Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Return from Denver

We have returned from our trip to Canada and flew from Denver on a Boeing 777 with 360 passengers on board plus the crew. I've never flown before on such a large plane for just a three-hour flight.

There were several babies and toddlers on the plane, but none made a peep the entire time. I was pleasantly surprised. 

I did not think that Boeings could be any more uncomfortable, but I was wrong. This model's seats were tiny and felt like we were sitting in a plastic torture device from the lack of lumbar support and no padding whatsoever on the hard chairs. I was seated across the middle aisle from my hubby, but his seat was several inches behind mine. Strange!

The only Goth on the plane sat next to me. He was sporting strangely designed black clothes, tattoos, chains, a Mexican-looking black hat which was contrasting starkly with his Casper the ghost skin tone, and a long jet-black beard braided into a pig-tail style. He was carrying two huge backpacks and a very expensive Apple computer. Luckily, he did not smell bad, but I had to put up with his widely spread chicken legs because he decided to park his bulging backpack and his laptop case between his legs instead of putting them in the overhead compartment.

On the previous flight from Denver to Calgary, Canada, a grown man pooped on himself when the plane took off. He was seated next to my grandson. The smell was unbearable! Luckily, we were moved a row or two away from him, but the smell permeated the cabin. I felt bad for the poor guy until I saw him picking up his baggage from the carousel, laughing and carrying on with his two friends. Obviously, the incident did not faze him at all. What a memorably unpleasant flight that was!

Hubby sat near a father with his two children and wife, and they all wore black N95 masks. The most bizarre was the fact that they all ate sandwiches with their masks on, took one bite each time, and then put the masks back on and chewed their food. They repeated this action until they finished their meals. It was so painful to watch, especially the small children. It looked like child abuse to me.

We arrived at Dulles at 2 p.m. after a bumpy flight due to severe weather but a smooth landing. I watched the assorted libs waiting to pick up their suitcases - some wearing their sandals with white or colorful socks, some showing their derrieres, breasts, and multiple tats, and some with strange colored hair. What an entertaining show!

We took the bus to the economy parking and, even though we knew exactly which row we had parked on, we had a hard time finding our SUV because in a well-lighted parking lot, at 2:30 a.m., all cars and SUV look about the same. Fifteen minutes later, we were on our way home.

What a joy to finally come home after eight days of a whirlwind trip to Canada to watch our 9-year-old grandson play competitive hockey. He is so good and ambitious! We love him and his little brother who was a joy the entire time. Being a grandparent is the best!


  1. Greetings! This is an interesting “life, such as it is,” article. (A topic section on my website is “Life (such as it is),” with 94 articles.) I'm glad that your husband and you enjoyed family togetherness, in the context of your grandson's hockey game. Family togetherness is so important.

    The Goth, whom you mentioned, brings to mind the first flight that my wife and I had together, back in 1987. We were with a group, on a two-week missionary trip to Jamaica. Bob Barker and his wife, at the time, were on the plane. A Rastafarian sat behind us. He was a congenial gentleman, but his hair did smell of cow dung. Other flights -- in the late 1980s to late 1990s, to India and Russia (five years of mission work) -- were mostly uneventful, thankfully. Folks were usually well-mannered, dressed appropriately, and pleasant, back then.

    The family that wore masks indicate that some folks still have “Corona Myopia” (another topic section, with 30 articles). Last weekend, my wife and I visited the garden section at Lowe's. It was outside! Still yet, we saw a younger couple, wearing masks. Folks need to get over their “Corona Myopia Obsession” (as I call it).

    The strange folks, whom y'all saw at the luggage claim area, remind me of strange folks, whom I've seen shopping at “Wally World” (as I call it). We used to shop weekly, at that store, until we found better options, where not as many strangely attired folks shop.

    Oh, and finally, yes, most of these newer cars, trucks, and SUVs look similar. I remember when you could tell the make and model of a vehicle at a distance, when vehicles were designed with sufficiently unique styles.

    Thanks for sharing your “life, such as it was,” moment. May your family and you continue to be well and safe.

  2. Thank you, Mr. Fearghail, for your post. We had a blast in Canada, and I shall write soon about our trip to Banff National Park. God bless,
    Ileana Johnson
