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Narren Schiff, woodcut
I am what you call a young Gen-xer or Xilennial, if you will, and was always taught that knowledge was acquired by being curious, reading books, being open-minded, and gaining a true understanding of the subject matter. I dare say that even a fraction of the global population, probably statistically the same as the mortality rate of COVID-19 (hint: it’s well under 1%), understands what a virus actually does in the human body, how many bacteria and viruses’ dwell on our body’s, shedding microscopically all day every day, and how the immune system plays into it all. Although college educated, I do not have a medical degree, don’t claim to be an expert, and my knowledge of medicine only scratches the surface, but what is evident, is that of all things that have been deemed “non-essential,” quarantining the healthy is the biggest medical mistake of all.
I work for a business that is deemed “essential” by the federal government and have been in the midst of this chaos since day 1. In the very beginning of this nightmare, I had a bit of trepidation about continuing to work with the public, fueled by a voracious media telling me that I was going to die if I come in contact with another human, but nonetheless, decided to keep my wits and take a rational approach. At first, my company wouldn’t allow us to wear masks. I was a tad put off by this policy, but I have always practiced good hygiene, wash my hands frequently, and don’t touch my face incessantly like a toddler, so I wasn’t excessively panicked. Many of my employees refused to work unless they were allowed to don full hazmat gear, so of course, as weeks have progressed, over 60% of my staff has self-quarantined.
Since patrons are still allowed to come into our business and purchase products, it has become very tense and awkward reminding people to keep their distance and not shoving their cell phones in our faces wanting to know where this product is located. See, we sell essential products for those working from home, so many have to ask a multitude of questions; sometimes we can help them, but often times, the answers involve contact, and that is not allowed.
If there ever was a time in human history to invoke the term “privilege,” it is now. People are actually more harmful than the virus. The entitlement and disregard for other’s personal space and safety is absolutely baffling. The fear mongering and misinformation have caused people to treat one another like human garbage. Not only is our business following sanitation standards per CDC, but we are now guarded with mandatory masks and gloves. Patrons will throw money at us, refuse to let us touch their products, but then expect us to take their dirty money. I pointed that out to a patron one day, and her response was “well, you’re wearing gloves, so you won’t catch anything.” Her ignorance actually made my stomach turn. Her feeble mind actually thought that gloves, would save the world from illness.
Humans need interaction. We are designed to be social creatures who gather our immunity from the world around us. Sure, when we are born, we have to be isolated and introduced into society slowly to garner immunity, but playing in dirt, touching things, touching others, all builds our body’s immunities. Self-isolation, does quite the opposite, it weakens us not only physically, but mentally as well. If you think of any other global pandemic such as Ebola, SARS, MERS, etc., you never hear of the healthy, non-symptomatic people being quarantined, only the sick, so why are we isolating the entire globe? It makes absolutely no medical and scientific sense.
The other ridiculous, irrational misnomer posted by all self-righteous COVID-ites is “staying at home saves lives, help us flatten the curve.” Flattening a curve seems like it would do some good, but when it comes to something as volatile as a virus, its M.O. is to survive, not infect less. This actually prolongs the virus, thus allowing it to mutate. Sure, sometimes the mutations are less caustic than the original, but again, to some, this virus is ineffective, thus perpetuating the cycle. If the “shelter in place” edict isn’t all businesses, it’s ineffective. Couple this bad advice with immuno-suppressed and depressed quarantined humans, and the minute we re-open civilization we have a true pandemic of many physically ill people. I always challenge my friends or even random strangers that quote the same bile infested words to me and ask if they’ve stayed at home or gone to get take out or entered an essential business? If so, then they’re definitely hypocrites and not flattening the curve, but they’re also not getting infected with the virus. You go out in public at least 2-3 times a week, go to multiple places, parks, and touch all sorts of inanimate objects that could also harbor the virus, yet I don’t hear of the virus spiking, or of anyone I know having become infected. Why you ask? Because your body is developing immunity each and every time you leave your home. It is that simple. I am sure others will argue, oh, it is BECAUSE of the quarantine that the virus is lessening, but in truth it is human interaction.
Statistically speaking, according to Dr. Fauci, 3-4 members of my staff or myself should have become infected with the virus over the last 8 weeks, yet we have not. For 5 weeks, we were not wearing masks while meeting all sorts of people and making deliveries to their vehicles. This shows that the virus isn’t as nefarious as reported. It is also important to point out that people don’t die of COVID-19, just like people don’t die of AIDS, they die of complications that were exacerbated by having the illness. If hospitals were reporting accurate statistics, I guarantee you there wouldn’t be a global panic. My favorite articles are the ones citing “30-year-old healthy male marathon runner dies of COVID-19,” but upon reading the article, one discovers some underlying cause of death such as cancer, diabetes, and other co-morbidities. These people could easily succumb to another popular virus, the rhinovirus, also known as the common cold.
Lysol is the pied piper in all of this, luring unsuspecting human rats to stores to buy up all the available stock of their products, creating what they think is a “virus safe zone” in their homes. Unbeknownst to them, their overly sterile environment is creating the perfect storm for yet another virus. Ignorance is the true pandemic, plaguing every facet of our lives from economics to medicine.
The planet is engineered to survive, and will, at any cost. We humans are but a mere guest on borrowed time and a blip in Earth’s history. Continually destroying ecosystems and coming in contact with areas that humans were never intended to explore, cause a larger opening on pandora’s box. Not only do we lack personal hygiene, we also lack it globally as well.
In our society, irrational behavior and thought seems to plague us more than any virus ever could. Each day, I read more and more histrionic articles surrounding COVID-19 written by, what I consider, non-essential journalists with no understanding, at even a basic level, of immunology and virology. Yet, each day, people continually share these musings as concrete science. I do not post much on social media, there is enough absurd matter being doled up for several lifetimes, but I do, however, scroll through these incredulous posts, read them, and then use rationality and medical journals/textbooks to get accurate information.
I am what you call a young Gen-xer or Xilennial, if you will, and was always taught that knowledge was acquired by being curious, reading books, being open-minded, and gaining a true understanding of the subject matter. I dare say that even a fraction of the global population, probably statistically the same as the mortality rate of COVID-19 (hint: it’s well under 1%), understands what a virus actually does in the human body, how many bacteria and viruses’ dwell on our body’s, shedding microscopically all day every day, and how the immune system plays into it all. Although college educated, I do not have a medical degree, don’t claim to be an expert, and my knowledge of medicine only scratches the surface, but what is evident, is that of all things that have been deemed “non-essential,” quarantining the healthy is the biggest medical mistake of all.
I work for a business that is deemed “essential” by the federal government and have been in the midst of this chaos since day 1. In the very beginning of this nightmare, I had a bit of trepidation about continuing to work with the public, fueled by a voracious media telling me that I was going to die if I come in contact with another human, but nonetheless, decided to keep my wits and take a rational approach. At first, my company wouldn’t allow us to wear masks. I was a tad put off by this policy, but I have always practiced good hygiene, wash my hands frequently, and don’t touch my face incessantly like a toddler, so I wasn’t excessively panicked. Many of my employees refused to work unless they were allowed to don full hazmat gear, so of course, as weeks have progressed, over 60% of my staff has self-quarantined.
Since patrons are still allowed to come into our business and purchase products, it has become very tense and awkward reminding people to keep their distance and not shoving their cell phones in our faces wanting to know where this product is located. See, we sell essential products for those working from home, so many have to ask a multitude of questions; sometimes we can help them, but often times, the answers involve contact, and that is not allowed.
If there ever was a time in human history to invoke the term “privilege,” it is now. People are actually more harmful than the virus. The entitlement and disregard for other’s personal space and safety is absolutely baffling. The fear mongering and misinformation has caused people to treat one another like human garbage. Not only is our business following sanitation standards per CDC, but we are now guarded with mandatory masks and gloves. Patrons will throw money at us, refuse to let us touch their products, but then expect us to take their dirty money. I pointed that out to a patron one day, and her response was “well, you’re wearing gloves, so you won’t catch anything.” Her ignorance actually made my stomach turn. Her feeble mind actually thought that gloves, would save the world from illness.
Humans need interaction. We are designed to be social creatures who gather our immunity from the world around us. Sure, when we are born, we have to be isolated and introduced into society slowly to garner immunity, but playing in dirt, touching things, touching others, all builds our body’s immunities. Self-isolation, does quite the opposite, it weakens us not only physically, but mentally as well. If you think of any other global pandemic such as Ebola, SARS, MERS, etc., you never hear of the healthy, non-symptomatic people being quarantined, only the sick, so why are we isolating the entire globe? It makes absolutely no medical and scientific sense.
The other ridiculous, irrational misnomer posted by all self-righteous COVID-ites is “staying at home saves lives, help us flatten the curve.” Flattening a curve seems like it would do some good, but when it comes to something as volatile as a virus, its M.O. is to survive, not infect less. This actually prolongs the virus, thus allowing it to mutate. Sure, sometimes the mutations are less caustic than the original, but again, to some, this virus is ineffective, thus perpetuating the cycle. If the “shelter in place” edict isn’t all businesses, it’s ineffective. Couple this bad advice with immuno-suppressed and depressed quarantined humans, and the minute we re-open civilization we have a true pandemic of many physically ill people. I always challenge my friends or even random strangers that quote the same bile infested words to me and ask if they’ve stayed at home or gone to get take out or entered an essential business? If so, then they’re definitely hypocrites and not flattening the curve, but they’re also not getting infected with the virus. You go out in public at least 2-3 times a week, go to multiple places, parks, and touch all sorts of inanimate objects that could also harbor the virus, yet I don’t hear of the virus spiking, or of anyone I know having become infected. Why you ask? Because your body is developing immunity each and every time you leave your home. It is that simple. I am sure others will argue, oh, it is BECAUSE of the quarantine that the virus is lessening, but in truth it is human interaction.
Statistically speaking, according to Dr. Fauci, 3-4 members of my staff or myself should have become infected with the virus over the last 8 weeks, yet we have not. For 5 weeks, we were not wearing masks while meeting all sorts of people and making deliveries to their vehicles. This shows that the virus isn’t as nefarious as reported. It is also important to point out that people don’t die of COVID-19, just like people don’t die of AIDS, they die of complications that were exacerbated by having the illness. If hospitals were reporting accurate statistics, I guarantee you there wouldn’t be a global panic. My favorite articles are the ones citing “30-year-old healthy male marathon runner dies of COVID-19,” but upon reading the article, one discovers some underlying cause of death such as cancer, diabetes, and other co-morbidities. These individuals could’ve easily succumbed to another popular coronavirus, the common cold.
Lysol is the pied piper in all of this, luring unsuspecting human rats to stores to buy up all the available stock of their products, creating what they think is a “virus safe zone” in their homes. Unbeknownst to them, their overly sterile environment is creating the perfect storm for yet another virus. Ignorance is the true pandemic, plaguing every facet of our lives from economics to medicine.
The planet is engineered to survive, and will, at any cost. We humans are but a mere guest on borrowed time and a blip in Earth’s history. Continually destroying ecosystems and coming in contact with areas that humans were never intended to explore, cause a larger opening on pandora’s box. Not only do we lack personal hygiene, we also lack it globally as well.
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