Monday, February 5, 2024

The Fundamental Transformation of America

“The Presidency is an institution, not a person.”  - 1997 movie quote

I am not sure how many people paid careful attention to President Obama’s speech in Columbia, Missouri, on October 30, 2008, in which he promised, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” The crowd applauded gleefully without realizing that their culture will never be the same again. The crowd applauded gleefully without realizing that their culture will never be the same again. In five days, his election would mark the beginning of the rapid and fundamental transformation of America.

People did not realize that in fifteen years, their country will begin to look more and more like a banana republic ruled by unseen forces, more insidious, and more powerful than any communist regime could have ever imagined, aided by a corrupt Uniparty, its media mouthpiece, and technocrats controlling the masses and their former free speech with the ease of algorithms, buttons, cameras, and the latest electronic gadgets.

But the most successful element of the Marxist coup espoused so boldly by Obama has been the invasion of the country by illegal aliens and the replacement of the voting and taxpaying American citizens with foreign nationals, enemies within and without.

Miseducation and successful indoctrination in public schools and universities have been the primary tools of population change and replacement, the drivers of acceptance to culturally erase an empire and “guiding” everyone into sheepish submission.

Carefully planned and funded invasion by our government and the U.N.’s IOM, under the guise of population migration caused by climate change, put a final nail in the fundamental transformation of the United States of America.

To make sure there are no dissenters, the government implemented a tight policy of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) across the board. Nobody dared to ask the important questions begging to be addressed in a logical and rational world:

1.     How is diversity making the country better? Did the Roman Empire survive because it was so diverse, composed of people from across many lands, speaking so many languages, people following their own cultures and refusing to learn Latin? Was Roman society progressing because this veritable Tower of Babel inhabited the Roman Empire lands, or was it regressing to pacify the culturally different newcomers who wanted what the Romans had but without the arduous work that made the Empire what it was? The newcomers wanted the spoils, not the Roman culture.

2.     How is equity, equal outcomes for unequal contributions and work, making the country better? How is rewarding those who do not work, never contributed, equal outcomes to those who did work and contributed? Even the Soviet Empire frowned upon those who wanted to live off welfare without working even though able to work but unwilling.

3.     How is forced inclusion going to make our country better? How does “inclusive management” work? Can we just take anyone off the street and make them managers despite their shortcomings, lack of experience, training, and education? Do we want to be operated on by a doctor that was included in the program because he/she represented a certain demographic but lacked in ability? Should we let a pilot fly a plane based on inclusion even though he/she failed the piloting program miserably and keeps crashing the simulator planes?

How exactly are the millions of illegal aliens, flown and bussed to sanctuary cities in the U.S., going to make our American society better when they refuse to learn English and form identical cultural clusters around each other, replicating the cultural conditions, crime, and the drug cartel-controlled societies they migrated from?

Americans do not appear curious about the invasion of immigrants with which they are being replaced. The vast and carefully planned migration is orchestrated and facilitated by their own government and by the United Nations’ International Office for Migration (IOM) and paid via many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) funded by our government. But Dr. Brett Weinstein, a biologist, was curious enough to travel with his wife to the Darien Gap to see for himself what was happening.

The Darien Gap is a 60-miles disruption of impenetrable jungle across the border between Colombia and Panama in the continuous stretch of the Pan American Highway which runs from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to the southern tip of South America. The highway runs through dense jungles, tundra, and deserts.

The 60-mile stretch is such an unforgiving mountainous terrain, a continental divide that, without proper training, preparation, and guide, anybody is in grave peril. The migrants are exposed to robberies, rape, hypothermia, falls on slippery ground, constant wetness, trench foot, and death. Without a support system, many die in the Darien Gap and some migrants step over dead bodies. Yet 520,000 migrants have crossed the Darien Gap in 2023.

Dr. Weinstein believes that the massive invasion of people is both migration and invasion. The actual trek starts in Ecuador (it does not require a visa) where foreign nationals arrive by plane. All South American countries have stringent immigration controls and laws and enforce their borders but allow these migrants to cross their territories.

The men, mostly military age, are loaded onto buses, are waved on through to transit camps by all other countries on the condition that they stay bound for the United States.

Dr. Weinstein said that those he saw in the Canaan Membrillo Camp admit openly that they migrated for economic reasons, not political ones, because their economies collapsed.

Once arriving at the U.S. border, all migrants claim political asylum, the reason being that the U.S. does not give economic asylum, which would rob Americans of economic opportunities in their own country. Sadly, by opening the border and allowing in so many illegal aliens, our government is robbing Americans of economic opportunities.

According to Dr. Weinstein, the San Vicente Camp is entirely Chinese. They were not willing to talk, no journalists were present, and no photographs were allowed by the Senafront of Panama. The Chinese arrivals, mostly males, with no children, did not have to cross the deadly jungle.

“The Chinese bypass the Darien Gap; they have money and can go by boat.” It is also strange to see the Chinese housed separately, it is “quite conspicuous.”

China and the U.N. appear to be “fueling the invasion of America.”

“Rep. James Moylan of Guam warned that the territory is ‘infiltrated’ by illegal Chinese migrants and is seeking aid from the Biden administration to protect the island.”

All legal immigrants in this country who have fled tyrannical regimes have sympathy for illegal aliens who are fleeing tyrannical communist regimes, however, Dr. Weinstein described the unsettling hostility he felt coming from the Chinese in the San Vicente Camp.

Stringent controls are in place for legal immigrants and Americans crossing the border, but there is a “stunning” lack of control for those crossing the border illegally. Only their name and birthdate are being recorded, without any documentary proof.

There is no way the Chinese nationals have left their country without the knowledge of the CCP and their border controllers. Maps were distributed and cartoons supplied to the Chinese, showing them the route to the U.S.

Pay for play is alive and well and it is not in our best interest. The flood of illegals is obviously not a migration of people asking for political asylum. It is an economic migration for some and an invasion for others, carefully planned and paid for by those who are intent on occupying and destroying the United States and then expanding their influence across the two continents.

There is a substantial steel and concrete bridge to nowhere being built in Panama and nobody seems to know why, including the Panamanians. The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative of 2013 is no longer just for Africa and Asia, it is for the Americas as well as seen in this massive invasion facilitated by those who are accepting the pay.



  1. A couple of thoughts. The fundamental transformation of America was not a Democrat agenda, but an agenda by those who control the U. S. government. Because we've been groomed to be divided and to hate those on the other side, almost everything is seen through the lense of division, which is worse than the invasion that has been expertly choreographed by those who have controlled the U. S. government since before I was born.

    While there may not be concrete proof that those who control the U. S. government are working with the CCP to destroy us from within, if one will step back from the obligatory boogeyman syndrome, it should become increasingly apparent that while the CCP is the target of verbal concern, the actions taken by the entities involved are the opposite of the verbal attacks.

  2. The previous comment was sent to me by A. J. Cameron.
