about the climate and the benefits of carbon dioxide on our planet.


  1. Good morning. Thank your for another good article, on this topic. Is the CO2 group, in Virginia, at the website https://co2coalition.org/? If so, then thanks much, for helping me find that coalition!
