Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Orchestrated Socialist Deception While Parents Slept

The Iron Curtain Line of Separation
Photo: Dr. Aurel Mircea

How have Americans accepted socialism, the lockdowns, and election fraud so easily? From a former teacher’s perspective, it was easy. The communist indoctrination and orchestrated deception run deep and go back so many decades that by the time half of the adult population has caught on, it is too late.

How were highly paid professors, public school teachers, and administrators able to mold the minds of America’s children while their parents “slept,” lulled by the expensive and convincing propaganda that America has the best education in the world? Television, Hollywood, and smart devices were the “best” baby-sitters in the world.

The public-school teachers themselves were indoctrinated by Colleges of Education around the country. My own alma mater publishes a College of Education magazine called Forward. If you studied Howard Zinn’s version of history, you probably have no idea that “forward” was both Hitler’s and Stalin’s motto, “forward” to fascism and “forward” from socialism to communism.

The educational brainwashing was so appealing to the large egos of those intended to be indoctrinated! Only the coolest, smartest, most insider informed followed the dictates of their master controllers, the mainstream media, academia, and “woke” billionaires and stars. If they believed what the teachers told them, then they too could be “among the coolest, smartest, most insider informed.”

On the other hand, if you do not fall in line with the insiders, you are an ignoramus, you are irredeemable, uneducated, uncool, and stupid. And if you want to be properly informed, you must read “cool” publications who agree with us, i.e., New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, and the Atlantic. If you want to know manufactured history, then Project 1619 is for you.

And if they have not been brainwashed fully, then turn on the MSM and the so-called journalists will provide the visceral hate and pettiness that would make “Mean Girls” blush. The journos’ non-stop rhetoric provides an atmosphere of discontent, breeding hate around the world, and eventually violence.

Academia who has professed tolerance and acceptance of divergent opinions is now espousing zero tolerance for anyone who disagrees with their talking points. Why would anyone spend their hard-earned money to pay for their child’s expensive college tuition knowing that at graduation their children may have worthless and unmarketable degrees and will become violent and detestable anti-Americans who hate their own parents and refuse to associate with them based on their different political views?

As Sherine E. stated, “the typical disrespect, arrogance, and narcissism of liberals is shown in how they have zero ability to engage unless one bows to them. If anyone dares to have an independent view, they will be subject to all forms of wrath.”

Blinded by their radicalism, liberals disrespect their own parents, forgetting that they gave birth to them, raised them with love and care, and paid for their expensive college education.

Sadly, even a high percentage of children raised in Christian homes, after having attended universities around the country, turn communist (progressive) after a couple of years of heavy indoctrination into academic dreck and revisionist history. Families are breaking apart over this insidious and assiduous indoctrination.

These college-educated and indoctrinated people as well as others who worship socialism do not understand that all elites are using the Covid-19 pandemic to “reset” the world as per World Economic Forum in Davos. It is so obvious to those who understand history and economics that it is “a political mechanism to change the United States from capitalism to communism sanctioned by globalists.”

The public has crumbled in fear from Chicom disinformation, aided and abetted by citizen Karens informing on their own neighbors and total strangers, accosting them in stores, in parks, on streets, in parking lots, and in the woods.

The population either shrank into compliance or was forced to close small businesses to the benefit of giant chains who could stay open.

Americans were barred from shopping for food and drugs unless they complied with the lockdown mandates. Most cowered in lockstep if they wanted to eat or get their medications.

Liberals were screaming for a vaccine, and now that it is out, they are either fighting who gets it first, or refusing for fear of side-effects. As always, they claim, it is President Trump’s fault.

“What happened to the resolute American spirit,” asked a real journalist recently. The answer is quite simple, they are likely to turn the other cheek and succumb fully to socialism.

It seems that shaping public opinion is a full-time and never-ending job for radical educators and the media, who constantly collude to re-shape, reframe, and redefine reality, government, language, and family. The first act of the 117th Congress was to abolish biological sex.

Canadian Ken Adachi (1929-1989) wrote, “What most Americans believe to be ‘public opinion’ is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public.”

Public citizens are too busy to pay attention or do their own homework, they accept the “official” version of reality as presented by CNN across the world in airports, stores, and on military bases.

The radical college snowflakes that hard-working Americans have raised, who need a safe space to exist on college campuses, will protest with violence and burn down cities to get what they want – socialism and free stuff.

As of today, our country and its government have officially turned socialist. It is painfully apparent that the American fighting spirit for “justice and the American way” was just a myth.








  1. It's a banana republic, if they can keep it :-)

    1. A banana republic it is, Paul. I hope, they will enjoy its rotten fruits.

  2. I've seen this kind of "Spanish degringolade" in 1945 in Romania, in 1965 in Poland and in 1975 in South Africa, when the communist oppression was trying to come after me. Yet, my love of Freedom and Liberty kept me going, while getting away from the "equality for all" ideology. My America is now the last bastion of liberty and sadly, is infested by two generations of USEFUL IDIOTS that had taken over the academia, media, and advanced communication tools. God save America!

    1. Only a miracle can save America now from the useful idiots destroying it with their fake indignation and demand for "social justice." It is in God's hands now to save America from socialist useful idiots.

  3. The miracle is called"The Sting".
    You'll see.
    Mark my words.

  4. God help us all! My grandparents came from Poland which was about to be taken over by Hitler. They understood what we are living now. My granddad who died the year before I was born, predicted this would happen in my lifetime. I assume he was able to do so as having seen how communism overtook the European countries, was able to predict how long it would take to overtake America. We need a coalition of immigrants from these commie countries to be given platforms to educate the masses as to what they have already lived through and what they're seeing happening right now. America is the last best hope for the oppressed people of the world.
