Wednesday, March 3, 2021

American Woke Newspeak is Orwell’s Newspeak

 "A specter is haunting Europe – the specter of communism.” – Marx and Engels in Communist Manifesto

The news in our country have turned into indoctrination and propaganda pieces with narrative script sent to television anchors from the Mother Ship in the District of Communism of Washington, D.C.

It is a new D.C., surrounded by armed military, tall fences, and razor wire, behind which Congress is protected from the American people they allegedly represent. Our “elected” representatives are currently busy dismantling everything that protects Americans, including the southern border fence. Illegals from around the world are elated.

Kari Lake, KSAZ-TV, resigned her successful anchor post, stating, “In the past few years, I haven’t felt proud to be a member of the media. I am sure there are other journalists out there who feel the same way. I found myself reading news copy that I didn’t believe was fully truthful, or only told part of the story.” Top-Rated News Anchor Resigns, Destroys Establishment Media Bias in Video (

For quite sometime now, it has been painfully obvious that reporters, journalists, and anchors are overwhelmingly progressive/liberal, with show producers being the most zealous woke leftists. They decide, with guidance from the Mother Ship in the District of Communism what the news and programs are, write the narrative of the daily news copy and anchors across the spectrum read them off the teleprompter.

Words are being twisted and turned so that they no longer mean what reality implies. Based on political decisions made by the socialist educators, certain writers and books are being purged from the American literature and from schools.

Most recently, Dr. Seuss and Laura Ingalls Wilder came in the crosshairs of woke leftist educators in America who see their writings as having “racial undertones” and thus not suitable for “culturally responsive” learning. I am not sure what “culturally responsive” learning is, but it is a form of woke Newspeak.

“Eighty percent of Virginia schools are closed right now, and these bureaucrats are kowtowing to the woke mob and trying to cancel Dr. Suess, versus actually opening up the schools for students and teachers,” Pete Snyder, gubernatorial candidate, said.  He distributed Dr. Seuss books to students. Dr. Seuss Uncanceled: Virginia Entrepreneur Passes Out Dr. Seuss Books To Kids | The Daily Wire

Orwell’s 1984 Newspeak, the official language of Oceania, was created to “meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc, or English Socialism.” Our current “woke” euphemistic language has been created by the left to promote socialism and Marxism. To obliterate reality, writings that depict historical reality must be destroyed, including Little House on the Prairie and other such beloved children’s classics.

Woke Newspeak has become the language of our mass communication, with emphasis on racial justice, social justice, transgenderism, altered reality, manufactured history, multi genderism bias, triggered, gender distortion, systemic racism, cultural race theory, white privilege, and less white.

Orwell’s Newspeak was so precise that words like “thought” and “science” did not exist. The mandated A Vocabulary was designed for use in everyday life. The B Vocabulary was invented for political purposes to force the individual to have a “desirable mental attitude” approved by the powers that be.

In our modern Wokespeak, an example of Newspeak would be systemic racism, invented concepts to make political points where none exist.

An example of Orwell’s B words would be “goodthink” as opposed to “oldthink” which was so archaic that it needed rebranding and translation into “goodthink,” approved by the Ministry of Truth.

Orwell’s C Vocabulary contained scientific and technical terms, quite sparse and with little “currency either in everyday speech or in political speech.”

In Newspeak, the word “equal” meant that “all men are of equal size, weight, or strength,” but “the concept of political equality no longer existed, it had been purged out of the word equal.”

A citizen growing up with the Wokespeak called Newspeak would never know that once equal had the secondary meaning of “political equal,” or that the word free once implied “intellectually free.”

Orwell’s fictious Oceania had its own guidebook, “The theory and practice of oligarchical collectivism,” by Emmanuel Goldstein, which divided people into the High, the Middle, and the Low. Their aims have been entirely “irreconcilable.”

Orwell’s 1984 chapters include such pearls of wisdom as “ignorance is strength, “freedom is slavery,” “two and two make five,” and “war is peace.” To make sure that subjects followed its dictates, the Thought Police was ever present.

Marx wrote in his Communist Manifesto that “There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society.  But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experiences.”

To do that, in line with Marx’s theory, the woke “American” left has decided that it is best to destroy everything in the United States’ past, i.e., statues, monuments, books, authors, events, good schools, traditional culture, names, heroes, language based on reality, and to manufacture a woke history and alternate reality that would enable them to install communism without the population revolting against such invented history or rejecting their efforts. The old social order must go in order to bring about the leftist woke social order.




  1. Ileana, I read about Ms. Lake, before going to work, this morning. I have long wondered how the talking heads can spew lies, day after day, night after night. Are the salaries that great, that they sell their souls for what they earn, and get their faces on TV, voices on terrestrial radio, and/or a byline in print?

    1. I am wondering the same thing, Celtic Tiger. The pay must be good, they have no conscience, and their brains have been destroyed by drugs.

  2. Dear Ileana,

    It’s so great that you wrote about that book! and I hope to God that many read it. It should go viral.

    So very few know about what Orwell had written because no one reads!

    I had a couple copies of this book and when my entire family and friends, and their friends too had spent a weekend together,
    where I told all of them about it and I asked if anyone wanted to borrow it. Not one did.

    There was one young man who was going to a college soon, told me he had read it.

    I guess you know that Amazon and most stores won’t sell it, nor will ‘they’ (the politicians) allow even even Dr.Souse books, etc.

    America is going completely down the drain very quickly now, and a far as I know, there’s no place to go. I talk with people in other countries,
    and they say it’s hell with them too..and it’s not just that damn covid thing.

    Thank you so much for writing this Ileana.!

    May God Bless you and your family.


  3. Great article. I wonder how many are aware of what is going on.

    1. I have no idea. I am sure some are awake but they are probably older Americans who went to school when real American history was taught and Howard Zinn's manufactured version had not been written yet.
