Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Nursing Home Pandemonium

My dear mother whom we love and cherish is locked up in a prison not of her own making, in pain and suffering, on oxygen and not understanding why she cannot come out of her room.

Her prison is tightly monitored by staff who were unable to stop the spread of the Covid-virus. Formerly free of it, she was moved from her private nursing home room to a semi-private room, in the very same bed and room just vacated by patient Marlene (not her real name) who was Covid-positive and sick.

Marlene had been moved with the other 75 Covid-positive patients the very same day that my Covid-negative mom was moved into her bed before the room was thoroughly sanitized. To say that the move was irresponsible, it is an understatement. Nobody from the nursing home bothered to call us and let us know of her status or their plans to move her. 

After the fact, a corporate marketing guy from Colorado, not a caretaker or a doctor, called us first to let us know that she was Covid-negative, and a second time to tell us that she was moved from her room.  We made numerous phone calls to the nursing home, but they remained unanswered.

Communication and information from the nursing home has been almost non-existent. The phone rang unanswered and all voicemail calls and questions we left remained unreturned as well. Mom was locked tighter than prison. Wheeling her out of her room to a glassed lobby through which we could have visited for five minutes happened only once.

As some patients went home for brief visits and came back carrying the Covid-virus, the movement of patients even within the nursing facility stopped. The residents became prisoners in their own rooms and the virus spread. Eighteen patients alone in the Arcadia section were sick with the virus. Four staff were Covid-positive as well, a total of 21 as of two weeks ago, as admitted by administration. This prompted the Health Department of Virginia to come and test everyone last Friday, May 15.

Residents have died but the true cause and statistics were not known to the public or to the patients’ families.

The “corporate people” (as one nursing home employee put it) came last week and must have ordered, possibly per Health Department of Virginia instructions, the grouping of positive patients with other positive ones (75) and the negative patients with the rest of the negative ones (26).

Was it wise to move the 26 negative patients into rooms vacated by positive Covid-patients? I am not sure what the intent was with this move, but I know that mom came down with pneumonia three days after being moved from her room. Coincidence? I do not believe in coincidences; I believe in cause and effect.

The emergent evidence of the “plan-demic” has shown that the worst attributes of small-minded people drunk on their own power and control, were magnified, and have robbed the U.S. population of their Constitutional freedoms under the guise of protecting them.  

Euphemistic terms such “social distancing” should be called what they are, “isolation,” there is nothing social about hiding in your own home, behind a mask, or snitching on your neighbors and businesses that may not follow the lockdown dictates.  

The elites videotaping themselves in their mansions to prove that “we are in this together” is so hypocritical to most who have lost their jobs permanently, their businesses, and may or may not have enough savings to feed their families and pay their bills while millionaires are well set in their banks and trust funds.

“Be safe,” and other phraseology invented for the benefit of robbing us of freedom of movement, assembly, right to make a living, and freedom of religion, should have been really called what they are, forced imprisonment into our homes and servitude to dangerous vaccines produced in a hurry, chip implantation, and personal control through data.

Many people were not safe in their homes just as the 101 nursing home residents in northern Virginia were not safe in their lockdown, most of them were positive and many symptomatic.

For the “greater good” is offensive. No good can ever come out when the government chooses who is “essential” and who is “non-essential” to society and to the economy. Nazi Germany picked winners and losers and it did not end well for the Jewish people.

The “new normal” is offensive too. There is nothing normal about anything that has happened to us in the last ten weeks and is still happening.

Egomaniacs and megalomaniacs with a Messianic complex have crawled into the limelight, mostly Democrats at local and state levels, placing healthy people in quarantine as well as sick ones far beyond the normal 40 days, prompting many Americans to demonstrate against insane executive orders and to demand that their churches, schools, small businesses, and doctors’ offices be open after ten weeks of lockdown in various states.

Sound reasoning, proper science and medicine were the last employed in the decision-making process of government in many countries that followed the U.S. lead and example. Sweden who allowed herd immunity to take its normal flu toll has not been any worse off in the number of patients infected and the number of those who have died.

Instead of locking down healthy people, we should have protected the most vulnerable, the elderly in the nursing homes. Instead, we have exposed them unnecessarily and thoughtlessly because they have few lobbyists and champions who defend their rights.

Stop waiting for a new vaccine. Flu vaccines are only partially effective as the viruses mutate. Even Bill Gates admitted, “The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge, it turns out the flu vaccine isn’t that effective in elderly people. And that actual decision of, ok, let’s go and give this vaccine to the entire world, governments will have to be involved because there will be some risk and indemnification needed.”

Update on my mom: She is now free of oxygen and feeling better. The drug cocktail is working and she now breathes on her own,  97% oxygen saturation. I am really happy; yesterday she told me she was hungry. 

It is unforgivable that the nursing home moved her from a private room where she was Covid-negative, into an infected room previously occupied by a Covid-positive patient who was sick. And the room was never properly sanitized. 


  1. The whole COVID-19 is a well-planned hoax against American prosperity! Notwithstanding the most vulnerable patients, the nursing home elderly, the scam has been a dream-come-true for the social parasites. Staying home, while salary flows, or going to the nearest social service office to collect food stamps became a Communist Paradise for all the USEFUL IDIOTS!

    1. I so agree and and so glad to know there are others out there who aren't fooled by this gigantic hoax!

  2. Dearest Ileana, I am furious about (PREVENTABLE!) events that have led up to your dear Mom's heartbreaking situation. Please know that Mom and you and your family are even more in my thoughts and prayers now than you have been even over the years that I've been enjoying (and commiserating with, etc...) your beautiful, thought-provoking articles. - Miss Bunny M.

  3. Thank you for sharing this and all you share...Prayers go out to you and your dear mother endlessly

  4. My dear husband of 50 years is stuck in a nursing home, no sunshine, had to beg for him to get a multivitamin (no zinc . .) he is on pureed food and can't walk, talk, read, color or listen to a choice of music, (etc). I USED to go to hold his hand every day. I can't do that anymore. He must be so mired in confusion. He had been a 2x DFC winner for being an excellent helicopter pilot in VN, and then an award winning newspaper editor for a 50K circulation paper in VA. He has gradually gotten worse for 17 years to end up like this.
    Use your time wisely. . . you don't know how things will go.

    1. I am so sorry, Nana Mary, that you are not able to see him anymore. It is so tragic what happens to people when they get dementia or Alzheimer's and are stuck in a wing without any stimulation. Others don't have any relatives left to come visit them. Every time I saw mom, I used to make a point of saying hello to those I knew had no relatives left or nobody came to see them. I have seen mom once through a glass since March 14, 2020 and twice through Facetime. She thinks, everyone has abandoned her.

  5. 26 05 20
    Ileana, I wish others had your experience, clarity of thought, and common sense. It's certainly not found in most of our "leaders", nor in the management of the nursing home. Nor in most of my left-leaning friends. Instead, far too many Americans have developed a herd mentality that follows these leaders' decisions and edicts without question. Perhaps this fiasco will cause the scales to fall from their eyes, and there will be hell to pay in the next election. There will also be hell to pay in the courts, as class action suits begin to pile up against facilities like the nursing homes that followed the dictates of the petty tyrants you described.
    One thought - if this coronavirus had first appeared early last fall, it would have been treated as just another flu virus, and we would have reacted sensibly. But it snuck in from Red China late in the winter, and we were told by some quack modellers that the world was about to end, and our leaders indiscriminately panicked.
    Best, John
