Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pay Attention to Communist Indoctrination

Now that neo-communism is spreading around the world under the guise of protecting the planet from manufactured climate change and politicians are pushing hard to implement a one world government under the leadership of the U.N. and the billionaire elites, it is important to draw attention to the destructive and insidious power of communism.

The cumulative effect of a century of Communist Party activity in the U.S. is finally bearing major fruit among the American people and institutions who are completely divorced from the Constitution.

The mainstream media has been communist for quite some time, public school teachers, college professors, school administrators, and publishers. We have had a communist president, a vice-president, many self-declared communists in Congress, and high-ranking and low-level communist bureaucrats.

In the 1960s, the KGB conducted a psychological experiment; they bombarded human subjects with continuous messages of fear and in two months’ time most of the subjects were completely brainwashed to believe the fear messages to such an extent that, when presented with clear information to the contrary, none of them changed their minds. Fear is so powerful that it can change parts of the human brain.

We saw this behavior in masses wearing masks religiously. Even though they were told repeatedly that the masks did not work, and the six feet of space was arbitrary and fake, some people are still wearing masks today, in public and alone in their cars.

Americans do not know much about communist history and its evil philosophy because they have not studied it in schools. Few Americans know about the hundred million victims who were killed by communists and other millions who were enslaved by brutal communist regimes.

For decades, the communists in America have disrupted education, race relations, and underscored “police brutality” in an organized campaign to discredit law enforcement. Riots, looting, burning, and anti-American protests were the direct effect of the communist activity in this country.

The communist underground planned to disrupt the family and make mothers and fathers irrelevant. They invented biology by manufacturing sexes that do not exist, by pretending that men can menstruate, have babies, nurse babies, and by calling mothers derisively “birthing persons.” The ‘smear everything good in America campaign’ has been shockingly successful.

The communists have brainwashed and agitated the young generations into an open defiance and contempt for our laws. They politically challenged the status quo based on the Leninist belief that the decisive factor is power and violence, not the law.

Communist organizers, agitators, and propagandists of the Communist Party were selected and trained from the ranks of the unemployed, disenchanted youth without a purpose, who live in their parents’ basement.

The American communists have succeeded in developing such a powerful propaganda machine with tacticians and NGOs funded by billionaires. The principles of Marx, Engels, and Lenin indoctrinated the youth inside and outside of public schools.

The power of communism resides in the ability to teach the young with brains full of mush that there is no individuality in communism, only conformity to the demands of the police state.

Communists are shaping new generations, molding their minds into the tenets of Marxism-Leninism, making them “mere soulless cogs of a brutal machine, where man is degraded and debased.”

Endless agitation against capitalism, our economy, and lawlessness produced a general feeling of unrest and discontent, not unlike the Trump presidency when the left sabotaged his presidency and was not allowed to govern most effectively. The propaganda campaign convinced the frightened masses on the left that he was a fascist.

The communists have urged young American leftists, discontent with their own status in life and lack of jobs, to be ‘disruptors’:

-         to disrupt traffic

-         to heckle prominent people

-         to invade government offices

-         to engage in civil disobedience encouraged by high-ranking leftist politicians who selectively punished peaceful protesters on the right but never punished violent leftist protesters

-         to destroy, loot and burn neighborhoods

-         to glue themselves to priceless works of art in museums

-         to glue themselves to the pavement in the middle of a busy intersection or chain themselves to a bridge.

All these actions by radical communists weaken the citizens’ faith in their own government and their belief in law and order. Radicals lie, “poison, and pollute the very atmosphere of freedom with venomous attacks upon everything which we hold dear – our flag, our country, our churches, our homes, our institutions and our traditions.”

The German born American philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) wrote:

“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, are, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”

Now, in the 21st century the communists have one more tool at their disposal – technocracy, powerful technology which silences and controls freedom of speech; it erases any dissenting opinions and prevents the dissemination of truth.


  1. Excellent (but sad) article about the real state of the union in the U.S. shared on FB & X using blue share button above.

  2. The "fear factor" is on point and very evident in social media circles. People who know better are afraid of speaking out in many such articles for fear of being singled out and ostracized by the radical-left communist perpetrators. Silence is acceptance! Speak up Americans or lose your country and your freedoms our patriotic founders have left for us to enlarge and to enjoy!
