Friday, July 14, 2023

“Our Common Agenda”

United Nations’ Road map to total globalist control, following the morphing of U.N. Agenda 21 (1992) into the U.N. Agenda 2030, has now taken the dangerous road to “Our Common Agenda” as expressed by U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres.
Secretary-General’s report on “Our Common Agenda” (

The United Nations General Assembly will host a summit in New York on September 22-23, 2024. The organizers are promoting the ‘once-in-a-generation opportunity’ to “strengthen global governance for the sake of present and future generations.” Nobody asked present generations, nor did they get the chance to vote, if they wanted to be ruled by global governance bodies at the United Nations. Event: Summit of the Future | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD

The invited participants of the Summit of the Future, U.N. member states, “U.N. agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations, academic institutions, the private sector, and youth,” are expected to “forge a new global consensus on what our future should look like.” As we know, a consensus of any kind is just a small group of like-minded and left-leaning people who agree on certain issues and force their consensus onto the masses as if it is what billions of humans wanted.

Nobody bothered to define “civil society organizations” either, but it is obvious that the list of attendees includes mostly leftist organizations and leftist individuals who have no particular interest in learning or accepting what the 8 billion people of this planet want or vote for. The invitees know what is best for the rest of the world and the world must do their bidding or else. Would the population at large be excluded from this “civil society” if they disagree?

At the Summit of the Future, the participant countries and individuals are expected to agree to, promote, and implement the 12 listed commitments which happen to align with most of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of U.N. Agenda 2030. Common_Agenda_Key_Proposals_English.pdf (

1.      Leave no one behind:

-          social contract attached to human rights.

-          universal social protection (What kind of protection would that be, and would we be happy about it when we own nothing in order to spread the wealth to others?)

-          basic income security (Who decides what constitutes security for so many different and diverse individuals and families?)

-          universal healthcare for 4 billion “unprotected” (Who exactly will be delivering this universal healthcare, in which hospitals and clinics, and will these 4 billion be screened?)

-          adequate housing, decent work (Who decides what is “adequate” housing and how do they define “decent” work? What are the parameters?)

-          digital inclusivity (Would jail inmates be included? Would white men and Christians be included?)

-          complementary measures to GDP (What exactly are those measures? Theft of wealth and redistribution to the developing world of ‘excess’ GDP?)

2.      Protect our planet, i.e., the global green new deal:

-          1.5-degree Celsius and net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner

-          declare climate emergency and provide package of support to developing countries.

-          no new coal after 2021 and phasing out fossil fuel subsidies (The logical assumption would be that wind and solar energy subsidies would get larger and larger while land would be taken out of agricultural production to deploy the wind turbines and solar panels.)

-          carbon pricing mechanisms by financial actors (Who are these actors? The same ones receiving wind and solar energy subsidies?)

-          transforming food systems for sustainability (Eat bugs and fake meat?) in nutrition and fairness (Who decides what is fair?)

-          resolve environmental displacement (Open all borders and delete sovereignty?)

3.      Promote peace and prevent conflicts:

-          Place women and girls at the center (Perhaps they will finally define what a woman is.)

-          Application of human rights online (Global control of internet?)

-          Legal identity for all, end statelessness, protection of internally displaced persons, refugees, and migrants (Nobody is illegal anymore and nations will be borderless while former citizenship will become irrelevant.)

-          New visions for the rule of law (No longer the laws of your country but the laws of the global government?)

-          Reshape responses to all forms of violence (A global police and military?)

-          Peaceful, secure, and sustainable use of outer space (Who will control outer space? U.N. stakeholders?)

4.      Abide by international law and ensure justice:

-          Universal access to the Internet as a human right (Who is paying for it and who is controlling it?)

-          Human rights on a more sustainable financial footing (Who is footing the bill and who decides?)

-          Global road map to implement international law (Will each country’s laws then become obsolete?)

5.      Place women and girls at the center:

-          Repeal discriminatory laws (We do not discriminate in the U.S. except against while males now)

-          Promote gender parity through quotas and special measures (Sound like gender-based affirmative action. What special measures? Who will vote for such special measures and what are they?)


6.      Build trust:

-          Global code of conduct that promotes integrity in public information (Is this the conduct as implemented by the Chinese scoring system?)

-          Improve people’s experiences with public institutions and basic services.

-          Inclusive national listening and “envisioning the future” exercises (Sounds like communist propagandist oppression. Who does the “envisioning of the future”? NGOs sanctioned by the United Nations? And what is “national listening”?)

-          Action to tackle corruption in line with the United Nations Convention against Corruption

-          Reformed international tax system (Will this international tax system supersede a nation’s tax system, or will it be an additional tax?)

-          Joint structure on financial integrity and tackling illicit financial flows (Who defines what is and what is not “illicit financial flows”?)


7.      Improve digital cooperation:

-          Connect all people to the Internet (Who pays? Control of all people, their digital currency, and all assets)

-          Avoid Internet fragmentation (Total control of the Internet in the hands of U.N.?)

-          Protect data (Control of everything and everyone)

-          Apply human rights online (Control of free speech on social platforms)

-          Introduce accountability criteria for discrimination and misleading content (Internet jail and control of people’s thoughts, no more free speech?)

-          Promote regulation of artificial intelligence (That should go over well with the technocracy unless they are in on the U.N. control.)

-          Digital commons as a global public good (Who decides the worth of this global public good, United Nations or the corporatist technocrats, and who opens and shuts the valve of free speech, contravening the U.S. Constitution?)


8.      Upgrade the United Nations:

-          Behavioral Science (ESG, environmental social governance, including the Chinese reward/punishment system for good/bad behavior?)

-          High-level Advisory Board led by former Heads of State and Government on improved governance of global public goods.

-          More listening, participation, and consultation (including digitally)

-          Gender parity within the United Nations system by 2028

-          Re-establish the Secretary-General’s Scientific Advisory Board (Bureaucrats from developing nations?)


9.      Ensure sustainable financing:

-          Improve the U.N. budget process (Throw more American taxpayer dollars out the window and into the U.N. coffers through various schemes.)

-          Fairer trading system


10.   Boost partnerships:

-          U.N. meetings with regional organizations (Watch out if you have been affected by ICLEI, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, who, with other U.N.-sanctioned NGOs have brought to your cities and towns all sorts of land, agriculture, real estate, and development control.)

-          Stronger engagement between the United Nations system, international financial institutions, and regional development banks (More banking schemes to redistribute wealth from developed nations to developing nations and the United Nations itself.)

-          More systematic engagement with parliaments, subnational authorities and the private sector (Watch out for your local and state representatives who have unwittingly or deliberately brought U.N. rules and NGO partnerships to you, changing what you can and cannot do with your farm, home, yard, property, rivers, ponds, trees, bushes, roads, water collection, water use, building, natural gas, dairy farming, cars, other forms of transportation, hospitals, golf courses, parks, etc.)


11.  Listen to and work with the youth:

-          Remove barriers to political participation and measure progress through a “youth in politics” index (This is the same youth living in parents’ basements, preoccupied on Tik Tok with narcissistic selfies and videos.)


12.  Be prepared:

-          Strategic Foresight and Global Risk Report by the United Nations every five years

-          Global vaccination plan (They have not injured enough people yet with the Wuhan flu vaccines.)

-          Empowered WHO (What a horrible idea!)

-          Stronger global health security and preparedness (Is that going to include the infamous green vaccination cards to be allowed to travel?)

-          Accelerate product development and access to health technologies in low- and middle-income countries (Americans pay excessive costs for drugs, while the developing world gets them for free or for pennies on the dollar?)

-          Universal health coverage and addressing determinants of health (Who decides? A global health coverage in the Obama style, the Affordable Care Act of 2010, insurance that nobody could really afford except those who receive it for free?)

“Our common future” looks bleak for western civilization, forced to redistribute their hard-earned earnings and wealth to the developing world, to relinquish constitutional freedoms to a global elite that knows what is best for humanity, and to bow to the global governance under the aegis of the United Nations, a developing world bureaucracy lavishly supported by the American taxpayers.








1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh (or simply, Ileana, with my deepest respect), for another excellent article, on UN socialism! This Appalachian Irishman would like to see the socialist propagandists -- in this once great nation (the USSA, or the Ununited Socialist States of America) or in the so-called United Nations (UN) -- try to force their collectivism on me! Many others, you, and I continue to stand as one, against their ungodly worldviews. This article is another fine example of your prophetic “voice in the wilderness,” encouraging folks to wake up (not woke up), before “Socialist Utopian Oblivion” (as I call it) reaches its destructive climax.
