Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A Communist “Urbanate”

In light of the devastating fires in Los Angeles, it is important to mention that Los Angeles is one of the 100 or so cities that are part of the C40 Cities Initiative, a program developed by the United Nations to address the manufactured crisis of global warming/climate change and the globalist goals to remake the cities into their vision.  This vision happens to coincide with The Ideal Communist City. A 166-page book, written in 1968 in Milan, describes in detail the architects’ vision of building the perfect communist city.

I had lived in a communist city for 20 years and it is no walk in the park, but Giancarlo de Carlo wrote about a view of a communist city which sounds eerily similar to the 15-minute cities of today proposed by globalist modern planners to transform our cities into self-contained prisons from which one can only escape via public transit. Residents cannot have a private vehicle and there are no public garages. Living space is dictated per person and the city itself is limited to a certain number of residents, all clustered within walking distance of where they work, play, shop, go to school, or entertain.

Supporters of the C40 Cities Initiative are the Open Society Foundations, Uber, FedEx, Google, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the UK Government, and the European Union. World Bank is a designated Partner.

The 15-minute city plan for Los Angeles is called the Livable Communities Initiative (LCI), “a plan to address LA’s housing, traffic and climate crisis by building 3-5 stories of gentle density above small retail along carefully chosen commercial streets that are transformed to be walkable, bikeable, and livable.” It is unclear what “gentle density” means and who makes these decisions, but it is not hard to speculate. It is also interesting to imagine how older people would bike and walk where they need to go. As Democrat communists have repeated, “never let a crisis go to waste,” and the scorched earth crisis in LA is the perfect opportunity to remake the city in the globalist vision promised by Biden to “build back better.”

The livable communities website describes Mobility as “Creating a walkable, bikeable life where everyone can safely and pleasantly walk, bike, trike, use a golf cart, and access great transit, allows for housing without parking – a key tool in creating abundance of homes that are affordable to workers and moderate to low income households.”

An Urbanate will have all facilities needed for a prison-like community, i.e., schools, hospitals, shopping malls, waste management, recycling, sports centers, and public green areas. It is presented as a resort type where residents will have the highest standard of living possible.

Because cities have been built by poor planning, the technate wants to erase them and build urbanates from a clean slate. Why bother to solve problems in the existing cities? The future of urban consumption in a 1.5°C world

Klaus Schwab of the WEF said at the World Government Summit in Dubai in 2015 that Los Angeles will be “Private Car-Driven-Free by 2030, transforming highways into parks and other public spheres.” Klaus Schwab: Los Angeles to Be "Private Car-Driven-Free" by 2030

The proposed 15-minute cities within the technocrats’ Urbanates appear eerily like the Ideal Communist City written about in 1968. This communist design concept is a world-wide urbanization called the New Unit of Settlement, built upon the “rich heritage left by Soviet architecture and urbanism in the 1920s.” The goal was to create the city of the future, “the material substructure of communist society.”

Having lived under communism for 20 years, I am familiar with the grey concrete apartments clustered around a shopping center that seldom had any food available and when it did, the lines were endless. These high-rise apartments were like prisons with reinforced concrete and 650 square feet of space for a family of three, about the size of an American hotel room.

The Ideal Communist City required “massive territorial-industrial complexes and the regrouping of vast populations at selected geographical points.”

To make an ideal communist city, architects proposed the distribution and re-ordering of the total population, i.e., “sizes of groups to be housed in communist society, limits on size of residential areas, distances between such areas, dynamics and discontinuity of the urbanization process.”

The need of each human being for food, clothing, and shelter was to be determined by planners, and the population’s movements to shape and control social processes. (pp. 15-17) Interior furnishings and exterior architecture and colors had to be determined by planners.

Now I understand why suddenly all the fast-food restaurants across the U.S. have remodeled their happy and colorful exteriors and interior furniture into various shades of grey, black, and beige, without the previously large windows, happy interior furniture, and play areas for children. They must have had a joint conference of Bauhaus utilitarian architecture to discourage humans from lingering inside and socializing.

Communist architects recommended the “intensive use of space in modern [high rise] buildings.” The residential complex will have lower-rise buildings for overnight nurseries and elementary schools, and high-rise structures for residential units for adults.”

The communist planners suggested that children be separated from their parents at some point while they were tended to by scientifically trained educators because “mere experience of life and paternal or maternal sentiments are not enough to equip a person to teach correctly a member of society.” (p. 56)

The children were to be housed in low-rise buildings away from their parents. “It is said that a socialized system of education is inhumane toward parents, for it takes their children away and does not give them a chance to see them and participate in their education.” (p. 56)

The ideal communist city with such residential hubs would not allot more than 225 square feet per person and 50-75 square feet for a small child’s play and sleep. (p. 66)

“The spatial isolation of apartments in high-rise residential blocks allows the concentration of a very large number of people in a relatively small space and the creation of an efficient system of services.” (pp. 69-70)

The three basic apartment prototypes suggested were for single individuals, for couples, and for two couples (a generation of older people and a younger couple with children). (p. 71)

The architects of this ideal communist city call their residential hubs/prisons, new unit of settlement (NUS). Each NUS sector, with a radius of 1.2 miles, was planned for 100,000 residents and many regions with NUS settlements. It sounds like a controlled ghetto. The architects of 1968 called such zones “rationally planned areas.”

They proposed that NUS will relate to other new units of settlement via a system of rapid transportation, unifying the whole urbanized region. The architects proposed the “distribution of the labor force with equal efficiency over the whole region and regulate the immigration of people into an urbanized region in addition to its normal population expansion by settling other persons in new units of settlement (NUS).” The entire population would be distributed across the ghettos called NUS. The “ideal communist city” had a rigidly set population size for each NUS. (p. 114)

The new units of settlement were planned on a pedestrian scale, elimination of danger from vehicular traffic, and green belts, all on 200 acres. Each high-rise was densely populated. Consumer services were provided for 25,000 people at a time. (p. 118-119)

The logic of this kind of change from cities to “smart cities,” “ideal cities,” “15-minute cities,” “urbanates,” or whatever the government decides to call it, is standardization, multiform construction, total population and mobility control, uniformity (Bauhaus ugly), and rewilding of land no longer allowed to human trespassing. The excuse is that we must save the planet from human destruction, an idea heavily promoted by the profitable climate change industry.

“Technically perfect high-rise buildings are seen as the ascetic spirit.” (p. 159) Having lived in such communist high-rise concrete buildings (5-9 stories apartment complexes), I can assure you that our spirit was not just ascetic, it was depressed, oppressed, and devoid of humanity and compassion for fellow residents  who lived in the same state of hunger, lack of freedom, mobility, and government tyranny.

Read the file about SmartLA 2028, published in December 2020. You will find many similarities.

The SmartLA 2028 blueprint displays a map of Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, and Hollywood areas, now seriously fire damaged. What a coincidence!






Thursday, January 2, 2025

Humanity is in the Way of the Climate Change Agenda 2030

Recently, Rep. Thomas Massey sat a clever trap for John Kerry when he got him to admit that CO2 levels prior to humans walking the earth, “800,000 years ago,” were several times higher than they are today and “geological events caused that to happen,” not humans. Kerry, with his liberal arts degree in Political Science, not a real science degree, talked about the scientific consensus of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming caused by CO2, the gas of plant life.

No matter how many such embarrassing moments happen with various figures of the climate change industry pushing anthropogenic global warming, the global economy and our lives are fundamentally altered by government fiat which force green energy measures and excessive taxation of fossil fuels, changing every facet of our lives.

The organization behind it all is the United Nations with its myriad of NGOs funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars, large corporations, billionaires, academia, large corporations, and international conglomerates.

The 1992 U.N. Agenda 21 was adopted in Rio by 178 countries and, within three decades, was written into local and state law in every country around the globe. The latest version of it, Agenda 2030, is nearing completion.

The lynchpin of Agenda 2030 is the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which sound benign enough in their wording.

SDG number one is “no poverty.”  It is noble to eradicate poverty, but no billionaire or large corporate conglomerates are rushing to disperse their wealth to the poor.

What it really means is that the world’s population will have to rely on the “welfare state” for survival and their governments will devise plans to “severely reduce population” by any means necessary.

SDG number two is “zero hunger.” What it really means is consuming GMOs, bugs, worms, and crickets, and severely reduce meat consumption as cows cause so much flatulence as to raise the CO2.

The FAO and WHO established Codex Alimentarius more than half a century ago (1963), a “food code” with a collection of standards, guidelines, and codes of practice adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). “It is part of the joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme that [allegedly] protects consumer health and promotes fair practices in food trade.” Home | CODEXALIMENTARIUS FAO-WHO

SDG number 3 advocates “good health and well-being.” Nobody can argue with this idea except, what it really means is “forced vaccinations” of humans and of animals.

SDG number 4 promotes “quality education” and we are all certainly applauding the idea. But the quality education they are talking about is “mass indoctrination” in government schools where everyone supports the leftist idea of DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) where everybody receives equal outcomes whether they have earned them or deserved them, a participatory trophy/diploma.

SDG number five refers to “gender equality.” What it really intends is the destruction of the family unit, promotion of transgender surgeries, hormone blockers, and the installation of many non-existent biological sexes to appease those who suffer from gender dysphoria.

SDG number six advocates “clean water and sanitation,” something that most of us in the west take for granted. What the Agenda 2030 guidelines intend to do is the “rationing of water” for the entire planet.

SDG number seven demands “affordable and clean energy.” What it really wants to do is “smart grid surveillance” of people’s energy consumption and reduction of their ability to tap into endless energy by cutting off their source via smart meters turned off from the Mother Ship during the hottest or coldest days of the year.

SDG number eight promotes “decent work and economic growth.” It is unclear what unelected bureaucrats at the U.N. will decide what constitutes “decent work” and “economic growth.”  What they really mean is TTIP/TPP.

“TTIP will be a cutting-edge agreement aimed at providing greater compatibility and transparency in trade and investment regulation, while maintaining high levels of health, safety, and environmental protection.” The key word here is “environmental protection,” telling farmers and businesses how to do their jobs and what parameters they must follow to do business in the European Union.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was the centerpiece of U.S. President Barack Obama’s strategic pivot to Asia. Before President Donald Trump withdrew the United States in 2017, the TPP was set to become the world’s largest free trade deal, covering 40 percent of the global economy.”

SDG number 9 involves “industry, innovation, and infrastructure.” What it aims to do is to “restrict transport.”

SDG number 10 is promoting “reduced inequalities.” What is actually doing is spearheading “mass global migration” and the invasion of the United States from third world countries which has been occurring under the Biden administration.

SDG number 11 is promoting “sustainable cities and communities.” What is doing is building “15-minute cities, 5-minute communities,” “15-minute neighborhoods,” prison cities/ghettos wherein the residents, their lives, and mobility are easily controlled, curtailed, and taxed, divorcing them from personal cars and moving them into mass-transportation and biking.

SDG number 12 is advocating for “responsible consumption and production.”  The real aim is to have a “centrally planned economy,” using the Soviet model of economic failures where supply and demand never matched, and shortages were overwhelming.

SDG number 13 demands “climate action.” The end goal is to “ration energy” and to make people suffer when humans have nothing to do with the climate, on the contrary, solar flares and volcanic activity are to blame for weather events and climate variability.

SDG number 14 is aiming to control “life below water.” This is an effort to “control wildlife” and everything humans do in association with oceans, rivers, and lakes, such as shipping, sailing, recreation, transportation, mineral exploration, fishing, and hunting,

SDG number 15 wants to control “life on land.” It is all about “control of all resources,” limited and unlimited.

SDG number 16 advocates for “peace, justice, and strong institutions.” What U.N. really wants is “perpetual oppression” under the control of a few.

SDG number 17 seeks “partnerships for the goals.” What it really wants is a “one world communist government” under the aegis of the United Nations.

None of these 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) are about improving humanity, protecting the planet, or anybody’s welfare. They are about control of life on the planet by the United Nations’ unelected bureaucrats and their billionaire supporters. Humanity is in the way of the completion of the “climate change” Agenda 2030.




Sunday, December 8, 2024

"Blue Bloods"

I am so sick and tired of hearing the royals talk about “duty to the country” while flashing their obscene lifestyles to the public.

Their ancestors took power through brute force from their tribes. They maintained and strengthened power through force, torture, war, and hired goons called mercenaries. 

They confiscated lands from people who displeased them and gave them to brown-nosers. They built palaces for themselves and their children by taxing the poor and the rich alike. They acquired more wealth and passed it on to other "blue bloods" with whom they intermarried. 

They worked with the church to obtain more power, influence, and wealth by using faith against the very people, rich and poor, whose country they felt a duty to "protect" by robbing citizens to pay armies to fight others to gain more land and power. 

They made themselves "God's representatives on earth" and claimed that they have "blue blood."  Blood is bright red when oxygenated and dark maroon when unoxygenated. "Nobility" bleeds the same color as the rest of us, bright red.

We are all God's children, and you are not special despite all the palaces you own, jewels, and willing servants who respond daily to every whim you have. You are spoiled, entitled, rich, and parasitic human beings who produce nothing of value to humanity other than creating paying jobs for those who serve you 24/7.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Agenda 2030 Is Already in Place

Since the signing of U.N. Agenda 21 in 1992 in Rio, Brazil, by 178 countries, and its implementation across the world, the elements of the agenda which have been morphed into and renamed U.N. Agenda 2030, are already in place as well.

The Great Reset is defined by the World Economic Forum’s chairman Klaus Schwab in his book by the same name. His envisioned Great Reset involves the rebooting of the world economy as enabled by the Covid-19 “epidemic” in the form of “sustainable development” that destroys sovereignty, borders. citizenship, wealth, private property, and national economies, to the benefit of a few billionaires who control the globe. U.N. would control and dictate everything for them, including public health, travel, fiscal and monetary policies, transportation, employment, education, labor, housing, commerce, agriculture, weather manipulation, religion, family, reproduction, birth, life, and death for the planet’s 8 billion humans.

Society will be reset based on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) – hiring the less qualified, less educated, and with darker skin under the guise of equal outcomes for unequally situated individuals. DEI rewards people on non-merit and on lack of accomplishments, devolving society to the lowest common denominator instead of merit and accomplishments.

Nationalism will be replaced by globalism and global governance, with China rising as a star.

Environmental reset is controlled by the climate change agenda of the United Nations through its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Technology resets with global tracking and surveillance of everything and everybody. On the micro level, everything will be digitized, and nobody will be able to make rapid mental calculations or write cursively with pen and paper.

Industry will reset, destroying small operations and allowing only large producers.

Social interactions will reset through effects on travel, tourism, hospitality, environment, retail, 15-minute cities, aerospace, and automotive industry.

Individual reset through forced behavioral changes, i.e., forced isolation, economic reductions of disposable income, psychological and physical security, food insecurity deliberately designed outcome of food shortages, redefining what is human, exposing humans to horrible natural disasters and to pandemics, forbidding humans to own anything and forcing them to be happy about it, forbid “conspicuous consumption” of any kind and engage in forced “frugality” while the billionaires of the world devour anything they want.

One World Government will replace each country’s government, and it will reside with the United Nations.

Technocracy and Corporatocracy – those in charge of technology and social media platforms will control the narrative and the “free speech,” while large corporations will control people’s lives.

Fourth Industrial Revolution – Klaus Schwab popularized the phrase to explain the shift in industrial capitalism into the phase in which physical, digital, and biological worlds merge with the aid of 21st century technological advancements, artificial intelligence, gene editing, and advance robotics.

With the frightening implantation of chips in the brain, false memories can also be implanted. A WEF conference explains that isolated pain centers in the human brain can actually be activated with chips, inflicting pain and punishment on humans without their consent.

Total dependency on the police state with the Social Credit Score system is modeled after that which is currently used in China. All human activity is dictated by the social credit score assigned by the state to each person, based on how they behave, and how the police state deems their behavior to be, compliant or not. I do recall that throughout our communist school system, we received a grade for behavior in general and a failing grade as such was discussed in front of all the other parents who were forced to attend monthly meetings about the behavioral and academic performance of their children.

Carbon Footprint Surveillance System is already in use in some countries; people with a lower carbon footprint can sell their allowed carbon footprint to people who actually have a much larger carbon footprint than the state allows.

Universal Basic Income for compliant citizens – proposed in this country but not yet enforced.

Depopulation – Many eugenicists have been promoting the depopulation agenda for decades, including Bill Gates, from 8 billion people to a billion or half a billion people. They believe that human existence and the replacement birth rates are destroying mother earth.

Programmable Central Banking Digital Currency – replacing cash altogether, allowing banks to control what we can and cannot spend, based on our social credit score system – taxation compliance would be 100 percent, and digital banking spending of one’s own balances would be denied or approved based on a human being’s acceptable or unacceptable behavior as deemed by the state.

Mandatory vaccines for all ages – multiple mRNA vaccines yearly have already been developed and currently in use.

Controlled fertility and reproduction

Radical assisted suicide and abortion laws – assisted suicide already in use in some western countries and abortion in all western nations.

One hundred percent genetically manipulated food and soil – in use in many nations, including the U.S.A.

Banning all natural foods, remedies, and treatment – some are banned in the U.S.

Using a robotic workforce

Internet of things and internet of bodies

Microchips and implantable brain interface technologies

Constant exposure to EMFs, RFs (5G, 6G, 7G) – all electronic devices, cell phones, computers, schools where teaching and learning are all computer-based, smart meters, smart appliances, etc.

Destruction of genders through forced transgenderism.

Destruction of family, motherhood, and fatherhood – ridiculous claims that men can menstruate, men can be women and vice-versa, men can have babies, women are birthing persons, not mothers, etc., while the church is silent on the matter and introduce their clergy by their preferred pronouns. Dishonest politicians, judges, doctors, and academia suddenly don’t know how to define a woman.

Rationing of energy and all natural resources – don’t heat your home, live in a tiny home the size of a prison cell, don’t use your car, walk, ride a bike, stay home in your one-minute neighborhood, don’t use a gas stove, drive an expensive electric car you cannot afford, fueled by fairy dust, or live in high-rises without elevators and parking garages because who needs mobility and freedom when the planet is dying? Let the rich drive their many cars, jet around the world in their personal planes, buy mega-yachts, mega-mansions by the sea, while you freeze or swelter in your tiny home and on your bike on the busy interstate during a raging rainstorm or snowstorm and you need to go to the grocery store.

Restrictions on non-essential travel, no leisure travel – who needs to travel? There is plenty to see in your own back yard if you just walk or bike to the woods.

Smart Cities – the 15-minute electronically gated and modern ghetto from which you can only exit 100 times a year and, after that, you must pay a penalty each time you leave and return. CCTV knows you license plate well.

Drones, facial recognition cameras, movement sensors

Abolishing private property – as Klaus Schwab said, “you will own nothing and be happy about it.”  Which billionaire is going to give all of his wealth and money away and be happy about it first?

Control and surveillance of nature and wildlife

Restricted access to wilderness areas (human free zones) – rewilding of parks as presented in the Wildlands Project map of 1992.

“Sustainable Development” (SD) of the New World Order – Everything that constitutes modern civilization must go.





Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The Weather, the New Mega Weapon?

What is the chance that two very large and powerful hurricanes hit the same area within 13 days of each other? Look at the landfall areas of Tampa Bay, Sarasota, Siesta Key, Longboat Key, Anna Maria Island, and other barrier islands in that area of Florida.

The locals lost their homes, condos, and their possessions that they had worked a long time to build and accumulate within 13 days of two unimaginable disasters. These possessions are now buried in tall mountains of rubbish temporarily housed on a large vacant lot near the Tamiami Trail in Sarasota.

Nobody can say that the Tampa Bay area was not prepared. In 2009 they had developed Project Phoenix, a four-module plan to “address the challenges of response and recovery during a catastrophic event in the Tampa Bay area. Hurricane Phoenix, a fictitious storm, was created to simulate the effects of a worst-case scenario in the region; a direct strike from a Category 5 hurricane. A 10-minute video describes the scenario using realistic weather reports and archived video footage.” Project Phoenix 2.0: The Recovery - Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council

The problem is that nobody is willing to address the elephant in the room. How did two such powerful hurricanes, within 13 days of each other, happen to hit the same areas with similar intensity? Is it a coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidences. Was it that Mother Nature had gone rogue, or the right variables of water, heat, cold, and wind aligned and created such devastations twice in the same places?

The Internet was quick to squash the conspiracy theories about the “two historic hurricanes, and [blasted] the large amount of disinformation about nonexistent weather manipulation technology.” Fact check: Debunking weather modification claims | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA wrote, “No technology exists that can create, destroy, modify, strengthen or steer hurricanes in any way, shape or form. All hurricanes, including Helene and Milton, are natural phenomena that form on their own due to aligning conditions of the ocean and atmosphere.” But that contradicts the experiment in 1947.

NOAA states in the middle of the website that they are “required by law to track weather modification activities by others, including cloud seeding, but has no authority to regulate those activities.”*

In the NOAA Library, Weather and Climate Collections, there is an extensive list of weather modification activities, defined as “any activity performed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere (15 CFR § 908.1), activities subject to reporting (15 CFR § 908.3):

1.     “Seeding or dispersing of any substances into clouds or fog to alter drop size distribution, produce ice crystals or coagulation of droplets, alter the development of hail or lightning, or influence in any way the natural development cycle of clouds or their environment;

2.     Using fires or heat sources to influence convective circulation or to evaporate fog;

3.     Modifying the solar radiation exchange of the earth to clouds, through the release of gases, dusts, liquids, or aerosols into the atmosphere;

4.     Modifying the characteristics of land or water surfaces by dusting or treating with powders, liquid sprays, dyes, or other materials;

5.     Releasing electrically charged or radioactive particles, or ions, into the atmosphere;

6.     Applying shock waves, sonic energy sources, or other explosive or acoustic sources to the atmosphere;

7.     Using aircraft propeller downwash, jet wash, or other sources of artificial wind generation;

8.     Using lasers or other sources of electromagnetic radiation; or

9.     Other activities undertaken with the intent to modify the weather or climate, including solar radiation management activities and experiments.”

Weather and Climate - Weather and Climate Collections - NOAA Library at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

After reading this detailed list of activities which must be reported to NOAA, a non-scientist would wonder, if nobody engages in such activities, how do they know in so much detail what can be done to modify weather and climate and that must be reported to NOAA?

Watching an episode of What on Earth? I came across an interesting report about bizarre events that happened on January 22, 2011, in Australia. Satellite images of meteorological maps showed bizarre glowing spiral rings over the city of Melbourne, spanning an area of tens of thousands of miles, reaching all the way to the island of Tasmania off the south coast. Before these rings appeared, the weather was calm, the longest drought on record was taking place. After the circles appeared, the area experienced bizarre weather, torrential rains, funnel winds, and hail.

Scientists thought it was a radar issue; radar combines with satellite images to create real time weather maps of changing weather across a specific area. But radar is reliable.

Other circles appeared in other parts of Australia; one spanned 400 miles. One circle had a white and red eye with a black circle within the larger circle, with black lines radiating from it. Dr. Mike Pavelec said that “it looked like a computer glitch.”

Each strange circle that appeared on the satellite maps seemed to bring extreme weather. “Melbourne had the worst storm in its history, flash floods, 4-inch hail storms, a month’s rain in 48 hours, and a mini tornado. All the other areas plagued by intense and long drought also experienced massive, big thunderstorms, the wettest weather on record.

The question all participants in the video were asking was, if these circles represented an experimental weather weapon.

The weather war has been on the military’s radar, causing the enemy to suffer an earthquake, intensifying a storm that struck the enemy, etc. Jim Marrs, the author of “Above Top Secret,” said, “if you can intensify a storm and guide it to one place or another, you have the foundation for what has been known for a long time as a weather war.”

The narrator explained that “the U.S. conducted Operation Popeye during the Vietnam War from 1967 to 1972, where they would seed the clouds to make it rain. The military would pump huge quantities of cloud seeding chemicals into the air above enemy territory in Vietnam. The resulting downpour turned dirt tracks into rivers of mud, created landslides, impossible to move vehicles and troops. The monsoon season was extended by weeks, destroying harvests.” That was decades ago, they now have much more sophisticated methods.”

And let us not forget the experiment of October 13, 1947, when an Air Force B-17 plane “penetrated a hurricane 415 miles east of Jacksonville and dumped several pounds of crushed dry ice into the storm, just to see what would happen. This was the first attempt to modify a tropical cyclone by seeding it with freezing nuclei. It was almost the last.”  

The experiment was prompted by GE’s Vincent Schaefer’s discovery that “by introducing dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) to supercooled water that had not yet frozen, he could induce the water to freeze into ice,” causing reactions that would change clouds and precipitation. The results were disastrous as the hurricane made a 135 degree left turn, was strengthening, and landed in Georgia and South Carolina, causing $2 million in damages and one death.70th Anniversary of the first hurricane seeding experiment - NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory


*The Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972 (15 Code of Federal Regulations § 908) requires anyone who intends to engage in weather modification activities within the United States, including cloud seeding, to provide a report to the Administrator of NOAA at least 10 days prior to undertaking the activity. Those reports are filed via email and may be found on the NOAA Central Library website.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Cruises and Rogue Waves

I like to travel a lot and many people I know have asked me why I do not go on a cruise. There are several reasons, all partial to me:

1.     I do not drink, nor do I eat excessively.

2.     The thought of being trapped in a tiny cabin floating on the vast ocean, staring at endless rolling waves just gives me the willies.

3.     Fighting thousands of people for the few available pools on deck is not my idea of fun.

4.     Potentially getting seasick if the ocean decides to turn rough is also something that I do not wish to experience.

5.     Being trapped with 4,000 other humans on a walnut shell, floating on the immense ocean trying to drown me with every opportunity, is something that gives me nightmares. And I don’t even want to think of the giant predators lurking under the dark blue surface, waiting to devour human morsels mistaken for seals.

6.     The possibility of falling overboard, being knocked off on purpose or accidentally is also giving me great pause.

7.     The food contamination and getting sick with God knows what bacteria or viruses hiding in the nooks, on the buffets, and in overflowing sewer system is a serious concern.

8.     Losing drinking and bathing water is an uneasy prospect.

9.     The potential of fire is quite scary and the thought of having to abandon a sinking ship.

In my mind, as someone so aptly wrote, “the only difference between being on a ship and being in prison is that you can’t drown in prison,” unless another inmate is holding you face down in a commode, pay back for some real or perceived offense.

Then there are the rogue waves that can come out of nowhere. A number of very large ships have disappeared without a trace, and it is assumed correctly that rogue waves had something to do with their disappearance. These 70-100 feet tall waves have broken up large oil tankers in half and disabled several cruise ships.

Oceanographers have used math models to demonstrate how energy can pass from an ocean current to waves moving in the opposite direction of the current. For example, large Southern Ocean waves interacted with Agulhas Current near the Cape of Good Hope, creating rogue waves.

Consider the “fetch,” which is the distance the wind blows over the sea. The larger the fetch, the larger the waves if everything else is equal. But everything else is never equal. The wave energy is concentrated in rogue waves in a similar fashion as a lens concentrates light. Statistics show that between 1981 and 2001, one large ship was lost every two months! That is a lot of Titanics sinking, not by icebergs but by mountains of water that appear suddenly and overwhelm the ships, destroying them in the process.

Additionally, I would not like to go on a cruise because the ships dock in ports of third world countries, exposing the wealth of the passengers to the locals who barely scrape by. I realize that such tourism provides a much needed boost to the local economy and employment for some, but the luxurious accommodations stand in stark contrast to the simpler lives of the locals and there is an element of that disparity that bothers me.

When cruise ships dock in famous ports like Venice, they cause erosion problems for historical buildings from the wakes of the mammoth ships crossing the harbor. 




Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Interconnection: We the Rich Know What is Best for You

"The Utopian schemes of leveling re-distribution of the wealth and a community of goods - central ownership of the means of production and distribution - are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the Crown. These ideas are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, Unconstitutional.”

- Samuel Adams

Flying halfway around the world in 1978, I escaped Ceausescu’s tyrannical communist regime and found refuge in the best country in the world, the United States of America.

While living as a resident alien in the U.S., I suffered indignities during many interviews to become an American citizen, spent large sums of money in the lengthy and legal process, money I did not necessarily have, passed the civics tests, and traveled numerous times three hours one way to the nearest Immigration Office.

The immigration system was never broken as the media claims today, it worked fine because we followed the laws of the land. I was a resident alien for four years but I did not mind the term “alien” because it was stated so in the law. I became a proud naturalized American citizen and we continued our lives in relative freedom.

Communism was loathsome to most Americans then and no citizen in his/her right mind wanted it here. I knew there were some communists here, based on answers during casual conversations or based on the content of teachers’ lectures to high school and college students, but I did not fathom the idea that my freedom in America would be short-lived and, in my senescent years, I would live under full-blown communist tyranny and corporate fascism.

I had no idea that our government would work with international organizations like the United Nations to enslave our people by destroying the Constitution; with constant help from the indoctrinated media; the NGOs flush with money donated by powerful billionaires; actors in Hollywood; the judicial, political, and academic systems.

Everything happening around the world at fast pace, i.e., globalism, destruction of traditional education, of universities, disappearance of free speech, of freedom of assembly,  sexual depravity, the turning of all governments into a police state, the destruction of Christianity, of churches, political suppression of everything opposing the leftist ideology, using stratospheric injections with chemicals to affect the weather, empowering men to pretend that they are women, and stealing elections, is interconnected.

When the December 1989 “revolution” occurred in Europe and the former Soviet satellite countries declared that communism was dead, I was highly skeptical. I knew communism did not die, it just went underground to regroup with a new name but the same mission – to dominate and control the world. Technocrats with their monopoly on social media and the internet enabled the communist coup.

The new mission to control the world was sold to the masses through environmentalism disguised as global warming/climate change. All the 17 goals of U.N. Agenda 21 were adopted in 1992 around the world, beginning with the local governments.

Americans were naïve and had no idea that their private property, wealth, and national sovereignty were under attack. By the time they realized what was happening, U.N. Agenda 21 was already a fait accompli at all levels of government around the world. Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi made sure that everyone would be compliant.

More than three decades later, the 15-minute cities are looming large on the morphed U.N. Agenda 2030. Its propaganda uses different names, but the end game is the same, trapping people in small areas, easily controlled in high rises, and unable to travel too many times in and out of their assigned ghetto, living under total government control, surveillance, and carbon taxing.

The ghetto residential nomenclature reminds me of the trapped lives we lived under the boot of the communist party when traveling was out of the question: 15-minute neighborhoods, complete neighborhoods, 1-minute city [Yikes], proximity city, 15-minute region [for those living in the country], 15-minute community life circle/cycle, complete communities, livable neighborhoods, healthy neighborhoods, community of communities, walkable neighborhoods, superblock, 20-minute town, walking city, etc.

The powerful men of the world needed the new world order. The capitalism of the west and especially the most successful country in the world, the United States, were in the way so they launched its destruction in incremental steps.

The New World Order was envisioned as one powerful country, selected from 4-5 nations leading the world affairs, and dominating everything in the world with the help of U.N., global corporatists, and individual billionaires.

The money changers/managers behind the scenes were to direct everything from the helm of global corporations and power centers. Sovereignty and nationality were slated to disappear in the massive wave that was the New World Order.

The U.N.’s power was to be imposed on all countries and people no longer had the right to choose anything, including their system of government. All were to be subjugated to the will of the U.N.’s control.

The original idea of a New World Order came from the League of Nations and was transferred to the United Nations, “to create a new global political and economic system to replace the existing one” which just barely survived the WWII conflagration.

George Bush, with its main ally in this New World Order, the Soviet Union, praised the United Nations publicly.  “A hundred generations searched for an elusive path to peace, and we are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.”

David Funderburk, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, described the U.N. as “a hotbed of KGB spies and Third World anti-American radicals.” He was right. Today the U.N. is anything but a peace-keeping organization.

Was Bush’s plan for this global government led by U.N. intended to help the average American taxpaying citizen? No, it was meant to help the U.N., the powerful insiders in the U.S., and the communists in Moscow.

Bush talked to Gorbachev at the time about “shared goals,” but they were not discussing the preservation of the American way of life, belief in God, the traditional family, individual worth, dignity, private property, or the maintenance of our Constitutional Republic.

They discussed how to divide the world’s resources, the military policing of areas around the globe, not how to preserve American values, Christian beliefs, and family principles.

They emphasized “democracy,” a communist propaganda term, as deceptive as people calling themselves the Democratic Party instead of the Democrat Party. There is nothing democratic about the Democrat Party.

Political pundits tried to explain the New World Order as a necessity following the “revolutions of 1989” in Eastern Europe where the old political order was destroyed, and those countries needed a new order. They were not told, however, that such a transition would require the end of their national independence and sovereignty.

Funderburk wrote in January 1991, “Bush emphasized the New World Order in a nationally television address and in his letter to Congress…”  He called it “a defining moment in world history.”

Elon Musk stated recently, "I thought Marxism was a dead philosophy but it’s alive and well in our educational institutions. Part of it is that you have a lot of colleges with these giant endowments that insulate them from reality.

So, you can have this fake Communist Utopia at a university because they do not have any feedback loop to reality because they have these giant endowments (and government funding too), so that allows them to be disconnected from the realities of the free market. They take advantage of the free market, but they live in a pseudo communist world.”

U.N. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Marxism, the police state, the weaponization of government against its own citizens, the communist politicians, the drive to live in tiny homes or apartments, indoctrination in schools, in universities, globalism, global citizen, digital currency, no cash, vaccine passports, travel restrictions, destruction of farms and farming, the selling of our country to China, no meat, eat bugs, expensive wars and proxy wars for the benefit of the military industrial complex, chemtrails, tiny cars, electric cars, kill switches in fossil fuel cars, severe CO2 reduction, the gas of plant life, 24/7 spying of citizens through technology, the debasement of the white race to the benefit of the black and brown races, abortion, euthanasia, refusal to treat people during Covid-19, population reduction, high energy prices, high gas prices, huge inflation, destruction of the value of the dollar through overprinting and overspending, flooding of our borders with illegal aliens from around the world under the mass immigration plan of the Biden regime, are all interconnected and devised by the police state which is controlled by a few powerful billionaires and the United Nations.

This new and rebranded communism, global communism, is police state control sold under the guise of protecting mother nature. We, the few, the rich, and powerful, know what is best for you!

Thanks to the re-election of President Donald J. Trump, the American people have bought themselves a reprieve of four years from global communism advancement. Citizens must be ever so vigilant because our government is staffed with thousands of Marxists who are not going away and are not giving up.