Wednesday, August 26, 2020

America Stands in the Way of Global Governance

Whether we have global green religion or a socialist one world government, or a communist global governance, the end result will be the same – the foundation that guides globalists will be vastly different from the foundation that guides America, the U.S. Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence states that “… All men are created equal … endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights … to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness …”

But globalists think differently, freedoms and rights are granted by politicians.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 2, states that “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration.”

According to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution we have freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. At least we did until the all-powerful tech giants decided to censor conservatives on all their social media platforms.

Globalists, on the other hand, wrote in the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Right, Article 19, “Freedom of expression may be restricted as approved by law.”

Our Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that “Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.” Eminent domain abuses such powers under the guise of development for the public good. Private property is indispensable to a free market capitalist economy.

Globalists see private property as the source of evil and must be prohibited. The U.N. Conference on Human Settlements of 1976 states that “Private ownership of land contributes to social injustice; public control of land use is indispensable.” Land use and property rights are also addressed in U.N. Agenda 21/2030.

Communist dictators from socialist countries have confiscated their citizens’ private property in order to make everything equal, equally miserable and poor. They nationalized factories, confiscated land, wealth, and homes. They vilified people who owned property as the “bourgeoisie,” fomenting hatred among those who did not own property.

Mao, Castro, Ceausescu, Stalin, and other socialist/communist dictators destroyed the middle class because it owned property – land and real estate. In some countries farmers and urban property owners were executed to frighten the rest into submission, and others were sentenced to hard labor in gulags, building roads and railroads, and excavating ore in mines in order to pay for their sins of bourgeois ownership.

For the longest time, the American government “derived its power from the consent of the governed.” Lately huge changes have taken place and the government bureaucracy at all levels, local, state, and federal, along with Congress have taken dictatorial powers without the consent of the governed under the guise of doing what is good for the “collective.”

Collective, of course, is a communist code word for we tell you what to do and you obey. That is exactly what global governance believes, that “the governed derive their freedoms from the consent of the government."  

To prove the veracity of such a statement, watch what the local, state, and federal government are forcing us to do, locking down healthy people, forcing healthy citizens to wear face masks indefinitely, throwing them in jail for non-compliance, fining them, refusing them entry to grocery stores, malls, and medical clinics, and destroying small business and the economy for a minute percentage of casualties from a virus deemed a “pandemic,” forbidding doctors to prescribe potentially healing drugs that have been in use for 65 years, and pharmacists to dispense them under the threat of losing their medical and pharma license, firing doctors who actually cured many patients with drugs the government disapprove of, while censoring scientific data because it does not agree with the government narrative. This has never before happened in America on such a huge scale.

As the late Henry Lamb said in 2010, “In developed nations, the war against freedom means removing from individuals the freedom to do and say whatever they wish in the pursuit of their own happiness, and the freedom to choose the people who have the authority to make laws.  This war is waged with the counterfeit threat of cataclysmic global warming which requires global coordinated action. It is waged with trade agreements, treaties, and propaganda. It is wage with guilt-laden finger-pointing at America’s prosperity as the reason the rest of the world is in poverty.”

The war against our freedom is waged by the United Nations, its myriad of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and global communists with large endowments and billions to burn for their cause, paying and using useful idiots within each country to create havoc and betray their own history and Constitution under the guise of fighting fascism and desiring to install socialism.

And they claim, they don’t want the socialism that has failed in all of the countries where it has been tried for decades and resulted in utter rejection by their citizens who lived in abject poverty and subjugation, after millions have lost their lives.

As Dinesh D’Souza points out in his recent book, these wannabe socialists promise everything on Earth on the condition that “… you are expected to give up your ownership of yourself, including your right to keep what is yours, your personal autonomy and dignity and your independence of mind.” This is just another “lust for power,” in which “socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.” (United States of Socialism, Dinesh D’Souza, pp. 9-11)

D’Souza proposes that the American socialists, who added identity politics (Latino, black, Asian, Pacific Islander, disabled, LGBTQ) to their platform, with the social justice component, should call their movement “identity socialism.”

The young and old Americans who actually desire socialism express their desire to be taken care of by the daddy government, a desire of dependency that is stronger than the desire to be free.
I have actually been told by older relatives, who now live free of socialism and the Communist Party, that they wished to return to the country before the 1989 revolution, because today, they have to take care of themselves and it is hard. 

In the old socialist country, the Communist Party took care of them and paid them an equal but miserable salary regardless of work participation and effort. And that satisfied them that they did not have to struggle and work. They did not have freedom but they had equality of result – they all were paid the same regardless of effort, skill, and education. The country was ruled by constant dictatorial decrees that even told them how much food they could consume per day and were given rations accordingly.

Non-governmental organizations have spread around the world indoctrinating disaffected populations and youth to start a new revolution under the banner of “#resist.” They are socialists advocating the same old failed system but using repackaged old slogans, promising free technology, an easy life, free education, homes, a guaranteed income, free health care, child care, and everything else they desire. It rings hollow as these promises have been made to all the other failed socialist countries around the globe.

Take Poland’s case as an example - Lech Walesa, who is now 76, a shipyard electrician, became the leader of the Solidarity movement in 1980, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, and President of Poland in 1990. He is still in politics demanding that the government respect the constitution. Why would that be necessary in a post-communist society? Because the communist corruption never went away, it became part of the government under different names and the old guard and their neo communist spawn are still in charge.

Young people in Poland and elsewhere in the former Iron Curtain countries have been indoctrinated into the new socialism that is sweeping the globe. I call it hollow socialism because it is devoid of substance and full of empty promises.

When the Iron Curtain fell, children of survivors of socialism/communism have gone to school in the west on Soros and other leftist-founded scholarships. They are beholden to his philosophy of the new world. His NGOs stepped in and wrote the school textbooks to match his philosophy of the new world order predicated on environmentalism and socialism.

Young Polish women have rallied around the global feminist movement and environmentalism just like in the west and are #resisting the people who are fighting political corruption and communism. 

The Polish progressive movement came up with the slogan, “Women and Earth have too much to bear.” It is not a coincidence that their Manifa, spring march in Gdansk, copied the western model and advocated for the feminist movement and environmentalism, carrying LBGTQ flags. Globalists made sure that the movement spread across the globe, carrying the same signs and the same message.

If one is still deluded that socialism works if it is tried the “right way” or by the “right people,” look at Cuba today – it oozes poverty out of the pores of every decaying building under the leadership of the tyrant comrade Castro; look at Venezuela today, with the richest oil reserves, yet it cannot feed its people; and look at North Korea and the starvation of its people. Photographed from space at night, North Korea looks like a black hole – there are no lights at all, just complete darkness. And last, but not least, look at the mass poverty in the cities in America that have been run by a socialist Democrat government for decades – they resemble third world nations.


  1. Wake up America!

    America, the greatest country that’s ever existed to recognize and protect humanity and to encourage freedom and opportunity, is now in grave danger to maintain those wonderful gifts for mankind. Our wonderful nation is now under attack by fierce zealots who can’t tolerate the ideas, opportunities, and freedom of aspirations America allows and supports. We are now on a dangerous precipice.
    One of these three assaults is from direct confrontation by radical Islamic Jihadists who proclaim, promise, and boast they will destroy us and our way of life; especially our Christian way of life. Their whole being is to control the world and they don’t keep their intentions or their goals secret. It’s a blatant military and terrorist attack.
    America is the ‘Great Satan’ they must destroy to fulfill their religious and zealous mission.
    The other two assaults are not direct or open. They are subtle and insidious, and are guided by deception. And, presently no one is combating their insidious and sneaky encroachment on our accepted American way of life. The leaders and encroachers have been free to spout their evil and their harmful designs without resistance.
    One encroachment is from the Muslim Brotherhood. They even have a written plan to replace American freedoms with their dogmatic religion through a process they call ‘Settlement.’ With the support of Barack Obama and others within our government they are far advanced in accomplishing that plan.
    The other assault is from a socialist-communist agenda outlined by Saul Alinsky; and is being accomplished through his ‘Rules for Radicals’ program. Barack Obama was once a teacher of the Alinsky principles. In her early years, Hillary Clinton also corresponded with Alinsky and praised his radical programs.
    This book defines all these assaults. It also defines those who are used in these attacks on America; ‘Useful Idiots, Useful Innocents, and Useful Fools.’

  2. I beg you all
    Start reading all the q posts located at
    It is all revealed there.
    Also another good source is
    X22 report on youtube.

    Be not afraid. They (good guys) have it all. We will win.

  3. Letter from my friend, Dr. David Sponseller:
    Hi Ileana,

    Fine story! If the Dems take over Judi's CFP motto will become meaningless. It's so discouraging to hear that Communists persist in the Polish government. It's like the deep state that Trump is fighting.....over 90% of the civil servants are Dems, even in Bill Barr's state department that has been unable to prosecute the criminals. Sorry to hear about the feminists in Poland.

    I met Dinesh Di'Souza about 20-25 years ago at a conservative gathering here, and really like him a lot. The left has no match for his brilliance.

    The first two nights of the RNC have been ever. We watch it on C-Span.

    The best,

