Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Resident Alien

Unlike the newest Netflix show, in which an actual alien from space crash-lands in a pristine and small Colorado town where nothing criminal ever happens, the aliens I am describing are ordinary people.

When I came to the U.S., I was issued a permanent resident alien card which allowed me to live and work in the U.S. Mom was a resident alien too when she arrived. We did not mind the word “alien.”  We were not from here, so the lands were alien to us. We were treated accordingly by the southern population – we were considered aliens from a space they had no idea where it was geographically, and we did not belong there because we had no seven-generation ties to the place.

Then I applied to become a naturalized American citizen. At that point, they forced me to renounce my Romanian citizenship and I became persona-non-grata in both countries for the duration of the application process which took several years. I had a permit to travel to one place at a time which was only good for that trip.

Mom remained a Romanian citizen even though, when her passport expired, they did not renew it. She was persona-non-grata until she died in 2022, only allowed once to return to her country for a brief visit; when she reapplied, she was issued a piece of paper that said, she could travel back to Romania but once there, she would have to reapply for a Romanian passport. She was never allowed to vote in either country and was turned down when she tried to become a naturalized American citizen like me because she did not speak English much; she remained a resident alien. She was never offended by the term; she was glad to be here and away from communism from which she had defected.

Fast forward to the 21st century, the Democrats have decided that our country is racist and half of the population who voted for someone other than a Democrat were undesirables and ‘deplorables’ and therefore the regime must import enough illegal aliens to balance out the Americans who rejected the Democrats’ Marxist policies.

The influx of economically driven illegal aliens that followed was magically transformed into immigrants, undocumented immigrants, migrants, and political refugees with higher status than American citizens.

Pregnant illegals had babies on American soil and became instant American citizens dubbed “anchor babies.” It was not long before said anchor babies began running for political office which the U.S. Constitution said they were not entitled to but they were elected anyway because Democrats were popular, influential, and linguistically able to confuse the population into voting for their candidate. To do otherwise, a voter would be “racist” and nobody wants to be a racist.

Then there are the DACA individuals and the DREAM act for individuals who were brought here illegally as children. Democrats want to make them voting American citizens as well even though they already are citizens of their respective countries where they were born.

The term “illegal aliens” was considered racist by the radical left and therefore changed in documents and in the mainstream media narrative into “undocumented.” Nobody stopped to think that they were documented, but with documents from their own countries which they hid or shredded on their way to welfare-generous America. They swore to vote for Biden, their best choice for president.

The legal immigrants, more than four million of them, are still waiting at the back of the legal line for the disposition of their legal immigration petitions that have been back-logged for years while speedy precedence is given to those who had just crossed the border and claimed political asylum, as they were coached by the numerous NGOs running the Democrat invasion, i.e., the International Office of Migration (IOM), Red Cross, UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, Catholic Charities, Baptist Charities, Lutheran Charities, and many others.

The legal immigrants must provide documentary evidence that they will be able to support themselves and not be a burden on the American taxpayers and medical records that they are not diseased and thus become an infectious problem for Americans and a financial burden to the overstretched health care system.

The transformation from illegal aliens and resident aliens to immigrants, undocumented immigrants, undocumented, immigrants, migrants, and not-yet Americans has been quite swift thanks to the radical left’s unending stream of acceptable euphemisms that do not insult the feelings of the superior third world invaders who now have the right to vote in American elections in perpetuity thanks to radical leftists staffing all levels of government, federal, state, and local.

Votes for the right regime do not come with a small price tag which the taxpayers are forced to subsidize. The effects on the American population all over the country, i.e., financial, inflation, government spending, housing, crime, education, safety, health, voting, are broad, ugly, and expensive.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, and I say again, amen! This article is "fresh off the press" and spot-on!
