Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Fabric of Society is Badly Frayed

“An evildoer listens to wicked lips, and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue.” Proverbs 17:4.

The Corona virus which has originated in Wuhan, China, has fundamentally transformed the globe, and facilitated the last nails in the economic coffin of the West, particularly in the United States.

Whether it was a planned lockdown or one of opportunity to destroy a booming economy for the sake of political destruction of an opponent the Socialist left and its media lackeys hate so much that it has morphed into a Trump Derangement Syndrome, remains to be seen in the outcome when the volcanic ash settles on what is left of the economy. One thing is certain, if the lockdown continues, the middle class will be wiped out financially and so will small businesses.

Sadly, thousands of lives have been lost due to the “pandemic’ predicted by faulty computer modeling. The losses occurred because medical systems were inadequate in their response, overwhelmed because they did not know how to treat patients properly and lacked the resources.

The lock-step media fearmongering, panic, and hype which had reached global proportions, suffocated earnest attempts to deal with the novel corona virus. In addition to the innocents who have died from a virus that does not exist in nature, the global economy crashed, and it will take a long time to recover. In some states in the U.S., for every person who has died with the COVID-19 flu, 3,000 or more people have lost their jobs permanently. Unlike the U.S., most countries do not have the “luxury” of printing endless trillions, creating runaway or galloping inflation.

The dilemma remains, do we protect the medically weak and allow the healthy to become weak themselves in a prolonged and forced quarantine at state and local levels, or do we let “herd immunity” take over as it happened in Sweden?  

People are emerging scared of their shadow, hateful of others even more so than they were before, and living a virtual existence locked in their own homes and minds, fearful and resentful of their neighbors, snitching on them in case they are seen as a threat to their existence and survival, encouraged by their governments to turn in potential offenders to the Orwellian lockdown for the healthy masses. It would certainly make the Stasi quite proud. Nobody must pay them to become a Snitches-R-Us tyrannical society.

Unfortunately, the wealth that we once had, when ordinary people had access to culture, restaurants, entertainment, is gone. Many had already lost patriotic conscience to the indoctrination in schools and by the media. They’ve lost values and lived in total confusion, have lost the zest to live in harmony and peace, they’ve lost respect for humans with whom they disagreed, for moral values, for religion, and for the desire to respect their wiser elders, men of worth, and the history of their country. The moral role models were replaced by the scum of society with money and a nefarious agenda.

Who would have thought possible that the only Americans courageous enough to protest the infringement on our Constitutional rights to freedoms of assembly, religion, speech, and the right to make a living, would be cosmetologists and barbers?

The “never let a crisis go to waste” millionaire crowd in Hollywood is urging the government to end capitalism as they lecture us from their state-of-the art mansions built on the foundation of capitalism and free markets and telling us hypocritically that “we are in this together.”  When the masses are losing their jobs permanently and small businesses are devastated, the lefties could not care less, they’ve already made their millions and wealthy lives in Hollywood, let the rest suffer in their penury, waiting on government to give them $600 a week to survive on with printed inflationary money.

“CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza.” https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2018-2019.html

Last year more than 34,200 people died of the flu but nobody was scared because the media and constant public service announcements (PSAs) did not tell us to panic, be scared, hide behind a mask, and wash our hands. We were not placed under quarantine, stores were not forced to close, the economy did not shut down, and the quarantine “breakers’ were not put in jail or on ankle monitors. Criminals were not let out of jail for fear that they might develop the corona flu and die in prison. They are now walking among us, waiting to pounce and commit new crimes.

We will eventually find out if this World Health Organization (WHO) declared “pandemic” was a Plan-demic, Panic-demic, Progressive-demic, Politic-demic, Pander-demic, Poverty-demic, a Psycho-demic, or a huge mistake. One thing is certain, as George Orwell said, “The people that elect corrupt politicians, impostors, thieves, and traitors, are not victims… but accomplices.”

Until then, stay in your homes, wear masks everywhere, even in the woods, and social distance from other humans. The lockdown will last until most small businesses will be unable to recover and the vultures will step in to pick the carrion.  Sick, broke, and dependent will be the easiest way to control the masses.

It is sad that the strong fabric of society is so badly frayed and tattered and in dire need of mending.


  1. According to all the doctors I have spoken to, and based on my 50-year-long medical experience, this whole CHICOM VIRUS PANDEMIC scare is a GIANT scam of centennial proportions. The individual MORBIDITY is much milder, than most viruses, the likes of Flue, Shingles, Herpes, HIV or Rhinoviruses. The ALLEGED HIGHER MORTALITY, has been grossly manipulated by corrupt institutions, eager to collect HIGHER PROFITS from COVID-19 death certificates...The PANIC-induced lock-downs were based on a contra-information, communist strategy started at the virology lab in Wuhan.They have successfully scared the masses into social isolation and gave the anti-American forces a biological weapon, more destructive, than any ATOMIC EXPLOSION! In retaliation, the anti-Chicom repercussions should start , SOON, FAST AND FURIOUS!

  2. From my friend, Dr. David S.:
    Enjoyed your powerful story on Covid-19:

    "I estimate that the global death rate is only 1/1000th that of the Spanish Flu. (Did you know that John Dodge…..cofounder of the early car company by that name…..died of that flu when he attended a car show in NYC in 1920?

    Will someone scrutinize Anthony Fauci’s responsibility in Covid-19? If his group had not taught the Chinese how to do virology research, there might not be a pandemic!

    Glad you cited the loss of respect for morality, religion, elders and great men, and our country’s history. It all stems from liberal public schools and universities (as you well know!)

    Your play on words (-demic) was very creative!"

    1. Thank you, Dr. Sponseller, for your astute commentary.

  3. According to all the doctors I have spoken to, and based on my 50-year-long medical experience, this whole CHICOM VIRUS PANDEMIC scare is a GIANT scam of centennial proportions. The individual MORBIDITY is much milder than most viruses, the likes of Flu, Shingles, Herpes, HIV or Rhinoviruses. The ALLEGED HIGHER MORTALITY, has been grossly manipulated by corrupt institutions, eager to collect HIGHER PROFITS from COVID-19 death certificates...The PANIC-induced lock-downs were based on a contra-information, communist strategy started at the virology lab in Wuhan.They have successfully scared the masses into social isolation and gave the anti-American forces a biological weapon, more destructive, than any ATOMIC EXPLOSION! In retaliation, the anti-Chicom repercussions should start , SOON, FAST AND FURIOUS!
    - Dr. Aurel Emilian Mircea
