Friday, September 27, 2024

Sunset Over an Empire

As the sun is setting, it is casting long shadows of objects on the white sandy beach. I never get tired of watching its beauty reflected on the ocean whipped endlessly by the currents. If the weather cooperates, we have a good chance of experiencing again the sunset’s beauty across the sky.

The churning ocean, the shimmering lakes and rivers, the land, the deep gorges, the forests, and the mountains, will be bathed in the last hues of intense orange, pink, and purple before darkness falls.

But the sunset of our ‘empire’ we call a constitutional republic is hard to watch. Its demise is painful, sad, and depressing because it is self-destructive and purposeful, aided by the ignorance and laziness of we the people.

Many from the left seem eager and willing to replace capitalism with communism. The answer to the obvious question of why is simple. Because they have no historical background or actual knowledge that would help them understand the evils of communism. Teachers, Hollywood, and the press have lied to them about communism, directly, or by omission.

One public school teacher in Arlington, Virginia, told her class that “communism is people continuously giving gifts to each other.” Tell that to the millions living under communism who received the gift of a bullet for not bending their knee quick enough to the theft by the communist rulers.

One American commented that her “grandfather received the gift of ‘beatings’ every night for months until he was forced to give up his farm to the lazy people in the village.”

E. Merkel wrote, “Americans frequently quote parts of the New Testament and say that it supports Socialism/Communism. Which of course betrays the fact that they have no understanding of Christianity or Christian principles. With the original first century Christians, giving was completely voluntary, out of the goodness of their hearts and knowledge of the ‘gift’ they had been given. Socialism/Communism completely removes the ‘voluntary’ aspect.”

Few Americans understand what communism is. Although they are told by those who survived the communist regime and fled it, Americans turn a blind eye and deaf ear. The most basic questions they should ask themselves is, if communism is so great, why were millions of communist subjects killed by the Communist Party, and why so many escaped and fled to this country if communism was so great?

“Communism indoctrinates children to make up false accusations against their parents and neighbors; the culprits are disappeared but the snitches are assured the favors of the communist police state. Communism destroys beautiful art, buildings, and statuary they label bourgeois. They destroy beauty because not everyone and everything else is beautiful. They have misery, starvation, and murder in gulags. After the Bolsheviks’ initial promises never panned out, people realized that they sold their souls to the communist devils for lies.”

Under the communist regime, people were isolated, worn out, hungry, and deprived of their ability to resist. Remember the isolation from loved ones, from church, from social gatherings, social distancing, solitary confinement, and forced isolations during Covid-19? We were forced to comply or else be arrested, just like they forced us to comply with the communist party rule.

Because people were paid so extraordinarily little, they could not afford to travel far and certainly not abroad. They thus restricted our movement to a small radius of the place where we were born and lived. Village people were not allowed to move to the city without the explicit approval of the Communist Party.

Information was censored, meetings and gatherings were forbidden, media was dominated by the state rule 24/7. No other views were allowed. Again, this is remarkably like the 2020 Covid-19 lockdowns and how the police state managed the population and curtailed its freedoms. I could go to the swimming pool at the gym, but I had to wear a mask.

We were worn out by tension and fear under communism and by the inability to find enough food or any food at all, medicines, medical care, and by having to stand in interminable lines for basic food items like bread, milk, sugar, flour, and cooking oil.

Remember the contradictory “advice” and constant fear drilled into Americans from the White House platform of Dr. Fauci about Covid-19? You had to stay home, not permitted to socialize, or exercise even outdoors in large parks.

They closed National Parks, state parks, and even regional parks. They closed clean and safe building facilities and brought out port-o-potties in a huge state park nearby. When parks were allowed to reopen eventually, people were wearing masks alone in the woods; that is what abject fear had reduced them to – automatons who did things that made no logical sense.

The Communist Party cultivated an environment of fear and despair, not unlike the Covid-19 lockdowns and the accompanying irrational fears created by carefully crafted public announcements and artificial decrees that violated people’s rights and freedoms. The futility to resist eventually dominated everybody’s behavior. They knew who was in charge, the police state, and they had guns and lots of jails.

Even though demands were illogical and contradictory, people were habituated to following orders or else they were refused basic needs. Why the arbitrary six feet between people and all the other arbitrary and ridiculous dictates? If people disobeyed, they were refused entry into grocery stores, restaurants, public places like parks, pharmacies, etc. Similar scenarios happened under communist rule. People had to obey, or they had their freedoms taken away for good and their families never saw them again.

Why did the communists allow snitches and their own echelons of apparatchiks to shop for better and more food than the rest? To show everyone who was in charge and to create and maintain an army of faithful foot soldiers.

Why were entire economies shut down then only a few businesses were allowed to reopen at a reduced capacity? The virus recognized those to be safe and stayed away?

Surveillance was developed around the world, money created from nothing to pay people to stay home and “be happy,” medical care and hospitals became torture places instead of deliverers of care; to this day, people do not trust them and doctors because they refused care when people needed it.

Why shame people and ostracize them when they were non-compliant? It is a tactic that the communists used a lot. Fear and a sense of helplessness and dependence heightened to unbelievable levels. Depression, despair, divorces, and suicides increased.

Trivial demands split society and families, i.e., family members had to stand apart and wear masks to dinner in their own homes, random limits on the number of people allowed to be in a group, even in their own homes, the use of sanitizers endlessly during the day and on all objects people touched.

The habit of compliance drilled into people’s minds is evident today when some people are still wearing masks, still injecting themselves with Covid-19 vaccine boosters, and still sanitizing their hands with chemicals instead of washing them.

People have become so irrational and woke that, even when presented with factual and logical evidence to the contrary of what they believe, they reject those facts and stick with their irrational beliefs.

Yuri Bezmenov said in a 1984 interview about the four stages of ideological subversion, that when human beings reject reality in front of their eyes, the brainwashing is complete. FULL INTERVIEW with Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984) (

When that happens to many Americans, the sun will set on the most successful constitutional republic in the history of the world, and the ‘empire’ will rest at the bottom of the dustbin of history and darkness will fall enduringly.





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