Thursday, September 28, 2023

Are You Learning From History Or Repeating It?

If one ignores and manufactures history in order to fit the propagandizing narrative de jour, one is never going to learn to avoid repeating unpleasant events and outcomes. History is a great teacher if people are willing to listen to its lessons and to absorb them in a critical and logical way.

Few people today know or have learned in school, for example, that in November 1960, representatives of 81 Communist parties around the world met in Moscow and issued a Communist declaration of purpose wherein the United States was “singled out as the main enemy of communism.”  The world Communist movement’s goal was to achieve world domination. The meeting discussed the fact that “peaceful coexistence” was not possible nor desired. The strategy established 63 years ago was to attack the United States full force with constant propaganda. Those attacks finally paid off in 2023.  

Since then, communist agents sent to the U.S. and those within the Communist Party U.S.A. and other Marxist organizations have disseminated highly effective propaganda through mass media, magazines, newspapers, videos, movies, documentaries, books and pamphlets, leaflets, posters, stickers, post cards, murals, graffiti, violent protests, education, textbooks, libraries, entertainment, radio, cable news, and front organizations targeting minorities, youth, and women, the so called women’s liberation movement.

Communist propaganda turned out to be the most powerful and effective way to influence, condition, and manipulate people around the world.

Education is the medium to manipulate children from kindergarten to college. While parents think that their children are learning useful life-long skills in order to better function in society, the teachers are busy brainwashing students with communist ideology, immorality, perverse sexual acts, drag shows, transgender ideology, and other methods of destroying children’s impressionable minds without parental knowledge or approval.

The agents of Marxist organizations have entered decades ago U.S. education, the labor movement, civil rights movement, lobbies, veterans, culture, minority groups, foreign nationals with an ax to grind because they have not succeeded in reaching their American dream, youth movements, women’s groups, defense, press, radio, television, and Hollywood.

Sixty-three years later the fundamental transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic into a Marxist Oligarchy has finally been achieved.  The citizens are wondering how the globalist Marxists took over the country and the western world so fast. But it was not fast, they have been digging at the foundation of America for decades, like trickling water, until the foundation became so porous and brittle that it collapsed in a seemingly short time with very little opposition.

Communists are very patient, they work on long term plans; they even went underground in 1989 in Eastern Europe, only to regroup into the movement of today to obliterate the last opposition, the United States of America.

It took a lot of radical communist activist work at all levels of society, working in a very tolerant society like the U.S., aided and abetted by some who understood very well what they were doing and by some who were hapless useful idiots.

Infiltration into the American school system was enabled partly by the formation of the Department of Education in 1979 by the Jimmy Carter administration, and the formation of Departments of Education in every state after that.  

The dumbing down of American education did not start with the pretense of teacher certification, by selecting the worst among us to be teachers, but it was a contributing factor.  

The mainstream media spewed lies in unison, using identically imposed daily narratives, but most people only became aware of them when the Internet was developed and social media platforms sprung up.  

The Marxist academia changed the English language with many deceptive euphemisms and thus contributed immensely to public disinformation, the downfall of truth, and the transformation of reality into a Twilight Zone of fantasy.

What better way to indoctrinate into false narratives than by changing the word ‘communism’ into ‘woke’ and by using the ‘social justice,’ ‘equity,’ and the ‘white supremacy’ lies at all levels of government and the military?

We cannot all be equal, but government bureaucrats and politicians are forcing equal outcomes or ‘equity.’ It is just another fallacious narrative to please their blind followers who need ‘safe spaces,’ lack rational thoughts, and are ruled by angry emotions.

How can one live under a government turned against its own citizens and traditions? How can the legal system collapse so fast before our own eyes? How can justice be run properly if judicial positions are filled with corrupt Socialist and Marxist Democrats beholden to billionaire oligarchs who contributed financially to put them in office? By doing so, we are opening the door to repeating the worst moments in our human history.



  1. From my friend Vladimir Pismenny: "Ileana, it gives me a great sadness that your articles are read by only small amount of readers and even those are the ones who probably need it the least.
    The only consolation is that you keep your mind sharp and, I think, should continue your work for our and your own benefit.
    I also think that self-satisfaction with writing of such high-quality papers is as important or maybe even more important than anything else."

  2. I just came across an article of yours in my "Memories" cache on Facebook from 2017, "Communism Never Died: It Was Cleverly Repackaged for the Historically Impaired and Useful Idiots." I reposted it to my wall and did some searching to see if you had published other writings, finally discovering your blog. As your friend, Vladimir Pismenny above stated, it's a pity that so few are reading your wise and sobering words. America is on the precipice, and those with evil in their hearts and ill-gotten power in their hands are no doubt awaiting the perfect moment to make that final push, leading the ignorant and the innocent over our remaining cultural and political cliffs to disaster.

    While good men and women remain who are fighting our enemies both foreign and domestic I've begun to fear it will all be for naught. Too many have been poisoned by Leftist ideology and continue to deny the horrors unfolding before our eyes. To admit they have enabled our enemies to infiltrate our borders, steal our ideas and resources, encouraged drug and human trafficking, allowed abuse of our "social security" systems, confused our children by exposing them to sexual perversions, and blatantly defy enforcement of Constitutional constructs in the courts would be to admit they were fools. Arrogance, Greed, and Entitlement have made lying and "cheating the system" acceptable. Honor, Integrity, Loyalty, and Humility seem quaint but outdated concepts for those who have now fed for GENERATIONS at the ""what's in it for me?" public trough.

    I'm a Christian and believe that banishing discussion and acts of faith from our public lives has led us to this ominous moment in history. Things are already falling apart and I expect much will be destroyed in the days ahead - both rotten and precious - until we make the choice collectively to change ourselves and rebuild our world according to Biblical law. Until then, I pray for peace but am mentally preparing for war. Such is the price we pay when we refuse to learn from the past.
