Sunday, March 28, 2021

Undeniable Fact, article by Dr. Klaus Kaiser at Canada Free Press

The basic ideas of this article:

The undeniable fact is that “carbon dioxide” is NOT a “pollutant” but an absolutely vital trace gas in the Earth’s atmosphere, currently at around 0.04% of all its components.

Without that CO2 in the atmosphere, all life on Earth would cease to exist!

Without that CO2 in the atmosphere, no oxygen would be produced; CO2 is/has been the sole source of molecular oxygen (that we breathe in with each breath)!

Without the steady supply of CO2 from the thousands of active volcanoes and fumaroles, life on Earth would have already come to a standstill.

Without that CO2 in the atmosphere, oceans and (most) fresh waters would become “acidified.”

Without the use of carbon-type resources (like coal, oil, and natural gas), the world cannot continue.

Without continued reliance on carbon-energy, much of Canada’s population would simply freeze to death in the next few winters.

The above statements are all undisputed scientific facts, known for decades/centuries already!


  1. Great succinct summary! Thank you.

    1. Dr. Klaus Kaiser is a chemical engineer with a Ph.D. He lives in Canada and was born and raised in Germany.

  2. Alleluia, so science for the obvious.
