Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pay Attention to Communist Indoctrination

Now that neo-communism is spreading around the world under the guise of protecting the planet from manufactured climate change and politicians are pushing hard to implement a one world government under the leadership of the U.N. and the billionaire elites, it is important to draw attention to the destructive and insidious power of communism.

The cumulative effect of a century of Communist Party activity in the U.S. is finally bearing major fruit among the American people and institutions who are completely divorced from the Constitution.

The mainstream media has been communist for quite some time, public school teachers, college professors, school administrators, and publishers. We have had a communist president, a vice-president, many self-declared communists in Congress, and high-ranking and low-level communist bureaucrats.

In the 1960s, the KGB conducted a psychological experiment; they bombarded human subjects with continuous messages of fear and in two months’ time most of the subjects were completely brainwashed to believe the fear messages to such an extent that, when presented with clear information to the contrary, none of them changed their minds. Fear is so powerful that it can change parts of the human brain.

We saw this behavior in masses wearing masks religiously. Even though they were told repeatedly that the masks did not work, and the six feet of space was arbitrary and fake, some people are still wearing masks today, in public and alone in their cars.

Americans do not know much about communist history and its evil philosophy because they have not studied it in schools. Few Americans know about the hundred million victims who were killed by communists and other millions who were enslaved by brutal communist regimes.

For decades, the communists in America have disrupted education, race relations, and underscored “police brutality” in an organized campaign to discredit law enforcement. Riots, looting, burning, and anti-American protests were the direct effect of the communist activity in this country.

The communist underground planned to disrupt the family and make mothers and fathers irrelevant. They invented biology by manufacturing sexes that do not exist, by pretending that men can menstruate, have babies, nurse babies, and by calling mothers derisively “birthing persons.” The ‘smear everything good in America campaign’ has been shockingly successful.

The communists have brainwashed and agitated the young generations into an open defiance and contempt for our laws. They politically challenged the status quo based on the Leninist belief that the decisive factor is power and violence, not the law.

Communist organizers, agitators, and propagandists of the Communist Party were selected and trained from the ranks of the unemployed, disenchanted youth without a purpose, who live in their parents’ basement.

The American communists have succeeded in developing such a powerful propaganda machine with tacticians and NGOs funded by billionaires. The principles of Marx, Engels, and Lenin indoctrinated the youth inside and outside of public schools.

The power of communism resides in the ability to teach the young with brains full of mush that there is no individuality in communism, only conformity to the demands of the police state.

Communists are shaping new generations, molding their minds into the tenets of Marxism-Leninism, making them “mere soulless cogs of a brutal machine, where man is degraded and debased.”

Endless agitation against capitalism, our economy, and lawlessness produced a general feeling of unrest and discontent, not unlike the Trump presidency when the left sabotaged his presidency and was not allowed to govern most effectively. The propaganda campaign convinced the frightened masses on the left that he was a fascist.

The communists have urged young American leftists, discontent with their own status in life and lack of jobs, to be ‘disruptors’:

-         to disrupt traffic

-         to heckle prominent people

-         to invade government offices

-         to engage in civil disobedience encouraged by high-ranking leftist politicians who selectively punished peaceful protesters on the right but never punished violent leftist protesters

-         to destroy, loot and burn neighborhoods

-         to glue themselves to priceless works of art in museums

-         to glue themselves to the pavement in the middle of a busy intersection or chain themselves to a bridge.

All these actions by radical communists weaken the citizens’ faith in their own government and their belief in law and order. Radicals lie, “poison, and pollute the very atmosphere of freedom with venomous attacks upon everything which we hold dear – our flag, our country, our churches, our homes, our institutions and our traditions.”

The German born American philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) wrote:

“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, are, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”

Now, in the 21st century the communists have one more tool at their disposal – technocracy, powerful technology which silences and controls freedom of speech; it erases any dissenting opinions and prevents the dissemination of truth.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Laura's Pilgrimage

Laura and I were at the pool yesterday, discussing her pilgrimage of faith in Spain last year and her two hikes alone in the Grand Canyon when she was in her early 30s. She is my age but much more of a loner than I am. She told me her amazing stories of endurance, describing hikes that I would have never attempted alone at any age. She is truly the bravest person I know personally.

According to experts, more than half million people have run the Colorado River and more than a million have hiked or camped in the Grand Canyon since its establishment as a National Park in 1919. My question would be, who counted and how?

The Grand Canyon as I’ve seen it with my husband from the South Rim is an otherworldly void of gigantic proportions which caused me to experience vertigo as my eyes could not rest as a point of reference on any rock formation jutting menacingly but also beautifully out of the ground; if you could only suspend the fact that the layers are nothing but impaling and unforgiving sharp rocks with the appearance of delicate lace. Some compared the Grand Canyon to the “dry rock version of the middle of the ocean, an impenetrable void.” No surprise there as the canyon was once under an ocean.

My friend Laura hiked down into the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River alone, spent the night in the camp at the bottom in a tent and then climbed back up to the South Rim the next morning. She carried the two gallons of water, her tent, rations of food, and everything else she would have needed in order to survive and be able to withstand the intense heat in the canyon. How intense was the heat? Upwards of 120-degree Fahrenheit.

The second hike was from one end of the Grand Canyon to the other. She recounted spending the night on a boulder shaped like a couch and watching the most incredible sky filled with stars she has ever experienced. During the day it was rough, always watching where she stepped, watching for unstable rocks, potential rattlesnakes, Challa cacti, and scorpions. She was always on the lookout for water as well.

At one point, she ran into two guys who looked like they were up to no good. As they approached and asked her for small change, she told them she had none and, they would have no place to spend it anyway. Luckily, they turned around and left her alone. She had prepared her hunting knife to deal with them and she was trained in karate.

I am in awe that she had the fortitude, resilience, physical strength, and courage to complete such arduous treks alone through the most unforgiving canyon in the world. I would have never attempted such dangerous hikes in the world’s largest canyon.

Laura completed the Way of St. James, the Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage leading to the shrine of the apostle James in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia in northwestern Spain, where tradition says that the remains of the apostle are buried.

The Rue Saint-Jacques in Paris was an important north-south road in Roman Gaul. If you look down to the pavement, you will see bronze medallions in the shape of scallop shells which mark the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

The pilgrimage of St. James is 500 miles long. It starts in Saint Jean Pied de Port, France, and travels westwards across Spain to Santiago de Compostella in Galicia. Walking pilgrims take 30-35 days to complete the journey. Laura did it in 30 days.

I did not ask Laura how damaged her feet were or the amount of pain and suffering she experienced to complete her pilgrimage in Spain or the two hikes in the Grand Canyon. The resilience of youth and personal strength and determination at an older age when faith drives us are boundless. And Laura exemplifies those characteristics and more.

I met a 51-year-old very athletic woman, Army high-ranking officer, who had hiked the Grand Canyon all the way down to the Colorado River from the South Rim when she was 34 years old, with her then 3year old son and her husband. She carried her son in her backpack while her husband carried the gallons of water needed to survive and food. They hiked down at daybreak and came back up the same day. She remarked that her son, an adult today, still has some memories of that hike.

I am not sure why adults put their children's lives in danger, i.e., infants, toddlers, and elementary school age ones. I understand that some adults are adrenaline junkies, others have a need to challenge themselves against the most desolate and dangerous places Mother Nature has to offer, for bragging rights, but to me, life is more precious than gambling it away to prove that you can do it, you came back alive and now have temporary or permanent injuries to prove it.

But my friend Laura did it for her faith, to be closer to God and that is an amazing reason.

Of the more than six million people who visit the Grand Canyon annually, most of whom only spend 90 minutes inside the park which is a World Heritage Site and one of the most amazing of the World’s Seven Natural Wonders, fly or drive from near and far to this massive void because it is a large area of wilderness unlike anywhere else on the planet. It is not a safe place, but people are overcome with such an adrenaline rush of awe and wonder that it shuts off the rational part of their brains.



Friday, July 19, 2024

Childhood Freedom Under a Blue Sky and White Puffy Clouds

I remember as a child watching the fluffy clouds from my bed of green grass in grandma’s garden; a small patch of rich grass was off limits to animals to graze, given its proximity to the fenced garden. It smelled fresh and intoxicating even though grandma always treated her nearby potatoes with DDT to kill off the dreaded Colorado beetle which otherwise would have devoured her garden.

The clouds’ movement across the blue sky was a pretend way for me to fly with the birds, to catch a ride on the tail of a white cloud and fly to the city, away from the country where my mom had dropped me off for what it seemed, to a small child, like an eternity. I only saw my mom for a few hours on Sundays and each time she left, I felt abandoned, like she would never come back.

My parents were honest and poor, paid a meager salary, were not Communist Party members, and could not afford the communist day care rates, nor kindergarten. The concept of hired baby-sitting did not exist in our culture.

Nobody took their children on trips or to restaurants (that was a luxury only the communist elites could afford), they were left behind with grandparents or other available relatives who were not exactly the most dependable caretakers. It thrilled kids that nobody really cared that they were gone to explore all day and get into trouble. But the village in general watched for other people’s kids and their wellbeing.

So, my grandparents became my babysitters for the first seven years of my life. I loved them and I followed them around religiously, pestering them with incessant questions. They humored me, grandma, a bit less because I was the only grandchild at the time.

I always found what grandpa was doing infinitely more fascinating than my grandmother’s cooking, tending to the small garden that fed us, caring for the birds and animals in the yard, and doing laundry.

Grandpa’s shop, his tools that could repair anything the villagers brought in weekly in rusty heaps, his archeology magazines with glossy pictures from far away (old issues of National Geographic), his readings and on site explorations with his tenants who were doing archeological digs at the edge of the village where they had found under an old church ruins a couple of Roman tombs, were fascinating me.

I loved his old coins from WWI and prior and the few Roman coins I found in a battered metal box in his closet. I played with them often even though grandpa had warned me to leave that box alone. It was just so tempting once he told me to stay away from that historical treasure. The fact that they looked so old fascinated me.

But I wanted most of all to be in the city with my parents. The 9 km distance to my parents’ tiny apartment seemed to the mind of a child a circle around the globe. The rickety bus from the city came to the village twice a day, dislodging dirty and exhausted men who had jobs in the many refineries and factories in the polluted city of Ploiesti with its Dâmbu River. The unpleasant smell of petroleum from the floating oil patches was overwhelming. Nothing could have lived in that water, and we did not dare to go in. Today I hope that they have cleaned this 24-mile-long tributary which flows through the town of Ploiesti.

But the village had artesian water and the creeks and Prahova River were crystal clear. The fish swam around us in the water holes we found to cool off in from the summer’s baking heat. We did not have air conditioners and humidity was low.

Prahova River

As children, we walked quite a bit of distance from aunt Nuta’s house to reach the Prahova river with cold and refreshing water. Aunt Nuta was supposed to be our protector and babysitter. She was fourteen years older than the oldest child in the group. None of us could swim and we could have easily drowned in the chilly water, but the current was slow, and the water volume was low in the summer. We did not have fishing gear, we just bathed with the large silver fishes who swam around us, unafraid of humans.

When it rained hard and the irrigation and road drainage ditches running in front of every house were full of muddy water, we stripped to our white underwear and bathed in that muck to my grandmother’s horror who had to boil our clothes to make them semi-white and clean again. We did not have bleach back then.

There was a creek in the middle of the village that we kids walked or biked to quite often to catch minnows, frogs, and leeches. Grandpa always had ratty bikes around that the villagers brought in to be fixed. I used grandma’s fine stockings with a metal wire to fish them out. She never knew how her finest stockings would disappear, one leg at a time. I put the leeches in an empty glass milk bottle filled with clean water, with a large mouth. The leeches always escaped during the night even though I covered the bottle with a loose lid and a small rock on top. I am not so sure if grandma did not release them from their captivity when we were not looking.

On my last trip to the village in 2015, I noticed that the creek was gone, they had rerouted it elsewhere when they paved the roads in the 1990s. Distances seemed much shorter than I remembered them as a child when walking seemed interminable in every direction. The village now had a water fountain in the middle where the bus stopped, and a mercantile and communist-style cinema used to be. They were all gone, replaced by a grocery store.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The New World Order Morphing into Global Governance

James Gustave Speth, after co-founding the Natural Defense Council in 1971, ran the World Resource Institute, ultimately becoming the head of the U.N. Development Program.

In 1997, Speth said, “Global governance is here, here to stay, and driven by economic and environmental globalization, global governance will inevitably expand.”

Thanks to U.N. Agenda 21 signed by most nations in 1992, and to President Clinton who started its implementation at all levels of government, U.N. global governance has expanded and taken over everything with SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and its lynchpin, SUSTAINABILITY.

What exactly is global governance? Maurice Strong, with a U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance, produced a 410-page report, Our Global Neighborhood, with recommendations. It was not defined until 1999: “Global governance is the framework of rules, institutions, and practices that set limits on behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies.” The U.N. claims that global governance is not the same as world government which is ridiculous semantics.

Global governance definition expanded into “policies created by non-elected bureaucrats from international institutions, usually located in Switzerland, who limit the behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies.”

Ever since Cecil Rhodes’ “Secret Society” of 1891, a select group of European monarchs, global billionaires, and other elites believed that society would be best controlled by a benevolent global government made up of “enlightened intelligentsia.”

This philosophy was advanced by organizations such as Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, World Federalist Association, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Center for American Progress, and others.

Was the origin of global governance, the wide restrictions on individual freedoms at all levels, the New World Order?

In 1990-1991, following the 1989 collapse of the Soviet Union, the idea of President Bush’s New World Order (NWO) quickly became part of the media lexicon. Bush had “emphasized the New World Order in a nationally televised address and in his official letter to Congress.” He said that he was going “to craft a new world order for the resolution of disputes.”

National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft termed the NWO a “defining moment in world history.”  Serious thinkers realized that his New World Order (Novo Ordo Seclorum on our dollar bills) was the first step on the road to one world government or global governance.

The New World Order envisioned was developed via United Nations and global corporations. Technocracy, with the extreme global power it has today, did not exist in the 1990s.

David Funderburk, a former Ambassador, wrote at the time that the idea of using United Nations as a New World Order manager was half-baked since the United Nations was a “hotbed of KGB spies and Third World anti-American radicals.”

Thinkers quickly realized that “the old ideas of sovereignty and nationality will be casualties of the New World Order,” while money managers, global corporations, large banks, and other financial power centers will control everything from behind the scenes.

In 1991 David B. Funderburk asked a very significant question in his book, Betrayal of America, if the New World Order will put an end to American sovereignty. This sad reality is unfortunately in development now.

Throughout history, imposing one’s will on other countries and denying nations the right to choose their own system of government by interfering in their affairs and politics has not ended well.

Bush ran with the NWO idea. The League of Nations was probably the initial promoter of the NWO notion, to create a “new global political and economic system to replace the existing one.”

Michael Collins Piper wrote in “Who’s Behind the New World Order” in 1990 that U.N. and its promoters from the Council on Foreign Relations played the main role in Bush’s plans for the New World Order.

Henry Kissinger was a huge advocate for globalism and the one world government/global governance. He said in an interview that the challenge will be to maintain the new balance of power of the New World Order and that peace must be maintained by “global and regional balances of power.”

The New World Order was a major step toward one world government/global governance. The New World Order was not designed to benefit the average, tax paying American, but the elites and the Marxist billionaires.

Nothing about the American way of life would be preserved in the NWO: belief in God, the traditional family, self-worth and dignity, private property, individual liberties, and the representative Constitutional Republic. Instability would be planned and directed by government bureaucrats with cooperation from the media’s disinformation and deception machine.

The Soviets and all their satellites had advocated for a world government under a Communist leadership, but it never happened. The greedy American elites today are advocating the same world government/global governance, and they are succeeding even though it will spell the end of our American sovereignty.

Samuel Francis wrote in The Washington Times, Son of New World Order, on October 24, 1990, “U.N. treaties demand that the United States alter its laws to suit the demands of a foreign political body.” All treaties, conventions, and conferences organized by the United Nations over many decades required the end of national independence.

Mentioned in Francis’ article is a quote by Brian Urquhart, former Under Secretary General for Special Political Affairs at the U.N., “the U.N. should be granted expanded powers to manage vast problems such as global warming, refugees, overpopulation, environmental damage, and the eradication of hunger and disease.” Almost four decades later, it is happening.

Over time, U.S. politicians have complied with the U.N. dictates, while American citizens remained powerless to stop it, including the illegal alien invasion of the last four years. These powers were granted to the U.N. by corrupt politicians.

The end of separate nations governing their own citizens is here, along with the serious damage to western civilization. Global governance by elites who know best what is good for us is threatening our health, survival, and the self-sufficiency of healthy food production is in serious trouble. We don’t need to eat bugs with the dangerous chitin which humans cannot digest.

The existence in the U.N. of Communist tyrants and other dictators ensures that the scourge of Communism will not be defeated, it will be assisted by Americans and transferred across the ocean to America. And this has already occurred with the 2020 successful Marxist coup.

The late Henry Lamb wrote in 2010, “If America is to be free, Americans must rise up and force the government to abandon its quest for dictatorial power and honor the limitations on power set forth in the U.S. Constitution.”

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The American Reds and the Blues

Someone decided a long time ago that the Democrat Party should be represented by blue, a cool color, while the Republican Party should be represented by the color red, an angry color. USA Today claimed that they may have had something to do with it.

Red has always represented the oppressive communist movement since its inception. Those in power knew that red is an angry color, and it still represents communism around the globe. They assigned the angry red and the cool blue to fool the voters. Everyone knows that both Republicans and Democrats are part of the same national suicide pact driven by their greedy quest for power, control, and money.

Having witnessed the destruction planned and accomplished by the Communist Party in Romania, I am reminded daily of the destruction wrought upon this country by the Marxist Democrats in power.

My childhood friend wrote to me recently that the rest of the world is watching anxiously what America is doing to itself because, without America’s financial help, development, and progress, everyone else is doomed. “Our fate depends on your fate. It would be so nice if we had peace on the planet and hatred between countries would stop. After all, we are all mortals.”

If policies applied under the communist regimes in the Iron Curtain seem familiar to you, it is because the Marxists in power here are adopting similar policies. Americans who vote for socialist Democrats do not understand the significance of their error because their historical knowledge of communism is extremely limited as schools do not teach students what happened inside the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain.

When it came to controlling the population, the commies made up crises, and then offered solutions that were worse than the crisis they created in the first place. The communist elites ruled by intimidation, fear, brute force, fealty, insecurity, and snitching on families and friends. It was an Orwellian police state that controlled everything.

Birth rate – the Communist Party realized that the birth rate was plummeting because no women in their right minds would bring children into the world where famine, scarce food supply, rationing, difficulty to find or afford a place to live, were the norm. It was a very hard life created by the police state.

But the police state needed workers for their factories and agriculture; they could not bring workers in via illegal immigration, nor did they want to. So, they forced women to have 4-5 children to prove their loyalty to the Communist Party and to the common good.

In March 1984 measures were established to allow the government to check women every month at work to see if they were pregnant. If they were, the women were forced to carry the baby to term and, if they could not afford to feed it, the babies would become wards of the state. Still, more than half of all pregnancies were aborted via illegal means.

Women were denied proper medical care, were malnourished, and some died if they miscarried. Doctors were afraid to treat them. Women who spontaneously miscarried were labeled criminals by the state and so were the doctors who treated them. High school girls were encouraged to have out-of-wedlock babies and were given medals “for contributing to the construction of the socialist police state.”

Diet and food consumption – the communists even invented a “scientific diet” that involved little or no meat because meat was in short supply, most production was exported to the west for cash earmarked for the Communist Party elites. Remember the push globally now to eat crickets and worms which are already added to many products and are listed on the label with their Latin names?

Hot water, heat, electricity, fuel rationing – there was so much export of goods to fund the commies’ pet projects that there was so little left for the population. They were forced to do without hot water, heat, electricity, and fossil fuels at a time when they were most needed. Shortages of everything, rationing, and long lines dominated the economic landscape.

Destruction of historical and religious monuments – two such monuments were destroyed in Romania in July 1986, the last Sephardic synagogue in Bucharest, and in August 1986, the largest Seventh Day Adventist church. The list of historical churches demolished to make room for the Bauhaus style construction of communist pet projects was quite long.

Destruction of historical buildings and statues – The move was intended to make room for the gaudy monuments and statues dedicated to communism.

Scarcity and rationing by coupon books issued monthly to each family – It included food, shampoo, rice, cooking oil, sugar, coffee, milk, eggs, cheese products, soap, and detergent.

Fake and non-scientific warnings about the dangers of overeating - The population was starving and thin already, and the ridiculous advice was passed to hide the lack of food and other staples. Food was rationed and calories were dictated by law while the rotund elites stuffed themselves.

The monopoly of the printed word - The Orwellian Ministry of Truth was the controllers’ way to know everything people thought, said, and wrote. If you were declared a “danger to the public order,” you were not allowed to own a typewriter. If you owned one, you had to declare it along with a sample of its print.

The blatant mismanagement of the economy from the top was blamed on black market profiteers. Everything produced went for export to fatten the pockets of the elite Party members – food, grain, energy, electricity, steel, and crude oil.

Destruction of private property and valuables - People’s private homes were destroyed, and valuables were confiscated and distributed among the top elites of the party. The new socialist/communist man did not need a house or personal possessions because the Party would provide it all. This promise was just one more lie added to the many told before.

Confiscated farmland for communist agriculture – The regime moved farmers into ugly apartments in the city, bulldozed their homes, and confiscated their land for agriculture. Overnight the farmers became “town peasants” who were dependent on the state to supply them with food, gas, and electricity as wood burning was no longer necessary or allowed. Trees were reserved for logging and exports.

These are real stories witnessed by many who escaped communism. Now that a new brand of communism is blanketing the globe, one wonders where one can escape it as the west is destroying itself and turning to the neo-communism developed by the globalist technocrats who control everything in their lives.

It is no longer about the Reds and Blues fighting for political office and power, the winning of which is already decided by the authorities who control the voting and the huge invasion of voting illegal aliens. It is about surviving the technocratic neo-communism which many around the globe have already accepted despite the loss of personal freedom and national sovereignty.