Monday, June 22, 2020

Reparations: The Bigger Picture and Solution to Enhancing the Conservative Movement By Mimi Johnson

In the last decade, we have seen a huge movement involving genealogy and ancestry. Scientists are slowly perfecting ways to identify where we all come from around the globe, catapulted specifically by the Mormon Church and their massive database of gathered DNA.  Whether or not you agree with these at home kits or not, they have done tremendous good in reuniting families and giving a new found life to millions of people. 

Many feel that the Mormons are harvesting DNA from unsuspectingly naïve individuals, for nefarious uses, and others feel that they are working directly with the government in a way to garner any and all information on citizens.  The truth of the matter is that your DNA is everywhere, in public, at home, at work, you can’t escape shedding it wherever you inhabit. Your smart phones and computers pose the ultimate risk in having your identity compromised. 

There is an excellent show on PBS, called “Finding your Roots,” hosted by a Harvard Professor named Louis Gates Jr, nicknamed “Skip,” where he brings on various celebrities, most of which are black Americans with a small white American demographic, to trace their ancestries and to discuss the urban legends associated with their patronage.  It is no secret that black Americans cannot trace their lineage as readily and easily as white Americans, but this program can and has eliminated a lot of biased assumptions in the black community. 

Most black families assume that they have Native American blood to explain different hair texture or having a lighter complexion than others, or that their ancestors were raped by their white slave owners, therefore tainting their bloodline, resulting in a multitude of differences in skin color, hair texture, and facial features within the black race. 

In some instances, their assumptions are absolutely true, but Louis Gates Jr. was able to show most black Americans that not only was there not any Native American in their lineage, but that the vast majority of them were also descendants of free men and women, never having been enslaved. 

This revelation shook their being and there was a look of confusion on their faces as he explained, via documents and pictures, who their ancestors were, their occupations, and from where they originated.  They were so indoctrinated into believing that each person of black skin color was a victim, enslaved, tortured, or mistreated by white Europeans and Americans, that even when shown evidence, most were skeptical. 

Dr. Gates is not attempting to “whitewash” anyone’s struggles, but moreover educate masses with the truth, because, after all, it shall set us free.  Misdirected anger and false narratives are a disease in our current society, and I appreciate a program such as his, that shows the truth about our collective history. 

Many assumed that their great grandmothers and beyond were forced to lay with white men, thus creating mulatto children, but in many cases, they were ahead of their time and in loving, interracial relationships.

I must admit that those revelations surprised me as well, for I had always been taught that white southern men in the 18th-19th centuries were predators who viewed black women and men only as property.  Many of his guests sat there in disbelief, and even challenged his findings to ensure it was accurate.  It must be exceedingly difficult to accept a new truth, when you have been fed a specific narrative your entire life - it takes some adjustment. 

Conservatives are not thinking outside of the box when it comes to reparations.  My theory is that once people begin delving into their genealogy, there may not be as many reparations to dispense as the democrats claim.  As Dr. Gates has proven, facts matter. 

Legislation could be written including that any American applying for reparations must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that in fact they are descendants of slaves.  Once people have assessed their lineage, this starts an entirely new dialogue and gives conservatives solid talking points.
I am not suggesting that there would not be many people compensated, but the numbers would be drastically lower than initially reported. I think democrats are analogous to hormonally raged teenagers who think their parents are stupid and uncool, so they must embarrass them, defy them, and prove them wrong at all costs.  The best parenting method is to let them make their own mistakes, suffer the consequences, educate, and move forward. Over time, the mistakes turn into wisdom. Conservatives should take a page out of Trump’s book and ask themselves “ at this point, what do we have to lose?”


  1. The concept of reparations is such a nonstarter for me, I don't care what proof is given of past treatment. As far as I am concerned, the reparation of slavery is future liberty, which every actual slave descendant now enjoys. Freedom itself is the only compensation that makes sense.

    How can it be possible to award "pain and suffering" benefits to someone other than the one who actually felt the pain and lived the suffering? Feelings are personal and nontransferable no matter how many Democrats say, "I feel your pain." No. They don't.

    Paying slave descendants $$$ makes as much sense as giving me a medical degree because my great grandmother was not allowed entrance in American medical schools in her day.

    Having said that, I think your information about the wet blanket DNA will put on the subject is brilliant. I have never done a DNA search because I just do not think it matters. I can neither take credit nor lay blame for who I am. The one and only thing all men inherit is death because of Adam's original sin.

    1. Excellent points, Chriss! You can add me to the list of people who do not wish to pay reparations to people who were never slaves by people like me or my ancestors who never owned slaves. On the contrary, we WERE slaves to the Ottoman Empire for 500 years and paid tribute annually. My family and I were slaves to the Communist Party and its Bolsheviks for 50 years or more. Should we not be paid reparations for that? They were, after all, the brethren to the current socialist Democrat Party in the U.S. I demand that we get reparations too. We were actual slaves with no rights.

  2. It is a good article... but what about white indentured slaves... will they too be compensated? And further back in history... what about Orientals... they were often Shanghaied and made slaves. To compensate is looking more like payola and extortion … as three generations have not had slaves and past is the past!
    Plus what about all the "white" slaves that were used in North Africa?
    I believe the colored people think they need to have what others have "earned" and throw a tantrum as they continue to pick at the "scab" of slavery... as a result we have an abundance of "tokens" throughout our government employees instead of "qualified" individuals. There is no pleasing as it's ongoing extortion that panders to the kindness of white Christians.

    It's a fine article, however, not so good that I'd ever throw away my Confederate flag or give up my means of defending myself.
    I am a Daughter of the Confederacy through my husband's ancestors and they were never owners of slaves...nor were they ever married to any slaves. They actually worked side by side in the fields with them.

  3. Mimi: Excellent article. I've done the DNA thing and found some interesting ancestors. The APGAR scale for evaluating the medical status of newborns was developed by a distant ancestor of mine. Imagine! But I cannot rest on her laurels. Nor should anyone alive today be responsible for the past. Love your writing!
