Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The American Reds and the Blues

Someone decided a long time ago that the Democrat Party should be represented by blue, a cool color, while the Republican Party should be represented by the color red, an angry color. USA Today claimed that they may have had something to do with it. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/11/03/heres-why-republicans-red-and-democrats-blue/6144842002/

Red has always represented the oppressive communist movement since its inception. Those in power knew that red is an angry color, and it still represents communism around the globe. They assigned the angry red and the cool blue to fool the voters. Everyone knows that both Republicans and Democrats are part of the same national suicide pact driven by their greedy quest for power, control, and money.

Having witnessed the destruction planned and accomplished by the Communist Party in Romania, I am reminded daily of the destruction wrought upon this country by the Marxist Democrats in power.

My childhood friend wrote to me recently that the rest of the world is watching anxiously what America is doing to itself because, without America’s financial help, development, and progress, everyone else is doomed. “Our fate depends on your fate. It would be so nice if we had peace on the planet and hatred between countries would stop. After all, we are all mortals.”

If policies applied under the communist regimes in the Iron Curtain seem familiar to you, it is because the Marxists in power here are adopting similar policies. Americans who vote for socialist Democrats do not understand the significance of their error because their historical knowledge of communism is extremely limited as schools do not teach students what happened inside the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain.

When it came to controlling the population, the commies made up crises, and then offered solutions that were worse than the crisis they created in the first place. The communist elites ruled by intimidation, fear, brute force, fealty, insecurity, and snitching on families and friends. It was an Orwellian police state that controlled everything.

Birth rate – the Communist Party realized that the birth rate was plummeting because no women in their right minds would bring children into the world where famine, scarce food supply, rationing, difficulty to find or afford a place to live, were the norm. It was a very hard life created by the police state.

But the police state needed workers for their factories and agriculture; they could not bring workers in via illegal immigration, nor did they want to. So, they forced women to have 4-5 children to prove their loyalty to the Communist Party and to the common good.

In March 1984 measures were established to allow the government to check women every month at work to see if they were pregnant. If they were, the women were forced to carry the baby to term and, if they could not afford to feed it, the babies would become wards of the state. Still, more than half of all pregnancies were aborted via illegal means.

Women were denied proper medical care, were malnourished, and some died if they miscarried. Doctors were afraid to treat them. Women who spontaneously miscarried were labeled criminals by the state and so were the doctors who treated them. High school girls were encouraged to have out-of-wedlock babies and were given medals “for contributing to the construction of the socialist police state.”

Diet and food consumption – the communists even invented a “scientific diet” that involved little or no meat because meat was in short supply, most production was exported to the west for cash earmarked for the Communist Party elites. Remember the push globally now to eat crickets and worms which are already added to many products and are listed on the label with their Latin names?

Hot water, heat, electricity, fuel rationing – there was so much export of goods to fund the commies’ pet projects that there was so little left for the population. They were forced to do without hot water, heat, electricity, and fossil fuels at a time when they were most needed. Shortages of everything, rationing, and long lines dominated the economic landscape.

Destruction of historical and religious monuments – two such monuments were destroyed in Romania in July 1986, the last Sephardic synagogue in Bucharest, and in August 1986, the largest Seventh Day Adventist church. The list of historical churches demolished to make room for the Bauhaus style construction of communist pet projects was quite long.

Destruction of historical buildings and statues – The move was intended to make room for the gaudy monuments and statues dedicated to communism.

Scarcity and rationing by coupon books issued monthly to each family – It included food, shampoo, rice, cooking oil, sugar, coffee, milk, eggs, cheese products, soap, and detergent.

Fake and non-scientific warnings about the dangers of overeating - The population was starving and thin already, and the ridiculous advice was passed to hide the lack of food and other staples. Food was rationed and calories were dictated by law while the rotund elites stuffed themselves.

The monopoly of the printed word - The Orwellian Ministry of Truth was the controllers’ way to know everything people thought, said, and wrote. If you were declared a “danger to the public order,” you were not allowed to own a typewriter. If you owned one, you had to declare it along with a sample of its print.

The blatant mismanagement of the economy from the top was blamed on black market profiteers. Everything produced went for export to fatten the pockets of the elite Party members – food, grain, energy, electricity, steel, and crude oil.

Destruction of private property and valuables - People’s private homes were destroyed, and valuables were confiscated and distributed among the top elites of the party. The new socialist/communist man did not need a house or personal possessions because the Party would provide it all. This promise was just one more lie added to the many told before.

Confiscated farmland for communist agriculture – The regime moved farmers into ugly apartments in the city, bulldozed their homes, and confiscated their land for agriculture. Overnight the farmers became “town peasants” who were dependent on the state to supply them with food, gas, and electricity as wood burning was no longer necessary or allowed. Trees were reserved for logging and exports.

These are real stories witnessed by many who escaped communism. Now that a new brand of communism is blanketing the globe, one wonders where one can escape it as the west is destroying itself and turning to the neo-communism developed by the globalist technocrats who control everything in their lives.

It is no longer about the Reds and Blues fighting for political office and power, the winning of which is already decided by the authorities who control the voting and the huge invasion of voting illegal aliens. It is about surviving the technocratic neo-communism which many around the globe have already accepted despite the loss of personal freedom and national sovereignty.



1 comment:

  1. Excellent article, if a bit depressing, but needs to be read. Shared on FB & X with button at bottom of story. You're right. I learned little to nothing, leaning toward nothing about communism in high school in the late 70's. The most I heard about the evils of communism was at Youth for Christ rallies on Saturday nights in a fairly big auditorium that held probably 750-1,000 (it's closed now so going by memory) of us and world renowned speakers were brought in like Carrie ten Boom (The Hiding Place) and others who smuggled Bibles into communist countries and told of the official atheism. In 1980, Ronald Regan ran for president and spoke of the evils of communism among other things the liberals were destroying. He came to Wichita State University where I was studying journalism and he gave a rousing speech that my husband and I attended which I still recall to this day. I also did a lot of reading on my own to what happened to South Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. after the communists took over...awful as you describe.
