Thursday, March 31, 2022

“Democracy Has Gone To Your Head”

Modern politics have morphed into an all-out assault against our country and against its Constitution. If the Con-Con movement succeeds, the Constitutional Convention will be assembled to amend the Constitution to allegedly reign in the political corruption in Washington. The political class does not follow our Constitution as is, what makes one think that they will follow it with more amendments? And what will prevent a runaway convention in which delegates might replace our Constitution with their latest version?

The left is drooling with the desire to replace our Constitution with their own version of the Constitution for the World, called The Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development (D.I.C.E.D), 5th edition, 20 years in the making, a constitution that pays homage and gives power to the new world order, a form of planetary and borderless government as described in Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset devised by his World Economic Forum (WEF) and clearly explained in this document as a climate change emergency and the need for their development visioning.

The Covenant (agreement) is described by writers as a “living document.” When the world did not believe in global warming, they morphed it into a new euphemism, the climate change. And its profitable fairy dust wind and solar industry grew rapidly at the expense of the hapless American taxpayers.

The fifth edition of D.I.C.E.D. has a preamble, forewords to all five editions (the first was published in 1995), and 83 articles. The document is obviously intended to be a “world constitution for global governance,” an onerous way to control population growth, movement, redistribute wealth, force ‘social and economic equity and justice,’ economic control, consumption control, land and water use control, and re-settlement control as part of social engineering globalist plans.

The only thing “DICED” is going to be your freedom and your private property, “DICED” in perpetuity among the global elites ‘stakeholders.’ They have a strong claim and ‘stake’ in your wealth and everything you have, do, and hold dear in your daily lives now and forever.

The purpose of this constitution is to finally legalize the installation of U.N Agenda 21 now morphed into U.N. Agenda 2030 with its Sustainable Development, the lynchpin of fundamentally changing everything you do in the global visioning of a few elites, supporters, and subscribers to Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset in which you “will own nothing and be happy about it.” And when you do, you will “build back better,” Biden’s oft repeated but empty words, with nothing but misery, despair, abject fear, and want.

As I wrote a decade ago in my book, U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy on p. 29, “All signatory nations [of the 4th edition of D.I.C.E.D], including the U.S., would become centrally planned, socialist countries in which all decisions would be made within the framework of Sustainable Development.” The ferocious left is already clamoring for socialism around the globe. It is not a coincidence.

The constant mantra coming from the mainstream media, the leftist sycophants, the corporate fascism, and technocracy has been, democracy, democracy, democracy, implying that our country is a democracy and anything the rest of America does that contradicts or disagrees with the politics of the left is an assault on this nebulous democracy.

Democracy means government rule by the people, demos, Greek for people, and kratos, power, rule. But are people powerful at all in this alleged ‘democracy’ the left constantly mentions in every venue possible? Is there even a representative democracy present in our constitutional republic when elected representatives do not represent the will and interests of their majority constituents, but only their own interests of re-election to power?

We are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic, a convenient fact that the general population does not seem to know or remember anymore. Have they really learned or even studied American Civics in school and how our government should operate?

Reality is destroyed violently and reconstructed by the media’s lies and misinformation and a compliant populace, too complacent to take the time to verify the narrative, and too blinded by daily manufactured, highly convincing rhetoric. All the media does is repeat carefully scripted lies and they become facts to the obedient masses.

Are we really a democracy, a “form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or choose governing officials to do so?” When was the last time our elected officials, the political class in Congress, listened to ‘we the people’ and legislated in our interest rather than their own interest and power?

When was the last time the shadow government of non-government organizations (NGOs) with exceptionally large bank accounts was elected to public office and we got to vote for them? When was the last time billionaires, who influenced our health policy and are not medical doctors or scientists, but businessman, were elected to office? When were the technocrats of Google, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms, elected as political advisors, influencers, and policy makers?

The Socialist Republic I lived under for twenty years guaranteed democracy, but the socialist version of democracy was just an illusion on paper. It had a constitution that was altered and rewritten many times over the years at the whims of its Marxist dictator.

When we attempted to ask valid questions about the communist party’s version of history, our history teacher told us in a very threatening way and tone of voice that “democracy has gone to our heads” and, from then on, we were not allowed to ask any more questions, we were to be silent and to write down exactly what she said. The Ministry of Propaganda had spoken from her carefully worded and never distributed syllabus provided by the Ministry of Education and that was the end of any meaningful learning of accurate historical documents and facts. Democracy indeed.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Embrace the Challenges of Life

No matter how bad the economic and political times are, view the world as an explorer. You are standing each day before a vast universe, and you never know what it will bring for YOU.

Look at all obstacles, frustrations, challenges, pain, loss, and separations as life, your life. You will never get to redo this day, enjoy it to its fullest.

Don't be controlled by fear because you've had bad experiences. You have to learn from adversity and steel yourself. Success never comes from avoiding negative experiences, repressing that part of your life.

Embrace setbacks as learning experiences and move in the opposite direction. You are getting stronger when you embrace life with both ups and downs instead of feeling sorry for yourself when the downs may seem overwhelming.

Your life will not always be just sour grapes if you practice weeding your vineyard and don't allow molds and disease to set in.


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

What Human Capital Will We Have?

Human capital is defined by economists as the amount of skill found in the workforce. It is “measured” as the amount of education and training of everyone. Economists also talk about investment in human capital and human capital theory. Such a “theory” highlights the expenditures made to increase the productive capacity of various workers, either through education or training.

The cost of education and training is usually borne by everyone, but some companies do pay their employees to invest in their own human capital and give them time off with or without pay. Investing in a person’s ability to be more productive is important.

The workforce quality is key to the success of any production endeavor. The west has always had a more productive workforce because of its education and training, among other variables.

Americans are investing less time in technical training and more in college education majors. The vacuum of skilled technicians is filled with labor from immigrants, legal or illegal. Corporations hire college educated employees from India and China simply because they pay them less.

Investment in human capital needs to shift in the direction of vocational technology as jobs are more plentiful in those fields and certainly pay better than the college graduate field. Additionally, college education is getting more expensive, the average college debt is huge and that is not the case in vocational training. College tuition, for example, rose between 1978 and 2006 by 750 percent. (Baumol and Blinder, p. 518, 2007 edition).

When you consider the astronomical U.S. student loan debt of $1.75 trillion, about 44.7 million people, and the average loan debt per graduate is approximately $37,000, it is easy to understand why a vocational training might be more beneficial for individuals as well as for society. Student Loan Debt 2022 Facts & Statistics | Nitro (

There was a time when college graduates earned twice as much as high school graduates, but the gap is closing and compared to some college degrees in arts and education, high school graduates with vocational training earn more.

Additionally, higher education does not necessarily sort people by ability. Students tend to choose easy study fields of higher education in which they have no interest in working or jobs that may be scarce by the time they graduate and do not pay well at all.

Since college campuses have become bastions of woke-ism and Marxist indoctrination in most majors, it is difficult for conservatives to blend in while seeking an education in stem fields. Non-stem fields are teaching students what to think rather than how to think and be creative and unique individuals in their majors.

Human capital has shifted around the world due to the concept of globalization, its implementation driven by the U.N., the World Economic Forum, and other elitist entities that are in the process of breaking down borders around the world and making sovereignty an outdated concept, a world without borders controlled by technocratic corporations and a few elitist billionaires.

What human capital do Europeans have? Two European think tanks, the Lisbon Council and Deutschland Denken classified European countries by measuring the knowledge capital and the increase or decrease in such human capital in 13 countries. They measured capital stock, deployment, and utilization, highlighting their ability to develop their human capital to “meet the challenge of globalization.” The European Human Capital Index - URENIO Watch

The study looked at the cost of all types of education and training at learning on the job, adult education, university, primary and secondary schooling and parental education.

-          The human capital utilization looked at how much of a country’s human capital stock is deployed.

-          The human capital productivity measured the gross domestic product and divided it by the human capital employed, considering how well-educated employed labor was instead of how many hours were being worked.

-          The study also looked at demography and employment in reference to the demographic and migratory trends to estimate “the number of people who will be employed or not employed in the year 2030 in each country.”

The European Human Capital Index in 2006 found Sweden was at the top and Germany and the Mediterranean countries at the bottom. The European Human Capital Index - URENIO Watch

The World Bank measures and ranks a Human Capital Index in 157 countries in terms of what countries are best in “mobilizing the economic and professional potential of its citizens and how much capital each country loses through lack of education and health.” Human Capital Index | DataBank (

The World Economic Forum promotes the Fourth Industrial Revolution with its deeper investment in human potential as “the most important political, societal, economic, and moral challenges we are facing today.” The WEF’s System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Education, Gender, and Work is pushing an education that matches their vision for the globalist future. The Global Human Capital Report 2017 - URENIO Watch

Investment in human capital is quite expensive, as university tuition has increased at an alarming rate and nobody questions why, and per capita expenditures for public school education have expanded as well exceeding $20,000 per pupil per year in some math and science public high schools.

The quality of education, whether public or private, has decreased due to woke-ism prevalent at all levels of society, to common core standards, critical race theory curricula, the manufactured 1619 Project indoctrination, Marxist indoctrination, and the academic and administrative obsession with pornographic sex education starting in kindergarten, and enforced without parental consent. Sadly, only about 25 percent of high school graduates are proficient enough in English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science to be able to attend college.

American education used to be the envy of the world, but many third world countries have left most American students behind in knowledge, academic performance, and ability to invest that knowledge productively.

Highly educated people whose countries have invested in their college degrees often flee political and religious oppression, war zones, bad economies, high unemployment, and come to countries such as the U.S. that used to offer them more economic opportunities.

If the U.S. has a surplus of college graduates in certain fields, then the immigration of foreign-trained professionals who will accept a lower salary that may still be higher than in their own countries, will cause the underemployment of domestic graduates. The home country may experience a shortage of professionals, or they may have enough jobs to offer those who stayed.

Initially there was brain drain from war-torn countries, from current and former communist countries, from India, China, high achievers who were looking for the opportunity to succeed that America offered. As this opportunity to succeed has dried up, destroyed by the controlling political regimes in the U.S., this brain drain has slowed down considerably.

Investment in human capital has also changed with shifting demographics. As each family in the developed world has less children and the replacement population rate are below the required 2.0, the enrollment in education is dropping.

The quality of human capital suffered with the academic concentration on less marketable and easy college degrees like social justice, environmentalism, feminism, and social studies, and a total lack of interest in vocational training.

There are less Americans seeking degrees and advanced degrees in medicine, science, math, and engineering. The void is filled with foreign students who no longer want to stay and find jobs in the U.S. as they find life in general more restrictive in the U.S. than in their countries of origin. Generation Jobless: Students Pick Easier Majors Despite Less Pay - WSJ

It will be interesting to see how Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset and his vision of the Fourth industrial revolution with its ‘humans as hackable animals’ will play out in reference to human capital in the next fifty years. In 2020, Klaus Schwab said that Covid-19 was a “rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world.”

Dr. Harari, an advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF) said in a speech that a merger of human life with technology “will not benefit the average man or woman so that he or she may improve his or her own future, but that a handful of ‘elites’ will not only ‘build digital dictatorship’ for themselves but ‘gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.’” Klaus Schwab’s WEF: Humans Are Now ‘Hackable Animals that will be Re-engineered’ – Bible Science Forum




Wednesday, March 16, 2022

On St. Patrick's Day I Celebrate Mom's 90th Birthday

This St. Patrick’s day my sweet mom is 90 years old. She is totally bed-ridden, dependent on a wheel chair. Her feet and hands have atrophied during the two years of forced lockdowns when the staff stopped any activity with the nursing home long-term residents because they were too busy putting on masks, gloves, and gowns to protect themselves from the pandemic the government called Covid-19.

Before March 14, 2020, when the health department swept in and isolated those with the flu and moved everyone else in other un-sanitized rooms, she was able to move her legs, pushing her wheelchair around the hallways, visiting with other patients, enjoying the company of other humans. Two years later, of complete isolation and no physical activity, being forced to her bed with a closed door, she is almost like a vegetable, barely able to hold or move her head, arms, legs, and hands. Her health is a far cry from the robust 72 year-old who climbed on a ladder to clean a roof covered with dead leaves.

There was not even a veneer of pretense that our loved ones were cared for properly in the nursing home. Every time I was allowed to see her through facetime, she was always in bed. The staff seldom attempted to put her in a wheel chair, or exercise her muscles, give her mental activities of any sort. Not only were they not providing anything for physical movement, the rooms were atrociously filthy, her personal belongings scattered on the floor and in garbage bags where they were initially thrown by the health department and those hired to move all patients from their rooms on the ill-fated day of March 14, 2020. As a result, her muscles have completely atrophied in two years. Her feet look like duck paddles and her hands are beginning to curl up.

The abject fear of death from Covid has become a tool of control for the masses and the socialist Democrats and globalists will never let it go, they keep inventing new variants because the initial virus and non-stop preaching to mask, distance, and hide away from people worked so well that it brought the globe’s population and their lives to a lockdown standstill.

We no longer have a government of the people, by the people, we have a government by dictates, mandates, fear, control, corporate and technocrat censorship, and policing. They have squashed our liberties so much in the last two years that it is impossible to imagine how they have cowed 330 million people in such a short period of time with constant media ginned up and government grinding and abject fear of a virus.

Children suffered long-lasting emotional effects. An entire generation is left behind in their arrested speech development, hearing impairment, as they get their cues and learn from facial expressions of adults and teachers, facial expressions and muffled voices being covered by a mask, often two.

We are still not recovered from this tyrannical intrusion into our lives. We still suffer from the lack of useful medical care provided by nurses and doctors who are indirectly responsible of killing many people who were sent home without any treatment even though alternative and cheap meds were available.

Mom was never vaccinated, was positive once, but never had any signs of illness. Yet she was kept indoors, locked in her own room many times for periods of 14 days of isolation even though she was not sick.

Quarantine has always been for sick people and lasted 40 days, but now, the globalists in control of our medical care lock down everybody. We no longer have any rights, not even the right to breathe freely outdoors. People are so terrified that they walk in the woods alone, jog, and ride their bikes with masks on, even alone in their cars.

Many times I tried to bring  my mom out on the patio, in the sunshine, yet they refused my request or brought her out masked up even though she was not sick and nobody else was within sneezing or coughing range of her.

The human body and spirit withers when locked down so thoroughly, no matter what the age. And mom was old enough to suffer irreversible damage from such neglect. I could not even demand that they bring her out – I was ignored when I did.

The nursing home and the health department were more controlling than the Nazis have ever been in their concentration camps. Nobody could go inside to see what they were doing or not doing to their loved ones. Not that they were much better before the lockdown. In seven years they have lost seven sets of dentures for my mom. There is no excuse for that.

I do not buy the “hero” status conferred on doctors, nurses, and caretakers in general. These people were cowards.  Medicine and medical care will never be the same. Virtual visits are just pretend-medical practice. Some doctors and nurse practitioners are hiding behind a camera.

Many people with serious illnesses avoided hospitals for fear of Covid death while others were denied necessary tests and cancer treatments during the forced lockdowns. The medical profession and the government have serious blood on their hands all around the world.

A few honest doctors, who bucked the corrupt government and corporatist system, still treated their patients with all available drugs and knowledge to them, saving thousands of patients in the process; they are heroes in my book. They were treated like pariahs by the government, their medical associations, hospital administrators, medical boards, and some were fired and/or lost their licenses for doing the right thing. They ARE heroes for saving lives instead of intubating them with ventilators.

Mother smiles at me from time to time, sometimes recognizing me, and asks me if her hair is still beautiful. It is soft like silk in lovely shades of grey and snow white. She has not had a haircut in a long time and I am not sure how to make that possible as her mobility is so limited and the hair dresser quit two years ago for fear of dying of Covid.

The media has drummed up this fear non-stop and is still doing it to an extent. Dr. Fauci stoked this fear from his White House platform for two years. Only when the Democrat voter confidence numbers have tanked, Fauci disappeared, and life is beginning to return to some normalcy although it will never be the same. Too many people have died unnecessarily and too many minds and souls have been altered to the point of no return.

Mom escaped communism 42 years ago. She was vibrant and thin then. She left everything behind and the communist government confiscated everything she has ever worked for or owned: an apartment, savings, her retirement, her small plots of land, her personal belongings, and her jewelry. She never forgot that.

She was happy for so many years in my home, our home, until seven and a half years ago when she got very sick. We still took her out to the mall weekly, to her favorite Mexican restaurant, but the dementia progressed and then her relative freedom was forced into a government lockdown that destroyed her ability to move.

I celebrate today my mom’s nine decades of life, her courage, determination to be free of communism, and her strong will to live. Mom is a survivor; she recovered from things that would have killed many people: a stroke, partial paralysis, a shattered hip and surgery to fix it, transfusions, pneumonia twice, and small bone fractures which have healed quickly. But most of all, she survived 48 years of communism in the country of her birth. It is sad that in the twilight of her life, she has to spend her last days in a tyrannical society that is quickly abandoning any pretense of freedom.


Monday, March 14, 2022

Spring Snow

Last snow of the season today and the flakes are falling hard. The wind howls like the frigid wind called the Hawk, rapidly, whistling, and out of the grey sky, then dies down momentarily, only to pick up again with intense fury.

We have our own microclimate and wind tunnel which intensifies around our house. The wind blows from the river and picks up speed past the tree line, into the meadow and then up the hill.

I feel giddy watching snow fall in big flakes, like the kid long ago sticking my nose to the cold windowpane in excited expectation of enough inches of fluffiness to sled, make snowmen, and when it froze hard, skate.

Falling hard and repeatedly on patches of ice was no big deal in my childhood, but it echoes achingly in my joints on days like today when the weather turns so drastically from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 12 degrees Fahrenheit in less than 24 hours.

Some birds are chirping excitedly, one brave squirrel is foraging for nuts in my garden, digging furiously, while deer and foxes are in hiding, taking shelter from the blustery temperatures. It’s hard to believe that it will be in the 80s F next week.

The wild cherry tree buds have fallen like a magenta blanket. They budded too early and the intense freeze killed them all. The Japanese magnolia buds are still hanging on for dear life. I hope they survive.

Global warmists must be giddy with excitement that the cold weather is "definitive proof" of their irrational fear mongering of climate Armageddon.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Energy, the Inept Socialist Way

The sunshine and balmier weather is giving some American people a reprieve from having to use so much energy to heat their homes as prices escalate due to the draconian measures the Biden regime had adopted on his first day in office – executive orders that shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, off-shore drilling permits, and drilling on federal land.

We had been an oil exporter during the Trump presidency, but we have become an oil importer from Russia during the Biden regime. This is not a good time to become dependent on such a  bellicose country which is now helping escalate the price of gas and fuel around the world.

Poor neighbors such as Romania have found themselves having to pay 450 euros for a month’s electric bill when the country’s average salary is 350 euros. How are poor people supposed to keep warm or find affordable fuel for their cars? Is an energy crisis looming?

Eastern Europeans are no strangers to energy crises or shortages. Cold winters and the inept Communist Party central planning brought power shortages, heat, electricity, and rationing of gasoline at the pumps. Americans have not had to deal with such problems in recent memory.

Drastically cutting back on energy and banning private cars in Romania, for example, in the frigid winter of 1984-85 did little to deal with the shortage of energy supplies. Mismanagement by communist apparatchiks, who did not know how to properly run the “socialist economy” and did not really care, reduced imports of everything and increased exports of gas and oil and Romania did not have enough energy and electricity for its own citizens.

The draconian measures to save energy, a severe lack of electricity, hot water, and heat in the communist concrete and steel blocks and very cold apartments (still in use today), factories, public buildings, frigid government stores, caused so much illness and death among the population, some of whom froze to death. 

According to David Funderburk, former Ambassador to Romania during the extremely cold winter of 1984-85, one in three babies died or were born severely malformed; many babies died in neonatal units when the incubators were unplugged to save electricity.  Old and young alike died from a scarcity of food and heat.

How did so many people live in cold and drab concrete 5-9 story apartments that were poorly built, heated, and electrified? The tyrant and his communists in power wanted to create the new socialist man and a new society, built back better, so he called for the destruction of private homes. If people were forced to abandon their homes overnight and herded into such high-rise and small space apartments, the state commissar could keep a better watch and a heavy boot on their necks, thus more easily controlling the citizens’ every move. The “new socialist plan” called for seizure of their lands for “the common good” and hundreds of thousands of private homes, with more space than the communist apartment blocks, were bulldozed.

The poor villagers and former farmers became dependent on the socialist state practically overnight. They could no longer get firewood in their village for heat or cooking, they had to beg the totalitarian state for their rations of timber, supplies of rationed gas, and supplies of rationed electricity.

And the communist lackeys did not stop just at destroying people’s homes. They destroyed their village churches and city churches, some of whom had withstood hundreds of years of history and turmoil. The totalitarian socialist state recognized 14 denominations but they called them cults.  (Armenian, Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical Christian, Lutheran, Reformed, Islamic, Jewish, Old Rite Christian, Pentecostal Evangelical, Presbyterian Evangelical, Seventh Day Adventist, Romanian Orthodox [the largest denomination], and Unitarian).

The communist tyrant did all this because he wanted to force the “passage from the bourgeois-landlord society to the multilaterally developed socialist society.” In this process he destroyed priceless historical monuments that could no longer be replaced. Destroying history, art and architecture, he destroyed the people’s identity, memories, and connections to their shared past, good or bad.  

In a not so distant future our American children will find themselves in a similar position when their connection to the past history will be forever altered or completely severed by the hordes of woke mobs. Right now they are just changing historical names of buildings and streets, removing classical books from libraries and bookstores, and destroying statues. Eventually they will erase their shared past completely and create a deceptive one.

After the destruction of so many churches, religious persecution followed. Children and grandchildren of religious figures, active churches members, and some of those who occasionally showed up for religious services, were discriminated against and some were jailed under trumped-up charges. People were charged with “serious misconduct of the socialist ethics and of the political and moral behavior” of the new socialist man.

If young people had relatives who had hunted down communists in the early days of the Bolshevik takeover of the monarchy, they were labeled in the socialist society as pariahs and nobody would marry them or their children. Dossiers followed them for the rest of their lives.

In 1972 and 1981, as part of a “good faith” offers, the socialist tyrant allowed equal shipments of Bibles translated into Romanian. Of the promised 20,000 Bibles, around 200 were actually delivered to churches. The rest of the Bibles were poorly recycled into toilet paper made at a factory in Braila. I had some of that toilet paper in my hand one day – words from the Bible were still visible on the badly recycled paper. That is what Christianity and its Bible meant to the communists and still does today.

Small mountain villages, where the communist party had not fully inserted itself and forcibly collectivized the farmers, experienced their tyrannical handprint anyway– there was no electricity, heating oil, gasoline, running water, or medical care. Church services and people’s modest homes were lit with candles or oil lamps. Heat came from firewood when available. The sad reality was that my paternal and maternal grandparents only lived 24 miles and 6 miles respectively from the seven largest refineries in Eastern Europe at the time, yet they only got electricity sometime in the mid-seventies.

Do we really want to go this painful route of scarcity, high prices, and rationing, in the name of green energy, solar and wind, that is not enough to service a large economy and 340 million people?

Western nations like Germany have learned a hard lesson from expensive and unreliable green energy, and are quietly and slowly reverting to fossil fuels as their brown-outs and high prices have taken a heavy toll on their respective economies.