Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Disable the Fear Campaign

“The lockdown policy was a deliberate intent to destabilize the global economy.” – Michel Chossudovsky, Ph.D.

In an interview with Taylor Hudak, Michel Chossudovsky, Ph.D., author, editor, and Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Ottawa, discussed the deceptions and economic disasters resulting from the global and deliberate government lockdowns intended for two weeks to flatten the curve from a flu virus. The U.S. government was the model which 193 governments, members of the United Nations, plus the Vatican (Holy See), around the world followed to stem the spread of a mysterious virus. Michel Chossudovsky Interview - Engineered Destabilization Of The Global Economy & The "Reimagining" (thelastamericanvagabond.com)

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) through its director, Tedros, “declared a public health emergency of international concern.” At the time, there were 83 Covid-positive cases of flu worldwide. https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-emergencies/international-health-regulations/news/news/2020/2/2019-ncov-outbreak-is-an-emergency-of-international-concern

By the time the WHO declared the pandemic, there were 1,078 cases of flu outside of China. Several hundred cases of that were on one ship, Diamond Princess. COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: estimating the epidemic potential and effectiveness of public health countermeasures - PubMed (nih.gov)

Air travel with China was stopped by President Trump, a move which snowballed into a ban around the world. Chossudovsky said that “most of the airlines in Latin America were bankrupted” and some in southeast Asia as the result of the Covid lockdowns.

Professor Chossudovsky spoke of the possibility of insider trading and the fact that the “killer virus” fear campaign coupled with Dr. Tedros’ timely “alerts” of the need to implement a worldwide pandemic, “indelibly served the interests of Wall Street speculators and hedge funds” managers.

Professor Chossudovsky explained that if one has “fore-knowledge” of a declared emergency such as a pandemic, it is impossible not to speculate on such “fore-knowledge.” There was a huge increase in wealth which was made on the day of the announcement. The stock market crashed following the announcement, redistributing the losses of ordinary people from their pension funds, mutual funds savings, and investments to the rich who profited greatly from the “fore-knowledge.”

But the virus did not trigger the stock market crash per se. It was the “fore-knowledge” and the massive speculation that led to the crash which eventually affected the real economy.

On March 11, 2020 Niel Ferguson and his team’s faulty model of casualties produced the study which was financed by the Gates Foundation and was used as a scientific foundation and justification for the lockdowns. His team’s computer modelling predicted half a million dead in the U.K. and 2.2 million in the U.S. Tedros announced the pandemic. Neil Ferguson's Coronavirus Imperial College Model -- ‘Professor Lockdown’ Resigns in Disgrace | National Review

Dr. Chossudovsky stated that on January 21--24, 2020, the World Economic Forum met in Davos, Switzerland, and Moderna representatives, business leaders and the WHO director Tedros were in attendance, discussing the mRNA vaccine before the public health emergency was declared. https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2020

As soon as the U.S President accepted the predictions of the two Covid tsars brought in, people were locked down in their homes world-wide, following the U.S. example, could not work, the companies closed, the service economies were closed, and the global economy partially collapsed. It was all done to “save lives.”

There were about 44,000 cases on that date, not even close to a “killer virus,” it was more like a seasonal influenza, a public health concern for sure, but not a pandemic. “The lockdown was a closure of the global economy – a globalized bankruptcy program,” said Chossudovsky. “They closed down planet earth” for a “killer virus.”

The impact was devastating, an economic crisis of major proportions – small and middle-size companies were wiped out, bankruptcies of larger chain companies that have been around for decades, large airlines wiped out, shopping malls, travel industry destroyed, hotel industry, restaurant industry, mom and pop boutique stores, grocery stores, tourist industry in France, Italy destroyed – all was engineered, in his opinion so that the global economy would destabilize, resulting in concentration of financial power in a few billionaire hands. More negative outcomes:

-          Most of the airlines in Latin America were bankrupt

-          The airline fleet was mothballed in the desert

-          Food and other staples were hard to find

-          Farmers dumped their produce - being unable to service grocery stores, school cafeterias, and restaurants

-          People lost their jobs and homes

-          Mental health was terribly affected for all ages

-          Marriages broke up and domestic violence escalated

-          Schools were closed

-          Children were forced to wear face masks in schools eight hours a day by their dictatorial teachers who took their masks off periodically to breathe

-          Small and middle-sized businesses were closed for good while liquor stores and marijuana “medical” stores were deemed essential and stayed open

-          Mom and pop grocery stores and hardware stores were closed while huge chains remained open

-          Hotels and restaurants closed permanently

-          Beauty shops were forced to close

-          Gyms and pools were closed

-          Parks and vast state and national forests were closed to human access

-          Humans lost their faces and their identities behind a suffocating mask

-          The fear of contagion drummed up by constant public announcements and media driven panic created a sick phobia among a large swath of the population akin to a severe and incurable mental illness

Economically speaking, the billionaires will buy out the bankrupt assets for pennies on the dollar, will buy up agricultural land, small and medium-sized farms, shopping malls, and other financial assets of the now bankrupt owners, victims of the forced lockdown. Some assets were bought at ‘negative prices,’ Chossudovsky stated. “The acquisition of real assets” and control of the destabilized economies were the ultimate goals of the lockdowns.

The increase in wealth accumulation during the lockdown period is documented by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) in Washington, D.C., a progressive organization. Highlights include:

-          Among the nation’s 657 billionaire, wealth increased $1.3 trillion since the Covid lockdowns

-          80 million Americans lost work between March 21, 2020-March 21, 2021

-          18 million Americans are collecting unemployment

-          There are 43 newly minted billionaires since the lockdowns (i.e., Airbnb, Door Dash, Snowflake), added to the 614 existing ones

-          Combined wealth increase of the 15 billionaires with the greatest growth in absolute wealth was $563 billion or 82%

-          Topping the chart were Elon Musk ($137.5 billion richer, Jeff Bezos ($65 billion richer), and Mark Zuckerberg ($47 billion richer).  A Year of Billionaire Pandemic Gains - Institute for Policy Studies (ips-dc.org)

Across the world, in the remittance economy of India, farmers come to cities to earn money in street commerce, they do not have homes, and they live outdoors. The government decided to send these people back to their villages during the lockdown, but they had no money to buy transportation, they walked, and some died on their journey back. “This is genocide,” the professor added, “transition from poverty to despair, to mortality.” Their death certificates could have read death from Covid-19. Some countries have changed the criteria of death without doing an autopsy because they were too expensive and too few hospitals were authorized by law to do autopsies on Covid-19 patients.  

As deaths from Covid-19 escalated on official reports and in the media, deaths from flu and other diseases all but disappeared. The reported death toll from Covid-19 is “an element of the fear campaign,” Dr. Chossudovsky added, and it has been done all over the planet. “The data is questionable, and the PCR test is invalid.”

The massive human invasion on our southern border by illegals, who wear no masks, do not practice social distancing, and are not “vaccinated,” is not subjected to the lockdowns that Americans have had to endure. Illegals are released on their own recognizance into the American population – the next Democrat voters and pew fillers in churches who sponsor them once here. The unaccompanied minors are flown by our government to southeastern towns in the cover of night and resettled quietly among the American population. The largely male group of unaccompanied “minors” become potential recruits in the violent MS-13 gang in the U.S.

None of the above could have been possible without the massive fear campaign to which Americans and the rest of the world were subjected to non-stop by the mainstream media, the Covid-19 medical czars, and the compliant medical professionals.  Disable the fear campaign, the briberies, threats of more lockdowns, and the pressure to “vaccinate” immediately in exchange for the freedom to exist and do what you did before the lockdowns, and the countries and their economies may begin to heal and rebound despite what Michel Chossudovski calls the “engineered destabilization of the global economy.” 

Encourage people to go back to school and work and disincentivize extended unemployment and endless stimulus checks when so many jobs are available and there are no takers because welfare is more generous.








  1. Excellent summary, all those diabolical steps we lose track of because the next awful onslaught is hitting. This is a saver!

  2. Thank you, Ileana! You have taught me that being a conspiracy theorist is actually a great thing. The entire human race is under attack. It's been coming on for quite a while, but the virus is what gives them the chance to implement their evil plan.

    1. I am not a conspiracy theorist but I do read documents that are published on line. They have been telling us for decades what they were going to do but few people paid attention. I paid attention and people have labeled me a "conspiracy theorist." I take offense since everything I wrote and write is based on fact. Nothing based on fact is a conspiracy, it is reality. Yes, the human race is under attack by billionaire elitists.

  3. From Dr. Sponseller:
    "I can’t hold back from sharing this story!
    Just 15 minutes ago Noel Cook, the 68-year-old electrician who does projects for me, stated that he gave an estimate in January, 2020 to three men that had just flown in from Wuhan, shaking hands with them in the normal way. One was coughing a lot, and asked Noel to drive him to the hospital, but Noel declined because he was too busy. A short time later Noel came down with Covid! He was quite sick for two weeks, “could hardly breathe”, and had the other symptoms. He lay on the couch…..too tired to get in bed…..and his wife ‘kept him going’ those two weeks with chicken broth. Fortunately Noel recovered, but lost about 20 pounds. Had he not been quite a robust, healthy man I wonder if he would have survived!
