Saturday, March 1, 2025

U.S. Withdrawal from U.N., a Move Too Late?

Sen. Mike Lee of Utah is spearheading a proposal to exit the U.N. to protect “national sovereignty and fiscal accountability.” The DEFUND Act was introduced in the Senate on Thursday, the first such move since U.N.’s founding in 1945. The United States of America is a founding member and a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.

“No more blank checks for the United Nations. Americans’ hard-earned dollars have been funneled into initiatives that fly in the face of our values, enabling tyrants, betraying allies, and spreading bigotry,” Lee said.

DEFUND would repeal the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and the U.N. Headquarters Agreement Act, ceasing “all forms of U.S. financial support” to the United Nations.

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, of the 193 member countries, U.S. paid $18 billion in 2022, “a quarter of what the U.S. spends on foreign aid annually.”

It is an understatement to say that this is a move too late. United Nations has already spread its tentacles around the world via U.N. Agenda 21 of 1992 now morphed into U.N. Agenda 2030 with its 17 Goals of Sustainable Development.

Add to that ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability, working at the local level around the world, with the same 17 Goals of Sustainable Development. 2025 ICLEI USA in the Year Ahead | ICLEI USA

Many United Nations NGOs are funded by U.S. taxpayers. These NGOs, fanned across the globe, have transformed the face of western civilization:  education, religion, local, state, and federal government, academia, corporatism, health, transportation, living, recreation, property ownership, etc., all in the name of planning to mitigate climate change by paying more taxes and a “progressive” future pre-determined by those who know better how we should live and die. ICLEI USA | Local Governments for Sustainability

It does not matter that we would no longer pay into the Paris Climate Accord. All the MPOs (Metropolitan Planning Organizations), ATAs (Municipal Planning Commissions), American Planning Association, Green Growth, Smart Growth, 15-Minute cities, and many other malignant  organizations, with intent to fundamentally change western civilization, destroy private property, control every activity humans engage in, have already been activated and are implementing the U.N. agenda 2030 at every local, state, and federal level and it is too late to put the genie back into the bottle.

The global citizen is being prepped and indoctrinated as we speak in all primary schools, in all colleges and universities around the world under UNESCO’s goals for our children, i.e., globalized education, climate change, with indoctrination, submission, acceptance, and promotion of Sustainable Development in every corner of the world and in everything we do daily, a Gaia religion controlled by the U.N. narratives.

Currently, Smart Growth America is promoting “the Culture and Community Network with technical assistance and peer learning program designed to help staff at MPOs (Municipal Planning Organization), RTPOs (Regional Planning Transportation Organization), and state DOTs (Department of Transportation), assess, design, and begin implementation of arts and culture strategies for community engagement” for the next seven months.

What arts and culture have to do with transportation is an interesting question. It is classical indoctrination into outcomes that United Nation’s affiliate NGOs have already decided for your community, town, city, region, and state.

Smart Growth America, a 2000 Washington, D.C. established non-profit, “is the leader of several advocacy groups with interest in urban sprawl that affects the environment, quality of life and economic sustainability,” all goals clearly stated in the U.N. Agenda 2030.

This NGO focuses on three priorities: climate change and resilience, advancing racial equity, and creating healthy communities, goals also stated by the U.N. Agenda 2030. “It involves itself with housing, zoning, planning, land use, economic development, and others.”

NGOs insert themselves into your communities, town, cities, and states affecting what you do, how you live, how you work, where you shop, where you vacation, where you build, everything you do under the guise that they know what is best for you and you have agreed to it even though you have never voted these people into office. They come with money, often from the U.S. taxpayers, money that is hard to refuse when a community struggles with problems and funding.

For those who have not yet been acquainted with United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development goals, the lynchpin of U.N. Agenda 2030, or need a refresher of this globalist take-over and control of every facet of our lives in perpetuity and private property interdiction, here is a self-explanatory link.

We can withdraw from the U.N. and stop paying for its existence, Sen. Lee, but the global octopus has already spread its tentacles in every direction and all its babies have already reproduced and embedded around the world at every government level.








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