Saturday, May 1, 2021

Thomas Cranmer on Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in TN

Linda and I just returned from the free state of Tennessee to the enslaved state of Virginia.  Hillsdale College had a National Leadership Seminar for one and a half days in the Nashville area at a large hotel.  An amazing 750 freedom-loving people flew and drove in from every state in the U.S. to attend.

The first evening started with a cocktail party.  Nobody, repeat nobody, wore masks.  It was like normal life returned.  We generally did not know each other, but we had visible name badges with home city shown. It was old times, as though we were relatives or national sorority sisters or fraternity brothers.  We introduced each other, and immediately found common interests.  We stood closely so we could hear.  No person we met even mentioned the PRC Wuhan virus.  Of course, national and state politics, plus Hillsdale were topics that came up, but every other subject was discussed also.

The keynote speaker for the filet mignon dinner was Mark Steyn. It was one laugh line after another, along with frequent applause. He was serious about how if we lose the right to free speech, we lose everything.

The next morning started with Abigail Shrier, the author of the book The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.  She explained how a small percentage of teenage girls are sucked into becoming transgender with peer pressure and have mastectomies.  Little kids are encouraged into the irreversible medical acts by liberal parents, teachers, and even church pastors.  Puberty blocker drugs mixed with hormones make kids sterile. In some states no parental permission is required for 15-year-old kids to have surgery or drugs.

The Hillsdale President, Larry Arnn, PhD, warned about “Education and American Politics.” Dr. Arnn headed President Trump’s 1776 Project. Hillsdale at its founding in 1844 was the first American college to admit women and free Blacks. It does not endorse or permit teaching the Woke Culture.

Andy Ngo, the famous courageous journalist, wrote Unmasked, Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy. He illustrated the talk about Antifa’s cruelty with grisly slides of the riots in Portland and Seattle.  He showed how he and others were beaten, including the body of one Trump supporter who was shot and killed.  Journalists walked by ignoring the mayhem.  Ngo has moved to England due to death threats. He believes the U.S. is lost. It is ironic his parents escaped from Vietnam by boat.  His book about his experiences still can be purchased in the U.S. from Amazon.

Finally, Robert Barnes, with Barnes Law, LLP, spoke on “Election Integrity: The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time.”  With a large group of other lawyers, he continues to fight the election fraud with lawsuits.  His bio states: “Barnes continues to stand up to systems, to bullies, to Big Banks, to the IRS, and to those who would take away guaranteed freedoms his grandfathers helped establish -- free speech and civil rights.

President Arnn left the seminar early to meet with the Tennessee governor.  Afterward the Governor announced the end of mask mandates.

Best wishes for freedom to return to us.  Tom Cranmer

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