Monday, September 26, 2022

My Rant

Romania is practically in the backyard of both Ukraine and Russia. As such, the Romanian people had to accept Ukrainian refugees and to live in fear of an eventual Russian occupation. Strangely though, non-western sources reported that more Ukrainian refugees have sought refuge in Russia than anywhere else in Europe.

Lately, Romanians are up in arms because, as part of EU, they must tighten their belts too and reduce electricity consumption in order to satisfy the EU-regime's demands that they all punish Putin and place economic sanctions on purchases from Gazprom gas.

I am not sure that the EU elites have consulted their citizens in making such a decision. After all, the elites are not going to suffer during any harsh winter when the temperatures will drop – they will be cozy in their well-heated mansions.

The German grocery chains in Romania, to be in lockstep with the directives from the EU-mother ship, are reducing their daily operating hours in order to consume less electricity and natural gas.

Romanians who had lived and suffered under the communist regime’s draconian shortages of electricity, water, natural gas, and hot water, are in fear of finding themselves again in the dark and cold like they were under the brutal and inept communist control of Ceausescu and his Bolshevik cronies.

The younger population fears nothing – they were not alive during such horrible times. Generation Z and others, tethered to TikTok and social media via smart devices, are enchanted by the fact that there are some NATO troops, especially American, on Romanian soil at the air base in Kogalniceanu.

They are sure that the NATO troops, especially the Americans, would defend the country against an onslaught from Russia, should the crazy Putin decide to invade. Older generations are too lulled into a false sense of security under the banner that used to be true during WWII period, "the Americans are coming, and they will save us."

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