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Courtesy: CFP |
A soft coup has occurred
that had been planned for years, unbeknownst to most Americans who are still
busy thinking that, if they just elect the right candidate this time and energize
the vote in one more election, things will turn around and the rule of law will
be restored. They are not taking into account the millions of illegal aliens
who are registered to vote, the deceased vote, and those who are bussed from
Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador and dropped off in Arizona, including
young children to be housed on military bases at considerable cost per child to
the U.S. taxpayers. These children will be reunited eventually with their
families here, doubling, tripling, and quadrupling any estimates of the illegal
vote. The newly amnestied Dreamers have already cast their votes in the last
presidential election and helped re-elect our President.
The MSM across the board
has morphed into the cheering promoters and excusers of the regime, the de
facto propaganda arm of this fast change to a soft tyranny. Few Americans have
noticed the not-so-subtle rhetorical changes. One recent example is the capitalist
phrase “middle class” has become the communist “working class.”
The rule of law has been
replaced in “this year of action” by executive orders and regulations issued
directly by various bureaucratic “public servants” and agencies directly
answering to no one who have become, in essence rulers by fiat. Most recently, student
debt was called upon to be relieved by “millionaires” who must now expiate
their sins of being entrepreneurial, hard-working investors and job creators by
paying for those who got worthless degrees with which they cannot find employment
in the job-destroying Obama economy.
The government has bailed out
everything from car companies, banks, student loans, and mortgage companies.
The feds have replaced our education system with Bill Gates’ vision of academia
funded by his own millions and the government’s Race to the Top billions – a never
before tested and bizarre curriculum called Common Core. The complicit teachers
and administrators followed the money and the directives like drones guided by
a remote.
Marching more and more
into the nanny state, parents are losing the right to their children (either to
local schools, child protective services, foster care, or hospitals), sugary
drinks and other non-government approved foods are banned, minimum wage is
pushed to $15 an hour, even though it will hurt employment, China is taking
over our food production, manufacturing, and farming. Pharmaceuticals are
already controlled by a few manufacturers and some drugs are harder to find, in
short supply, or no longer produced. Vitamins and over-the-counter drugs are
more strictly controlled, particularly in Europe.
Medical care is becoming a
more expensive service for most Americans thanks to Obamacare that was supposed
to insure 15 percent of uninsured Americans yet in the end, it has uninsured
millions by pushing them out of the market. American families who were
previously insured can no longer afford the high premiums and deductibles
associated with the Obamacare exchanges. Many doctors have retired or have stopped
accepting Medicare and Medicaid altogether due to the hassle, mandatory electronic
record compliance, and low government reimbursement rates. The IRS has become
the insurance enforcer and punisher of insurance non-compliance.
Where we live, where we
build, and how densely populated we are allowed to live, has been taken over by
the Regionalism and Sustainability plans of UN Agenda 21 via draconian,
property rights infringing zoning regulations. Everything we do in life must be
“green and sustainable” thanks to the environmentalist Gaia-centered agenda.
Global warming/climate
change now drive every political decision made at every level of government,
fleecing citizens worldwide of unnecessary billions and trillions in carbon
taxes, much higher utility rates, expensive gasoline prices, and any other type
of fossil fuel-generated energy.
Fossil fuels have become
dirty words in the progressives’ war against coal, a war bankrupting as many
companies as possible that do not or cannot afford to comply with strict EPA
emissions or with expensive and inadequate power generation by renewables.
Smart meters and smart
appliances are now forced on the entire globe, sold under the guise of a
smarter, more efficient grid. It is so smart that it is a sitting duck to any
cyber-attack, solar flare, or a simple physical attack on substations. All
smart appliances and electronic gadgets have become spying devices without a
warrant, providing every detail of our intimate lives to the NSA.
We can now be killed and
imprisoned indefinitely without due process. NASA has turned into a feel-good
agency for the Muslims. Drones are flying around the country spying on innocent
citizens who have done nothing wrong. NSA is recording everything.
Illegals are bussed in to
overwhelm the southern states, our economy, the health care system, and the
educational system, with the intent of changing our national demographics
because the oligarchs have decided that we are not diverse enough, they need
cheap labor, and more low information or no information Democrat voters.
Under the guise of an
impending “humanitarian disaster,” which, according to the press in Honduras,
was created by our own government who promised under-age illegal aliens no
deportation and immediate amnesty, children between the ages of 5-18 are bussed
and flown across Mexico from Central America to be housed temporarily in
Arizona, Oklahoma, and Texas. Reports streaming out of these holding facilities
claim that serious infectious diseases and sexual activity are rampant. These
countries are poor and economically strapped but these children are not Castro’s
Peter Pan children.
One astute caller asked
why these minors are not sent back to be reunited with their families in their
home countries instead of allowing them to create such chaos in our country that
is already reeling from crisis after crisis. He mentioned the “Elian Gonzalez Doctrine.”
Elian survived the defection attempt from
Castro’s Cuba but his mother drowned at sea. After weeks of round the clock media
circus, Attorney General Janet Reno used the force of law and armed men to
snatch this frightened boy from the safety of his aunt’s house and returned him
to his father in Cuba. Elian became an instant propaganda tool for Fidel Castro.
For a long time the goal
of immigration was assimilation into the American culture, learning English, becoming
a contributor to our way of life and enriching the diverse fabric of our society
while retaining the American exceptionalism.
Now liberals have devised
the “path to citizenship,” immigration forgiveness for breaking our laws, a
clever system of bringing the supposedly scared and frightened people, who broke
our laws and live around us in plain sight, “out of the shadows.” They called
them “undocumented workers,” “undocumented Americans,” “paperless immigrants,”
and many other deceptive euphemisms.
Liberals are forcing us to
accept these illegals as equal citizens with the same rights and benefits but
not the same responsibilities we have as American citizens. In the meantime, more than 4 million legal
immigrants are awaiting the resolution of their cases to come to the U.S. I
often wondered why illegal aliens are risking life and limb to come here if the
freedom and the opportunity to succeed are long gone. The answer is simple –
they are so poor, they come for the generous welfare because such programs do
not exist in their countries and we, the taxpayers, are overly generous to a
fault. Can we and should we work to
support all the poor of the world? Do we not become slaves to foreign nationals
when we spend so much of our time on earth earning a living and then giving it
away in taxes and welfare? To make matters worse, these people do not want to
Theodore Roosevelt’s words
ring so true. “In the first place, we
should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an
American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact
equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any
such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated
upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an
American… There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an
American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for
but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and
that is the English language… And we have room for but one sole loyalty and
that is a loyalty to the American people.”
Our returning vets are
treated as social trash and stripped of the right to get decent medical care.
Illegal aliens receive first class free health treatment in our best hospitals
around the country but vets must use the VA substandard facilities where
waiting lists and waiting list for the waiting lists are condemning many to unnecessary
death when they should receive the best treatment in any hospital in the
Illegal aliens are
flooding the country at an alarming rate and the regime is encouraging it by not
enforcing the law. We no longer have a border per se, we have lost our
sovereignty to the one-world globalists who have no allegiance to the country
they were born in, they are men and women without a country and with a dark heart
ruled by money, power, control, and corruption.
The people of my
generation believed in “the best of times are yet to come” because the values
of the depression era generation were still vibrating in the background of our
country. The values of today are worrisome, perplexing, and frustrating. Our
grandchildren don’t know history, government, and economics. They bury their
heads in the proverbial sand called reality television and social media as the
politicians and their constituents are burying their own children and grandchildren
in insurmountable debt.
Faith and churches have
been taken over by communists and sympathizers of the “religion of peace” which
makes no secret of its plan to install a world caliphate, a theocracy that
would destroy any dissenting non-believer who still does not understand that
Islam is not a religion; it is a political system incompatible with our
Constitution. Liberals are very busy appeasing them, inviting them into our
midst, and making room for any demand in the name of tolerance and the utopian right
to Coexist.
The destructive work of
liberals cannot be complete without the final push for an Article V Convention to
rewrite the outdated and foggy Constitution written by “evil” men of “white
Tyranny is tyranny,
whether it is soft, socialist, communist, fascistic, or theocratic. Just when it
seems that all is lost, the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives,
Eric Cantor, is sent packing by real Virginians who are tired of Cantor’s
doubling down on amnesty, and the Tea Party candidate, David Brat, wins the
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