Thursday, August 24, 2017

Last Day of Chemo for My Hubby

On hubby's first day of chemo six months ago, our cubicle was next to an elderly colonel who talked on the phone the entire six hours we were there. We were scared in this environment of desperately sick people who wanted the miracle toxic cure cursing through their veins but also privacy to make peace with their diagnosis of cancer. There was no room for politics or the mundane affairs of a loud mouth who behaved as if he owned the place.

This old colonel broke everybody's serenity and peace with his rudeness. Yet nobody said anything to him. Each time, for the next six months, his boorish behavior continued. I suppose, he was accustomed to be the loudest in the room and all his minions bent to his every whim and order. What was the point of telling him now that the world did not revolve around him, that there were billion others who deserved respect and silence?

On the last chemo treatment we were unlucky again to be placed next to this man and his equally loud and obnoxious wife. We were in our favorite chemo bay by the window. As soon as this couple arrived, they started to loudly bash President Trump to the staff and his illegitimacy to the presidency. And how a female criminal would have been so much better!

We were separated by a thin curtain, it was so close as if they were talking in my ear. The wife was telling the nursing staff how stupid Trump was because he went outside during the solar eclipse and stared at the sun. I went outside too and took pictures, but both the President, his wife, and I wore protective glasses.  She then concluded that Trump was mentally deranged. Her husband, a retired colonel, agreed wholeheartedly.

I really wanted to ask them when they examined and evaluated the mental sanity of the president and when did they get their M.D. degrees. But then I recognized the MSM talking points echoed in their loud pronouncements.

Perhaps I should have asked them how our President had built an empire from a $700,000 inheritance instead of stealing it from taxpayers, political action packs, or bribes. But I didn't. Some people are not worth having a logical conversation with because they are illogical in their hate.

No time or place to say something today. Some people have no compass or manners. As a former soldier the man violated his oath of office to respect the office of the president regardless of his feelings for the current president. But, I did no expect much from his culture. A chemo clinic should be a calm and healing place, not filled by racist hate.

I bit my lips and kept quiet.


  1. God speed in your husband's recovery!

  2. I am coming late to the conclusion that it is a fool's errand to argue with evil, but we should never allow ourselves to think we are powerless to defend against it.

    I think in your shoes I might have turned up my radio and given them a mega dose of a Rush Lmbaugh program. 😁

    1. The thought of turning on a podcast of Savage did occur to me but then I would not have been any better than he was, Chriss.

  3. Ileana, May the Lord mighty raise up your husband to excellent health. Thanks so much for your articles. Always appreciate your insights.
