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The Ship of Fools |
There are quick answers - mental illness,
mass hysteria, abundance, lack of jobs, lack of a moral compass, disintegration
of families, the MSM telling them constantly that they are oppressed and
enslaved to the “evil” white male, too much drug use, and indoctrination in
schools to the detriment of history, causing them to lose the ability to grasp
reality and to discern real from nonexistent.
Liberals have even invented the term “affluenza”
in a misguided attempt to excuse bad behavior and criminality of their affluent
offspring who don’t understand the difference between right and wrong.
When one loses touch with “verifiable reality”
and becomes dependent on someone else to interpret reality for them, delusion
sets in, a “more primitive stage of awareness” when rumor and falsehood become
truth set in stone. Such deluded humans are controlled by retrograde and
primitive thinking. Retrogression is caused by constant false information
coming from the media, teachers, and the government.
If humans no longer think for themselves and don’t
verify information against reality, their sole experience comes from dogma. It
is thus not surprising that large groups of people act on command under “powerful
mass emotions” and hysteria. Rational thinking is absent, replaced by submissiveness
to ideologies overwhelming them with false information, in this case extreme
liberalism, termed “progressivism.” There is nothing progressive about collectivism,
communism, Marxism, Maoism, Stalinism, Castroism, and statism. Progressivism
should actually be called regressivism, regressing to a failed ideology which
resulted in the mass murder of 100 million people.
Radio, television, computers, electronic
games, cell phones, and social media destroy face to face communication,
discussion, affectionate relationships, attention, human interaction, and love.
The creative mind is destroyed by turning a person engrossed in a blue screen
into a mindless and devoid of feeling drone, an obedient soul, un-adapted and
unable to cope with reality, easy to submit to authority, incapable of
discerning what is real and what is contrived.
Technology saves us a lot of time, extra
work, and aggravation. But in using it, conversation and direct human contact have
become a lost art. People go out to dinner and everybody is on their smart
devices, lone persons staring in cyberspace. Conversation, free exchange of ideas,
human contact, and the creative spirit are gone.
The fascination with smart devices is an
addiction with strange sexuality, with unresolved emotional turmoil, with the
need to connect with total strangers while dressed in pajamas, with the narcissistic
need for momentary celebrity, and with aggressive fantasies.
These addictions steal our free time, robs us
of creativity and uniqueness, we become denizens of a pseudo-world in
cyberspace; parents have no time for their children, children have no time for
their parents, and become totally enrapt in the fantasy and the magic offered
by the blue screen while hypnotized into this form of non-verbal but
mesmerizing communication.
People have died texting and driving, stepping
in front of a moving car, into a deep hole, over a ravine, into a pole, while
totally engrossed into the hypnotizing blue screens of their smart devices.
Our cyber world and real world are interdependent
now. We erased the physical sovereign boundaries and added the Internet web of highways
across oceans. Dr. Meerloo’s words of sixty years ago seem quite fitting. “The
machine that became a tool of human organization and made possible the conquest
of nature, has acquired a dictatorial position.” (Joost A. M. Meerloo, The Rape
of the Mind, p. 166)
The need for speed, for instant communication
has altered the thinking process because machines can now do the thinking for
us. The thinking process becomes devoid of emotion and creativity. A “moral
problem gets repressed and is displaced by a technical or statistical
evaluation.” Thus children and adults alike become victims of the “paralyzing
and lazy-making tendencies” of our advanced technology.
Without the free exchange of ideas which
allows for the expansion of the mind, it is easy to see how delusion can set
in, prey to the first smooth-talking individual that comes along and mesmerizes
the listeners.
Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo explained in his 1956
book, “Rape of the Mind,” which focused on “the psychology of thought control,
menticide, and brainwashing, how small and large communities are susceptible to
collective delusion, often under the influence of one obsessed person.” Without
what he terms, “free verification and self-correction,” dictators like Hitler,
Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Ceausescu and others were made possible.
Dr. Meerloo gave examples of crews at sea or
communities cut off from the world, which, because of their isolation, had
experienced “contagious religious mania coupled with ritual murder.” These
people became victims to their own limited viewpoint.
Delusion can be seen today among some young
people who do not understand how deluded they are because they’ve been exposed
their entire lives to the same misguided and false narrative, information limited
and channeled by the ideology of the left.
Delusions are instilled by organizing and
manipulating younger generations by Twitter, Facebook, and other MSM outlets
that hide reality and only report what they want their minions and followers to
know. If a delusion is carefully implanted by educators, it can be quite
difficult to correct because these delusions consist of rumors fed as reality,
without the opportunity to verify the manufactured information.
In totalitarian societies most people are not
allowed to be free thinkers and become victims of delusion. Massive and
constant brainwashing in schools and universities, fed by continuous
propaganda, make it almost impossible for students to view anything
objectively. Dr. Meerloo called it “mental pollution” which leads to “mental
contagion” caused by totalitarian propaganda. Even “free citizens in a free
country must be on their guard to protect themselves” from this mental
History had demonstrated painfully time and
time again that countries and citizens, in which “governments supervised and
limited the flow of ideas into the minds of men,” did not fare well. There is a
reason why we have the First and the Fourteenth Amendments.
Yet free thinking and individuality are under
attack by progressive ideologues who pollute the deluded masses with the failed
ideas of collectivism, multiculturalism, impossible coexistence with Islam, and
the superiority of primitive cultures, all represented in the globalist Common
Core standards of education.
"1984", the novel, is becoming reality.