Monday, June 28, 2021

American Marxism

American Marxism is not exactly Karl Marx’s revolutionary fight between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. It is the fight between corporate technocrats and Americans who love their country. The corporate technocrats are aided by corrupt Congressmen, bureaucrats in our own government, the woke military and police, the woke teachers, professors, and administrators, and the entire woke media. At the bottom of the Marxist wrung are the paid street activists and Useful idiots.

American Marxism has been branded and sold as Democrat Socialism and half of America bought the lie and the empty promises of “free stuff,” the Green New Deal, while the rest of the country gets lawlessness, protests, burning, and the looting of stores. Stealing $950 worth of merchandise no longer sends thieves to jail in the formerly beautiful city of San Francisco.

History has shown that law and order disappear prior to the complete societal takeover by tyrants. The activists and commissars present the takeover as a necessity to quell the lawlessness.

The Liberator wrote recently, “Activists are people who will do and say anything to further their cause. Their objective is the destruction of anything which gets in the way of their Marxist utopian dream. Useful Idiots are those who aren’t necessarily evil; they’ve just bought the Activists’ line of BS, hook, line, and sinker.”

The American Socialist Democrats jam the airwaves with their false rhetoric daily, presenting Marxist retread ideas and the promise that they “own the future.”

It would surprise some to learn that the Russian czars’ tyranny provoked a revolutionary movement from the 1820s on, but the first Russian Marxist group was not formed until 1883, the year when Karl Marx died. And this group was formed by a few Russian exiles in Switzerland. It was Lenin who founded the Russian Marxist party during 1900-1903 – the Bolsheviki. Lenin was a socialist who acquired his revolutionary streak from other Russian revolutionaries who hated the czars.

Democrat Socialists in America are well-off, many hold political office, live in mansions, own jets, yachts, and expensive cars. They are not the marginalized of society, starving to death like the Russians during the czars. They live a good life thanks to the capitalism they want to destroy for the rest of America who have worked hard and achieved the American dream. Power has corrupted them to the point of wanting to dictate to everyone how they should live and die.

It was Lenin who “picked up the doctrine of dialectical materialism from the Russian revolutionary N. G. Chernyshevskii, not from Marx. Lenin was sure that “Russia should be the first country to revolt, form socialism, and save the world.”

Democrat Socialists are sure that they will overturn American capitalism, establish socialism, save America from itself, enslave Americans to the will of a few oligarchs, and save the world from the manufactured global warming now turned into the profitable industry of climate change. The Activists on the payroll of the Democrat Socialists are busy paying Useful Idiots to do their bidding to achieve the goal of the Great Reset – from capitalist prosperity to socialist poverty.

According to Francis B. Randall, who wrote in 1963, the Russian Bolsheviks under Lenin were “a tiny, well-disciplined, conspiratorial, elite group in a vast backward mostly peasant country.” The American Democrat Socialists are a huge army of well-educated, well-indoctrinated, in your face group, composed of mostly young Activists and Useful Idiots.

Lenin was able to foment Bolsheviks to a proletarian revolution in 1917 “when the proletariat formed less than ten percent of the Russian population.” Nobody knows for sure in America how many Democrat-Socialist Activists and Useful Idiots on globalist payroll are fanned across the fifty states.

Judging by the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, when a man with senile impairment won the presidency, it is safe to say that these Democrat Socialists worked overtime to install their desired president. At that point, the takeover of our Constitutional Republic by American Marxism was dangerously close to completion.

Karl Marx concocted his ideology that was later implemented as Marxism-Socialism-Communism to establish an impossible classless society based on collectivism, collective thought, collective purpose, and equality of outcomes in which the all-mighty state replaced God and became a forced deity that had to be worshiped under the banner of the Communist Party. The communists stole the souls, lives, meaning, wealth, freedom, and ultimately humanity from millions of people who had to worship the dear leader.

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn wrote in his Gulag Archipelago, “There always is this fallacious belief: It would not be the same here; here such things are impossible. Alas, all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth.”

For decades in Russia, people who held divergent opinions or tried to publicly resist the communists were arrested in creative ways so as not to start a panic – arrests were made during nighttime, daytime, at home, at work, on a trip, in front of the house, at school, at the theater during a play, at the movies, and anywhere else imaginable, depending on the desired effect.

As Solzhenitsyn wrote, “For several decades, political arrests were distinguished in our country precisely by the fact that people were arrested who were guilty of nothing and were therefore unprepared to put up any resistance whatsoever.”

A strange submissiveness hung like a wet blanket – “A submissive sheep is a find for a wolf.” The commies had quotas of arrests for no reason other than prove their total control. And the people were submissive because they did not know the “mechanics of epidemic arrests” or the quotas. “Universal innocence gave rise to the universal failure to act. Maybe they will not take you? Maybe it will all blow over? Resistance is futile, you will only make your situation worse, thought many who were arrested in Soviet Russia.”

Marxists, Bolsheviks, Stalinists, and Maoists from the former and current communist countries used class struggle and abject fear to divide and conquer their hapless citizens. The American Marxists use the manufactured critical race theory (CRT) across the 50 states to divide and conquer America.

Even the National Archives have turned “woke” to modify American history under the guise of invented “structural racism.” The Russian Bolsheviks were particularly adept at destroying Russian history, monuments, and documents, and “erasing” everything and everyone they deemed “offensive” to their ultimate goals and plans. The National Archives has gone woke and turned on American history - American Thinker

It seems that young generations of Americans, deaf and dumb to reality, and enticed by the words “free stuff” are not willing to learn from other people’s experience; they want to live through it personally because the Democrat Socialists promised in the media that their Socialism is going to give them freedoms they already have and improve the vast wealth that Americans already possess when compared to other nations. Without the activists and useful idiot bureaucrats in government and academia/education, who follow orders, none of the CRT would be possible.




  1. I've been through a similar period in my life, behind the Iron Curtain and its devastating to one's soul. As a new American I saw it coming for the past two generations, mainly in government schools where my children and the American-Born grandchildren are brainwashed daily in wokinsm, fascism, communism and all the crap that is PURE ANTI-AMERICANISM, the kind dreamed by Stalin and Lenin....they both dancing in Hell now filled with joy and compensation....and so will be Clinton, Obama, Biden and the rest of the American Traitors.

  2. I've been through a similar period in my life, behind the Iron Curtain and its devastating to one's soul. As a new American I saw it coming for the past two generations, mainly in government schools where my children and the American-Born grandchildren are brainwashed daily in wokinsm, fascism, communism and all the crap that is PURE ANTI-AMERICANISM, the kind dreamed by Stalin and Lenin....they are both dancing in Hell now filled with joy and compensation....and so will be the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens and the rest of the American Traitors. God save America! Is the last bastion of freedom and prosperity!

  3. Great article and so true! If only the indoctrinated liberals would start waking up but that is almost impossible. The only way these people would realize that the system they support is evil, is only if their system will turn against them. The policies they embrace without thinking, would affect them in negative way. Then they will start waking up. It was the same for Brandon Straka with the Walk Away movement. He was a Democrat all his life. He started realizing that the Democrats are not so nice people like he thought, when they ganged up against him for asking them to listen to both sides of the story. The people that were following him on FB, started calling him names for even thinking to listen to the opinion of the people with a different political view. They went after him big time and then he woke up and changed sides. Now he is a conservative and built-up a pretty decent platform that is trying to expose the lawless Democrats.
    I will share it on my pages.

  4. Great article, Ileana. You succinctly describe the failed communist history and the fools that are following its path in America. Those on the left in America want to stamp out our great past and replace it with their false history for this one reason - so they can live lavish lives off the labor of those who work hard everyday for their families. Traitors!

  5. At Trump’s first 2022 rally Saturday in Ohio I heard him tell a throng of patriots how Democrat Socialist Zuckerberg bought the Nov. 3rd election by funneling $100’s of millions through his wife to local election officials in battleground states. The crowd cheered as he derided Critical Race Theory, and offered school choice to avoid it in biased public schools. As people attend Trump’s great rallies, or watch them on YouTube, opposition to Socialism will surge. The election fraud will backfire on the Left because, after Trump’s second term, he will have had 12 years to defeat Socialism once and for all in America!

  6. When fleeing from communism in 1978, I would have never believed that four decades later, a more insidious form of technocratic and oligarchic Marxism would cover the United States of America, the last bastion of freedom in the world, like a wet and heavy blanket, aided and abetted by its own hapless citizens, Activists and Useful Idiots beholden to the Chinese communist regime.
