Friday, July 16, 2021

A Socialist Republic To Replace the Constitutional Republic

Americans who self-describe as socialists, seem to long for a society like that of European Nordic states which are not socialist, they have a capitalist economy with large government welfare paid for by high taxation. I am not sure American socialists, and their followers understand the true definition of a socialist nation, one in which all the means of production are owned by the state. That is perhaps because the online definitions of socialism have been changed to fit the leftist narrative in the media. They know that the public knows little history and thus has no reference point.

A 2018 Gallup poll revealed that 57 percent of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism without really understanding what the Democrat Socialism they promote is. Capitalism, which allowed them to prosper, was only favored by 47 percent. Millennials were polled the year before and 44 percent of them wanted to live in a socialist nation.

After the 2020 election, overall American support for socialism dropped to 43 percent. Support for Socialism in America Sinks Like a Stone After 2020 Election, Hits Lowest Level in Years According to New Study (

Harold Meyerson wrote that there were 252 million voting-age Americans. There is a whopping 93 million of Americans voting who view socialism as a desirable society. I am not sure how the 11-40 million illegals, who vote in our elections, factor in the statistics. Personally, I do not have much faith in statistics as they can be skewed so many ways in order to prove or disprove a narrative and the group polled may or may not be representative of the population at large.

But the finding that Americans want socialism appears to be an interesting development because in 1982, when Michael Harrington co-founded the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), there were only 6,000 members of DSA, and membership did not grow by the time he died in 1989.

The Millennials and Generation Z (those younger than Millennials) have overwhelmingly supported socialism in America and branded capitalism as evil while enjoying a lifestyle provided by capitalist enterprises. Brainwashed in schools by educators and environmentalists with well-targeted lessons and videos of gloom and doom Apocalypse and a dying Mother Earth, huge levels of college debt, a shrinking job market, and unmarketable and worthless college degrees, more and more young people have joined the ranks of socialism as promoted by Bernie Sanders, a socialist candidate who never held a productive job in his life.

The socialist movement grows stronger with each younger age group attracted by the promise of “free” stuff. Most of them have never attended an Economics class to learn the concept of opportunity cost, and that nothing is free, someone must pay for it.

Unfair media coverage of Democrat Socialist candidates inflates the rosy picture of socialism as the alternative to the “evil” capitalism which lifted everybody’s boats and gave all Americans an unusual opportunity for prosperity unlike most countries in the world.

My mother used to say, protesters have nothing better to do, Democracy has gone to their heads, and are bored by their wealth and abundance. They have truly never had to suffer any economic indignity, poverty, or famine. By any economic definition, they are not poor, and they are not oppressed as they claim. They just repeat a narrative fed to them from the Mother Ship of the Democrat Party who never lets an opportunity go to waste to score political points in their favor.

Bernie Sander’s campaign and AOC’s victory in New York recorded a huge surge in DSA membership. The Democrat Socialists promised free college tuition, free childcare, full employment, more taxation of wealth to pay for these programs, free housing, universal healthcare, and basic income, while not working. They can just go on the Socialist plantation and find themselves.

How do Americans understand socialism? Even if they search for it online, they find several manufactured definitions which are not accurate – social causes and the public do not own the means of production, the totalitarian governments do.

Thirty-three percent of Americans answered a Gallup poll in 2018 that socialism is a “society with equal standing for everybody, in which benefits, and services were free for all.” Millennials and Generation Z want everything free with no effort expended on their part to build anything or work at anything, just exist.

As I recall from my two decades of living in a socialist republic, nothing was free, and if it was, it was not worth having it, such as health care. We certainly did not have equal standing; we were serfs to the omnipotent government. There were no benefits at all, simply hard work and a meal after standing in line for hours each day.

In a socialist republic, the government in total control of the equally poor proletariat owns all the means of production and decides the quantities of goods and services to be built and to be distributed to the masses, after the ruling elites keep the lion’s share for themselves, their families, and their ideological lackeys and Marxist useful idiots with starry eyes and rose-colored glasses.

American Democrat Socialists view the Constitution as their enemy, starting with the electoral college they despise which stands in their way of controlling everything. They want the majority rule to replace the electoral college thus giving voting power in perpetuity only to metropolitan coastal cities. New York, California, and Illinois would be deciding the voting landscape in perpetuity. American socialists also want to abolish the power of the Senate.

Statistics show that the “majority of the fifty largest cities have Democrat mayors and councils, many of them progressive, even in the reddest of states.” Large cities are the incubation of socialism and Marxism, in alliance with unions and far left ethnic organizations, cities in which crime, poverty, homelessness, and other criminal activities dominate. Harold Meyerson wrote that “we haven’t seen an upsurge like this since the wave of municipal socialism in the early 1900s.”

Socialists helped promote public banks, public utilities, social housing, mixed-income housing, worker and community-owned businesses, co-ops, taxpayer entitlements (welfare). Prominent among urban organizations are public/private partnerships associated with the U.N. Agenda 2030, the destruction of suburbia by adding low-income mixed-use, high-rise housing among expensive single-family homes for which owners have worked and saved their entire lives. Looking again at the Nordic countries of Europe as a role model for their socialism, urbanites want a “social wealth fund along the lines of Norway.”

Many lawmakers have turned socialists and Marxists. The House Progressive Caucus numbered 102 Socialist Democrats in 2018.

Socialists want to break up the big banks and to destroy Wall Street; they want to nationalize the private sector and transfer ownership to employees and the public. That really did not work well in the former socialist republics run by the Communist Party – those in power controlled everything and the proletariat was left with nothing after confiscation of wealth, only hard labor, equal pay, and a horrible 400 square ft. tiny concrete apartment for which they paid the rent decided by the state.

There is a vast difference between asking for more welfare from your government in the Nordic model of social welfare paid for by the private capitalist sector, and a socialist republic where the means of production are owned by a totalitarian government who demands cheap and egalitarian labor from the subservient population.

Americans on the left are far too ignorant to understand history and economics, they are too busy demolishing monuments and installing statues of criminals as role models instead.

And the sad reality is that we are sliding irreversibly into socialism, the precursor to communism. The constitutional republic, for all practical purposes, is comatose.


  1. My liberal sister always points to the Nordic countries as evidence for how socialism can work. Now I just retort that it's her "white supremacy" bias causing her to cite majority white nations. . .after which I step back and watch as the smoke starts to pour out her ears!! Seriously, the testimony of those of you who have experienced socialism/Marxism firsthand is of increasingly vital importance in today's America!! Thanks Ileana.. keep em coming.

  2. From my friend Carmel:
    "Thanks for another outstanding article... can you give us another one that "trashes" the United how after 80 years they've failed.
    Remember their first Charter was for "world peace"
    and remember that time about 15 years ago when some of their scientists died suspiciously.
    I like what your Mother had to say about protesters. It's so true...these people have nothing to do worth doing and they seem to wish to all be rich and famous."

  3. From my friend, Dr. S:

    "With regard to the recent interesting exchange between many of you regarding banks, capitalism, usury, oligarchs, etc., I’d encourage you to read today’s post by my (and Kathie’s) friend, Ileana. Having spent the first 20 years of life in the miserable conditions of Romania, (where her father was killed by being dropped head first onto a pile of steel machining cuttings!) Ileana escaped to America. She earned her Ph.D in economics @ Mississippi State and taught there during the next 30 years. Since 2010 she has steadily been writing about the horrors of socialism/communism, that can be fully understood only by someone that lived through it. As she views the present woke cancel culture, Critical Race Theory, Agendas 2021 and 2030, the vast $6 trillion (read “$6,000 billion” OR “$6 million million” ! ) spending plans of Congress, etc., she fears being overtaken by the grim system she thought she had left behind in Romania. In that system the oligarchs are the party leaders, as was Ceasescu in Romania. As I see it, the biggest problem with socialism is the state ownership of all businesses. This destroys the profit incentive for hard work and the creation of wealth that underlies the millions of small businesses that are responsible for making most non-government jobs. Those individuals risking their fortunes on a new business are much better at assessing the need for their product or service than is a government bureaucrat playing with someone else’s money."
