Monday, September 9, 2024

The Marxist Foxes in the Henhouse

The Marxist Foxes have been in our henhouse for a long time. Most people were not aware or listened to Hollywood vilifying Joe McCarthy by calling everyone admitting the existence of communism among us as McCarthyism – a dirty word in the world of leftist political correctness (PC) promoted heavily by the media, educators, and academics alike. In this atmosphere of public indoctrination, the new world order (NOW) thrived.

Woodrow Wilson’s famous Fourteen Points, the last of which called for the creation of the League of Nations (1920), was written by Colonel Edward Mandell House. This League of Nations ceased to exist on April 20, 1946, when it handed all its assets to the United Nations. “

Less than a month after Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt issued a ‘Declaration of United Nations.’”  The U.N. introduced in 1961 a Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World which planned to transfer all nations’ military power to the U.N. which would have only police power. The idea of a global military power under the U.N.’s control failed, and the global governance/new world order was redesigned.

The new design was the U.N. Agenda 21/Agenda 2030, using climate change control as a weapon for everything. The lynchpin became Sustainable Development (SD), the transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations, and the destruction of western capitalism. The accidental travelers of the climate change industry were more than happy to undersign and follow this process.

Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev “promoted the creation and distribution of the Earth Charter with the idea to replace the Ten Commandments with their idea of global green religion.”

Dr. Robert Muller developed the World Core Curriculum based on James Lovelock’s Gaia Hypothesis, the idea that “earth itself is a living organism, the giver of life, that every species is equal in value; and that both animate, and inanimate objects have rights.” Textbooks and television shows are promoting this idea to students across the U.S.

As bizarre as this sounds, Muller claimed that “every species is a cell in the global organism and that the evolution of the United Nations represents the development of the earth’s brain.”

Less than a month after the creation of the United Nations, UNESCO was formed in 1945, with its first director at the helm, Julian Huxley. Julian, an evolutionary biologist, was Aldous Huxley’s brother, the author of Brave New World.

The very first project of UNESCO was to teach the world’s educators how to indoctrinate their students to be citizens of the world. Students were taught that “nationalism was bad and had to be replaced with the idea of world citizenship.”

The United Nations has devolved from being the peacekeeper of the world into something else, with a myriad of NGOs. For a long time, U.S. presidents have appeased and allowed communist tyrants and other dictatorships in the United Nations as allies and pacified them with financial help.

Thus, the scourge of communism was never really defeated in 1990 as stated by the media, historians, and other colluding organizations. The taxpayers unwittingly assisted its move across the Atlantic to the United States where it took solid roots and started growing like a wildfire.

H. W. Bush’s New World Order is now in the last stages of implementation thanks to the United Nations and its NGOs funded by U.S. taxpayers. The U.N. is also aided by the Fifth Column in America which is sympathetic to and collaborating with our enemies.

Ever since Cecil Rhodes established The Secret Society in 1891, a group of highly influential individuals who shared his vision, and Edward M. House formed The Inquiry in the U.S., the fate of the world was sealed.

Upon Cecil Rhodes’ death, Alfred Milner took over and the group was renamed the Chatham House Gang because they bought the Chatham House where they met.

Edward M. House’s group, The Inquiry, became known as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Chatham House Gang became the Royal Institute for International Affairs.

Woodrow Wilson made significant efforts to establish a global association of nations. He “filled his administration with members of the Council on Foreign Relations and they developed his legislative agenda.”

According to Curtis B. Dall, Roosevelt’s son-in-law, “… most of his [Roosevelt’s] thoughts, his political ammunition … was carefully manufactured for him in advance by the CFR-One World money group.” (The Rise of Global Governance DVD, Part 2 at 9:24)

The CFR was so influential that they wrote George W. Bush’s “Security and Prosperity Partnership” which proposed to erase the borders with Canada and Mexico, creating the North American Union, not unlike the creation of the European Union.

The New World Order/Global Governance includes all policies/schemes created by non-elected bureaucrats from international institutions that “… limit the social, educational, financial, and business behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies.” These non-elected bureaucrats form a group who believes that a “benevolent government populated by the enlightened intelligentsia should manage society.”

The other players in this global governance/new world order are the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission.

CFR has a membership of 5,000 with a select group at its core. According to Alex Newman, CFR has a “’corporate membership’ that includes the world’s largest bailed-out mega-banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, crony capitalists, the military industrial complex, publishing houses, and much of the establishment media.”

U.S. Admiral Chester Arthur, a CFR member for 20 years, wrote in his book, Kissinger on the Couch, that “within the CFR there exists a ‘much smaller group but more powerful … made up of Wall Street international bankers and their agents.’”  This faction is “headed by the Rockefeller brothers.”

The Trilateral Commission is more elite and international, founded in 1973 by the late globalist and self-described conspirator for a one world order David Rockefeller. He was a CFR member since 1941and chair of the board from 1970 to 1985, and honorary chair until his death in 2017 at the age of 101. (Alex Newman, “Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes, 2020)

Bilderberg was founded in 1954 by “former Nazi SS member Prince Bernhard” and met initially at Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands, hence the name. It is a “forum for informal discussions, designed to foster dialogue.” Analysts refer to the Bilderbergers as the secret global government.

According to Alex Newman, each meeting has “between 120 and 150 attendees, most of whom come from Europe and North America, representing every tentacle of establishment power.” The world’s most influential people and useful journalists are invited to attend – “Big Government, Big Green, Big Media, Big Oil, Big Espionage, Big Banks, Big War, Big Internet, Big Foundations, Big Communism, Big Data, and most of the other important ‘Bigs.’” (Alex Newman)

The World Economic Forum (WEF), founded in 1971 by a German engineer, Klaus Schwab, is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is funded by its 1,000 member companies, each with more than $5 billion in capital, with the goal of “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.”

WEF claims that a globalist world is best managed by multinationals, government, and civil society organizations via initiatives like the Great Reset and Global Redesign. Citizens need not participate as the rich and powerful know best what is good for them.

To achieve the New World Order fully, all of America’s historic principles must be destroyed – borders, sovereignty, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to bear arms, all divergent opinions, and historical facts.

Covid 19 lockdowns served as a beta test for the New World Order – the controllers wanted to know how far they could push the population in the face of abject fear.

WEF admitted that “Covid 19 was a test of social responsibility – a huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health adopted by billions of citizens across the world.” They were testing us to see how we would comply with a “new normal.” And the global population responded quite obediently when faced with the world’s largest psychological experiment.

Billionaires and corrupt politicians are working non-stop with other globalists to achieve the New World Order by 2030 with the help of groups of elected and unelected individuals, most of whom work in the shadows.



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Art Presenting Communism Truthfully

I came across one episode of a popular series, Northern Exposure, that ran in the 1990-1995. Highly popular then, it received many accolades, and the main actors were nominated for and received several awards for their excellent performance.

The streaming episode in question, number 25, entitled Zarya, aired during season five. For me, it was shocking because the entire show advocated for capitalism and against communism. There was even a brief plug for the crowd pushing global warming caused by CO2.

I was accustomed to Hollywood supporting all socialist and communist causes, praising the tyranny that had killed one hundred million innocent people around the world, including my own dad.

I knew that public school students and college students only received a cursory introduction to the evils, misery, famine, torture, and death that all communist societies inflicted on their citizens with the Communist Party at the helm.

The communist ideology, adopted by socialist republics in lock step with the Soviet Union, originally stemmed from Karl Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. All these countries were socialist republics run by the Communist Party under the guidance and advice of the Soviet Politburo apparatchiks.

The episode presented an imaginary and secret visit by a Soviet delegation led by Lenin to Alaska post the tumultuous times when the Soviets deposed the Romanovs in Russia.

As truth has become a victim of the lies spewed by politicians, the mass media, academia, and the government, it is important to describe what some of the characters said during this highly interesting episode of Northern Exposure.

One of the Russian characters, Mikhail Borisovich, a medical doctor who accompanies the group, refuses to go back to Russia with Lenin, not because he had lost faith in the Bolshevik Revolution, but because, as a scientist, he was no longer sure that “life can be reduced to class struggle, to dialectical materialism, or any set of formulas. Life is spontaneous and it is unpredictable,” he said to the fictional Lenin.

The show ended with the fictional narrative that, “after his return from Alaska, Lenin instituted the New Economic Policy which allowed for limited private enterprise. The policy revived the Soviet economy but was scorned by hardline party members. After Lenin’s death, Stalin abolished Lenin’s reforms and returned the Soviet Union to ‘Pure Socialism.’”

The loose connection to the show’s location, the fictional Cicely, Alaska, was brought about by the fact that Tsar Alexander II had ceded Alaska, his country’s last remaining foothold in North America, to the United States for $7.2 million.

The real Lenin did propose a New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1921 where a mixed economy with a free market and capitalism, both subject to state control while operating on a “profit basis.” The economy was mixed when the Soviets revoked partially the complete nationalization of industry and allowed a mixed economy to exist for a short while.

The show’s storyline reveals what Lenin’s communist-controlled society wrought: confiscation of private property, total control by the state, politically and economically, hunger, starvation, and the lack of basic goods and freedoms.

A very hungry Comrade Borisovich is plied with the abundance of decent food in capitalism, and he eats the offerings on the capitalist table like the starved and hungry socialist that he was – a doctor working for Soviet Polyclinic number 6. His female interlocutor reminds him that on Nevsky Prospekt, he could not buy a new pair of socks nor needle and thread to darn the ones he has.

The fictional Lenin visits the local shop to buy bunion shields. He explains to the elderly shop owner that, “unfortunately, for all the triumphs of our Revolution, the quality of shoes has declined.” The well-informed shop owner tells Lenin that she has read about his Soviet Union. “If you remove the profit incentive, you get shoddy merchandise.”

Lenin counters that “the middlemen, brokers, like the owner of this shop, are economic parasites.” She tells him proudly that she is the owner of the shop. “You mean your husband,” he replies. “I mean me. Why would you presume otherwise?” Lenin replies, “given the subservient position of women in capitalist society.”

“You utopian social engineers are all alike,” she replied to Lenin. “If Karl Marx had made some capital instead of writing about capital, things would have been much better.” Lenin was shocked that such a “well-adjusted woman could live in a bourgeois society.”  He was accustomed to Soviet political commissars controlling everything and everybody.

Capitalism is not perfect, but it does not deny the existence of the soul, of God, of the inventive minds of people who are unique individuals with God-given rights to explore all possibilities and opportunities to become the best that they can be, not hobbled by the communist police state.

It is surprising that Hollywood produced this episode in 1993, so soon after the “fall” of the Soviet Union in 1990. It would be ideal if public schools in the 21st century America would teach students in detail how socialism and communism had enslaved and terrorized millions around the globe. This education would dispel any positive opinions young people have about communism.