Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Marxist Cultural Revolution

"The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudo-science and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.” —Carl Sagan

The Marxist Cultural Revolution is in full swing with social emotional learning.  Who needs academics when you have Marxist indoctrination?

One of the first things I noticed when I first landed in America of the late seventies was how unfamiliar with their own history, world geography, and mathematics Americans were, even those with college degrees, yet they were not ashamed to confess it, they were quite proud of their lack of knowledge. I wondered then, how did America become so successful with so much ignorance walking about?

Surely, I thought, it was not the fault of the public schools. It must have been that America was such a vast country, far removed from the rest of the world and separated by two oceans. They did not need to know.

The Internet was just a pipe dream in sci fi novels. There was a large following of readers who delighted in sci fi, western, and romance novels. It was a time when there were sales of door-to-door encyclopedias and dictionary salesmen. People living in the country areas subscribed to the Book of the Month Club or borrowed books from libraries on wheels. 

As such a large country, few seemed to read much unless it was something high schools and colleges required. It was quite fascinating when I discovered that my next-door neighbor, a highly regarded and published college professor, spent his free time reading romance novels. 

I never thought at the time, having just escaped a strict socialist regime ruled by the Communist Party, that I would ever have to worry about it in this vast and free country where people did what they pleased and what they found enriching – going to church, picnics, family events and gatherings, football, and baseball on weekends. 

As decades passed, Marxist elements in the public schools grew louder and louder and more influential. Textbooks were rewriting American history, demonizing America and glorifying socialism and Marxism. Parents never pushed back against this tidal wave of indoctrination, they assumed that teachers and administrators did their jobs they were trained to do – educating young minds to protect America’s bright future.  

Dr. Aurel Mircea, a defector from a communist regime, having found freedom and opportunity for achievement in America, wrote: “Marxism-Leninism has been successfully disseminated in the Land of the Free; we are now having a few generations of USEFUL IDIOTS calling the policies and deciding America's future.” 

Ron Ewart wrote, “In the name of racism and so-called equity and diversity, we are creating a nation of morons. The U. S. government, special interests, and academically educated idiots are literally tailoring a society based on the lowest common denominator, in an attempt to prop up and pander to a single race. To accommodate Black and Latino learning disabilities, we’re dumbing down the White and Asian races.

On top of that, we have replaced reason, logic, intellect, common sense, and objective learning with diversity, reverse racism, and racial emotion, creating never-ending racial tension in our entire culture.”

The newest Marxist tide of destruction is “cancel culture,” young generations appointing themselves the arbiters of right and wrong, judge, jury, and executioner. Thanks to the social media and corporations, the cancel culture promoters get to dole out retribution to those who oppose their wave of cultural destruction. Past history is judged through the lenses of their 21st century woke sensibilities. Nobody is immune to punishment if they come in the crosshairs of the “cancel culture” Marxist movement. 

Everything that was good about America became evil in 2020. People who love America found themselves out of a job, out of social circles, censored on social media, censored in person, diminished, disparaged, demonized, and barred from participating in college life, organizations, college courses, and conferences. A Corona virus gave this Marxist group in America an opportunity to invent 50 different ways to rob half of America of their rights and freedom of speech. 

Suddenly, it is elitist to mark down bad spelling, to give bad grades to those who fail, to achieve, to learn advanced mathematics, real science, chemistry, and other difficult courses because it makes the non-achievers feel bad about themselves and it is thus racist. 

Enter Critical Race Theory (CRT) already present in most public, private, and charter schools in America, the most tolerant country on the planet. CRT is an indoctrinating tool through racial identity, divisiveness, and hatred through skin color. 

The current American schools’ and the mainstream media’s talking points narrative of “systemic racism, white privilege, whiteness, oppressors and the oppressed,” was brought to America to Columbia University in 1930s New York by Marxist academics from Goethe University (Frankfurter School) in Frankfurt, Germany.

These German Marxists undermined American traditional principles using the ideology of Critical Theory which attacked all societal norms through the promise of revolution [cultural revolution], the seeds of which have finally sprouted today into a huge forest of Marxism, watered constantly by American professors and teachers who graduated from universities that modeled their College of Education teacher curriculum for decades after the Columbia University’s Marxist model. 

Ideological conformity and Marxist equity were enforced in communist countries by the security police (Stasi in Germany) and its vast network of activists and informers. Because of today’s advanced technology, these same goals are achieved in America with the help of big tech companies who censor any dissenting, patriotic “thought criminals,” who dare post, comment, write, or publish on their social platforms and on the Internet in general. 

Millions of illegal aliens are clamoring to cross our southern border illegally, to enter our country that these Marxist radicals consider a “white supremacist country” riddled with “systemic racism.”  If that were true, why in the world would anyone want to come to such a country? Why wouldn’t they go to what the left considers the best places in the world to be, like Amsterdam?  As the talented cartoonist Branco wrote about illegal aliens knocking at the border wall, “Please let us in so we can become victims of systemic racism and white supremacy.” 

Modern Marxists realized that the major obstacles to their revolution in the vein of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, and Mao, “workers of the world unite,” were the family, Christian faith, a Republican government, nation-states, reason, and free speech. These were stumbling blocks in the march towards a totalitarian Marxist state and thus a world government. Bit by bit these “stumbling blocks” are being destroyed in all western societies simultaneously, taking advantage of the abject fear of death from a virus with a 99.8 percent survival rate and several drugs that can cure it.








  1. So true... I am very disappointed of the course we are going now days. I live in TX and thank to our legislators, AG and Governor, we still have some common sense but the bad guys are watching and waiting. For example in Plano there was an incident recently with BLM protestors blocking an intersection and a man got out of his car and starting yelling at the protestors to move out the way. It got confrontational for a while and I read that the man got charged with some bs accusation by one of the BLM morons. Our AG is looking into this. There is an article in The Epoch Times about this. Paxton said he is not going to tolerate this lawless behavior and riots in TX.

  2. Can we get people to understand this in tim?

    1. No. It is already too late. The communist snowball is rolling and gaining speed.

  3. Excellent summary, Ileana. I absolutely love your memories of arriving in the USA, what you saw here, ala Tocqueville 1830's USA.
