Monday, November 2, 2020

The Power Went Out One Day Before the Election

Farmers Almanac

Last night the power went out in our D.C. suburb for no apparent reason - there were no wild winds in our area as some had speculated. Luckily, it was full moon and, as our eyes got used to the darkness bathed in moonlight, it became easier to see. The preppers had their generators ready and some homes had anemic lights flickering in the distant obscurity.

The power finally came back a few hours later. I don't know why it went out to begin with because our lines are buried underground; unless they went out elsewhere and they turned our power off to work on the grid.

I find this strange and unsettling so close to the election and because we live in northern Virginia, in a D.C. suburb. Everyone here is on the edge as the crazy BLM, ANTIFA, and Obama's Organizing for America (OFA) storm trooper radicals are descending on D.C. and the city has boarded up in preparation for the mayhem and destruction that is sure to come on this election day. They have promised they would for months now.

When BLM descended on Clifton, a sleepy little town in northern Virginia, they tried to break into cars, created mayhem, and spray-painted personal property and homes.

The final Trump coup has commenced. I hope the radical left loses spectacularly. I've had enough of communism in the first 20 years of my life. I prefer capitalism in the best country in the world where anybody has the opportunity to succeed if they work hard.

Whining about racism, islamophobia, xenophobia, bigotry, and other ginned up phobias is poppycock. This is the most generous and tolerant country in the world. You have listened far too long to the main stream media and to your radical public school teachers and college professors. They lied to you! And you were dumb enough and ignorant enough to believe them.



  1. Hi,

    I'm wondering if you do any consulting work. I'm a solo lawyer who drafted a complaint and memorandum of law addressing pretty much everything you write about here. I'm not looking for advice on the legal arguments. Rather, I'm looking for help with questions like:

    'am I simplifying this enough for the average reader to understand?'

    'Are my transitions smooth enough?'

    'Are there any awkward or technical phrases that could be simplified and clarified?'

    You know; teacher-student kind of stuff.

    I'm asking you specifically because your firsthand knowledge of communism makes you best suited to critique my use of selections from Arthur Koestler's "Darkness at Noon" in my analysis.

    This selection from the diary of the main character Rubashov seems to capture the essence of Leftism and what we've been witnessing lately.


    "Whoever proves right in the end must first be and do wrong. But it is only after the fact that we learn who was right to begin with. In the meantime we act on credit, in the hope of being absolved by history.

    They say that Number One always keeps a copy of Machiavelli’s Prince lying by his bedside. He’s right to do so; since then, nothing of note has been written about the ethics of statesmanship. We were the first to replace the nineteenth century’s liberal ethos of “fair play” with the revolutionary morals of the twentieth century. And we, too, were right to do so: the idea of a revolution following the rules of a tennis match is absurd. Politics can be fair when history pauses to catch its breath, but at critical turning points there is no other standard than the old proposition that the ends justify the means. We were the ones who introduced neo-Machiavellism into this century; the others, the counter-revolutionary dictatorships, offered crude imitations. Our neo-Machiavellianism was on behalf of cosmopolitan reason—that was our greatness; theirs in the name of a limited, nationalistic romanticism—that is their anachronism. Therefore in the end we will be absolved by history, and they will not. ...

    For the time being, though, we think and act on credit. And because we have jettisoned all the norms and conventions of tennis-court morality, our only guideline is logic. We live with the terrible necessity of carrying our thoughts and actions through to their conclusion. We are sailing without ballast, so that every turn of the wheel is a matter of life and death."


    Anyway, if you've got time to "help out a fellow American who's down on his luck" (Humphrey Bogart character to Bugs Bunny), and you're interested in hitting back at Leftists in a C.G. Jung meets Hunter S. Thompson kind of way, drop me a line at:

    If you’re interested, just put the words DARKNESS AT NOON, or COMMUNISM SUCKS in the subject line of your email; so I can’t miss it.

    Stay in your own movie,

    Bob Stone

    1. Bob Stone, I will have to give it a lot of thought. Thank your for asking. I will write to you when I will make my decision.
