Saturday, May 23, 2020

The “New Normal” or Modified Normal

Social conditioning is defined as the process of training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by society and various peer groups and their interests.

In a classic textbook method of social conditioning, all commercials and MSM news reports now contain the line “the new normal.” If the idea and concept reflected in a new euphemistic phrase is introduced and repeated it at nauseam, people will accept it eventually as “the new normal.”

The oft-repeated “social distancing” phrase is also played across the country in supermarkets, on radio, and on television until people accept it as part of life. There is nothing social about hiding from people and running scared. It is really “physical distancing” to avoid infection during a pandemic.  Sadly, fear becomes part of everyday life and people begin avoiding each other in all social interactions that are part of being human.

We know from the bad experience of dictator Ceausescu’s orphans raised in state institutions after having been given up by their parents who either could not feed nor want them, that those infants who were never touched, hugged, rocked, and interacted with, became severely autistic and rocked themselves non-stop in order to soothe the inner need and desire for human contact and love.

The “new normal” represents the fear of one’s own shadow, the fear of government, the fear of not wearing masks, the fear of coughing in public, the fear of one’s neighbors, the fear of quarantine, the fear of getting sick, the fear of other people, the fear of being outside without a mask on, and the fear of existing outside of one’s home which has become a prison of sorts in which the owners are both the inmates and the jailers.

Orwell wrote through his “1984” character named Winston, “To a future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone – to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of uniformity, form the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of double-think – greetings!”   (p. 28)

The dystopian novel described a time when “nothing was your own except a few cubic centimeters inside your skull.” (p. 27) We do not seem to be so shocked anymore by the dark human nature described in Orwell’s novel. Life imitates art and we are getting accustomed daily to this “new normal” indelibly etched into our collective psyche by the powers with a globalist agenda of population control, vaccines, chip implantation, and 24/7 tracking of every move we make.

The ideas described by Orwell have come to pass and currently surround us everywhere, i.e., thought police, technology giants censorship of our freedom of speech and of our thoughts expressed on social media, thoughts packaged as hate crimes or racism, liberals triggered by the existence of divergent thoughts and ideas, doublethink, doublespeak, “Freedom is Slavery,” “Ignorance is strength,” enemies of the Democrat party must be silenced, thought crimes, and the government’s version of the “Ministry of Truth.” Undesirable people are disappearing, professionally “annihilated, abolished, and vaporized.”

United Nations has been peddling 17 sustainable development goals for decades under Agenda 21 now morphed into Agenda 2030, packaging and repackaging them under different euphemisms of global control, until the United States was brought to its economic knees by a virus and forced to accept them under the much-touted aegis of the Green New Deal. The poster child of this Democrat legislation was Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the former bartender. We did not take her seriously but, with her powerful backers, she was able to implement most everything in this “deal” which is neither “new” nor “green.”

The restriction of travel and the generalized panic and fear have reduced air traffic to insignificant amounts. Airlines lost billions in revenue and experienced a severe reduction in travel by 95 percent. Airlines like United mothballed 25 percent of their air fleet. Air traffic may eventually exist just for the rich elites and well-heeled politicians on the taxpayer dole.

U.N. Agenda 2030 wanted to reduce our carbon footprint by pushing limited travel by trains, buses, and bikes, keeping the population stacked in high-rise apartments with no parking, five-minute walk from work, play, school, shopping, and living.

Traffic on once crowded highways has disappeared. People are not going anywhere out of fear, because places are closed all over, or because of restrictions placed upon them by governors eager to control the masses while they take vacations and trips to places now denied to the average American.

Democrats have been pushing for a universal basic income for their base, and people scoffed and doubted them. But now the Democrats won. Americans who do work, work from home, while the rest are staying hidden and idle at home, waiting for the government paycheck to arrive so they can live and pay their bills.

Technocracy News expressed what many of us have been thinking, that we need clarity from our President and a concrete date when the economic lockdown of healthy Americans will end, “not in stages, not in phases.” According to Technocracy News, President Trump’s advisers were wrong:

“They convinced the president to make bad decisions based on faulty science and speculative computer models stocked with false assumptions. They are up to their necks in conflicts of interest, mostly having to do with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its many global partners pushing mandatory vaccines and global ID system that can be used for tracking individual Americans.”

The “new normal” is not normal at all. There is nothing normal about living in fear, hidden, like an animal in a cage, waiting to receive a handout from the government that taxes those who do work.

There is nothing normal about closing schools indefinitely and having to follow one-way lines into and out of grocery stores.

There is nothing normal about having empty hospitals and furloughed medical personnel and doctors while people are dying from cancer, heart disease, and other non-Covid-19 virus related illness, or suffer in severe pain because their medical problems are judged non-essential by all-knowing politicians.

Perhaps one unintended consequence of this “pandemic” may be the dismantling of the goal for mega-cities which the environmentalists at the U.N. have been pushing for decades and the dispersion of people into less populated areas.

Retail in a physical space as we know it will disappear, replaced by online commerce.  Shipping methods will explode, and product choices will become scarce. Environmentalists will be happy as less resources will be used to manufacture what they deemed as too many goods and services. The U.S. economy will shrink as two-thirds of our GDP is consumption.

Remote work and schooling will become the new wave of commuting in the U.S. Physical schools and bussing many disappear over time. Office buildings may become obsolete.

Domestic travel will slow down as the middle class will have to deal with the loss of millions of small businesses and a disappearing middle-class disposable income.

Stronger border controls and mandatory quarantines for those with and without fever will result in much less international travel. International travel may morph into travel of the affluent who make the rules. Perhaps this will be the modified normal.

1 comment:

  1. Great article, hopefully woke up a lot of sleepy Americans who thought the government is their protectors....Not really, the left-inspired leaders of present times are our oppressors!
