Thursday, July 30, 2020

Some Doctors are Tele-Pretending to Practice Medicine

Among the numerous negative consequences for the survivors of the Chinese Covid-19 epidemic is the change in the practice of medicine and the lack of care extended to the rest of the population that did not get infected but needed medical care for so many other ailments that went untreated during the forced lockdown at the state and local levels.

The media kept lying to us every day how hospitals are overwhelmed with sick people yet thousands of nurses and doctors were furloughed, some were hired back, some weren’t, and others decided to retire instead of fighting the new twilight zone medical practice with all its CDC imposed infection controls and non-medical “social distancing,” arbitrarily set at 6 feet.

For the last five months, this “social distancing” has revealed itself as purposeful “social isolation” often going as far as forcing people to park their cars every other space in the parking lot, or use every other commode or sink in a public restroom.

We should not complain, at least some restrooms were open and we did not have to search in vain. In parks, they’ve closed them in April and the governor ordered port-o-potties brought in which the park rangers sprayed with Lysol in the morning in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The public restrooms, we were told, would have been too hard to sanitize.

And anglers could no longer fish on the pier, it was decreed, they had to scatter around the river bank. They promptly congregated under the railroad bridge, six feet apart or not, to share tall fishing tales.
People already afraid for their lives and driven into a panic by the non-stop public service announcements and the non-stop hyping of the casualties on all channels and 24-hour cable news, became so afraid to leave their homes that a trip to the “infectious” hospital was out of the question and suffered in silence locked in their homes. A few suffered heart attacks and, if they were lucky, survived to talk about it.

All my doctors kept sending me emails and text messages informing me that they will treat their patients now exclusively by various HIPAA-compliant tele-conferencing programs online, no doubt tele-pretending to treat my existing or future problems.

I am supposed to take my own blood pressure, how many times a minute I breathe, my oxygen intake at that moment, etc. Perhaps I need to buy other diagnostic machines normally found in a doctor’s office like a frontal temperature monitor, an EKG, and an oximeter. I draw the line at becoming my own phlebotomist.

It is sad to contemplate what would happen to our formerly stellar medical care now that one politicized virus has changed entirely the face of our country, including education, jobs, medical care, entertainment, travel, commerce, and professional sports. Only politics remained as corrupt as ever.
I can’t say that I will shed a tear for the demise of professional sports and of their highly paid players, but I am saddened that Americans will die before their time because of the lack of proper medical attention as the governors are forcing us indoors to escape Covid-19 until the expensive vaccine comes out.

Additionally, where will the rest of the world with large bank accounts come to treat their complicated medical problems their socialized medical systems can’t fix, if the best and the brightest American doctors and world-renowned surgeons are no longer practicing normal medicine but tele-pretending care?

There are still doctors out there replacing knees and setting broken bones and performing other surgeries that improve people’s lives, but general practitioners and some specialists are now switching their practice to tele-work, never touching their patients. Is this the kind of medicine we want?

Perhaps some of us are happier with this set up – no travel to someone’s office, no contact, no wait, etc. Except on a recent tele-conference with one of my doctors, I had to wait for her to show up online for more than an hour! A canned message kept telling me that she is tending to another patient and I should be patient.

We will never know how many Americans suffered at home because they were too afraid to go to a hospital for treatment, did not want to be on the Covid-19 tracing network and possibly home on an ankle bracelet if positive and refusing to sign self-quarantine documents, or did not have elective surgery because were unable to find a doctor who would do the surgery they needed and thus continued to suffer in pain and misery.

I am thankful for my mom’s doctor who treated her with the proper cocktail of medicines, HCQ, Z-pack, oxygen, and zinc and she survived her bout with pneumonia. But I wish some general practitioners and specialists in my town would get back to real medicine instead of hiding behind a computer and tele-pretending to practice medicine. Stop being afraid of your patients and please make eye contact with them, they are not body snatchers.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A Muzzle, a Face Diaper, a Mask

Given my experience with communism, I call the mask a “muzzle,” not a “face diaper” like my friend A.J. does. Why would I call it a muzzle that is normally put on a dog to prevent him from biting someone treating him or if unsure whether he is rabid or not?

Every fall In high school we had to pick grapes for two weeks instead of studying. During that harvest time we had to wear a “muzzle” so we would not eat the precious grapes destined for expensive wine for export or for the communist party members' tables.  

The face mask was not exactly made the same way as a current dog muzzle, it was just a mask, but we felt that we were treated inhumanely like dogs. Perhaps they were trying to shield us from harmful chemicals? The grapes were sprayed with chemicals, probably DDT, and we had no way of washing them in the vineyard.

The communist party did not care to provide us with water, much less a sandwich, we were doing "volunteer" labor for the good of the country.  But we were very hungry and probably would have eaten a few grapes to quell the hunger pains.

We did not have water bottles or thermoses to carry water ourselves to the field. A thermos was hard to find and very expensive, the proletariat could not afford such a luxury.

Monday, July 27, 2020

The 45 Goals of Communism W. Cleon Skousen Wrote About in 1958

Sixty-two years ago, W. Cleon Skousen published his book, “The Naked Communist.” At the time, few Americans probably thought that the goals of communism that shaped the Iron Curtain’s socialist countries ruled by the Communist Party and the Soviet satellite countries around the world would become the blueprint of our American society in 2020. In a mere 62 years we have achieved and implemented by various means 44 of the 45 goals of communism Skousen wrote about. (pp. 266-270, 2014 ed.)

In a highly liberal state like Virginia, cars sport various bumper stickers in support of Marxism, progressivism, the proletariat’s air bumping fists, and Coexist with various religious symbols. The leftist message is contradictory as Marxists are atheists, but they seem to approve of the curious alliance between world communism and Islam, while rejecting Christianity. (Goal #1)

Capitulation to peace and accepting nuclear disarmament while Iran is busy making their own nuclear weaponry promotes the leftist idea that destroying the U.S. capability to defend itself against the enemy is “moral strength.” (Goals #2 and #3) The ancient wisdom, Si vis pacem, para bellum, (If you want peace, prepare for war) is entirely rejected. Ardent lefties believe that only U.S. engages in “war mongering,” those who increase their nuclear arsenal are justified to do so.

Politicians and president after president promoted free trade with other nations including communist ones, generally to the detriment of the United States which had been paying heavy taxes on our exported goods to countries like China. We also shipped goods and technology to inimical countries without asking if they would be “used for war.” (Goal #4)

We extended loans and the “most favored nation” status to communist countries and long-term loans to Soviet Union and Soviet Satellites without many strings attached. (Goals #5 and #6)

The West recognized Red China and admitted it to the illustrious United Nations. East and West Germany were established as separate states under the supervision of the U.N. All Soviet satellites were extended individual representation in the U.N. (Goals #7, #8, and #10)

Communist countries believed six decades ago that the U.N. should be set up as a one world communist government. U.N. with its many affiliates are actually dictating today more and more how we do business, live, healthcare, wealth redistribution, climate change policies, housing, schooling, and how we handle pandemics such the Covid-19 one, all under the umbrella of sustainable development of the Agenda 2030 and its 17 sustainable development goals. (Goal #11)

The Communist Party has been outlawed in the former Iron Curtain countries, but it did not disappear. It went underground and regrouped to emerge even more powerful than before, having adopted capitalist ideas and a powerful technocracy, making them more effective than ever before. (Goal #12)

Loyalty oaths in the military, government organizations, and the courts of justice have been trampled in this country time and time again. (Goal #13)

Enemies from awful dictatorships have been given unfettered access to U.S. patents or stole technology that could be reverse engineered. (Goal #14)

The Democrat Party has been “captured” by the socialist/Marxist ideology and openly advocates the transformation of America from capitalism to socialism, the steppingstone to full communism. (Goal #15)

The courts at all levels have changed our Constitution and reversed Presidential decisions by “claiming their activities violate civil rights.” As a matter of fact, many such organization have taken up the cause of illegal aliens through the courts and through the state and local governments executive orders issued against American citizens’ best interests. (Goal #16)

Since the formation of the Department of Education in 1979 under Jimmy Carter’s administration, school curricula embraced socialist propaganda, diluted the standards of education, the Marxists took control of teacher associations and used textbooks written by self-defined socialists, filled with communist propaganda and revisionist history built around the social justice communist activism. Student newspapers were highjacked. Student riots “fomented public protest” against organizations they deemed as evil capitalism. (Goals #17,18,19)

Communists infiltrated the mainstream media, theater, art, movies, sports, and television programming. The kneeling in organized sports became another form of socialist protest against capitalism. (Goals #20, 21)

American culture is under attack under the moniker “cancel culture,” Publicly shaming people for their “outdated ideas” of patriotism, American exceptionalism, love of country, and its history.

It is not coincidental that BLM and ANTIFA have been destroying statues. Skousen wrote, “An American communist cell was told to ‘eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward, and meaningless forms’ in its stead. (Goal #22)

Art, art critics, museums are to be discredited and beautiful and creative works are to be replaced with “ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.” (Goal #23) Spray painting and toppling beautiful statues because it “offends” the Marxist rioters has become a common occurrence while the mayors tell the police to stand down. (Goal #23)

Obscenity, pornography, promiscuity, and degeneracy are promoted as “normal, natural, and healthy.” Standards of morality are destroyed. (Goals #24, 25, 26)

Atheism and the religion of “social justice” and Mother Earth (Gaia) are replacing faith. Churches are being taken over by Marxist priests propagandizing socialism and social justice to the submissive parishioners, while schools are eliminating religion and prayer from its grounds under the manufactured “separation of church and state” even though they are more than eager to promote and teach Islam in the curriculum. (Goal #27, 28)

Schools and academia have been discrediting the American Constitution as outdated and in need of replacing, perhaps by a U.N. global constitution. The Founding Fathers are presented as “selfish aristocrats.” American culture is belittled, and the teaching of history transformed into a Marxist propaganda in which the “white supremacy” and the “evil white man” must be disposed of and replaced with the manufactured history of Howard Zinn. (Goals #29, 30, 31)

Give education, social agencies, welfare programs, child services, and mental health clinics control over the American culture. Change or eliminate laws that interfere with socialist/communist activities, discredit the FBI, police, and other law and order organizations, infiltrate and control all unions, and big business. (Goal #32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37)

Discredit the police, defund the police, and transform the power of arrest, law, and order, to social agencies. We have seen this in action for the past few months. (Goal #38)

Treat all problems as psychiatric disorders, treat children with psychiatric drugs, use psychiatric diagnosis for all who oppose Marxism, discredit the family as a viable institution for the survival of our culture, promote easy divorce and promiscuity, and take children away from parents who teach them morality, patriotism, and love for our country. (Goals #39, 40, 41)

This communist goal is playing before our eyes today - “Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ‘united force’ to solve economic, political, or social problems.” (Goal #42)

BLM and ANTIFA protesters engaged in violence, destruction, arson, and looting, following the death of George Floyd during an altercation with the police. From this unfortunate event, the riots became more organized, more targeted, and better armed. The protests and riots morphed into “American society is intolerant, participates in manufactured systemic racism and white privilege and must be replaced with Marxists.”

The last three goals of communism refer to ousting colonial governments, “internationalize the Panama Canal,” and give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals. (Goals #43, 44, 45)

In a mere four months, the panic and abject fear of a flu virus have transformed Americans into obedient socialists wearing masks everywhere in stifling heat when perfectly healthy. Even the President finally gave in and said that it is patriotic to wear one and people cheered.

Americans are playing in the hands of our communist enemies, bowing obediently to Marxist domestic groups destroying our cities, to corrupt socialist politicians, socialist teachers and professors, dishonest medical professionals, and wealthy individuals with a nefarious agenda.

It is sad to say that, for our country, all but one of the communist goals W. Cleon Skousen described in 1958 have come to fruition. We are divided more than ever as a society and the domestic and international puppet masters are playing us against each other with great success.

The renowned scholar Thomas Sowell said, “Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity.”

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Forgotten Casualties of Covid-19: The Abandoned Resident in Nursing Homes

As people fight each other in stores, public places, streets, and parks over the governments’ unconstitutional mandate for healthy people to wear masks in stifling heat, indoors, outdoors, in their own cars alone, or start fights with perfect strangers they insult for their selfishness that endangers their fragile health and existence in the air space they breathe, how dare they pollute the air that may kill them with a deadly virus, and snitch on perfect strangers on websites and to employers because their employees dare to wear the mask improperly below their noses or took it off to answer the phone in order to be heard by the other party on the line, a large group of a different kind of Covid-19 victims is being ignored – people in nursing homes.

The elderly in nursing homes have health issues that are not being properly addressed. Some die alone and are buried hurriedly without any loved ones present. Some residents are Covid-negative, some are Covid-positive asymptomatic, and some have long recovered from their bout with pneumonia.

Residents are locked up away from their relatives and friends, unable to go to the specialists they need, unable to even get out to the parking lot in their wheelchairs to get fresh air and sunshine. Upon return from such a potential trip, they would have to be isolated for 14 days.

These forgotten Americans are denied trips to the barber or the beauty salon.  They cannot go out to have a meal with their families in a restaurant, they must stay locked up indefinitely.

Some residents have incipient dementia and do understand and feel more deeply the non-ending isolation and abandonment. Others have a more severe form of dementia and do not understand what is going on, why they cannot open the windows or why they cannot come out of their rooms anymore, why they cannot wheel themselves on the corridors to visit with other residents, to have more human contact than just the nurse on duty or the CNA taking care of them for that week.

Families kept at bay can only imagine the fear and frustration of their loved ones who believe that they have been abandoned for good, never seeing a familiar and loved face in months.

Residents are not allowed any activities, no church services, no stimulation from human contact, no visitors reading to them, talking to them, or praying with them. Phone calls are seldom answered. The nurses and other caretakers are too busy, afraid to go to work, and overwhelmed, we were told.

The nursing home administrator blames the mighty Health Department who oversees the fate of the nursing home residents. The home is blameless and there is only so much they can do to keep the loved ones comfortable. I cannot imagine how comfortable a resident is who has been in lockdown since mid-March to the point that they cannot leave their rooms and all doors must be shut.

Virginia’s first district, Rep. Rob Wittman, assured families that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced new initiatives “designed to protect nursing home residents from coronavirus.” He and Rep. Abigail Spanberger (VA-07) have asked the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to “provide increased emergency funding to all long-term care facilities, in addition to the nearly $4.9 billion distribution to nursing home facilities impacted by Covid-19 which he supported.”

HHS authorized $5 billion relief fund to “Medicare-certified long-term care facilities and state veterans’ homes, to build nursing home skills and enhance response to COVID-19, including enhanced infection control.”

CMS will now require, not just recommend, that “all nursing homes in states with a 5% positivity rate or greater test all nursing home staff each week, identifying asymptomatic carriers. More than 15,000 testing devices will be deployed over the next few months to help support this mandate.”

The Trump administration “deployed federal Task Force Strike Teams to provide onsite technical assistance and education to nursing homes experiencing outbreaks in an effort to reduce transmission and the risk of Covid-19 spread among residents.” The teams are composed of “clinicians and public health personnel from CMS, CDC, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health.”  

Since the residents are locked up in their rooms and families are not allowed in, it is obvious that the spread occurs from the staff and caretakers in the nursing homes.

Since May 2020, CMS and CDC have collected weekly data on each nursing home and numbers of Covid-19 cases. The compiled data reached the White House and CMS will send to states a list of nursing homes with an increase in cases each week, thus outlining the highest risk nursing homes.

In the meantime, while you are hysterically afraid to go to work in your cushy government office, your classroom composed of low risk students, are afraid to eat in a restaurant, or are afraid to come anywhere near another human being before having an irrational meltdown, think about the nursing home residents who have not left their locked-down rooms and buildings since mid-March and their families have not seen them.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Not Just Facebook Jail, But Facebook Gulag for 30 Days

As a result of my recent article at Canada Free Press about the Facebook censorship of conservatives and the thousands of fact checkers assigned to each conservative account, I have been barred from going live on Facebook for 30 days. The "convenient" excuse was a photograph I shared three months ago!

The photograph in question depicted Jewish people being loaded onto trains destined for concentration camps during World War II, with the caption, I am paraphrasing, that they were told to load up peacefully because it was for their own good.

I have been assigned, as of today, July 24, 30-day Facebook "going live" silence for having posted a photograph, which is factual, THREE months ago on April 24.

The hired "fact-checkers" constantly use liberal publications as sources of "facts." These sources of facts are often wrong, partially true, biased, or purposefully misconstrued.

Facebook's "moderators," who possibly have never taken a real history lesson in their ignorant lives, found this photo in violation of Facebook's Orwellian community standards because it described how easily Jews were led to trains and to the gas chambers during World War II.

Apparently historical facts are offensive to the Facebook owners and to their hired "moderators," serving as 'fact-checkers" for $16 an hour. They often quote Snopes and USA Today as sources of fact.

Freedom of speech is guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and offensive speech is protected but Facebook is the ultimate decision-maker on its social platform as to who gets to have free speech and who does not. It seems that conservatives lose every time their right to speak.

Orwell's "1984" has already arrived and the tech monopoly proves it every day.

The important question to be answered is, is Facebook a social platform, or is Facebook a publisher?


Post Scriptum - It seems that my 30-day Facebook suspension refers to being unable to "go live." I have no idea what that means since I have not gone live on Facebook and have no intention to do so at this moment.

Facebook conveniently proved my Canada Free Press article point that Facebook most certainly does suspend conservative users by suspending ME.

War on Cash and One World Currency

Money greases the wheels of exchange, and thus makes the whole economy more productive. The idea that everything should be cashless is problematic for so many reasons. Bartering is a good under certain circumstances and societies, but it relies on what Keynesian economists call a “double coincidence of wants,” making it less desirable than cash.

Cash is easier because it is a convenient medium of exchange, sometimes free from government prying eyes, a unit of account for quoting prices, and a store of value as long as the trust in government is not eroded and inflation is low.

Cash is lightweight, can have large denominational value, does not spoil, and is thus better than commodity money, i.e., cigarettes, bullets, chocolate, jewelry, gold coins, pelts, furs, soap, etc.

From the government’s perspective, it is easy to see why they would want a cashless society. Banning cash under the guise of it being infected by disease, of controlling money laundering of criminals and drug lords, and routing all of our income, every last penny through the banking system helps them better control everything we do, freezing accounts at will, while taxation becomes so much easier, including payments to Obamacare insurance and any financial penalties an individual is required to pay. It enables governments to track with 100 percent accuracy everything we buy and sell, everything we own, and everything we do.

From the people’s perspective, cash is freedom, but the leftist main stream media is attacking it with pathetic excuses such as cash is physically dirty, expensive, potentially criminal, and obsolete 19th century technology, happily promoting the “war on cash.”

The media’s opposition sees the “war on cash” as another form of population control when people’s accounts can be raided and their owners classified as potential domestic terrorists, or denied healthcare, travel, education, and other services if they are marked with a “digital star.”

The issues with a cashless society are too many to mention them all:

-          Total control by the state or its proxy

-          Savings could result from not using special paper, printing, ink, labor, and metal alloys but then those in the trade would become unemployed

-          If an attack occurs on the Smart Grid and there is no power, there are no financial transactions possible without some cash, a substitute, or barter

-          In the event of a national disaster, i.e., earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, tornado, power outages, transactions can be made by cash, commodity money, or barter

-          An EMP attack or intense solar flares would make cash or one world currency worthless and people will resort to theft

-          A cashless or global currency would give banks extraordinary power with no cap on interest rates or their control

-          Cashless transaction will always be traceable and thus the person’s location

-          One world currency in a cashless market would eliminate exchange rates, currency trading futures, eliminate a substantial sector of the job market and thus revenues

-          Black markets and illegal activities would be eliminated, and everyone will be forced to pay taxes on every penny

-          Children under 18 would be excluded from holding credit cards and thus excluded from financial transactions without cash; no more grandma cash gifts, lawn mowing money, or rainy-day cash savings in a jar

-          Prostitution will have to be legalized and client’s names become public record

-          Billions of Muslims would lose hawala transactions which are based on cash

-          Conducting monetary policy about money stock will be altered as cash disappears and one world government such as the U.N. would have to do it

-          Labor will be purchased and sold with electronic credits and debits

-          How would the value of one world currency be decided? Will it be tied to gold, silver, platinum, or some other precious metal or decided arbitrarily by the United Nations?

-          The destabilization of economies via counterfeit currency between countries would be eliminated as a tactic of war if only one currency exists

-          What would cyber attacks do to a single grid of digital money?

-          What would happen to third world nations that are not so electronically wired and depend heavily on cash and barter? How could they possibly make transactions in digital money?

-          Would there be electronic counterfeit of digital currency across the globe and who would police it?

Yet “The Bank of International Settlements is getting headlines again because of its direction of central banks to go cashless.”

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Coin Shortage

As if the global economic disaster caused by the Chinese Covid-19 viral pandemic was not bad enough, the looming global “coin shortage” and the “unknown pneumonia” (Covid-20?) in Kazakhstan are here.

Why exactly do we have a coin shortage?

-          Banks tell us that the Fed are not releasing enough coins.

-          Armstrong Economics wrote that faith in governments has been eroded. It sees governments as promoters of the idea that money is dirty, and the solution is to eliminate coins and paper money even though physical money as a medium of exchange has been in circulation for centuries.

-          The U.S. Treasury reported a disruption in the coin supply chain and its velocity of circulation due to the lockdowns and the huge reduction in consumption in the last four months of forced lockdowns in all 50 states. People shopped mostly for food and avoided all other venues of direct commerce for fear of Covid-19 infection and because so many places were closed. Many shopped online or in large retailers like Costco, Target, Walmart, and Amazon.

-          Allegedly, the U.S. Mint has minted less coins to protect employees from COVID-19. It is an interesting issue to ponder since minting coins and printing paper currency are highly automated operations, with expensive computers driving the printing and minting presses and requiring very few employees, mostly in checking roles to make sure the machines run properly and the mint/print are done correctly, as well as controlling the quality of each batch that is bound and packaged for distribution and circulation.

-          Some central banks are sterilizing money with UV light to prevent the spread of viral infections.
-          The Fed purportedly quarantined for ten days U.S. dollars returning from Europe and Asia.

The U.S. Treasury sees the current coin shortage in U.S. businesses as a decrease in velocity of various coins in circulation. The Treasury estimated the value of coins in circulation in April 2020 of $47.8 billion as an adequate coin supply, larger than last year’s supply of coins by at least half a billion. But the closing of retail shops, many permanently, bank branches, transit authorities, and laundromats due to Covid-19 fears, eliminated the typical places where coins enter circulation.

Nobody knows exactly if people are hoarding coins on purpose or if the businesses that have closed temporarily or permanently have cleared out all their cash registers of coins and paper currency.

“The coin supply chain includes many participants, from the U.S. Mint who produces new coin, to the Federal Reserve who distributes coin on the U.S. Mint’s behalf, to armored carriers, banks, retailers and consumers, all of whom have a role to play in helping to resolve this issue.” 

On June 11, the Federal Reserve announced the Strategic Allocation of Coin Inventories which was a temporary coin order allocation in all Reserve Bank offices and Federal Reserve coin distribution locations effective June 15, 2020.

The Federal Reserve also established a U.S. Coin Task Force in early July to deal with disruptions to normal coin circulation.  All interested parties participated – U.S. Mint, Federal Reserve, armored carriers, American Bankers Association, Independent Community Bankers Association, National Association of Federal Credit Unions, Coin aggregator representatives, and retail trade industry.

The Federal Reserve said that “it is confident that the coin inventory issues will resolve once the economy opens more broadly and the coin supply chain returns to normal circulation patterns, however, “it recognizes that these measures alone will not be enough to resolve near-term issues.”

Rain Finally Arrived

After weeks of drought and days of earth-scorching temperatures, it finally rained late this evening. The big drops fell with a rhythmic thud, dancing on the deck temporarily, to be then soaked by the cracked earth with a thirst that evaporated them with a hiss as soon as they hit the ground.

A mist rose from the yellowed grass like a mystical tropical jungle. Eventually a sheen of droplets coated the shriveled green leaves and washed the dust off.

The distant lightning illuminated the forest with a ghostly glow. The animals crawled out of their burrows and the woods came alive. Crickets, tree frogs, bull frogs from the nearby pond, owls and other creatures were chirping and concerting in unison the joy of being alive and finally hydrated again to life from the scorching dust.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Informers/Snitches Are Now Called Moderators

During the communist regimes, informers and snitches on the payroll of the Security Police collected evidence on their neighbors and the “lives of others” they were assigned specifically to follow and report on. They had to work hard for their pay. They worked long and tedious hours, had to file reports, and keep thick dossiers on their subjects. When the Iron Curtain communism went underground to regroup into the neo-Marxism/globalism of today, the archives were opened and citizens were able to petition to see their dossiers. Based on their visibility and place in society, some had entire volumes of data.

The informers/snitches provided data reports to the security police every week. In exchange for their service to the dear leader, they received extra food rations from the Communist Party grocery stores, were able to shop in their special department stores for household goods, appliances and clothing, and received special bonus vacations that nobody else could have, and other perks. People knew who the informers were and often times they were snitching on their own family members. They were hated by the proletariat and the intellectuals and despised by their own communist handlers who considered them scum.

The on-line snitches in the United States of America are called “moderators.” They put you in your place, warn you if you step out of line in your social media postings, and place you in FB jail repeatedly. If your facts are deemed false by the moderator, they provide as proof leftist newspaper propaganda and left-wing organizations that are hardly known as accurate sources of information.

These “moderators” are anonymous individuals, somewhere in cyberspace, unknown to you unless the right combination of search words under settings and blocking, helps materialize hundreds of ghost "friends" that you never knew nor accepted onto your FB page. They have cutesy call names and identities that are ghosted onto your account and keep you in line with the leftist propaganda.

The on-line “moderator” jobs are described as such:
"A community online moderator is someone who monitors Facebook posts, comments that are posted on blogs, message boards, websites, chat rooms, etc. Moderators will settle disputes, remove posts that are offensive or those that break forum rules and also put posts into their rightful categories."

Translating the description above, it is a form of censorship of your online activity to match the leftist agenda. Only the posts of conservatives and libertarians are censored/removed and their authors placed in FB "jail,” blocked, removed, de-monetized, shadow-banned, and their posts made invisible to the public.

The top 10 companies that hire "moderators" for on-line activity for allegedly $16/hour are:

-          Metaverse Mod Squad (their “moderators provide digital content, manage message board, child safety, and moderating the chat room”)
-          CrispThinking (hires “moderator to keep an eye on social media activity”)
-          ICUC (for Canada and U.S.A. only)
-          The Social Element
-          Yelp
-          BabyCenter (requires moderators with B.A. or B.S.)
-          JobVite
-          Khoros
-          Live World
-          Zynga (moderates forums for online gaming community)

The average FB users have hundreds of such snitches/fact checkers while some have thousands. Their names range from Hispanic, Asian, Chinese, Vietnamese, to Romanian, Arabic, and a lot of Americans.

Apparently, working as a snitch for a living is a highly stressful occupation. Some have “direct conversations or feel ganged up on by the users. [We call them “trolls.”] Mental and emotional stress is extremely common among online content moderators.”

Who knew that making a living following the online footprint of and censoring ordinary people who disagree with the leftist communist propaganda can be so stressful?

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Smile and Breathe When You Wear a Mask

A smile can bring a momentary sunshine in someone’s cloudy day. But, if you are wearing a mask, can you see the smile? Can you see the humanity behind the scared and sideways-darting eyes?
Perhaps the eyes express the irrational fear of death, the fear of physical contact. The human marionettes avoid physical contact, going out of their way to avoid other people, to the point of painful walking into thorny bushes and cactuses to prevent any possible proximity to other “infectious” and life-ending humans. 

What happened to our civilization? Why are formerly normal people yelling “stay away from me,” “don’t come near me,” “where is your mask, you are violating my civil rights,” “you are endangering my health,” etc. If you are wearing a mask and your mask works, why do you care if someone else is not? Where are their civil rights to breathe oxygen and not get headaches or pass out?

What happened to saying hello and smiling to a perfect stranger or to a customer? What happened to being polite and opening a door for someone instead of running away as if they have a body-snatching virus which is going to melt you away from existence if you just come too close to another human being?

Executive orders, “four months of state and local government malfeasance,” have turned the entire population into a mob of panicked and frightened Nazi maskers, aided and abetted by out of control businesses who refuse to serve customers who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons.

Recently, a federal building’s security booth in D.C. was checking I.D.s for those entering a secure facility yet nobody removed their masks. I suppose they were checking for expiration dates on those I.D.s because nobody could tell who the persons were behind the large masks covering faces and important features. What an opportunity for terrorists to force their way into a government building and cause destruction!

Masked people are curt and rude to everyone they encounter. Doctors and nurses treat their patients with total lack of interest and respect as if patients are an inconvenience they must tolerate.  
Pharmacists yell at customers if they dare to cross over an inch over the clearly marked and numerous yellow lines and demarcations of six feet.  Busybodies remind total strangers to cover their noses lest the mask wearing is worthless.

Who decided that six feet was the magical number of separations to avoid the flu? Why not 3 or 9 feet? And is “social distancing” a medical term and yard stick to measure the health or illness of a person? Were you “social distancing” when you had the asthma attack?

People look miserable, fashionably stupid, or politically insulting with their masks on everywhere, sweating and having a hard time breathing properly.

Stores refuse service to people who have asthma and other respiratory issues and cannot get enough oxygen with a mask.  Employees with a mandate to exert their draconian power lord over customers with an iron fist made of cheap cloth that lets all viruses fly through – “no shopping for you, leave our store immediately, “ you typhoid Mary you.

Surgical masks are made to be used in a sterile environment, not on the street, store, or at the mall. They must be replaced after 20 minutes of use and should not be reused. They allegedly trap bacteria and some allergens.

Dr. Fauci told us masks were useless against viruses but another time that they were helpful in preventing viral spread.
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) could not make up their minds either. They recommended that masks should be worn only if we are ill and caring for a sick family member. Another time W.H.O. recommended that the public should wear a mask. 

With so much mass confusion and for my own breathing benefit I decided to get fresh air and sunshine on my face without a mask.

Thousands of medical doctors have advised not to wear the masks as they are not effective and can be harmful to the wearer, but the advice fell on deaf ears. Apparently non-stop “medical” advice from the media on the alphabet soup channels is more valuable than gold – they graduated from the “medical school” of journalism.

People who use beta blockers (receptors Beta-1 and Beta-2 are present in heart, eye, kidneys, lungs, GI tract, uterus, blood vessels, and skeletal muscles) know that such drugs block the beta cells in the heart but are not so discriminating that they ONLY block the beta cells in the heart, they also block beta cells in the lungs, often causing the patient to have decreased lung capacity. With a diminished lung capacity, such patients cannot breathe in adequate levels of oxygen resulting in headaches, dizziness, fainting, and other problems.  In the case of these patients, wearing a mask further exacerbates the problem. Some passed out while driving, walking, working, or shopping.

Daniel Bobinski explains the “mask fiasco” and the contradictory advice thus: “Neither CDC nor the W.H.O. suggest any Covid outpatient treatments. In other words, these agencies have zero suggested treatments for Covid UNTIL an infected person lands in the hospital.”  Doctors who follow the CDC guidelines tell their patients to self-isolate for 14 days if sick.

New England Journal of Medicine said, “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection.”
One study in Clinical Infectious Diseases of December 2017 said, “Our analysis confirms the effectiveness of medical masks and respirators against SARS. Disposable, cotton, or paper masks are not recommended.”

Why the mandate by governors and mayors to wear masks months after the first infection with Covid in the U.S.? If the virus has spread so rapidly as the experts claimed, has much of the population not been already exposed to it?

It all has to do with mass psychology and hysteria driven by the non-stop main stream media PSAs – make people believe that non-wearers are evil and spreading the disease hence the attacks in public; obey the all-knowing government and you will magically be protected; and wait for the expensive vaccine as the ONLY cure. This vaccine may or may not work and may have potentially dangerous side-effects. The fact that we already have a reported relatively cheap cure with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc, is irrelevant.

In this false sense of security atmosphere driven to new hysterical heights by the media, let us wear the masks indefinitely until daddy government tells us to stop. In the meantime, the economy suffers across the board and more and more businesses are declaring bankruptcy. People are afraid to go back to work or are unwilling to work as the unemployment and the stimulus checks give them more income than they could make working.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The New Abnormal is Global Socialism

“Socialism is government force to control and change society.” – Paul B. Skousen

I have seen socialism creep in American education since 1979 when Jimmy Carter established the now massive bureaucracy called the Department of Education which became the blue print of socialist indoctrination in America. Through my experience first as a graduate student and then as a teacher in America, I also witnessed socialism advance in academia.

As a former citizen of a socialist republic for twenty years and after years of examining American society, I have seen in action most of the 46 goals of socialism as described by Paul B. Skousen in his book, The Naked Socialist.

Skousen’s highly accurate list describes the promotion of socialism and the U.N. as “the only hope for the world.” (#1 and #2)

As many Americans know, the U.N. and its many affiliates have managed to convince 178 countries to sign the U.N. Agenda 21 in 1992, later morphed into U.N. Agenda 2030, a document which controls every aspect of our economic and private lives through SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and subservience to the whims of globalists, beginning with abolishing of private property and destroying the U.S., the last bastion that stands in its way.

The global green economy has been promoted for decades and the Democrat Party has officially forced it through the passing of its Green New Deal, which is neither green, nor new, nor a deal. It is a subjugation of the U.S. economy to the globalist U.N. Agenda 2030. (#4)

We saw the influence of the World Health Organization (WHO), a U.N. affiliate, and its false claims about Covid-19 which pretty much destroyed the robust U.S. economy and left millions unemployed, all for the common good.

Environmentalists and CDC doctors became controllers of everything we do as human beings and business owners. Everything was brought to its knees in a mere five months, including religion, education, and organized sports.

Liberals and the socialist Democrat Party have been advocating no borders and vilifying President Trump for securing the border. (#3)

One-world currency servicing the one world government is already being touted through the cashless society.  A fully cashless economy means EVERYTHING is digital, traceable, and controlled. (#5)

 No cash means, among many other nefarious elements of control:

-          No odd jobs to make an extra payment for your mortgage or car
-          No summer cash earned during school
-          No cash from grandma inside birthday cards and on holidays
-          No more piggy banks or savings for a special event/trip
-          No more rainy day fund
-          No more quick sale of that old bike or garage sales
-          No more hiring of teenagers to cut your lawn
-          No more collection for charity

Banks will have total control over every single penny you earn and it will be recorded electronically. If you misbehave or belong to a divergent thinking group, your electronic money will be unreachable until such a time that you have been scored socially adequate. Every movement will be recorded and traceable, no more off the grid economic activity. Every penny in your possession will be taxed and no more jobs under the table. There will be no more criminal and underground economic activity. (#27)

Somehow, during the Covid-19 lockdown, the nation is running out of change and stores are encouraging people to stop using cash. They say, money is dirty (it is literally and figuratively) and can easily spread disease. We seem to have managed fine since the invention of coins and paper money stashed in strange places circulated for millennia but suddenly they have become public enemy number one. (#5)

Control of the Internet and installing a thought police on social media has become a way to silence and censor conservative and libertarian points of view under the excuse that such thoughts violate “community standards.” Such obscure community standards include only leftist opinions. Facebook, Twitter, and Google do a pretty good job of policing opinions they dislike and wish to squash. (#6)

Mobs of violent protesters and rioters and the vagina-hat women’s marches screech about economic equality which strictly speaking is impossible. Equal pay is also impossible as we all have different levels of education, qualification, experience, work ethic, skill, willingness to do dangerous and unpleasant jobs, etc. We also have employment laws in place that bar job discrimination based on race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, culture, or disability. (#8)

In line with U.N. Agenda 2030 recommendations, we have already seen many advances in regulating all transportation under the ruse of pollution limits, fuel efficiency, and preventing further damage to the environment. (#15) This also includes the nationalization of energy production under the excuse of equal access to natural resources. (#16)

The paid mobs of rioters/protesters are holding glossy and preprinted signs advocating the U.N. goal of private property elimination, of private land, of wealth, of suburbia living because it is socially unjust. People can only live well if all land is used for the “common good,” a key word for the communist collective. (#17)

Hollywood and the media have promoted for decades pornography, gender fluidity, and other promiscuous activities in order to destroy the family unit, marriage, and the Christian faith. (#18, #20, #21) Any degeneracy has been portrayed as “normal, natural, healthy.” (#19) Deviations from the two biological sex distinctions have mushroomed. (#22)

Using the environment as a ruse, socialist globalists have created a one world governing body (under United Nations) in order to control any economic activity and development as a SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT lynchpin goal.

The population has been forced into making “ecologically correct” choices – low-flush toilets, low-water washers, electric or hybrid cars, recycling, mandatory recyclable packaging, low-energy use appliances, CFL bulbs, solar panels, and rationed electricity access via controlled smart meters. (#32)
Students are controlled through socialist, social justice written textbooks and revisionist history in schools and NGO-driven (non-profits) environmentalism synchronized with U.N. Agenda 21 17 sustainable development goals. (#37)

The media has done a spectacular job of advancing socialism into society by controlling information and misrepresenting reality through daily lies in non-ending indoctrination of the pliable masses and low information voters. The juvenile attacks and insults on the President Donald J. Trump are never-ending and based solely on lies. (#38)

Socialism has marched unimpeded and is now devolving into Marxism, aided and abetted by other sources and means:

-         Presenting work as optional by providing funds from government for economic stimulus spending, unemployment (caused by the same people issuing the “generous” help from taxpayer dollars or from baseless money printing), endless welfare, illness, retirement. (#40)

-         Ignoring the Constitution and brainwashing people that it is an old-fashioned document. (#41)

-         Present Founding Fathers and American heroes as exploiters who did not care for the downtrodden. (#42) Making heroes out of cowards who burn the American flag and loot and burn stores while ignoring the real heroes. Use mobs to destroy historical statues and replace them with Marxist symbolism.

-         Discredit American culture and history in schools; present the discoveries and inventions of white men as supremacist and racist; use Caucasian academics to teach that whites are successful because of a media-manufactured construct called “white privilege.” (#43)

-         Government regulations in education, welfare, mental health, social agencies, arts, media, hospital care, doctor care, pharmaceuticals in an attempt to control everything. (#44)

-         Overt installation of socialism, beginning with the socialists in Congress, schools, and academia. (#45)

-         Use chaos and panic driven by the media and a viral crisis (Covid-19) to deploy top-down government control around the world and restriction on personal rights and freedoms – where and how to shop, worship, walk, get food, see a doctor, and how long to wear an oxygen-reducing mask. (#46)

The new abnormal, heavily advertised and promoted by the Democrat Party and woke sycophants is a huge disaster unfolding. Socialism has been a tragedy, failing miserably in all the tyrannical Communist Party-ruled socialist republics, but, if you ask the average indoctrinated and well-fed American students, they think that socialism/communism are better alternatives to the “evil” capitalism. I know firsthand, it is a gross distortion of reality.