Friday, June 19, 2020

Political Kneeling in America - Hostages to Stupidity

These are American Congressmen, sitting like hostages of political correctness, of hypocrisy, of social trends dictated by the media, kneeling in a religious gesture, not really knowing why, unless CNN tells me.

The stupidity of the situation is underlined even more by the fact that only one is actually using a little rug, the rest are kneeling on the hard floor.

These days many have knelt, soldiers, American policemen, Swedish policemen in front of migrants, Canadian premier in the face of its own imbecility, and as a general rule, whites in front of blacks. It seems nowadays, that if you are white in the West, you have a great supreme duty to kneel because of other people’s guilt, because of history, and because of a sick and corrupt system.

For us, thousands of miles away, this image must come with a double recommendation, I believe: don’t trust America as example of civilization, of the so-called “democracy,” because America is not a real democracy, nobody has blind trust in political leaders anymore, in politicians in general. Just look at the clowns on the left, the “progressives,” who do not pray to God, but instead engage in this ritual of religious essence, praying to NOTHING, except to their own stupidity interwoven with personal and political interests.

Personally, I can only laugh. We have seen many things coming from America, but seeing Congressmen on their knees in the memory of a depraved and drugged black man is a first.


  1. I agree. It is disgusting to see how the Democrats are destroying this great country in the name of "social justice", whatever that means. They are a bunvh of "useful idiots" pushing a communist agenda in US.

  2. I'll tell you exactly what "social justice" means. It means law according to socialists and the abdication of law according to God.

  3. I'm very saddened by the reality....communism is alive and well in the Land of the Free....Thanks to many POTUSes from the recent history past, that gave the Soviets and Chicoms: "Money & Power!"
