Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Rules for Woke Radical Activists

The Ship of Fools 
Medieval drawing
In case you wonder if the leftists have a modern version of Saul Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals for the Woke Marxist army of activists that are trained currently in the U.S., wonder no more – it is called Beautiful Trouble. As always, the Woke leftists use disinformation to describe their nefarious anti-American activities by using a website with an innocuous sounding title, Beautiful Trouble. Trouble is never beautiful, it is ugly and violent, but for the occasional surfer, the pairing of beautiful with trouble definitely “triggers” one’s curiosity because the two do not belong together at all. https://beautifultrouble.org/

As Lynda Fairman so aptly said, “Anytime there is a specific adjective in front of the word ‘justice,’ it means the opposite of equal, blind justice becomes the discrimination against one group/person for revenge of something to benefit another group/person. We must start taking back the language whenever we hear its misuse and call it what it is:  Disinformation.”

The Beautiful Trouble website introduces the woke activist to “creative tools for a more just world” via a Tool Box (presented in Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian) with “ideas and best practices that puts the power in your hands.” There are sections on Stories, Tactics, Theories, Principles, Methodologies, and Action Trainer Modules.

This “just world” is the evil world of Marxist ideology, an ideology radicals embrace with enthusiasm. Past history and lessons learned from the destruction and death the Marxist ideology caused are irrelevant in their indoctrinated minds.

The approximately fifty-one suggested tactics of waging war on the American people include:

-          advanced leafleting (wear strange costumes, hand out ice cream, climb on someone’s shoulders)

-          app flooding (take over a politically neutral phone application to the Marxist cause and overwhelm it with campaign messages)

-          artistic vigil (it might include gluing oneself to priceless works of art in a museum)

-          autonomous servers (organized collectives using networked computers to send information to the Woke community)

-          hanging banners (such as the Resist one unfurled over the White House shortly after the inauguration of President Trump)

-          blockades (chain-linked activists across major highways and interstates, entrances to public buildings, building occupation, and encampment in a public place,

-          noise-making protests (screaming, blowing whistles, banging drums, pots and pans, honking horns, setting off smart phone ringtones)

-          citizen arrest (arresting a policeman)

-          civil disobedience (breaking the law in public, while the police is watching because the mayor made a compact with the woke disruptors to not intervene)

-          clandestine leafleting (“anything you can get away with”)

-          consumer boycott (“economically pressure your target”)

-          creative disruption (maladjusted activists disrupting a legitimate event they disagree with by making noise, singing, throwing things such as glitter, eggs, theatrics, and histrionics)

-          creative petition delivery (swaying ignorant public opinion by using art, theater, and misplaced humor to deliver a message or petition)

-          cultural disobedience (deliberate violation of what activists call “unjust laws” and subverting cultural norms they disagree with)

-          culture jamming (“a cultural intervention that alters a brand to make a subversive political point”)

-          currency hacking (defacing paper currency, which is a crime, by writing political messages on paper money)

-          debt strike (refusing to make debt payments and forcing the banks to accept lower payments, thus passing the debt onto innocent Americans)

-          distributed action (mass protest with coordinated actions such as banging pots, turning lights off, and wearing the same color of clothing)

-          distributed denial of service (coordinated online attack of a vast number of ignorant lefties who flood a targeted website with high levels of data traffic thus shutting it down)

-          divestment (withdrawing personal investment in a company, putting pressure on an industry that lefties disagree with)

-          electoral gorilla theater (running for public office as a prank, sabotaging a policy the left dislikes)

-          encryption (helping communication between the radical activists)

-          eviction blockade (mob protest against an eviction they see as unjust)

-          flash mob

-          flotilla (mob with kayaks blockade traffic)

-          general strike (workplace shut down)

-          guerilla projection (using high-powered projector to shine a spotlight on what the mob sees as injustice)

-          hashtag campaign (leftist use of Twitter)

-          hashtag hijack (steal someone else’s hashtag)

-          hoax (impersonating and stealing a target’s identity to release a fake media event, made up to support the leftist mob’s point of view)

-          human banner (human aerial “art” to protest something or someone the left does not like)

-          hunger strike

-          identity correction (“an act of activist ventriloquism in which you momentarily assume the mask of power to speak a little LIE that tells a greater truth”)

-          image theater (activists form statues that represent in their view an oppression and to them, everything is an oppression if it disagrees with their warped ideology)

-          infiltration (activists form mobs not just at the homes of people they target but also in their official meetings)

-          inflatables (use inflated props with helium to communicate the leftist view)

-          invisible theater (public staging of a scene that highlights some form of imagined discrimination)

-          jail solidarity (create RESISTANCE by putting pressure on authorities to release jailed radical activists)

-          legislative theater (a theater of the imagined “oppressed” in a government setting)

-          lamentation (fake-mourning publicly a criminal who deliberately disobeyed the law and suffered the consequences)

-          light brigade (illuminating night-time specific locations to advance radical agendas)

-          mass street action (huge public protest against a cause that disagrees with the radical agenda)

-          media-jacking (hijack the opponent’s media event)

-          music video (social justice music videos to manage the radicals to action)

-          occupation (physically occupying public spaces to disrupt society, i.e., sit-ins, factory occupations, housing squats, public squares, public land)

-          non-violent search and seizure (“citizens search warrant” to steal documents)

-          phone banking (mobilize radicals to call or text the government)

-          phone blockade (tie up the service of the target, by using large numbers of radicals to repeatedly dial the key phone lines of the target)

-          public filibuster (confrontational interruption of a public hearing or government vote by standing and speaking non-stop)

-          reverse graffiti (spell the radical message by cleaning up filth on walls or sidewalks)

-          spoof website (making almost identical website of the targeted organization but using fake information and initiatives)

-          storytelling (“organizing reality and political power” by making-up social problems as the radicals see it)

-          subversive travel (“defy and subvert travel restrictions” to challenge borders and any population movement across the globe; one example would be aiding and abetting the illegal crossing of our southern border by millions of unvetted people from around the globe, defying our immigration laws)

-          trek (journey by bike, bus, boat, or on foot, to a specific place to rally geographically dispersed people to a radical cause)

To defeat the leftist radicals, the Woke communists of several American generation brainwashed in schools, we must learn from their manual. The mantra of radical activism is “the real action is your target’s reaction,” how we respond to their destructive communist Wokeism. So far, our response has lacked a well-organized and consistent plan to protect our families, values, and culture.

Highly organized mob aggression, chaos, and the violent destruction of reality have ruled our lives and the streets for more than seven years now. Democrat local and state governments have stepped in to help the radical mobs. We witnessed the destruction, the burning, the looting, and the sad fraying of the fabric of our society.

The “direct action’ that radicals advocate is not new, it is a Marxist term from the Soviet era. “Design your action to provoke the reaction you want and then incorporate it into your action. If it does not work the first time, adjust, and try again.” https://beautifultrouble.org/

Radical leftists never give up and neither should America-loving citizens.

NOTE: The spelling of the word ‘theater’ throughout the website was ‘theatre,’ indicating that the website was developed and written by British-speaking persons.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ileana, greetings again, on your website. Thank you for your article today and for allowing comments.

    You have exposed masterfully the euphemistically named “Beautiful Trouble.” I'd not known about their ugly disaster -- nor their 22 ugly disaster “partners.” The ungodly spiders have formed so many deadly webs. Trapped in those webs, awaiting to be devoured, are the souls of the majority. Ultimately, these sinister spiders are the “useful idiots” and minions of Satan, their leader. Ultimately, however, their leader and they will face everlasting punishment, at the final judgment.

    As Screwtape concluded to Wormwood, in XII of The Screwtape Letters: Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil, by C. S. Lewis (published in 1942), “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one -- the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”

    Jesus' parable of the persistent widow (in Luke 18:1-8) does assure us. Jesus concluded the parable, in verse 8 (NIV), by asking, “. . . when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Jesus answered His rhetorical question in the affirmative, in Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV): “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” The few wise build their house on the Rock, not the shifting sand of Satan's deception. (See Matthew 7:24-27.)

    May the Lord use us to advance His true kingdom (or true church)! That's the main way to stop the advance of the devilish spiders. Of course, those spiders have already nested in many so-called churches -- but not all.
