Sunday, January 10, 2021

Lenin's Mausoleum

Staron photo on Wikipedia

In case you wonder why the Russians spent so much money to keep Lenin mummified in a mausoleum for almost a century (he died in 1924) - the thriving communists led by Stalin wanted to keep the spirit of the revolution and Lenin alive for future generations to follow in his footsteps.

The communists succeeded beyond their dreams - they convinced their former foe, U.S., to forcefully nudge their citizens into socialism, the gateway to communism, via a technology and medically-rigged presidential election.


My people were taken over by Bolsheviks after WWII and convinced that they needed social justice which would be delivered by the newly formed Communist Party.

Many fell for the lies but large numbers did not. To convince them, the new regime confiscated their guns, took their land, their homes, took away freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, until there was nothing else to take except their personal freedom. To escape prison, the rest had to comply.

Once they were all securely controlled, the tyranny lasted five decades until the army had enough and decided to rebel alongside the oppressed masses and to provide guns to them.


  1. Ileana, you have been our Cassandra for 12 years, yet, just like the ancient myth, others refused to listen. I'd rather go into the dark night knowing why, and knowing others know why, so possibly (miracles can still happen) we may resist. Thank you

    1. Caro,
      My Cassandra years are over, there is no need for further unheeded warnings.

  2. Ileana, you, better than most, fully understand where we are headed, unless divine intervention prevents this catastrophe. The visions that flashed m?in my head, when I learned about the DHS's Domestic Terrorist Profile, in March '09, are becoming reality. While I have attempted to warn loved ones, friends, and strangers, I have also attempted to prepare for what is coming, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Praying for miracles! Defy, never comply! Freeeeeeedom!

    1. This is going to be oppression on steroids, A.J.

    2. Our divine intervention is Trump, he is not going anywhere...they broke constitutional law and created a coup...we are not going away, and they are about to face the wrath of the Constitution ...very very soon before and buckle up

  3. Okay folks
    Trump is bringing the cabal deep state down through a sting operation. Nothing can stop what is coming.
    100% true. We were going into the new world order but Trump and the generals and the patriots are saving our lives.

  4. Amen, and it is so...Just keep watching...not the media, but he will inform us when he has done what he is doing now.
