Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Walking Dead and Freedom

For the past two years, I was dismayed at how many of my friends were watching and discussing on social media the series, The Walking Dead, and its companion, Fear the Walking Dead, two related shows about an apocalyptic world when Earth is struck by a mysterious virus originating from space.

Humans turn into the walking dead (zombies) when they die from natural death or from this virus. Everyone is infected, the CDC can do nothing about it, and it is actually blown up to prevent the escape of other variants of the virus. Nobody can evade the “turning” into flesh-eating zombies when they die of natural death, viral disease, accident, or are bitten by “walkers.”

The Bible says that the dead shall rise again but Christians had imagined that the risen dead would be normal humans again, not slow moving and guttural zombies who must feast on fresh blood and live tissue in order to survive.

Your dead shall live; their bodies shall rise. You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the dead. (Isaiah 26:19)

In the Walking Dead, the action takes place on the southeastern area of the United States. In the companion series, Fear the Walking Dead, which intersects at some point with some of the Walking Dead characters, the story is told how the virus occurred on the west coast, the trials and tribulations of characters in Los Angeles area, San Diego, Mexicali, Tijuana, and  other compounds on farms in Mexico.

Life transforms from the mundane to a survival of the fittest, kill or be killed, kill or be bitten, a constant battle that takes the main characters from town to town, along familiar roads now strewn with abandoned bloody cars, and an ever increasing army of walking zombies in search of a living, breathing victim.

A group of survivors, led by officer Rick, eventually finds a prison with tall fences, barbed wire and cells that can be cleaned of corpses and the walking dead. This prison becomes their freedom, their home for the foreseeable future. They feel safe inside, they can grow food in the courtyard, they have some medical supplies scavenged along the way or during their daily incursions “outside.”

Outside is a world of danger, gloom and doom, so frightening that the alternative of living inside a prison for the rest of their lives seems like safety from harm, a bleak world, but secure. The world is far from secure, as various living, breathing groups survive by praying on the weak and the defenseless.

The virus cannot get to Sheriff Deputy Rick Grimes' group and the dreaded walkers, the feared zombies with sharp teeth, are neutralized by the existence of the prison fence. The prison, with its enforced fences and gates, becomes the symbol of freedom. Designed to keep people in, the prison becomes safe heaven and keeps undesirables out. However, in greater numbers, they can still break down barriers and the chicken wire fence.

The viral pandemic destroyed the world as they knew it and there was no going back. They were driven into abject fear by their own friends and relatives, infected by a virus and now dead. Fear and the instinct for survival at all costs had become the epicenter of their lives.

I could not help but recognize the same real or imagined fear, in our world, a panic bordering at time on mass-driven hysteria, that is still driving our population in the United States and around the globe, two years after the World Health Organization’s (WHO) declaration of a pandemic.

President Trump brought into the White House and on the world stage two specialists, Drs. Fauci and Brix, who proceeded to scare the American population with death and dying on a daily basis. Dr. Fauci never left the White House, coloring the proverbial “sky is falling” with various colors of fright.

The abject fear drummed up and identical narratives repeated on every venue of mass communication by eager to please journos, drove the population at first forcibly into lockdowns and then by personal choice behind a mask and self-exile behind closed doors. People’s homes were no longer their castles, they became their voluntary prisons from which they communicated with the outside world by virtual Zoom calls and smart phones.

People gave up their freedoms immediately because they were driven into mass hysteria by globalists with a plan to fundamentally change their lives into the Marxist Shangri La they envisioned as a way to control everything from the Build Back Better platform of the Great Reset agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The Great Reset | World Economic Forum (

Build back what? Voluntary prisons? Better jails and isolation? By rules devised by a few psychotic billionaires and U.N.? Build better fairy dust solar and wind energy so we can stop using fossil fuels like the United Nations has been advocating for seven decades but nobody listened? Plunging us into medieval darkness and despair? Funny how suddenly prominent world leaders  inserted the same rhetorical phrase, Build Back Better, into their speeches. And they were all doing it for the World Economic Forum’s The Great Reset agenda, ‘never let a crisis go to waste, global communism/fascism.

An engineered for gain-of-function virus provided an amazing excuse to do all the things psychotic globalists at U.N. couldn’t – engage planet lockdown, destroy fossil fuels, destroy medicine, get rid of a lot of old people, reduce consumption drastically, reduce the food supply, reduce water usage, reduce land use by a whopping percentage, and force humanity back into the dark ages.

You are not just hiding behind a prison barbed wired fence to find freedom, you are hiding behind a soulless mask, where your social cues are hidden, your empathy and compassion are diminished, and you experience constant fear. Behind a mask, people tend to become more prone to outbursts of violence, less empathetic, and they tend to dehumanize their peers.

Your life is not much better than officer Rick’s group in the Walking Dead, or those in Fear the Walking Dead, hiding in your home prison as a safer alternative to the dangerous outside world governed by a virus created as a bio weapon in Wuhan, you struggle to escape the Corona-19 Virus, and in the process you have lost your freedom and your humanity in one fell swoop.






  1. I actually read all the Walking Dead graphic novels too and played the 2 Walking Dead slot machines! I knew the CDC wouldn't help us with our coronavirus pandemic if it was anything like in The Walking Dead! Even on the first slot machine, you got the CDC "bonus" it was a bust! I have always liked to see how in The Walking Dead and other shows in The Walking Dead universe, they reacted to the virus, now I get to live our version, as you describe, in real life.

  2. After waking up in a hospital having been hauled from a make-shift infusion lab and after just finished receiving the covid anti-body, one of the first things I did when I woke 3-4 days later was to silently ask God: "Do I leave here (hospital) feet first (dead) or do you have something else for me to do. He answered me. The Dr. called it (the answer) a hallucination. But it was an answer and 4 months later, today, I am home and nearly back to normal. I felt no fear at any time. I feel disgust and anger with leaders across the nation bartering our freedoms away.

    1. I am so glad that you recovered, Budd, not thanks to the dishonest doctors who should have treated you when symptoms first developed instead of sending you home and telling you, like they did most people, to go home, there is no treatment, come back when you get worse. This scenario is still repeating in our town. We lost one friend's husband in the hospital on the ventilator and Remdesevir and now another acquaintance is fighting for his life on a ventilator when no prior treatment was allowed.

  3. From A.J.:
    Having lived through a real life walking dead, over the past 22 months, I'm glad to say I've never seen either of the shows you mentioned. They are part of the propaganda phalanx, disguised as 'entertainment'. How can anyone watch programs, such as these, and not have their thinking and faith shaken, significantly, and negatively?

    Fear induces people to act against their own best interests. The globalists know this, and, more importantly, Satan knows this. All tyrants and dictators know this. When all options are stolen, save one, one needs to realize that the one option is really no option, at all!

  4. And now, a truck with 100 lab monkeys crashes in Pennsylvania and a few are on the loose! Sounds like something from a movie. I am sad at how many people have been injured or killed, as noted in these comments and am very sympathetic as I too have friends and family who have been sickened and even died from the effects of this coronavirus.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Jim Coles comment at Canada Free Press:
    I feel bad for the masses who submitted to fear.
    They voluntarily gave away their liberties.
    In no situation that I know of have surrendered freedoms been fully regained.
    SARS-COV-2 is a GMO disease that was deliberately internationalized by the CCP & abetted by individuals and groups compromised and, or owned by the CCP; including political leaders around the world.
    Globalist comrades of the CCP talk about the coming "Great Reset," ... They're right, it's coming -- but not the reset they're planning
    The coming upheaval will be tectonic in effect: the entire political & social/cultural-economic ground on which all current structures are built will quake in undulating waves that leave nothing if the old world intact
    Wealth & debt will be wiped out.
    What's coming will be an ugly time but when it ends the things learned in The Enlightenment will again give birth to a new age of liberty and opportunity.
    And the corrupt, greedy, vicious creatures now driving the horrors we daily see are responsible...they have the most to lose & will suffer the most grief and pain.
    Sounds like Karma to me.

  7. “I believe we are living here now at this crossroads for a reason. I believe we are meant to be here; that we are being given a chance to be the right people in the right place at the right time. I believe that we can end this evil, but only if we dare to try. It begins with one simple step: Telling the world “We Will Not Comply!”
    Brandon Smith
