Thursday, December 2, 2021

Kill Switch in All Cars in Five Years

Since 1992, billionaire globalists with money to burn, have been actively seeking to remove us from fossil fuel cars to save the planet from global warming/climate change/climate crisis Armageddon which U.N.’s Agenda 21/2030 has been actively seeking to do.

Since we are in love in America with the open roads and the freedom to travel by car, another no-no globalists seek to rectify while they fly around the world in their personal jets, sail in their huge yachts, and drive the most gasoline-guzzling vehicles their fat bank accounts can buy, we have been reluctant to buy their smart cars.

Elon Musk managed to sell Millennials and some baby boomers on the idea of the EV Tesla.  Millennials and rich liberals have been plunking the $80,000 plus to buy a sporty-looking Tesla EV car or SUV, especially since the energy is “free, non-polluting,” and it comes from an endless supply of fairy dust.

Biden’s infrastructure bill is going to rectify decades of mistakes environmentalists have made in pushing their green energy agenda. According to former Georgia Representative Bob Barr, the regime’s infrastructure package comes with a well-hidden present, a kill switch in cars.

This kill switch will “passively monitor” impaired drivers, but it can be accessed by third parties such as law enforcement, a government agency, a company that decides that you must be watched, hackers who are up to no good, and even a foreign power.

The thought that we are monitored 24/7 for our own good just conjures up kumbaya thoughts of “safety” and “the government is here to take care of you if you behave.” If this kill switch is “passive,” it stays on the whole time and cannot be turned off. What the parameters are for deciding that a driver is off or impaired is not known. The kill switch is marketed to Congress as a wonderful tool to prevent drunk driving and within five years it must be built in every car manufactured. BARR: Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Contains Backdoor ‘Kill Switch’ For Cars | The Daily Caller

The techies and the greens have been salivating to stop us from using fossil fuel cars for a long time, and to drive cars powered by lithium batteries (toxic and hard to recycle) and hydrogen fuel. “More than 30 public retail hydrogen fueling stations are online in California, with plans to install 100.” They are attached to existing gas stations to give people the false sense of security that they are just like fossil fuel cars but better. You can sleep soundly at night that your vehicle is only emitting water vapors.

The “net-zero” emissions pop up non-stop in the green tech narrative in the MSM and the climate “crisis” fear-mongering crowd. In their long-standing agenda, elitist billionaires want you to ride a train, walk, bike to work, school, and shopping, to give up your cars altogether, stop traveling anywhere, stop using meat, dairy, and eat their fake food.

The “cleantech movement” is primarily pushed by billionaires, green NGOs, and their useful idiots who volunteer to spread the message to the masses that the planet is dying, and we must fundamentally adjust society, kill heavy industry, steel, cement, kill harmful agriculture, rice production, the meat, and dairy industries, and replace them with synthetic alternatives.

By 2050, the green billionaires plan to eliminate fossil fuel use in all industries. Can you imagine the destruction to the U.S. economy and to your pocketbooks, not to mention the invasion of your privacy, freedom, and rights by a government emboldened to apply and use such a small item in your car’s computer as a “kill switch?”

Can you also imagine how little electricity you will have from solar and wind power when the energy of one natural gas power plant located on 4 acres of land must be replaced by 2,500 acres of large wind turbines? Will you have enough land left for agriculture, for food? According to Dr. Jay Lehr, “… the landmass of the contiguous 48 states is not large enough to fit all the wind turbines required.” And where will you place the solar panels? The simple arithmetic of wind power - CFACT

Without heavy subsidies from the federal government, none of these are competitive viable options for a population as large as the U.S. Prepare yourself to walk a lot and to have a limited mobility, closer to home, be cold in winter, be hot a lot in summer, while you are being watched all the time by your government.





  1. Another sad but true story. I see many bike paths and apartments being built too.

  2. This movement is simply an Anti-American Revolution started in Moscow in 1950 moving through Peking in the 60s and establishing itself as a destructive force in the Land of the Free under the Village Idiot from Georgia in the 70s...and now growing exponentially under the Senile Bidet since this year's stolen election! God save America from Communist Evil and Brain-dead Billionaires! There is no free country and more prosperous nation on this Planet than the Great Old USA! Let's go Brandon! USA...USA...USA!

  3. Dear Dr. Paugh,

    For years the obvious problem with the electric vehicle has been the long recharge time/limited range, which of course "Scientists have been diligently trying to overcome."
    My question is, "Why would they?"
    The elitists DON'T want us to travel, and WANT to these "Walking Distance Communities" for we low lifes so, as far as I can see?
    The have every incentive to KEEP the charging/range restrictions on electric powered vehicles.
    Plus nobody ever seems to address how in cold weather, battery efficiency drops faster than Biden's current poll ratings.


    Dan Chomistek

  4. Thank you for another fine article. I have an idea that due to the rise in marijuana use that is expected (here now) and on the rise; the dopers want vehicles that drive themselves and don't care who sees them or what they are doing inside the car. Also, with the rise in marijuana I expect to see more babies born with ADD and more situations where babies are forgotten in vehicles by stoned parents... the "weed" is worse or as bad as acholic beverages!

    I believe that by keeping the pressure on the liars who wish to destroy all that is good about our Republic we can turn things around... but maybe not without some serious battles.
    Above all we must have voter ID and stop that mail in trash. We also need to have more white people working in the polls or at least on watch duty.

    The blacks aren't making it a secret that they wish to boss everybody like Africa's apartide so it is beyond time for white folks to stand up to them. We must force them to obey our laws and stop thinking they have equal IQ's ... it's like Planet of the Apes.

    We also need to get rid of the United Nations... and start making other countries give America money after we've been giving tons of money to them.
