Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Embrace the Challenges of Life

No matter how bad the economic and political times are, view the world as an explorer. You are standing each day before a vast universe, and you never know what it will bring for YOU.

Look at all obstacles, frustrations, challenges, pain, loss, and separations as life, your life. You will never get to redo this day, enjoy it to its fullest.

Don't be controlled by fear because you've had bad experiences. You have to learn from adversity and steel yourself. Success never comes from avoiding negative experiences, repressing that part of your life.

Embrace setbacks as learning experiences and move in the opposite direction. You are getting stronger when you embrace life with both ups and downs instead of feeling sorry for yourself when the downs may seem overwhelming.

Your life will not always be just sour grapes if you practice weeding your vineyard and don't allow molds and disease to set in.


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