Monday, February 27, 2023

Ukraine and the Danube Delta

How did globalism metastasize all over the world so quickly, like a virulent cancer? How was this evil exported around the world with such speed?

How did the ideology of self-loathing become so pathological, the ideology of putting citizens of another nation ahead of a country’s own interests?

Why are so many governments destroying their own countries on purpose, almost in unison, to satisfy the directives of the United Nations, a corrupt organization run by representatives of small countries that could not survive without financial help from the west? Their wealth-redistributive climate change industry and the “world without borders” concept have been exported around the world like a blitzkrieg.

Who is responsible for breeding this evil idea of self-loathing and destruction of nations into every corner of the globe? Nobody seems able to resist, they are mesmerized into submission.

How did the virus of woke-ism, spread around the globe so fast as well, except perhaps in China?

Why would a Yale University Economics professor suggest that elderly Japanese should commit “mass suicide by disembowelment to help the country deal with its rapidly aging population?” Where did this insanity originate?

The leftist religion of climate change and planetary apocalypse has also taken over the globe, playing in the hands of elitist billionaires who want nothing but total control of our lives and all businesses, under the guise of protecting the globe from our alleged irreversible damage to the environment.

How did the disgusting critical race theory, in your face anti-white racism, spread so quickly around the United States, the most tolerant nation on the planet?

How did the anti-American and irrational mainstream media spread its poisonous lies around the globe in unison, with identically scripted misinformation and lies to every country?

When did it become normal to start proxy wars with countries that have done nothing to us, giving rise to the possibility of WWIII and nuclear holocaust?

When did it become the American taxpayers’ responsibility to pay for the Ukrainians’ pensions while our poor Americans are marginalized?

Why is President Biden visiting Kiev and a war zone while his own citizens in East Palestine, Ohio, are ignored in their hours of need when their lives have been turned upside down?

President Zelensky, the destroyer, is warning us not to dare oppose him in his war with Putin; that we must protect his democracy in Ukraine. But is Ukraine a democracy? By all evidence, it is a tyranny when one considers the lack of freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom to speak one’s own language.  Do we really want to send our sons and daughters to fight a war for Zelensky and the military industrial complex?

The people of Ukraine are suffering unimaginable losses and the European Union and NATO countries are helping them in many ways but not helping them make peace. Millions of Ukrainians have escaped to other countries, including Romania which borders Ukraine.

Romanian citizens are wondering how Ukrainians have time now to dredge up an old issue between the two countries – the Bystroye Canal. Romanians, who felt sorry for the Ukrainians' plight as war refugees, are wondering why their government is supporting refugees from Ukraine, while the Romanian citizens walk around sad and grey, unable to pay their bills, buy food, have heat and electricity in their homes, desperate because there is not enough money to cover the inflationary economy, while the Ukrainian refugees laugh, have parties, ski on the Carpathian slopes as if they are on vacation. Their brethren in Ukraine, instead of trying to bring them back, are busy closing down Romanian churches, and forbidding the use of the Romanian language.

In such serious war times, Ukraine has time to dredge in an environmentally protected wetland in the northernmost branch of the Danube River Delta (the Kiliysky Estuary) which follows Ukraine’s southern border.

Since Russia now restricts Ukraine’s Black Sea commerce, these underused river terminals are now quite important. “The area can be reached by two waterways: the narrow Sulina Canal through Romanian territory, and the Bystroye Canal which passes through Ukrainian territory.” Romanian Gov't Irked by Ukrainian Dredging on Danube Delta Canal (


The dredging of Bystroye Canal, 15 feet during construction and 13 feet during use, has now increased to 21 feet, which the Ukrainians argue that it is comparable to Romania’s Sulina Canal. The problem with that is, as the Romanians see it, the water in the Danube Delta would disappear, endangering protected fauna and flora, countless species of birds, fish, and most vegetation which live in the delta, thus destroying a sensitive ecological area.


“Romania opposes the inclusion of Ukraine's Bystroye Canal and the adjacent Chilia estuary in the EU's Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), a set of designated routes eligible for EU infrastructure funding. Ukraine has requested that the waterway be listed as a TEN-T route, parallel to Romania's Sulina Canal.” Romanian Gov't Irked by Ukrainian Dredging on Danube Delta Canal (


Ukraine responded that the dredging was not meant to enlarge anything, it was only meant to maintain the canal navigable. Ucraina răspunde acuzațiilor despre Bîstroe: Nu extindem canalul. Am anunțat România din timp - PRESShub


Minister Sorin Grindeanu said that Romania will continue to help Ukraine but “we also need to observe international treaties… There are signals that at this moment there are dredging works on Bystroye…”

Ukraine, in full war with Russia, has time to dredge the Bystroye Canal in the Danube Delta, a natural preserve, a UNESCO patrimony? Does that mean that in time of war, nothing is sacred or protected?

“Let’s make friends because they may become owners of Eastern Europe. We are so glad that we are getting rid of Putin’s Russians just in time for the OTHER Russians to occupy us,” Romanians say.

The entire planet is screaming that Putin has occupied Ukraine, but few care that their own borders are flown wide open, and the flotsam and jetsam of the world are flooding in.

Armstrong Economics wrote, “U.S. government funded the Ukrainian Revolution in 2014 to the tune of $5 billion. The U.S.-installed interim government launched the civil war against the Donbas on U.S. instruction. Then in 2014, Obama signed a bill authorizing lethal aid to be provided to Kiev. Then in 2015, NATO Commander General Philip Breedlove favors military aid to Ukraine… The West has been planning war against Russia using Ukraine as cannon fodder from the very start.” The Ukraine War has been in the Planning Stage since 2013 | Armstrong Economics

And all humans are suffering the financial, economic, and social consequences of the greedy decisions of the few.











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