Thursday, July 9, 2020

Soviet-Style Sacking of Statues by Sanctimonious Stalinists

Violence, looting, sacking statues, lawlessness, burning, and murder by police and protesters should be condemned by all humans, no matter what political leanings one has. Yet the radical leftist Democrat Party refuses to agree with the Republican Party in condemning mob violence.

There is so much supported mob violence that other nations are shaking their collective heads not understanding what is happening to America, “the shining city on the hill” that everyone aspired to flee to when oppression and tyranny was too much in their countries. International enemies are laughing at us and even rejoicing. Watching CNN internationally, Europeans truly believe that Americans are dropping dead like flies of Covid-19.

Romanian friends are crossing themselves every day about what is happening to America in hopes that it will not infect the minds of their younger generations. Who wants to live in anarchy and chaos, with mobs tearing down statues with gusto, with approval of the Democrat state and local officials?

It is a movie that has played before in early 20th century Russia when Bolsheviks and other Marxists tore down every historical statue they disagreed with and installed ugly monuments dedicated to the Marxist philosophy and the tyranny that it inspired.

And the Stalinist style sacking of statues continues unabated. The councilmen of Jackson, MS, have voted to remove the statue of President Andrew Jackson, following the destruction of a similar statue near the White House in Washington, D.C. and one in New Orleans in the famous Jackson square.

It is the symbol of the white man behind the statue that offends the Marxist and highly racist mob. They want every trace of person’s existence if they deem him/her a “systemic racist,” whatever this empty liberal construct means. They want them erased from history and their books burned.

As one website wrote, it is a “demented pandemic” born by a flu virus and a communist insurrection facilitated by the brutal police killing of George Floyd.

George Floyd became a martyr, a symbol of everything that is perceived wrong with America by those who wish to abolish and destroy capitalism and the white race.  A murdered criminal with a long rap sheet became suddenly “the most beloved son of America.”

Thousands of people mourned publicly a person they never knew a few days before, with fake pain and tears, dripping with remorse for being “white.”  The world watched in disbelief thousands of imbeciles in the #resist movement begging for forgiveness for imaginary crimes they did not commit, apologizing for being white and kissing the feet of the BLM mob that had burned their cities, their neighborhoods, and their livelihoods just a few days earlier.

All wealthy millionaire and billionaire black athletes and actors came out in droves, resplendent in their opulent limousines and offensive wealth, telling stories of racism they had to endure while hiding behind their gated mansions, partying on yachts, jetting around the world in their private airplanes, protected by body guards, and what it was like to have to walk in their 400 plus pairs of tennis shoes and Gucci loafers.

Every Soros neo-Marxist came out to condemn the police, demanding its dismantling and defunding, denouncing the racist America that made them so wealthy in the first place, and the “systemic racism” that does not exist as we have laws against such racism and discrimination in the workplace.

George Floyd has become such a symbol of America’s “most beloved son” that a scholarship was established in his name. They might even consider him for the Nobel Peace Prize. The bereaved widow, divorced from him for several years, received donations upwards of $20 million dollars. Bless his heart-Biden cried and wished that he was black.

If a movie were to be made about the martyred Floyd, the title of “The Republic Burning” was suggested. The “demented psychosis” continued under the anti-racism ruse – rabid screaming by white girls, violence, looting of stores, destruction of statues, bystanders and old people beaten, rapes, burned out cars, buildings torched, police killed, and so many other vicious acts of anarchy.

It is just the beginning of this “collective dementia.”  In addition to the still-ongoing Covid-19 pandemic lunacy, the “collective dementia” will enable book burnings, complete destruction of history, wealth destruction, culture, movies, writers, jobs, a stable economy, and everything else that the well-funded and armed neo-Marxists deem offensive. 

Orwell’s book “1984” is no longer just a warning, it has become a manual to take power away from the “evil” white man and install anarchy. As a BLM leader in NY said, “we want black sovereignty and, if we don’t get it, we are going to burn everything down.” It reminds me of Zimbabwe.


  1. Dear Ileana, it was rather strange for me to read here in Tasmania your line “every person on my friends' list has blocked my email. I suppose Google does not want…” You see, I never use Google and I’ve never blocked any emails. Of course, that kind of censorship would be only natural for inmates of the Securitate’s death camps or of the KGB ones, but to witness it within the good old USA - ?! Are the things are really that hopeless?

    With every good wish to you and Mimi from my Down Under, your respectful Slava

  2. My Chinese half-sister looks at this cultural nihilism with bewilderment and denounces it. She lived thru the Cultural Revolution and now is first generation American citizen. She concludes “History always leaves us with complex legacies, these statues were erected to memorialize certain major events that left their marks for that period of time. We ought to judge a historic figure in the context of the time in which these people lived … Statues of G Washington, Thomas Jefferson were built to celebrate their contributions to freedom and independence, all of which speak against slavery and represent the foundation for where United States is today. Christopher Columbus discovered the new world where many, the poor and the disadvantaged, could migrate from other parts of the world to seek their fortune and build a new life regardless their background … History is never perfect … that is exactly why history must be respected as it is like a mirror for us reflect and learn lessons … I draw comparisons with what had happened in the Cultural Revolution in China, and those years when I grew up, when history were erased and/or distorted, it made brain wash so easy, and the only history left were those we were led to believe … It has taken years, and generations to restore and bring the real history in the right place back into people’s belief … No historic figures were spotless. They cannot live and act beyond the boundary of their historical periods.” - Birkinator
