Thursday, April 4, 2024

Communism Explained for Useful Idiots

Communism cannot be described and incorporated into one definition because it is a philosophy, an economic system, a political doctrine, a highly directed and controlled lifestyle, a police state, a psychological conditioning, and an absolute indoctrination by any means necessary, primarily through fear, violence, and brute force.

The adherents of communism describe it as a philosophy which attempts to explain where humans came from, how they developed across the millennia, and their ultimate future in utopia.

The communists do not believe in God, they are atheists, although the Communist Party allows some churches to exist for the sole purpose of using the priests to spread Marxist indoctrination to their congregations, for traditional baptisms, church weddings, and burials. The police state does offer matrimonial services by a state clerk in the Marriage House set up by the Communist Party leadership of the area.

When the priests do not cooperate to indoctrinate their flock, they suffer the same disappearance fate as the non-compliant masses they call the proletariat.

The proletariat and professionals are equally poor and miserable, never smiling anywhere, looking down when walking or standing in crowds, working for pathetic wages as in “we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.”

The communists believe in keeping the masses poor enough and wanting enough that they comply with the oppression in order to survive – like a dog fed enough rations to keep it from dying and making that underfed dog beg every day for the said rations in exchange for good behavior.

The communist world is a world full of fake equality, abundance of material benefits for life, and total social justice although up close and personal, it is an outrageous injustice for all those who are not members of the Communist Party elite.

When out and about, the proletariat has to be prepared to be asked to show his/her papers on demand and the word “please” is never found in the authorities’ lexicon.

In communism, the proletariat, the farmers, and professionals are always guilty of whatever crime the Communist Party decides and manufactures until proven innocent which in a communist court of law never happens.

Communists don’t just offer free housing, child care, education, personal needs, free education, a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, “all things to all men,” and a cure for all of world’s ills, but also it promises “a paradise on earth.” The problem is that it never delivers any of it.

My grandma had a very wise saying about all these communist promises of freebies, “never go with a large bag to an orchard on expectations of a bountiful crop because you might just leave empty-handed.”

Despite their rhetoric, communists do not like democracy, they prefer tyranny. Their euphemistic and charismatic language attempts to cover the fact that they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Communists are not interested in building anything, in building a better nation, a better life, they are interested in wrecking and destroying everything, including history, who people are, and in remaking the globe and life in their desired image.

Their ultimate goal is world domination which explains why they prefer a new world order called globalism. And the push for global communism is coming from the U.N. and NGOs in Geneva. Some believe that communism, fascism, and tyranny do not really exist; it is the technocracy that we have to fear. But technocracy is the tool with which the global communists seek to control us.

The Fifth Column of the Nazis has been surpassed today by the Fifth Column of Global Communism. Western Civilization is in peril and the symbol of the free world, America, is also in peril. It is being attacked from within and without by the forces of the Fifth Column. And the indoctrinated generations, without any historical knowledge of communism or context, are willing to destroy their own country and future. They are the Useful Idiots as the Soviets termed their status.

“Atheistic communism denies every ideal we uphold” and uses terrorism, subversion, and relentless academic and mainstream media propaganda to trap everyone in a giant communist spider web under the guise of racism. Everything and everyone who disagrees with them and their platform is racist and thus immediately fired and “cancelled.”

There is a huge difference between what communists say communism is and what it actually is – a totalitarian form of socialism based on “duplicity, hypocrisy, and sham.”

Communists promise:

1.     Materialistic explanation of the origin of man

2.     Economic interpretation of history based on class struggle

3.     Abolition of capitalism which is seen as exploitation

4.     How to overthrow capitalism

5.     Moral code based on utility

6.     Abolition of all religions

7.     World-wide communist revolution

8.     World-wide communist society.

It is impossible to calculate the amount of human misery and death caused by the communist empires of the 20th century.

The history of communism has shown that their proletariat are nothing but pawn, slave subjects to the Communist Party’s whims, with no civil rights, no justice, just gulags, where terror and torture are the order of the day.

The communist paradise is just a lie where injustice, poverty, and misery rule. War is never abolished as communists promise. People cannot revolt because they have no guns.

When they took power, communists confiscated guns, land, private property, money, homes, and personal possessions. They left the people penniless and dependent on a “benevolent” government to care for them. If the people refused to obey, they met a quick death, or long-term imprisonment, if they were lucky.

Communism, since the publication of the Communist Manifesto pamphlet in 1848, has not:

-         Held free elections

-         Had independent search for truth

-         Had freedom of the press

-         Had freedom of speech

-         Had freedom of religion

-         Had an independent judicial system (judges were always controlled by the state)

-         Had a legacy of love, just hatred

-         Had freedom, just coercion and the use of force, violence, and death.

The fanaticism of communism is so deeply rooted that they are still faithful to the original Soviet communism and atheism to this day - once a communist, always a communist.

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